MWC Barcelona: Full Speed Ahead for 5G

By: Gary Dagastine

Anyone looking for concrete evidence that the 5G-driven revolution in network connectivity is upon us, should have attended the recent GLOBALFOUNDRIES-sponsored panel at the MWC Barcelona exhibition (formerly the Mobile World Congress).

There, one of GF’s invited panelists displayed a 64-element 28 GHz silicon-based antenna that is available right now for use in millimeter-wave (mmWave) 5G antenna arrays. Another spoke of China’s plans to install 200,000 5G basestations just this year alone, while a third highlighted the various semiconductor IP cores (‘IP’) that are now being used to design and produce 5G chips with GF’s differentiated manufacturing and packaging technologies.

Source: GF

Intelligent Connectivity for a Data-Driven Future was the theme of the GF event. Intelligent Connectivity refers to the increasingly complex, tightly tied inter-relationships among data centers, networks, and client (or “edge”) devices such as smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) systems. These inter-relationships are data-driven and, increasingly, will be enabled by AI. They will reshape every industry they touch and transform our lives in many ways.

The event’s purpose was to share with MWC attendees the perspectives and opinions of experts whose participation in the 5G space ranges from market analysis, to the supply of key products, to the development of software design tools and services that enable the creation and testing of innovative application-specific 5G chips.

Explosive Growth in Connectivity

The GF event was moderated by Mike Cadigan, GF’s Senior VP for Global Sales, Business Development, Customer and Design Engineering, and it started off with an introductory presentation by Subi Kengeri, GF’s CTO and VP of Worldwide Client Solutions.

Subi outlined the explosive worldwide growth of wireless connectivity and the opportunities and challenges it brings. He stressed that, given the complexity of both sub-6GHz and mmWave 5G applications, close collaboration is essential among network operators and providers of equipment, services and IP. He then outlined how the role of semiconductor manufacturers such as GF is evolving to make all this possible, and then touched on some of the specific benefits which GF’s differentiated technologies are bringing to 5G applications.

5G-ready innovation from GF, a new breed of foundry
Source: GF

“It’s no news to anyone that we now live in a world of universal and growing connectivity, but the speed and scope with which this is happening is mind-boggling,” he said. “In 2017 there were 18 billion networked devices, or 2.4 connected devices for every person on the planet, but by 2022 – just three short years from now – that total will nearly double, to about 29 billion devices.”

In addition, while mobile data traffic right now is about 27 exabytes each month, by the end of 2024 it will reach roughly 136 exabytes. “That’s 136 quintillion bytes of data each and every month, and 5G is forecast to make up 25% of it,” he said. “Another way to put it is that more than 40% of the world’s population will be using 5G by then, which would make it the fastest wireless generation ever to be rolled out on a global scale.”

This fast growth and worldwide reach has huge implications for semiconductor design and manufacturing, starting with the very definition of the word “innovation,” he said.

“In the past we might have described innovation as the advances taking place at the leading-edge of chip technology, but today, it is naïve to suggest that innovation of that sort is what will support the massive deployment of 5G. Especially considering that it can cost over a half-billion dollars to design, verify, prototype and produce just one 5nm integrated circuit.”

Real innovation in the 5G space, he said, comes from the creation of devices that offer optimized 5G performance along with a balance of power, performance, RF capability and application-specific features. “Power consumption and cost per function are now the key metrics, not feature sizes,” he said, noting that a renaissance in established nodes is under way as existing processes are used to combine technology, features, capabilities and enablement in new ways.

GF is at the forefront of that trend, with a myriad of proven processes that are 5G-ready. Among them are 22FDX,which brings best-in-class power, performance and RF capabilities to many applications including mobility, and 8SW RF SOI technology which brings the industry’s leading power-optimized performance to mobile applications. GF also offers a range of packaging technologies, which are critical given the need to dissipate heat as more power is brought to 5G-capable endpoints.

Experts Describe the mmWave Landscape

Subi’s presentation was followed by a Q&A session with these panelists:

Mike Cadigan kicked off the discussion asking Joe why network operators such as phone companies would decide to move to 5G, and where things stand with regard to the rate and pace of 5G deployments. “The big picture is that for operators, 5G will dramatically lower their cost to transmit each GB of data,” he said. “2G networks enabled us to go from thousands of dollars to tens of dollars to transmit each GB. Today with LTE and small cells it’s about $1 per GB, and with mmWave it will be less than 10c per GB. So, mobile plans will start to look like fixed plans, with unlimited data offered.”

He said deployment won’t be uniform and will take some time to evolve fully. “Some international network operators, notably in Switzerland and China, have really latched onto it. For example, China is making a huge push with a rollout of 200,000 5G basestations planned for this year,” he said. “But deployment across the rest of the world will be more spotty, with Japan and South Korea among the early adopters.”

In the U.S. there won’t be a nationwide deployment; instead, “islands” of 5G will pop up within 4G networks. “In fact, 5G handsets are being introduced even though most networks haven’t even been deployed yet,” he said. (Not long after MWC Barcelona, Verizon announced 5G service will soon begin in parts of Chicago and Minneapolis, with unlimited data offered.)

Mike then turned it over to Alastair for his perspective on the technical requirements for 5G adoption. Alastair, who held up the 28 GHz silicon-based array he had brought with him for the audience to see, said that mmWave technology is a lot trickier than the sub-6GHz flavor of 5G, and that at the device level there’s a great need for more linear power. “Anything we can do to increase linear power in the silicon, we need to do,” he said.

“Also, thermal management has always been critical in radio transmission and it remains so. I kid you not, decades ago when phased-array radars first came out, some of the first ones got so hot they actually caught fire. So we’ve urgently got to increase power efficiency while taming the heat, and in the process also lower the cost per transmitter. You can do some of this with circuit tricks but fundamentally it starts with the silicon,” he said.

“What GLOBALFOUNDRIES has done for us is to develop some very good device options that let us choose different parameters to tailor a device to a particular application, so that, for example, we can increase the operating voltage and model the resulting reliability as we go along. It’s quite valuable and is an outgrowth of the deep collaboration between our two companies,” he said.

Joachim pointed out that it’s not easy to design complex systems-on-chips (SoCs), nor to ensure that they come out as designed. That is why Synopsys has partnered closely with GF to develop IP cores like Low Power DDR memory interfaces (LPDDR), high-bandwidth memory interfaces (HBM), PCI Express, and many more to improve the productivity of SOC designers and lower the project risk. “In addition to having access to many IP cores from Synopsys and other IP providers, designers today have access to high-level architectural explorations tools that allow then to optimize their SoC at the architectural level in the context of the actual software that will execute on the SoC.”

Cadigan closed by asking each of the panelists what more GF should be doing. Joachim said GF should do more of what it is already doing: “Complexity is going up, and that requires much closer collaborations.” Joe, meanwhile reiterated the importance of increased power. “Nobody is using filters now, but as we move forward there will be competing carriers in nearby frequency bands, so even more power will be needed.”

Alastair said that packaging options will only become more important, not just for heat dissipation but to accommodate increased levels of integration. Also, echoing Joachim, he said that modeling capabilities will grow more important, especially for reliability.

About Author

Gary Dagastine

Gary Dagastine

Gary Dagastine is a writer who has covered the semiconductor industry for EE Times, Electronics Weekly and many specialized media outlets. He is a contributing editor at Nanochip Fab Solutions magazine and also is the Director of Media Relations for the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), the world’s most influential technology conference for semiconductors. He started in the industry at General Electric Co. where he provided communications support to GE’s power, analog and custom IC businesses. Gary is a graduate of Union College in Schenectady, New York.


Marvell 收购 Avera Semi,抢占不断增长的基础设施机遇

  • 为无线和有线应用注入世界级 ASIC 能力
  • 秉承 深厚的IBM 传统,利用大量系统级专业知识和设计能力
  • 扩展 Marvell 的 5G 基站覆盖范围
  • 涵盖可观的收入来源

加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉(2019 5 20 日)—Marvell(纳斯达克股票代码:MRVL)今日宣布,已就收购格芯旗下 ASIC 业务 Avera Semiconductor 达成最终协议。此次收购将Avera Semi领先的客户设计能力和Marvell先进技术平台和规模相结合,为有线和无线基础设施OEM打造一个领先的ASIC提供商。该协议包括转移 Avera 收入基础、领先基础设施 OEM 的战略设计中标,以及格芯和 Marvell 间的长期晶圆供应协议。

Marvell 致力于成为全球领先的基础设施半导体解决方案供应商。 Avera 的 ASIC 设计能力将加速这一转型。具体而言,Avera 先进的 ASIC 设计能力补充了 Marvell 的标准和半定制产品组合。此前,作为 IBM 微电子业务的一部分,25 年来 Avera 成功完成 2,000 多个复杂设计,组建了约 800 名杰出技术人员的重要业务团队。 Avera 在模拟、混合信号和系统级芯片拥有高度创新的设计能力、并在包括高速SerDes高性能嵌入式存储和先进封装技术方面拥有丰富的 IP 组合。他们与蓝筹有线和无线网络 OEM 厂商建立了强大的关系,为多代转换器、路由器和基站提供定制解决方案。近期,Avera开始涉足新兴机遇,正在为下一代云数据中心开发多个项目。

作为在这些相同领域的标准和半定制化领先供应商,Marvell也正利用其领先的IP和技术平台不断拓展客户定制的机会管道。Marvell提供完整的硅平台,支持数字处理的很多方面,包括基带 、处理器以太网交换机和 PHY。随着这些产品越来越受市场青睐,Marvell机遇近期不断扩展包括一系列的客户定制SoC满足更广泛的基站市场。其中的这些新产品设计用特制的优化芯片来代替FPGA。同时,同时,Avera已经为一家领先的无线基础设施OEM提供了多代定制的射频前端。这些解决方案扩大了 Marvell 的潜在市场,也表明了有线和无线基础设施领域定制化ASIC的更广泛的机遇。 Avera 卓越的团队和丰富的定制设计专业知识将加速提升 Marvell 能力响应这些机遇并抓住基础设施领域的更多机遇。

Marvell 总裁兼首席执行官 Matt Murphy 表示:“收购Avera将使我们能提供完整系列产品架构,涵盖标准、半定制到完全 ASIC 解决方案。他们的资深设计团队与Marvell领先的技术平台相结合,我们将处于更佳位置能更好地利用我们在有线和无线基础设施中的扩展机会,立即开始高速发展的5G基站市场。此外,我们期待未来几年甚至更长时间内,与格芯进一步加深合作。”

格芯首席执行官 Tom Caulfield 表示:“这项协议再次印证了我们专注核心业务的决心。作为一家制造服务提供商,我们致力于提供差异化的晶圆产品,同时与各行业的领先客户建立更深层次的合作。通过这个交易以及和Marvell 建立的战略合作伙伴关系,两家公司的团队将迎来新的机遇,利用格芯的广泛产品,抓住 5G 基础设施市场和其他机遇。我们期待未来几十年成为 Marvell 的战略供应商。”

根据协议条款,Marvell 将在交易完成时向格芯支付 6.5 亿美元现金,如果在交易完成前满足特定商业条件,公司还将另外支付 9,000 万美元现金。该交易预计将在 Marvell 的 2020 财年内完成,正在等待监管部门批准并满足其他惯例成交条件。 

预计此次收购将使 Marvell 非公认会计准则每股收益在交易结束后的第一年有所增长。 


如有兴趣,各方可于 2019 年 5 月 20 日(星期一)东部时间下午 5:00 参加电话会议讨论交易,拨打 1 (844) 647-5488(美国)或+1 (615) 247-0258(国际),会议 ID:8955899。  可以访问 Marvell 投资者关系网站,观看此次电话会议的网络直播。  重播时间截止到 2019 年 5 月 27 日(星期一),请拨打 1 (855) 859-2056,重播 ID:8955899。


除了本新闻包含的历史信息,本新闻发布的声明,包括有关收购、收购的预期利益和收购完成时间均为“前瞻性声明”,符合《1995 年美国私人证券诉讼改革法案》的“安全港”规定。此类前瞻性声明仅陈述截至本新闻稿发布日前的情形。由于特定风险,实际结果或事件可能与前瞻性声明的预期结果有重大差异,风险包括:未完成拟议收购的风险,Marvell 未实现预期收购收益的风险,包括 5G 基础设施市场机会相关的收益,或此类收益实现的时间长于预期时间,以及其他与收购相关的风险,如是否具备成功整合技术和运营能力、潜在意外负债、Marvell 保留客户关系和关键员工的能力,以及 Marvell 对未来业务进行投资的能力。 Marvell 不负责更新本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息。其他重要因素可能导致实际结果不同,请参见公司提交给美国证券交易委员会的 10-Q 表和 10-K 表。

关于 Marvell

Marvell 实现了行业领先的高速信息传输,彻底改变了数字存储行业。今天,突破性创新仍是公司存储、处理、网络、安全和连接解决方案的核心。凭借领先的知识产权和深厚的系统级知识,Marvell 的半导体解决方案将继续推动企业、云服务、汽车、工业和消费品市场的变革。如需了解更多信息,请访问


格芯(GF)是全球先的全方位服体代工厂,世界上最富有灵感的科技公司提供独一无二的设计、开和制造服, 其新的知识产权和功能多的系列品包括FinFET、FDX™、RF以及模混合信号。伴随着全球生基地横跨三大洲的展步伐,格芯促了改的技和系的出,并予了客塑造市的力量。格芯由阿布扎比穆巴达拉投公司(Mubadala Investment Company)所有。

Marvell and the Marvell logo are registered trademarks of Marvell and/or its affiliates.

For further information, contact:

Ashish Saran
[email protected]

Erica McGill                                                                 
(518) 795-5240    
[email protected]             

Marvell to Acquire Avera Semi, Creating an Infrastructure ASIC Powerhouse

  • Brings World-class ASIC IP and Development Capabilities for Wired and Wireless Applications
  • Leverages Significant System-level Expertise and Design Capacity with Deep IBM Heritage
  • Extends Marvell’s Reach in 5G Base Stations
  • Includes Substantial Revenue Stream

Santa Clara, Calif. (May 20, 2019) – Marvell (NASDAQ: MRVL) today announced it has entered into definitive agreements to purchase Avera Semiconductor, the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) business of GLOBALFOUNDRIES.  This acquisition brings together Avera Semi’s leading custom design capabilities with Marvell’s advanced technology platform and scale, creating a leading ASIC supplier for wired and wireless infrastructure.  The agreements include transfer of Avera’s revenue base, strategic design wins with leading infrastructure OEMs, and a new long-term wafer supply agreement between GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Marvell.

Marvell is focused on becoming the world’s leading supplier of infrastructure semiconductor solutions.  Avera’s ASIC capabilities will accelerate this transformation.  Specifically, Avera’s advanced full custom development capabilities complements Marvell’s standard and semi-custom product portfolio.  Previously part of IBM’s Microelectronics business, Avera has successfully executed more than 2,000 complex designs in its 25-year history and built a significant business, supported by approximately 800 talented technologists.  Avera brings highly innovative design competencies in analog, mixed-signal and SoCs as well as a rich IP portfolio including high-speed SerDes, high-performance embedded memory and advanced packaging technology.  They have built strong relationships with blue-chip wired and wireless networking OEMs, having delivered custom solutions for multiple generations of switches, routers and base stations.  More recently, Avera has started to address emerging opportunities in next generation cloud data centers with multiple programs in development today.

As a leading supplier of standard and semi-custom products into these same markets, Marvell has also seen an expanding opportunity pipeline for custom solutions utilizing its leading IP and technology platform.  For example, within 5G infrastructure, Marvell offers complete silicon platforms that enable a wide range of digital processing including baseband, processors, Ethernet switches and PHYs.  As these products have gained traction in the marketplace, Marvell’s opportunity set has recently expanded to encompass a number of custom SoCs addressing a broader portion of the base station.  Several of these new products are designed to replace FPGAs with purpose-built optimized silicon.  At the same time, Avera has provided custom products to be deployed in the radio head of a leading wireless infrastructure OEM for multiple generations.  These solutions expand Marvell’s addressable market and are indicative of the broader opportunity for custom ASICs within both wired and wireless infrastructure.  The addition of Avera’s talented team and extensive ASIC design expertise will accelerate Marvell’s ability to address these opportunities and capture significantly more content in the broader infrastructure market. 

“Our acquisition of Avera enables us to offer the complete spectrum of product architectures spanning standard, semi-custom to full ASIC solutions,” said Matt Murphy, president and CEO of Marvell.  “With their highly experienced design team and Marvell’s leading technology platform, we will be better positioned to capitalize on our expanding opportunity in wired and wireless infrastructure, starting immediately in the fast growing 5G base station market.  In addition, we are looking forward to furthering our successful partnership with GLOBALFOUNDRIES in the coming years and beyond.”

“This transaction is another example of our commitment to focus on our core business of providing differentiated foundry offerings as a manufacturing service provider, while establishing deeper relationships with customers who are leaders in their respective sectors,” said Tom Caulfield, CEO at GLOBALFOUNDRIES.  “With this deal and our growing strategic partnership with Marvell, we will forge new opportunities for the teams of both companies to leverage GF’s broad set of offerings to capitalize on the 5G infrastructure market as well as other opportunities.  We look forward to becoming a strategic provider for Marvell for decades to come.”

Under the terms of the agreement, Marvell will pay GLOBALFOUNDRIES $650 million in cash at closing plus an additional $90 million in cash if certain business conditions are satisfied within the next 15 months.  The transaction is expected to close by the end of Marvell’s fiscal year 2020 pending receipt of regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions. 

The acquisition is expected to be accretive to Marvell’s non-GAAP earnings per share in the first full year following the close.   

Call/Webcast to Discuss Transaction

Interested parties may join a conference call Monday, May 20, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time to discuss the transaction by dialing 1 (844) 647-5488 in the U.S. or +1 (615) 247-0258 internationally, with the conference ID 8955899.  A webcast of the call can be accessed by visiting Marvell’s investor relations website.  A replay will be available until Monday, May 27, 2019 by dialing 1 (855) 859-2056, replay ID 8955899.

Forward-Looking Statements

Except for the historical information contained herein, the statements in this press release, including those concerning the acquisition, the expected benefits of the acquisition and the timing of the closing of the acquisition, are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release. Actual results or events could differ materially from those anticipated in those forward-looking statements as a result of certain risks including: the risk that the proposed acquisition will not be completed, the risk that Marvell may not realize the anticipated benefits of the acquisition including the benefits related to opportunities in the 5G infrastructure market, or that such benefits may take longer to realize than anticipated, and other risks associated with the acquisition, such as the ability to successfully integrate the acquired technologies and operations, the potential for unexpected liabilities, Marvell’s ability to retain customer relationships and key employees, and Marvell’s ability to invest in the business on a going forward basis.  Marvell undertakes no obligation to update the forward-looking information in this press release. Other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are contained in the Company’s 10-Qs and 10-Ks that are on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

About Marvell 

Marvell first revolutionized the digital storage industry by moving information at speeds never thought possible. Today, that same breakthrough innovation remains at the heart of the company’s storage, processing, networking, security and connectivity solutions. With leading intellectual property and deep system-level knowledge, Marvell’s semiconductor solutions continue to transform the enterprise, cloud, automotive, industrial, and consumer markets. To learn more, visit:

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is a leading full-service foundry delivering truly differentiated semiconductor technologies for a range of high-growth markets. GF provides a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services, with a range of innovative IP and feature-rich offerings including FinFET, FDX™, RF, and power/analog mixed signal. With a manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of clients across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit

Marvell and the Marvell logo are registered trademarks of Marvell and/or its affiliates.

For further information, contact:

Ashish Saran
[email protected]

Erica McGill                                                                 
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]             

To Climb the Ranks, Women Engineers Need “A Little Push”

By: Dave Lammers

What business these days doesn’t have a big “Now Hiring!” sign outside its doors? With Google and others competing for technically skilled workers, the semiconductor industry has its own help wanted signs out, with a “Women Welcome!” tagline added.

While attending the SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC 2019) and associated Women in Semiconductors program in early May, I felt some of the energy behind the work being done to hire, retain, and promote more women at GLOBALFOUNDRIES, when I spoke to two executives: Deb Leach and Christine Dunbar.

Leach, vice president of procurement at the Fab 8 site, got her E.E. degree from the University of Vermont, and moved from IBM Microelectronics to GF in 2014 about a year before the two companies merged. Before moving into supplier management at GF, she managed three process modules: CVD, PVD, and CMP. In short, she has street smarts in both technology and business positions, and plays a leading role in GF’s GlobalWomen initiative as her side job.

I asked Leach if GF’s management had set targets for the number of women it hoped to hire this year, and learned right off the bat what a realist she is. “I think it is a negative if we start to set quotas. It doesn’t put our people in the right frame of mind. What we want to do is nurture the environment for women to be successful, once they are at GF. Of course, we would like to see more hiring (of women), but it is less about that than creating a better environment,” she said.

Creating a better environment for women at GF has many facets, and one of them comes very soon: to bring about 300 women together for the Global GlobalWomen Conference, planned for May 23rd in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., not far from the Fab 8 site in Malta, N.Y. About 50 women will attend from the Bangalore, Dresden, and Singapore sites, a travel expense which, to my mind, underlines the commitment GF has to its women employees and potential hires around the world.

Here in the United States, we have moved well beyond the time when it was surprising to meet a woman holding a management job. That said, I must confess that when I meet a female engineer I have a vestigial curiosity about how this person managed the jump into a field that has been so thoroughly dominated by men.

We’ll Make It Work

Christine Dunbar ran GF’s RF business unit this past February, when she took on the role of vice president of U.S. sales. Dunbar, who graduated from Cornell University’s engineering program, was lucky. Her father was a math teacher who encouraged her to attend a summer camp for girls interested in engineering. “When I was 16, I met all these girls who were really like me. I didn’t have to pretend not to be smart. I loved it.”

Dunbar worked for IBM at its Essex Junction fab, prior to joining GF. When she was in early 30s her manager at the time, John DiToro, asked Dunbar to throw her hat into the ring for an IBM executive position at the Vermont site.

“I remember this moment because it was so pivotal to me. I was five months pregnant with my second child. John pulled me in to his office and said, ‘Christine, this role has become available and I think you are the right person to take it.’ I spread my hands out to remind him that I was five months pregnant, and told him that I was planning on taking four months off. He said ‘Christine, we’ll work through that. Four months is a short time in an entire career, and we’ll make it work.’”

I thought about Dunbar’s story quite a bit on my way back from Saratoga Springs to the Austin airport. How many companies have created an equal-opportunity environment where a manager such as DiToro could provide encouragement to a talented-but-pregnant woman? How many managers would feel confident enough, encouraged enough, to offer that promotion?

As Dunbar put it: everyone needs “that little push. We all need someone who tells you that ‘you can do this.’ As I mentor people or sponsor my employees, especially women, I think about the fact that we all need that little push.”

Over-Mentored and Under-Sponsored

I went to Saratoga Springs primarily to attend SEMI’s ASMC 2019, but an interesting part of my four days there was the preceding Women in Semiconductors program, a Monday afternoon affair organized by SEMI. One of the speakers was Karen Hammons, a program manager in Microsoft’s Azure Networking cloud service operation, who earlier served as a captain in the U.S. Air Force.

Hammons distinguished between mentors, who include various people such as teachers who can provide helpful advice, and sponsors, who can guide a person toward opportunities within the company or organization. Women enjoy talking to each other, Hammons told the 128 women engineers who participated in the Women in Semiconductors program, and that can result in young female employees being “over-mentored and under-sponsored.” She credited a senior officer in the Air Force who “saw something in her” and recommended Hammons for further responsibilities and introduced her to helpful people “in the leadership chain.”

While sponsors can help identify opportunities, Hammons said women need to remember that they “are not playing a game here” during their work lives, and that women need to advocate for themselves within their organizations. When they see an opportunity, women need to tell their bosses, “I want to lead that project.”

The majority of the women at the Monday event were female engineers working at GF’s Malta site, and I talked to several of them that day. It was encouraging to meet women who proudly talked about their jobs as an etch engineer, or a yield analysis engineer, among others. And there were graduate engineering students from the area who were getting to know some of these GF engineers, forming mentorship bonds.

Attendees listen to presentations and panel discussions on leadership skills and the importance of promoting diversity in the workplace at Women in Semiconductors (WiS) program held in conjunction with ASMC 2019. Source: SEMI ASMC

The goal, of course, is to overcome any and all barriers, so that women feel that they can balance family and work, just as men need to do. The idea that husbands need to work sixty or eighty hours a week so mothers can stay home or work part-time is fine for some families. But as a society we need to move beyond that, a tall order in an industry that has become totally globalized, with the accompanying long flights across the oceans.

Dave Anderson, president of SEMI Americas, described the challenge well: the semiconductor industry needs young talent. No company can afford not to promote its deserving women.

As one GF woman remarked, the goal is: “Don’t genderize me. I’m an engineer. I’m an executive. The question we are facing is: ‘Do women have an equal shot, when they have the skills?’”

A lot of it comes down to having support from senior management, and all the people I talked to credited GF CEO Tom Caulfield as being extremely supportive. The GlobalWomen events are testimony to that.

As an industry, we’ve made a good start, but we certainly do need “that little push” to keep moving forward.

About Author

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers is a contributing writer for Solid State Technology and a contributing blogger for GF’s Foundry Files. Dave started writing about the semiconductor industry while working at the Associated Press Tokyo bureau in the early 1980s, a time of rapid growth for the industry. He joined E.E. Times in 1985, covering Japan, Korea, and Taiwan for the next 14 years while based in Tokyo. In 1998 Dave, his wife Mieko, and their four children moved to Austin to set up a Texas bureau for E.E. Times. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Dave received a master’s in journalism at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.


ON Semiconductor and GLOBALFOUNDRIES Partner to Transfer Ownership of East Fishkill, NY 300mm Facility

Acquisition optimizes cost structure, increases manufacturing capacity, and positions both companies for future growth

Key Transaction Highlights:

  • Technology team with extensive 300mm manufacturing and development experience
  • Defined multi-year transition period with 300mm operating partner enabling strong factory loading
  • Path for high volume MOSFET and IGBT turnkey capacity, along with advanced CMOS capability

PHOENIX, Ariz. and SANTA CLARA, Calif. – April 22, 2019 – ON Semiconductor Corporation (Nasdaq: ON) (“ON Semiconductor”) and GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement for ON Semiconductor to acquire a 300mm fab located in East Fishkill, New York. The total consideration for the acquisition is $430 million, of which $100 million has been paid at signing of the definitive agreement, and $330 million will be paid at the end of 2022, after which ON Semiconductor will gain full operational control of the fab, and the site’s employees will transition to ON Semiconductor. Completion of the transaction is subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions.

The agreement allows ON Semiconductor to increase its 300mm production at the East Fishkill fab over several years, and allows for GLOBALFOUNDRIES to transition its numerous technologies to the company’s three other at-scale 300mm sites. Under the terms of the agreement, GLOBALFOUNDRIES will manufacture 300mm wafers for ON Semiconductor until the end of 2022. First production of 300mm wafers for ON Semiconductor is expected to start in 2020.

The agreement also includes a technology transfer and development agreement and a technology license agreement. This provides a world-class, experienced 300mm manufacturing and development team to enable conversion of ON Semiconductor wafer processes from 200mm to 300mm. ON Semiconductor will also have immediate access to advanced CMOS capability including 45nm and 65nm technology nodes. These processes will form the basis for future technology development at ON Semiconductor.

“We are pleased to welcome the GLOBALFOUNDRIES Fab10 team to ON Semiconductor’s team. The acquisition of 300 mm East Fishkill fab is another major step in our progress towards leadership in power and analog semiconductors,” said Keith Jackson, president, and chief executive officer of ON Semiconductor. “The acquisition adds additional capacity over the next few years to support growth in our power and analog products, enables incremental manufacturing efficiencies, and accelerates progress towards our target financial model. I am very excited about the opportunity this acquisition creates for customers, shareholders, and employees of the two companies and look forward to a successful partnership with GLOBALFOUNDRIES in the coming years.”

“ON Semiconductor is an ideal partner for GLOBALFOUNDRIES and this agreement is a transformative step in our journey to build GLOBALFOUNDRIES into the world’s leading specialty foundry,” said Tom Caulfield, CEO at GLOBALFOUNDRIES. “This partnership enables GLOBALFOUNDRIES to further optimize our assets globally and intensify our investments in the differentiated technologies that fuel our growth while securing a long-term future for the Fab 10 facility and our employees.”

“We are excited to support ON Semiconductor’s expansion to the Mid-Hudson Region, which will keep high-paying manufacturing jobs in New York State and support the company’s plan for future growth and development,” said Howard Zemsky, president and CEO at Empire State Development.


ON Semiconductor will host a conference call for the financial community at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), on April 22, 2019, to discuss this announcement. ON Semiconductor will also provide a real-time audio webcast of the teleconference on the Investors page of its website at The webcast replay will be available at this site approximately one hour following the live broadcast and will continue to be available for approximately one year following the conference call. Investors and interested parties can also access the conference call through a telephone call by dialing (877) 356-3762 (U.S./Canada) or (262) 558-6155 (International). In order to join this conference call, you will be required to provide the Conference ID Number – which is 7881834.

About ON Semiconductor

ON Semiconductor (Nasdaq: ON) is driving energy-efficient innovations, empowering customers to reduce global energy use. The Company is a leading supplier of semiconductor-based solutions, offering a comprehensive portfolio of energy-efficient power management, analog, sensors, logic, timing, connectivity, discrete, SoC, and custom devices. The Company’s products help engineers solve their unique design challenges in automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial, medical, aerospace, and defense applications. ON Semiconductor operates a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, a robust compliance, and ethics program, and a network of manufacturing facilities, sales offices, and design centers in key markets throughout North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific regions. For more information, visit

ON Semiconductor and the ON Semiconductor logo are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC. All other brand and product names appearing in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. Although the Company references its website in this news release, information on the website is not to be incorporated herein.


GLOBALFOUNDRIES is a leading specialty foundry delivering truly differentiated semiconductor technologies for a range of high-growth markets. GLOBALFOUNDRIES provides a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services, with a range of innovative IP and feature-rich offerings including FinFET, FDX™, RF and analog mixed-signal. With a manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of clients across the globe. GLOBALFOUNDRIES is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit

Cautions regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to statements related to the consummation and benefits of the acquisition by ON Semiconductor of the East Fishkill fab from GLOBALFOUNDRIES, including statements about 300mm wafer production, transfers of technology, the benefits of technology transfer and license agreements, anticipated optimization of manufacturing, and progress towards ON’s previously announced financial model. These forward-looking statements are based on information available to ON Semiconductor as of the date of this release and current expectations, forecasts, and assumptions and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by these forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include a variety of factors, some of which are beyond our control. In particular, such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to the risk that one or more closing conditions to the transaction may not be satisfied or waived, on a timely basis or otherwise, and the risk that the transaction does not close when anticipated, or at all, including the risk that the requisite regulatory approvals may not be obtained. Information concerning additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements is contained in ON Semiconductor’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K, and other of ON Semiconductor’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements are as of the date hereof and should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any subsequent date, and we do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made, except as may be required by law. For additional information, visit ON Semiconductor’s corporate website,, or for official filings visit the SEC website,


Erica McGill                                                                 
Corporate Communications / Media Relations
(518) 795-5240                                                             
[email protected]                                                

Kris Pugsley                                                                
Corporate Communications / Media Relations              
ON Semiconductor                                                                                  
(312) 909-0661                                                                 
[email protected]                                            

Parag Agarwal    
Vice President Investor Relations and Corporate Development
ON Semiconductor
(602) 244-3437
[email protected]




  • 拥有丰富的300mm 制造和开发经验的技术团队
  • 与300mm运营合作伙伴确认多年过渡期,实现强大的工厂生产能力
  • 大容量MOSFET和IGBT交钥匙容量的路径,以及先进的CMOS能力

亚利桑那菲尼克斯,加利福尼亚圣克拉拉 – 2019年4月22日 -安森美半导体股份有限公司(ON Semiconductor Corporation,纳斯达克代码:ON)(以下简称为“安森美”)与格芯(GLOBALFOUNDRIES)于今日宣布,已就安森美半导体收购格芯位于美国纽约州东菲什基尔的300mm工厂达成最终协议。收购总价为4.3亿美元,其中1亿美元在签署最终协议时支付,剩余的3.3亿美元将在2022年底支付。此后安森美将获得该工厂的全部运营控制权,该工厂的员工将转移到安森美。交易的完成须经监管部门批准且满足其他常规的交割条件。


该协议还包括技术转让、发展协议以及技术授权协议,将会提供一个经验丰富的世界级300mm制造和开发团队,使安森美的晶圆工艺从200mm转变为300mm。安森美也将即刻获得先进的CMOS产能,其中包括45nm 和65nm两个技术节点。这些工艺将为安森美未来的技术发展奠定基础。

 “我们十分欢迎格芯Fab 10厂加入安森美的团队。收购格芯300mm东菲什基尔工厂是我们在电源和模拟半导体领域取得领导地位的又一重要举措,”安森美半导体总裁兼首席执行官Keith Jackson表示,“在未来几年里,此项收购将进一步提升我们的额外产能,进而为电源和模拟领域的产品发展提供支持,提升我们的生产效率,并加速我们财务模式的进展。此次收购为双方公司的客户、股东和员工创造的机会令我备受鼓舞,我也十分期待在未来几年及更远的将来与格芯建立成功的合作关系。”

“安森美是格芯理想的合作伙伴,此项协议是我们为将格芯建设成全球领先的专业晶圆厂所作出的重要变革”,格芯首席执行官汤姆·嘉菲尔德(Tom Caulfield)表示,“此次合作将使格芯进一步优化全球资产,加强我们对促进增长的差异化技术的投资,同时确保为Fab 10厂及其员工带来长远发展。 ”

“我们很高兴能为安森美在哈得逊中部地区的扩张提供支持,此次扩张将在纽约州继续创造制造业的高薪就业机会。我们也将为安森美未来的增长和发展计划提供支持”,纽约州经济发展厅总裁兼首席执行官Howard Zemsky表示。


安森美半导体将于2019年4月22日东部标准时间上午9:00举行金融电话会议,就该公告进行讨论。此外,安森美半导体还将在投资者网页上提供一个电话会议实时音频网络广播,网址:。在现场直播后大约一小时在本网站上将播放网络重播,同时在电话会议后的大约一年内均可播放该视频。投资者和利益相关人员人士也可以通过拨打(877) 356-3762(美国/加拿大)或(262) 558-6155(国际)接通电话会议。如需参加此次电话会议,您必须提供会议ID号,即7881834。



安森美半导体和安森美半导体logo是Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC.的注册商标。本文件中出现的所有其他品牌和产品名称均为其各自持有者的注册商标或商标。虽然公司在本新闻稿中引用其网站,但网站上的信息概不纳入本文件之中。


格芯(GF)是全球领先的全方位服务半导体代工厂,为世界上最富有灵感的科技公司提供独一无二的设计、开发和制造服务, 其创新的知识产权和功能多样的系列产品包括FinFET、FDX™、RF以及模拟混合信号。伴随着全球生产基地横跨三大洲的发展步伐,格芯促进了改变行业的技术和系统的出现,并赋予了客户塑造市场的力量。格芯由阿布扎比穆巴达拉投资公司(Mubadala Investment Company)所有。




杨颖(Jessie Yang)
(021) 8029 6826
[email protected]

邢芳洁(Jay Xing)
86 18801624170
[email protected]

Sonnet Suites Qualified for GLOBALFOUNDRIES Advanced FinFET Process Technology

Sonnet Software, Inc. announced today that its electromagnetic (EM) simulation suite, utilizing their industry leading analysis engine, em, has been qualified on GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) 12nm FinFET (12LP) process technology. Designers can take advantage of Sonnet’s trademark accuracy for EM simulation while working with today’s demanding manufacturing processes, ensuring a faster design to market timeline.

Sonnet Suites Qualified for GLOBALFOUNDRIES Advanced FinFET Process Technology

Sonnet Software, Inc. announced today that its electromagnetic (EM) simulation suite, utilizing their industry leading analysis engine, em, has been qualified on GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) 12nm FinFET (12LP) process technology. Designers can take advantage of Sonnet’s trademark accuracy for EM simulation while working with today’s demanding manufacturing processes, ensuring a faster design to market timeline.

Attopsemi’s I-fuse OTP Passed 3 lots of HTS and HTOL Qualification for 1,000hr on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX FD-SOI Technology

Attopsemi’s I-fuse™ provides small size, high reliability, low program voltage/current, low power and wide temperature to enable GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22nm FDX® for AI, IoT, automotive, industry, and communication applications 

Attopsemi’s I-fuse OTP Passed 3 lots of HTS and HTOL Qualification for 1,000hr on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX FD-SOI Technology

Attopsemi’s I-fuse™ provides small size, high reliability, low program voltage/current, low power and wide temperature to enable GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22nm FDX® for AI, IoT, automotive, industry, and communication applications