GlobalFoundries to Acquire Land in Malta, NY, Positioning its Advanced Manufacturing Facility for Future Growth

Land purchase option increases Fab 8 footprint for future development to support growing client and U.S. government technology development needs

Malta, NY, June 22, 2020 – GlobalFoundries® (GF®), the world’s leading specialty foundry and the leading U.S. pure-play manufacturer of semiconductors, today announced it has secured a purchase option agreement for approximately 66 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to its most advanced manufacturing facility, Fab 8, in Malta, N.Y., near the Luther Forest Technology Campus (LFTC). 

The land parcel is located at the southeast end of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Saratoga Technology + Energy Park (STEP) campus, adjacent to Stonebreak Road Extension, between GF’s Fab 8 facility and Hermes Road.  Exercising the option to purchase the land and commencement of development to expand GF’s Fab 8 facility will be subject to zoning regulations and client demand. The parcel is being sold at Fair Market Value, with a purchase price determined by an independent appraiser.

“Amid growing consensus in our nation’s capital for investment in semiconductor manufacturing, it’s more important than ever that we are ready to fast track our growth plans at GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ most advanced manufacturing facility in the U.S.,” said Ron Sampson, senior vice president and general manager of U.S. Fab Operations at GF. “With this agreement option, we now have additional flexibility to expand our footprint and position Fab 8 for future growth in Saratoga County and New York State, while strengthening U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing.”

“GLOBALFOUNDRIES continues to demonstrate its commitment to economic growth in Saratoga County and Upstate New York,” said Darren O’Connor, Malta’s Town Supervisor. “I am pleased to hear that this latest step will enable future growth opportunities for GLOBALFOUNDRIES for years to come.”

GF employs nearly 3,000 people and has invested over $13 billion in Fab 8, its most advanced manufacturing facility in upstate New York. The company recently announced it is bringing its most advanced Fab 8 facility in upstate New York into compliance with both the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) standards and the highly restrictive Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs) under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its clients to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of clients across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]

GlobalFoundries and SkyWater Technology Sign MOU for Technology Development to Strengthen Domestic Supply Assurance for U.S. Government

Collaboration will extend the domestic manufacturing supply capabilities of the U.S. and enable long-term access to cutting-edge, secure semiconductor solutions

Santa Clara, Calif., and Bloomington, Minn., June 18, 2020 – GlobalFoundries® (GF®), the world’s leading specialty foundry and a longtime supplier of microelectronics to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and SkyWater Technology, a U.S.-based and owned Trusted Foundry, today announced the companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to manufacture secure solutions for the U.S. defense industrial base and cooperate on development of emerging technologies. The partnership will strengthen domestic supply and provide secure access to advanced technologies, while extending the availability and sustainability of Trusted semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S.

GF’s proven track record as a longtime supplier of secure semiconductor solutions for the defense industry dovetails with SkyWater’s focus on developing capabilities for enabling critical microelectronics technologies for national security applications. Notably, SkyWater is bringing to market a 90nm Strategic Rad-Hard process technology via an up to $170M DoD investment which, when combined with diverse GF platforms, will provide a richer portfolio of key defense technology offerings. The collaboration is also exploring possibilities for dual fab processing that would streamline access to secure technologies for defense programs. Additionally, as a part of the MOU, GF and SkyWater will align technology roadmaps and leverage unique and complementary capabilities for development and high-volume production path to market for advanced computing, artificial intelligence and related technologies.

“SkyWater’s strategic relationship with the U.S. government provides distinct value and through this developing partnership accelerates our collective commitment to strengthen domestic manufacturing capabilities while streamlining access for aerospace and defense clients,” said Mike Hogan, senior vice president and general manager of AIM SBU and Aerospace and Defense at GF. “As Trusted semiconductor manufacturers, we are in a unique position to extend the availability of advanced technologies, while ensuring a secure eco-system for dual domestic sourcing to serve the U.S. government and its technology needs for the future.”

“GF’s support of defense programs is long and distinguished and we’re excited to begin a new chapter of cooperation to enhance our support for this important community,” said Dr. Brad Ferguson, Chief Technology Officer and Sr. Government Relations Executive at SkyWater Technology. “This MOU shows proactive industry cooperation that can complement developing government policy focused on restoring American leadership for semiconductor manufacturing.”

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), a longtime partner with the Essex-based fab, said, “This partnership helps strengthen a secure supply chain for our nation’s most sensitive technology. Americans and Vermonters especially have long been leaders in designing and manufacturing highly advanced technology.  The agreement announced today will improve U.S. competitiveness and leadership in this vital sector.”

Minnesota Congressman, Dean Phillips, stated, “I’m on a mission to inspire collaboration and bring more of our hard-earned tax dollars back to Minnesota. I’m pleased that the agreement between SkyWater in Bloomington and GlobalFoundries accomplishes both. This partnership will help ensure that Minnesota continues to be a national leader in advanced technology and high-skill job creation.”

About SkyWater Technology

SkyWater is the only U.S.-owned and U.S.-based pure play semiconductor foundry and is a DoD-accredited Trusted supplier, specializing in custom design and development services, design IP, and volume manufacturing for integrated circuits and micro devices. Through its Technology Foundry model, SkyWater’s world-class operations and unique processing capabilities enable mixed-signal CMOS, power, rad-hard and ROIC solutions. SkyWater’s Innovation Engineering Services empower development of superconducting and 3D ICs, along with carbon nanotube, photonic and MEMS devices. The company serves customers in growing markets such as aerospace & defense, automotive, biomedical, cloud & computing, consumer, industrial, and IoT. For more information, please visit:

About GF

GlobalFoundries (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its clients to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of clients across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit

GF Contact:

Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]

SkyWater Contacts:

Ross Miller
Director of Marketing
(952) 851-5063
[email protected]

Lauri Julian
Public Relations Specialist
(949) 280-5602
[email protected]



加利福利亚州圣克拉拉,2020年5月20日 –格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)是全球领先的特殊工艺半导体代工厂,也是美国纯晶圆半导体制造商的个中翘楚。公司今日宣布计划在其最先进的制造厂(位于纽约州马耳他的Fab 8)率先实施出口管制安全措施。格芯将在Fab 8大力贯彻美国国际武器贸易条例(ITAR)标准及出口管制条例(EAR),助力公司跻身美国最先进的ITAR晶圆厂。格芯迈出了重要的这一步,既能深化与美国国防部(DoD)及美国国防工业基地的合作,又能进一步支持新保证措施的持续开展,推动实现国家安全目标。

这些全新的管制保证将于今年晚些时候生效,以保护格芯Fab 8生产制造的国防相关应用、设备或组件的保密性和完整性。到目前为止,格芯在Fab 8的投资已逾130亿美元,对美国政府及其技术需求的支持能够延续数十年,此次迈出的这一步可谓意义重大。

参议院民主党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)评价说:“我一直坚信,制造半导体芯片最安全的方式就是美国自给自足。我本人是格芯的忠实拥护者,对于他们努力为美国政府提供符合ITAR及EAR标准的制造成果,我表示由衷的欣赏。通过与格芯合作,纽约州在安全的半导体制造方面已处于全国领先水平。” 

格芯首席执行官Tom Caulfield表示:“作为差异化技术领域的创新先锋和关键供应商,增加这些能力使我们如虎添翼,格芯将能为美国国防工业基地开发和制造安全的解决方案,格芯是ITAR以及有严格限制的EAR微电子产品的长期供应商,我们愿为美国实现和维持半导体制造业领导地位的宏伟愿景提供有力支持。今天的声明更是彰显了我们能够且愿意与行业及美国政府合作,以确保美国具备完善的制造能力,为安全性和灵敏度要求至高的行业提供半导体产品。”

作为美国国防部所用微电子产品的长期供应商,格芯具有得天独厚的优势,能够为安全政府计划提供支持——由其备受信赖的制造厂负责,分别是位于佛蒙特州伯灵顿的Fab  9和位于纽约州东菲什基尔的Fab 10,同时也与美国国防部合作开发下一代保证措施——由位于纽约州北部地区的Fab 8负责。格芯Fab 8拥有近3,000名员工以及充足的基础设施和占地面积,足以即时承担起开发安全制造方法的责任。 


About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its clients to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of clients across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit 


Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]




撰文:Michael Mullaney

Shesh Mani Pandey清晰地记得他的第一项专利:制造高增益垂直双极性结型晶体管的新方法。这种新方法充分兼容CMOS工艺,生产出的器件性能显著优于当时的可用器件。



Pandey之前就职于特许半导体(Chartered Semiconductor),该公司于2009年被格芯收购,多年来,他对发明的热情有增无减。如今,他拥有超过45项与半导体制造相关的各种技术专利。除了负责的项目以外,他还花时间为有创造力的同事提供建议和指导,这些同事正在其职业道路上蓄势待发,着手申请自己的第一项专利。


常驻纽约州马耳他Fab 8的Pandey表示:“格芯使发明者可以轻松申请知识产权。作为一家企业,我们支持并鼓励员工申请专利。我们鼓励资深发明者指导他人,帮助大家了解追求发明和知识产权的价值。从我们的员工一直到高层领导,大家对此看法一致。创新真正融入了我们的企业文化。”


格芯的发明大师计划现已进入第三个年头,这是一个奖励多产员工以及激励一直想提交发明申请专利的其他员工的强大平台,常驻佛蒙特州伯灵顿附近格芯Fab 9的格芯知识产权法律总监David Cain表示。





在阐述新思想如何演变为新发明之时,不乏各种名言妙语。托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)说:“在发明创造的过程中,最重要的品质是坚持。”与他同时代的尼古拉·特斯拉(Nicola Tesla)说:“独处是发明的秘方;独处是创意的摇篮。”他们下一代的发明者查尔斯·凯特林(Charles F. Kettering)则表示:“发明是大脑和材料的结合。”


格芯技术解决方案团队主管,即去年和Pandey一起被授予格芯“发明大师”称号的杰出技术人员Jack Pekarik的情况无疑就是如此。

“任何人都可以成为发明者,你只需要理解它的含义是什么,”Pekarik说,他在2015年作为公司收购IBM微电子业务的一部分加入格芯,现在常驻Fab 9。他早在1985年已加入IBM,但几年以后才开始IP 之路。








同样在去年被授予“发明大师”称号的还有设备集成工程师Bipul Paul,他常驻Fab 8,在格芯工作将近十年。Paul拥有近30项授权专利,还有几项研究正在进行中,他是一名积极的导师、顾问和合作者。和Pandey、Pekarik一样,他也是格芯专利审查委员会的重要成员。









“Master Inventors” Driving Innovation and Differentiation at GLOBALFOUNDRIES

Elite program honors employees who are prolific inventors, mentors, and advisors

By Michael Mullaney

Shesh Mani Pandey has a clear memory of his first patent: a new method for manufacturing high-gain vertical bipolar junction transistors. The new method was perfectly compatible with CMOS process, and the resulting devices offered a significantly improved performance over those currently available.

Though it was more than 20 years ago, Pandey has never forgotten the sense of accomplishment and pride upon seeing his name on the issued patent – as well as the congratulatory emails from his managers and company leadership. Beyond this elation of realizing his technical innovation, there was also a sense of relief, he said, of having successfully navigated the long, winding, and sometimes arcane path of preparing and filing a patent.

“When I first started out, I was highly motivated to pursue patents, but I didn’t have the visibility of how to make it happen. When I got my first patent, I was so happy. It was really exciting for me, and I got a sense of, ‘Ok, I can do it,’ now that I had a better understanding of the process,” said Pandey, an engineer at GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) and a longtime technical leader on the company’s device team.

Pandey’s passion for invention only intensified throughout his years at Chartered Semiconductor and GF, which acquired Chartered in 2009. Today, he holds more than 45 patents across a wide spectrum of technology related to semiconductor manufacturing. In addition to his own projects, he also spends time advising and mentoring inventive colleagues who are gathering momentum on their career paths and gearing up to file for their own first patents.

For his dedication to innovation and broadening GF’s portfolio of intellectual property (IP), Pandey was one of 11 employees last year bestowed with GF’s coveted title of Master Inventor. The honor is reserved for colleagues with at least 20 issued U.S. patents and who have a demonstrated track record of technical accomplishments and IP asset creation.

“GF makes it easy for inventors to file for IP,” said Pandey, who is based at GF’s Fab 8 in Malta, New York. “As a company, we engage and encourage employees to file. We encourage senior inventors to tutor or mentor others, and help them understand the value of pursuing inventions and IP. We are aligned on this, right up to senior leadership. Innovation is truly woven into our corporate culture.”

GF Master Inventors Program

Now in its third year, GF’s Master Inventor program is a powerful platform for honoring prolific employees as well as motivating other employees who may have been thinking about submitting their inventions for patenting, said David Cain, IP Legal Director for GF, who is based at the company’s Fab 9 near Burlington, Vermont.

GF has so far recognized around 50 Master Inventors, who Cain said are “the shining stars of the company in terms of innovation … folks who have had amazing careers of inventing and patenting.” Along with inspiring and mentoring their colleagues, Master Inventors serve as advisors and are a resource for GF’s technology leaders and legal team on a range of technical, strategic, and IP topics.

There are external benefits to GF’s Master Inventor program and culture of innovation, as well. Patents and IP can serve as a yardstick – beyond revenue, design wins, and new clients – which further showcases GF’s vital role in the semiconductor industry and global supply chain, Cain said.

“New patents and IP are critical for protecting, maintaining, and growing our wide range of differentiated platforms, features, and specialized application solutions,” Cain said. “Differentiation is a huge focus here at GF, and our technologists and inventors play an oversized role in this differentiation by coming up with their great innovations and getting them into our IP pipeline so we can protect them.”

Mentorship is Key

There is no shortage of adages or quips concerning how new ideas blossom into inventions. Thomas Edison said “In working out an invention, the most important quality is persistence.” His contemporary Nicola Tesla posited, “Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.” A generation later, Charles F. Kettering said “Inventing is a combination of brains and materials.”

Today, innovation is studied by researchers and business school students around the world, and theories abound on how to best cultivate an environment in which innovation can take root and flourish. Clearly the secret sauce of innovation has not yet been fully characterized. However, when discussing the topic with inventors of all stripes – from seasoned pros to those just starting on their IP journey – they agree that mentorship is a key ingredient.

This was certainly the case for Jack Pekarik, a leader on the GF technology solutions team and a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, who along with Pandey was last year named a GF Master Inventor.

“Anyone can be an inventor, you just need to understand what it means,” said Pekarik, who joined GF in 2015 as part of the company’s acquisition of IBM’s microelectronics business, and today is based at Fab 9. He first started with IBM in 1985, but didn’t begin pursuing IP until several years later.

“I was a bit of a late bloomer. It was only after one of my colleagues really took me under their wing, and showed me how the process works, that my eyes opened to the possibility – and the importance – of protecting and patenting our work,” he said.

Among Pekarik’s early patents at IBM was a novel form of programmable memory, which involved overstressing an SRAM cell so that it would always power up in one of two different states. Seeing his name on the patent was a badge of pride, he said, and was a significant source of motivation to continue inventing.

Pekarik’s advice for someone who has an interest in patents is to find or form an invention group, and to be sure the group includes at least one member who has experience with the process. Within GF and other companies with a large population of talented and highly motivated technology professionals, he said, many of these groups already exist and new ones are being created all the time by like-minded colleagues.

“Maybe it’s a handful of people, meeting every week or other week, getting together to talk about and choose an area in which to invent something. To identify a problem and look for the solution. To read and discuss patent literature, and have some whiteboard time,” he said. “It was only after I found such a group, that I was able to get my head around the process.”

In Pekarik’s view, the biggest roadblock for aspiring inventors at any company has nothing to do with policy or procedure – “GF makes it easy,” he said. Instead, the primary barrier to entry is a prevailing misconception across all industries that filing for IP protection is somehow a daunting task requiring superhuman effort and resolve.

“Mentorship is a powerful way to dispel this, and to make it less of a mysterious process,” he said. “Mentorship is also a way to engage more employees who are thinking about inventing, and, ultimately, to generate more and more valuable invention disclosures for our company.”

Motivation and Success

Also named a Master Inventor last year was device integration engineer Bipul Paul, who is based at Fab 8 and is approaching his tenth year at GF. With nearly 30 issued patents of his own, and several more currently in the works, Paul is an active mentor, advisor, and collaborator. Like Pandey and Pekarik, he is a valued member of GF’s patent review board.

Paul sees invention as a natural, almost inevitable, extension of being engaged in one’s work.

“I think it’s inherent that if you do the same thing over and over, you’ll naturally start to think about whether there’s a better way of doing it. For those of us working in technology, this can be the first step on the path to an invention. You just have to think through the problem. Discuss it. Document your work. Ask for help and seek out guidance from others.”

An important difference between inventing at GF and his experience at other companies, Paul said, is the unimpeded access to engage with colleagues on different teams and in different departments across GF. This interdisciplinary cross-pollination of ideas is encouraged, and often results in unexpected and out-of-the-box solutions that would likely not have been arrived at if ideation was sequestered to the silo of a single discipline.

Many inventors and IP-minded technologists are intrinsically motivated to innovate, Paul said, but there are other motivating factors, as well. Generating patents is certainly beneficial to an individual’s career and raises one’s visibility within the company and industry. In addition, GF offers financial incentives for filing IP and having a patent, including specific incentives for first-time inventors as well as those awarded the coveted title of Master Inventor. Down the road, Paul said, a patent may also result in future royalties.

Beyond these incentives, he said, there is also a great sense of accomplishment and pride in knowing his innovations are helping GF succeed and advance in the marketplace. It’s particularly rewarding, he said, when inventions make their way into the company’s portfolio of differentiated technologies and onto the wafers GF ships to clients.

“The more IP capital the company has, the stronger and more defensible our position is in the marketplace,” Paul said. “Helping ensure GF is successful and our IP is well-protected allows me to keep doing what I like to do.”

Keep an eye out for GF’s forthcoming announcement of its newest members to this distinguished group, the 2020 cohort of Master Inventors!



GlobalFoundries to Implement ITAR and Strict Security Assurances at its Advanced U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility

Company’s most advanced facility to expand capability to support U.S. government defense technology development and manufacturing, while further easing U.S. dependence on overseas suppliers  

Santa Clara, Calif., May 20, 2020 – GlobalFoundries® (GF®), the world’s leading specialty foundry and the leading U.S. pure-play manufacturer of semiconductors, today announced plans to implement export control security measures at its most advanced manufacturing facility, Fab 8, in Malta, New York. GF will bring its Fab 8 facility into compliance with both the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) standards and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), making the company the most advanced ITAR foundry in the country. By taking this significant step, GF deepens its partnership with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. defense industrial base, and further supports ongoing development of new assurance approaches in support of national security objectives.

These new control assurances, which will go into effect later this year, will make confidentiality and integrity protections available for defense-related applications, devices or components manufactured at GF’s Fab 8 facility. To date, GF has invested over $13 billion in Fab 8 and this is a significant step to serve the U.S. government and its technology needs for decades.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer commented, “I have always been a strong believer that the most secure way to manufacture semiconductor chips is to do so here in the U.S. I have also been a champion of GLOBALFOUNDRIES and applaud their efforts to provide ITAR and EAR compliant manufacturing to the U.S. Government. In partnership with GF, New York State leads the nation in secure semiconductor manufacturing.”

“As a leading innovator and vital supplier of differentiated technologies, adding these capabilities enables GF to develop and manufacture secure solutions for the U.S. defense industrial base,” said Tom Caulfield, CEO of GLOBALFOUNDRIES. “GF is a longtime supplier of ITAR and highly restricted EAR microelectronics, and we stand ready to support the U.S.’s goal of achieving and sustaining a leadership position in semiconductor manufacturing. Today’s announcement strengthens our ability to partner with the industry and the U.S. government to ensure America has the manufacturing capability it needs to supply semiconductors to its most secure and sensitive industries.”

As a longtime supplier of microelectronics to the DoD, GF is uniquely positioned to support secure government programs at its Trusted facilities — Fab 9 in Burlington, Vermont, and Fab 10 in East Fishkill, New York — while working with the DoD on next-generation assurance approaches at its Fab 8 facility in upstate New York. GF’s Fab 8 employs nearly 3,000 people and has the available infrastructure and floor space needed to take on the responsibility of an immediate secure manufacturing approach.

GF’s global manufacturing footprint continues to be a key differentiator, as the only pure-play foundry with manufacturing in the U.S., Europe and Singapore offering the highest industry, client and government criteria for secure manufacturing through its GF Shield program.

About GF

GlobalFoundries (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its clients to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of clients across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]


格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)与硅光初创公司Ayar Labs自2016年起一直在合作研发封装内光学互连单芯片解决方案

“在同一芯片上集成光子和RF CMOS电路讲求精妙的平衡。将其全部集成到硅片上,我们便可充分利用硅制造技术的规模、成本和工艺控制优势。”——格芯副总裁Anthony Yu

作者:Dave Lammers

格芯于2015年收购了IBM微电子业务,获得了大量宝贵的硅光(SiPh – Silicon Photonics)研发成果,这些成果现在将广泛应用于300mm晶圆产品。公司重要的合作伙伴Ayar Labs适时推出了单芯片硅光设计,这是一家位于加利福尼亚州的初创企业,他们的单芯片设计为封装到封装互连确立了全新的带宽、功耗和延迟基准。

格芯计算和有线基础架构业务部副总裁Anthony Yu表示,格芯获得了IBM的九年光子学研究成果,并实现了90nm工艺“产业化”,即90WG。他表示:“在菲什基尔的工厂,我们已经在300mm晶圆上实现了这一工艺的量产。格芯做的大量的工作不仅定位于可信任的制造服务提供商,也针对光传输器准备可批量生产的各种相关器件。”

多年来,位于佛蒙特州伯灵顿附近的格芯Fab 9一直在利用锗硅工艺(9HP)为光学收发器制造元件。这些解决方案(激光驱动器、跨阻放大器(TIA)和其他分立式元件)被数据中心和其他市场中的“可插拔”多芯片光模块所采用,以通过光纤链路实现服务器机架的中距离连接。




MIPO(单芯片封装内光学)I/O将Ayar Labs的光电小芯片TeraPHY集成到多芯片封装(MCP)中。经过与格芯的多年合作,Ayar Labs现在已将MIPO I/O小芯片发展到工程采样阶段。硅光领域先锋企业英特尔是最早采用Ayar Labs解决方案的企业之一,最初的目标是将其FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)与其他模块集成。

Yu表示,虽然该领域不乏一些其他的初创公司,并且大型数据中心企业都在研发自己的设计,但Ayar Labs是“最早开始设计太比特(Terabit)级解决方案的公司之一。他们积极进取,合作意愿非常强烈。”他补充道,Ayar Labs的单片小芯片将成为“颠覆行业的产品”。

批量制造是打造高性价比光子解决方案的一个关键要素。(资料来源:Ayar Labs)

将光子功能集成到同一块芯片上作为电子控制电路是一项颇具趣味的挑战。芯片将电子接口、数字电路和高速模拟混合信号电路与光学元件组合在同一硅片上。“在同一芯片上集成光子和RF CMOS电路讲求精妙的平衡。将其全部集成到硅中,我们便可充分利用硅制造技术的规模、成本和工艺控制优势。”Yu继续补充道,格芯与Ayar Labs组建的团队密切关注封装、组装和测试的挑战。


Ayar Labs的联合创始人、总裁兼首席技术官Mark Wade称,公司于2015年成立,最初是由参与一个多院校协作光子项目的成员组成。2016年,该初创公司与格芯建立合作伙伴关系。Wade表示,“当时整个行业正处于一个转折点。大家都注意到了电子I/O自身的局限性,并预测就扩展电气互连而言,电子I/O已无计可施。”他补充道,112 Gbps或许是基于CMOS的Serdes连接的最终极限值。

Ayar Labs从零开始研究新的解决方案,希望借助光学来彻底解决芯片到芯片的带宽问题。与电气互连相比,光学互连不仅能耗低得多,而且可以大幅提高带宽并减少时延。采用光纤后,影响电气互连的距离/带宽的权衡问题将不再成为困扰。

[有关Ayar Labs解决方案的详细探讨,请参阅:光学I/O小芯片消除瓶颈,释放创新能力]

Ayar Labs和格芯合力研发可进行批量制造的单芯片解决方案,以期缓解数据中心带宽日益捉襟见肘的境况。例如,机器学习在连接处理器和GPU以及高带宽内存时要求更高的芯片到芯片带宽。Wade指出,“数据中心需要将机器分布到不同的物理位置,并使用通过超高带宽互连接口连接起来的多个组件。他们想要设计新型系统架构,而使用目前和未来几代的I/O是无法实现的。”




格芯与Ayar Labs合作发现了多种方法,能够针对光学结构和其他功能优化格芯的45 RF SOI工艺。这项曾专门为毫米波市场研发的技术经过改进,包含了光子功能,现在正用于构建原型。

Wade表示,RF SOI CMOS是一项“赋能技术,因为有了它,我们得以在同一个平面层中构建晶体管和光学器件。此外,SOI工艺也帮助实现了超快晶体管,速度超过了大多数先进工艺节点。它们的密度不同于先进(CMOS体硅)工艺节点。但就模拟性能以及Ft和Fmax速度而言,它们的表现优于目前用于数字芯片的先进FinFET节点。”

Ayar Labs和格芯正在合作研发格芯的新一代硅光平台45CLO,Ayar Labs计划在其器件量产时使用这一平台。Wade表示:“我们正在与格芯合作开展多项工作,希望将试产阶段的基于45nm RF SOI上的工作成果结合格芯通过收购IBM研发部获得的一些技术和工艺,从而打造高度可靠、可生产的工艺以在45CLO平台中构建我们的解决方案。”

格芯副总裁Anthony Yu透露,公司的45CLO单芯片技术将在纽约州马耳他的8号晶圆厂生产,并计划于2021年下半年完成生产工艺认证。

Ayar Labs首席执行官Charlie Wuischpard于2018年11月加入Ayar Labs,此前曾就职于英特尔数据中心部门,担任副总裁兼总经理一职。他表示,45CLO工艺的一大优化在于锗模块,“它有助于提高性能,并能让我们构建真正高性能的光检测器。我们认为最终将实现一流的光电性能。”



Moor Insights & Strategy咨询公司的创始人、总裁兼首席分析师Patrick Moorhead解释道:“要让人工智能和机器学习能够发挥作用,唯一的方法就是收集更多数据,然后将数据从A传输到B,并且整个过程必须非常快速。而在许多情况下,数据传输必须时延非常小。”



Moorhead表示:“硅光是实现芯片间通信的全新方式,它使用的光学链路性能相当于PCI Express卡或3D封装。如果产量适当,从长远来看,使用硅光实现片外加速将会降低成本。”


包含TeraPhy小芯片的模块能以更快的速度和更低的功耗进行光学连接。(资料来源:Ayar Labs) 


The Linley Group首席分析师Bob Wheeler称,Ayar Labs的TeraPhy小芯片有10个光学端口,利用波分复用(WDM)增加单一光纤上的光学信号数量。


Wheeler说道:“他们取得的成果在集成程度和WDM方面是非常独特的。他们如何实现,如何将小芯片的体积缩小到如此程度,得益于Ayar Labs针对调制器和检测器研发的专有技术,相较于传统的马赫-曾德尔调制器,它们相当紧凑。”






Infosys Selected as the Digital Transformation Partner for GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ Digital Leadership Program

Infosys (NYSE: INFY), a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting, has been selected by GLOBALFOUNDRIES® (GF®), the world’s leading specialty foundry, as its partner for the company’s Digital Transformation program. Through this partnership, Infosys will provide expertise and analytical solutions to optimize the overall efficiency and agility of GF’s manufacturing and business operations.

The partnership will enable GF to seamlessly transform its legacy solutions and adopt advanced cloud capabilities to rationalize existing workloads, thereby realizing GF’s digital strategy through process automation while achieving lower cost of ownership and ensuring compliance requirements. It will also help GF derive value and insights from the data generated across its globally dispersed operations. GF will leverage Infosys’ domain expertise and industry experience to transform and optimize GF’s IT assets to scale its digital capabilities. Infosys will also enable GF’s internal teams with next-gen digital skills to help co-deliver great user experiences across the enterprise.

Anand Swaminathan, EVP and Global Industry Leader – Communications, Media and Technology, Infosys, said, “Together with GlobalFoundries we are embarking on an industry leading digital transformation program. By harnessing the power of private and public cloud, we will assist GlobalFoundries in transforming their manufacturing and corporate operations to deliver more value to their clients while lowering cost of ownership. We are excited to partner with them on this digital leadership program which we believe will set a new benchmark for the industry.”

Thomas Weber, SVP Global Supply Chain and Integrated Manufacturing Information Technology, GlobalFoundries, said, “As the leading specialty foundry, with a global footprint, we are committed to accelerating our digital transformation to differentiate and create more value for our clients. Partnering with Infosys will equip our teams with next-gen skills and accelerate our transformation journey through automation and innovation.” 

About Infosys

Infosys is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. We enable clients in 46 countries to navigate their digital transformation. With nearly four decades of experience in managing the systems and workings of global enterprises, we expertly steer our clients through their digital journey. We do it by enabling the enterprise with an AI-powered core that helps prioritize the execution of change. We also empower the business with agile digital at scale to deliver unprecedented levels of performance and customer delight. Our always-on learning agenda drives their continuous improvement through building and transferring digital skills, expertise, and ideas from our innovation ecosystem.Visit to see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY) can help your enterprise navigate your next.

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Silicon Photonics: A Marriage of Optical and Digital on GF’s RF Process

GlobalFoundries and SiPh startup Ayar Labs have been collaborating since 2016 on a monolithic solution for in-package optical interconnects

“It requires a very delicate balance to have the photonics and the RF CMOS circuits on the same chip. By integrating it all into silicon, we are taking advantage of the scale, costs, and process control of silicon manufacturing.” – GF Vice President Anthony Yu

By Dave Lammers

When GlobalFoundries (GF) acquired IBM Microelectronics in 2015, it received access to a treasure trove of R&D in silicon photonics (SiPh), work that is now moving into the general availability phase on 300mm wafers. The ramp-up comes in time to make a single-chip SiPh design from a key partner, California-based startup Ayar Labs, which has created a monolithic design that sets new benchmarks for package-to-package interconnect in terms of bandwidth, power consumption, and latency.

Anthony Yu, vice president of GF’s Computing and Wired Infrastructure Business Unit, said GF took IBM’s nine years of photonics research and “industrialized” the 90nm process, known as 90WG. “We made it work in Fishkill on 300mm wafers, and it is in production now. What GF has done is to position ourselves as a high-volume producer of transceiver parts,” he said.

For several years GF has been building components for optical transceivers with its silicon-germanium process (9HP) at its Fab 9 near Burlington, Vermont. Those solutions – laser drivers, transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs), and other discrete components – are used in the “pluggable” multi-chip photonics modules used in data centers and other markets to connect racks of servers via fiber links across mid-range distances.

GF’s 45CLO process combines digital RF functions with the optical devices required
for a SiPh monolithic solution. (Source: GLOBALFOUNDRIES)

Optical connections are set to move to a new phase, in which the pluggable optical transceivers are replaced by having the photonics link connected to a high-performance IC in the same package, with an external laser providing the light source. That package connects over fiber to another module with a photonics link, creating package-to-package interconnects at high speeds and much lower power consumption.

Called MIPO for monolithic in-package optics, MIPO I/O integrates Ayar Labs’ opto-electronic chiplets, named TeraPHY, inside a multi-chip package (MCP). The MIPO I/O chiplets from Ayar Labs are in the engineering sampling stage now, after several years of collaborative work with GF. Intel, a pioneer in the silicon photonics field, is an early adopter of the Ayar Labs solution, with an initial goal of connecting its FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays) with other modules.

Yu said while there are other startups in the field, and the giant data center companies are working on their own designs, Ayar Labs is “one of early designers of a terabit solution. They are very progressive and highly collaborative,” adding that he believes the Ayar Labs monolithic chiplets are “an industry game-changer.”

High-volume manufacturing is one key to creating
cost-effective photonics solutions. (Source: Ayar Labs)

Putting the photonics functions on the same chip as the electronic control circuitry is an interesting challenge. The chips combine the electrical interface, the digital circuitry, and the high-speed analog mixed-signal circuits with the optical components on the same piece of silicon. “It requires a very delicate balance to have the photonics and the RF CMOS circuits on the same chip. By integrating it all into silicon, we are taking advantage of the scale, costs, and process control of silicon manufacturing,” Yu said, adding that the GF-Ayar Labs team paid close attention to the challenges inherent in packaging, assembly, and test.

An Inflection Point

Mark Wade, president, CTO and co-founder of Ayar Labs, said the company was created in 2015 by members of a collaborative multi-university photonics project. The next year, the startup established its partnership with GF. “The industry was at an inflection point. Everyone saw the fundamental limitations of electrical I/O, and predicted that the bag of tricks (to extend electrical interconnects) would go empty around right now,” Wade said, adding that 112 Gbps may be the end of the line for CMOS-based Serdes connections.

Ayar Labs started working on a new solution from the ground up, setting its sights on using optics to fundamentally solve the chip-to-chip bandwidth problem. Optics require far less energy, and can achieve much higher bandwidth, and lower latencies, compared to electrical interconnects. Once into an optical fiber, it does not suffer the distance/bandwidth tradeoff that impacts electrical interconnects.

[For a detailed discussion of the Ayar Labs solution, see: Optical I/O Chiplets Eliminate Bottlenecks to Unleash Innovation]

As Ayar Labs and GF were working on a single-chip solution that would take advantage of high-volume manufacturing, data centers were running out of bandwidth. Machine learning, for example, involves connecting processors and GPUs and high-bandwidth memory in ways that require higher chip-to-chip bandwidth. “The data centers want physically distributed machines, using various components connected with very-high-bandwidth interconnects,” Wade said. “They want to architect new types of systems that are not possible with the current and next generations of I/O.”

The 45CLO process will enable best-in-class optical
as well as digital functions. (Source: GLOBALFOUNDRIES)

RF CMOS Advantages

GF and Ayar Labs collaborated on ways to optimize GF’s 45 RF SOI process for the optical structures and other functions. That technology, developed for the mmWave market, was modified to include photonic function and is now being used to build prototypes.

Wade said the RF SOI CMOS is an “enabling thing, because it allows us to build both transistors and optical devices in the same planar layer. And the SOI process enables extremely fast transistors, faster than most of the advanced nodes built today. They don’t have the same density as the advanced (bulk CMOS) nodes. But In terms of analog performance and Ft and Fmax speeds, they outperform the advanced FinFET nodes that people are using for digital.”

Ayar Labs and GF are working together on GF’s next-generation silicon photonics platform, called 45CLO, which Ayar Labs plans to use for volume production of its parts. “We are working on several things with GF to take the work that we’ve done in pilot production on the 45nm RF SOI, combine it with some of the technologies and processes that GF has from the IBM R&D acquisition, and mix those together to build a highly reliable and manufacturable process to build our solution in 45CLO,” Wade said.

GF’s Yu said the company’s 45CLO monolithic technology will be manufactured at Fab 8 in Malta, New York and plans on qualification of its production process in the second half of 2021.

Ayar Labs CEO Charlie Wuischpard, who was a vice president and general manager in Intel’s Data Center Group before joining Ayar Labs in November 2018, said one optimization in the 45CLO process is a germanium module that “will enable higher performance and allow us to build a really high-performance photo detector. We think the result will be best-in-class optoelectronic performance.”

Wuischpard said integrated optical interconnects can enable dramatic capabilities in new system architectures. “We are still at the early stages of building an optical I/O inside of a CPU package. We need to think of the post-exascale machines. Not today’s supercomputers, but tomorrow’s supercomputers and AI systems.”

From Point A to Point B

Patrick Moorhead, founder, president, and principal analyst of consultancy Moor Insights & Strategy, said “the only way you can make AI and Machine Learning work is to have more data, and that data has to get from point A to point B, and it has to do that very quickly. And it has to get there, in many circumstances, with low latency.”

 Cloud gaming, robotics, robotic surgeons, CV2X car-to-car and car-to-network links, Smart Manufacturing, cellular networks, and other applications, require data centers to handle much larger amounts of data while keeping their energy consumption under control. “We are creating a lot more data at the edge. Whether it is driven by mobility, IoT, or 5G, we are going to have a trillion points out there, and many of them are going back to the data center,” Moorhead said, adding that it is “because of machine learning and AI that we will be able to do useful things with all of that data.”

The industry has reacted to the slowing down of Moore’s Law scaling by turning to heterogeneous computing, using ingenious forms of packaging and chip stacking. As a way to connect one chip with another, silicon photonics could prove to be an attractive option. Photonic links to high-bandwidth memory or accelerators could be more attractive than, for example, using through silicon vias (TSVs), which limit design flexibility.

“Silicon photonics is a new way to have chips talk to each other, using optical links that have the same performance as a PCI Express card or 3D packaging. And at the right volumes, using silicon photonics for off-chip acceleration will be less expensive in the long run,” Moorhead said.

Read Pat’s recent article in Forbes on how GLOBALFOUNDRIES quietly became a force in silicon photonics.

A module including TeraPhy chiplets can connect optically at
higher speeds and lower power. (Source: Ayar Labs)

Optical Provides Some Relief

Bob Wheeler, principal analyst at The Linley Group, said the TeraPhy chiplet from Ayar Labs has 10 optical ports, and takes advantage of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) to increase the number of optical signals on a single fiber.

“That has allowed them to pack a lot of bandwidth on the beach front, the linear edge on the face of the chip. At the end of the day how much bandwidth you can get off [the chip] becomes the limiting factor, particularly for an Ethernet switch where you are trying to get tens of terabits on and off.

“What they’ve done is unique in terms of the level of integration and WDM. How they did the implementation, getting the chiplet so small, comes from the Ayar Labs proprietary technology for the modulators and detectors, which are quite tightly packed compared with traditional Mach-Zehnder modulators,” Wheeler said.

Any major technology transition takes time, and Wheeler said optical I/O could start with next-generation Ethernet chips and then migrate to high-end processors and ASICs. “When electrical I/O runs out of steam, optical I/O is the only one to provide some relief.”

Yu, vice president at GF, said silicon photonics – and the optical chip-to-chip connections it enables – will continue to drive platform innovation and new solutions for years to come. With its manufacturing excellence, its deep expertise in SiPh, and the current momentum of its 45CLO monolithic process, GF is positioned to be an industry leader in this space.

“People have been talking about the introduction of silicon photonics for over a decade,” Yu said. “What silicon photonics has going for it, and what GF has in its favor, is to bring value through large scale manufacturing. We have the ability to use 300mm manufacturing, with very tight process controls, to marry the optical and silicon functions in VLSI solutions. We bring our clients an ability to scale their solutions for rapid uptake.”

Click here to learn more about how GlobalFoundries is harnessing the power of light for computing and wired infrastructure.



黄峰会长一行受到格芯中国区高级销售总监韩志勇及另外几位部门负责人的热情接待。格芯中国区总裁及亚洲业务发展高级副总裁Americo Lemos与其他几位同事也在线加入,积极同黄会长就疫情之下的企业运营状况和在中国的发展问题交换意见。

Americo Lemos介绍了格芯在抗击疫情方面所作出的迅速反应和采取的有力措施。在此次危机处理中,格芯全球坚定地遵循两大指导原则:保护全球团队及其家庭和社区的安全和健康;坚定履行对客户的承诺,以客户利益作为行动准则。在疫情期间,格芯采取了及时而周密的措施进行员工健康管理以及供应链风险和应急管理。因而,格芯位于三个不同大洲(北美、欧洲与亚洲)的晶圆厂迄今全部正常运营,最大限度地保证了半导体产业链的不间断供应,保障了中国客户的晶圆供给。到目前为止,格芯的全球业务暂时没有受到冲击。他表示,艰难时期,格芯愿意与中国同行更加密切合作,尽最大能力保障供应链安全。同时,格芯愿意分享全球工厂安全生产经验,与中国半导体行业一同共渡难关。在市场策略方面,格芯对中国市场充满信心,会继续深耕中国市场,做中国半导体行业长期的、可信赖的合作伙伴;同时也计划将自己的特色生产工艺赋能中国合作伙伴做本地化生产,提升中国的半导体生产能力,实现合作共赢。


