Frictionless Networking: A Megatrend that Requires Powerful RF Solutions

Frictionless networking, virtualization, and hierarchical AI are three technological megatrends that will transform how we live and work. This article on frictionless networking is the first in a series examining how GlobalFoundries solutions enable each of these megatrends.

Although the transistor debuted nearly three quarters of a century ago, paving the way for solid-state integrated circuits and ushering in the electronics revolution, the last two years may have been the most momentous ones ever in the industry’s history.

In 2019, geopolitical tensions brought a sharp focus to the strengths and vulnerabilities of the global semiconductor supply chain. Because of the need for a reliable supply of chips for all manner of products, semiconductors suddenly became a flashpoint for industrial, commercial and foreign-relations policies.

Then, driven by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, awareness of the raw power of the world’s digital infrastructure grew, as people began to depend on it more heavily than ever before to fight the contagion, to run companies remotely, to educate students, to socialize, and for many other things large and small.

Tom CaulfieldGlobalFoundries (GF) CEO Tom Caulfield said that ever since society realized supply chain issues and the pandemic weren’t short-term crises, there’s been a deepening awareness of the importance of digital technologies and how they will forever change our lives.

“It’s amazing to see not only how pervasive and resilient the digital infrastructure had become over the last decade, and yet how little of its full potential was exploited until COVID-19,” he said. “We started to imagine not a new normal, but a better normal. This better normal will come from exploiting the capabilities of our pervasive, expanding and improving digital infrastructure. …. This is not just an opportunity for our industry, it’s our calling.”

As a result, GF sees three megatrends and one enormous hurdle that have emerged, Caulfield said, and GF solutions are critical to all of them. The first is frictionless networking – a ubiquitous “always-on, seamless, intelligent and secure connection, 24 hours, seven days a week” – which we’ll explore in greater depth below in this blog.

The second megatrend is pervasive deployment of virtualization. “Network function virtualization (NFV) is a great example,” Caulfield said. “This is where network processing is done in the cloud, and data is transported from dumb access points to the cloud for processing. This results in significant scale advantages similar to the value proposition of cloud storage and computing we enjoy today. NFV significantly improves bandwidth and speed, and it does it at a much lower cost and power point. Also, given the flexible nature of a virtualized network, the time and effort to deploy new services can be enhanced, as the new feature will come via a software push versus a hardware upgrade to the user.”

The final megatrend is hierarchical artificial intelligence (AI), or “AI Everywhere,” from devices to sensors, from the edge to the cloud. “Data is the new gold, but it is only ore if we can extract it from a raw, unstructured format and use it to gain insights, take action and make decisions,” Caulfield said. “The amount of structured and unstructured data generated in just the last two years alone is greater than all of the data generated before, yet we only use 3% of all this data. Hierarchical AI is the key to extracting value from immense, unstructured data by parsing it to extract important information, then compressing it for more efficient transport to compute and storage.”

While each megatrend has its own hurdles and challenges, and reducing power consumption is a make-or-break issue for all of them, the move to a digital future is unstoppable.

Frictionless Networking is Coming

Peter Gammel“Our vision for future network connectivity is that you’re not even going to know what network you’re connected to, your device will automatically find it, authenticate it and optimize it for bandwidth, latency and other critical attributes,” said Peter Gammel, Vice President and CTO of GF’s Mobile and Wireless Infrastructure Business Unit. “We call this frictionless networking because when we talk about how we see connectivity playing out in the years to come as wireless systems make use of increasingly fast RF and mmWave spectrum, we don’t want to get lost in the details of 5G, 6G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or some other network protocol.

“Instead, the key point is this: No matter how you connect, the last hop between a network and your device is always going to be wireless,” he said, “and that means even though there’s already been a virtual explosion of radio frequency (RF) content in all sorts of devices, the trend is only going to accelerate.”

Gammel said it isn’t just smartphones, tablets and PCs that will depend on frictionless networking capabilities. A universe of diverse products will need it to function, in applications as varied as Industry 4.0 (i.e., smart, automated manufacturing); the Internet of Things (IoT); wearables for health and wellness; automotive systems like advanced driver assistance (ADAS); and others too numerous to mention.

The challenges are enormous. Data traffic at key network hubs is on a steep incline – up to 40% in some cases – and those rates are only going to increase in the coming years, Gammel said in a keynote address at the 2021 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium. “Future networks will require extreme capacity and data rates, much higher spectral efficiency, ultra-low latency, much higher reliability and robust security.”


The Best RF Technology Will Carry the Day

That’s all well and good, but anyone who has experienced difficulty in connecting to a network might wonder how we will ever reach a state of frictionless networking. What will it take to get there?

“I’ve been in this industry for 40 years, and the way you measure success has never changed: It always comes down to leadership in RF technologies, which are essential to the performance and power consumption of front-end modules (FEMs) and power amplifiers, the most critical elements of a wireless communications system,” Gammel said.

He said that to maximize the use of available spectrum, the push is on to drive output power as close to reliability limits as possible. That plays to GF’s strengths as the longstanding leader in many different RF technologies, including RF-SOI (RF silicon on insulator), FD-SOI (fully depleted silicon on insulator) and SiGe (silicon germanium) solutions.

“Our RF SOI solutions are the go-to choice for integrated FEMs and beamformers in 5G base stations and smartphones,” Gammel said. “Meanwhile, because our 22FDX™ FD-SOI solution combines RF, analog, embedded memory, and advanced logic in one chip, they offer unmatched peak performance and energy efficiency for the integration of FEM elements like data converters, LNAs, power amplifiers (PAs) and switches with a transceiver.”

In addition, he said, GF’s SiGe solutions are widely used in Wi-Fi and cellular power amplifiers, and SiGe technology provides a path to the terahertz frequencies needed for future network architectures.


“The Best is Yet to Come”

Gammel laid out what he sees as the other necessary ingredients for frictionless networking. “Turnkey assembly and test capabilities are going to become more important as the industry moves to terahertz frequencies, because the interface between circuits and packaging becomes more critical to performance. Do you put the antenna on the package or on the die, and what is the best configuration?” he said.

Open interfaces are another requirement. “Proprietary interface protocols never win. Open interfaces are critical in building an ecosystem, and we’re seeing this already in network infrastructure and in standards-setting activities,” he said. One example is the 5G Open Radio Access Networks (Open RAN) initiative.

Also, non-terrestrial networks that make use of satellites in low-Earth orbit (LEO) constellations are key to delivering connectivity to underserved geographies. “The commercial deployment of LEO constellations isn’t science fiction, it’s happening. The Starlink constellation from SpaceX is an example,” he said.

“Much work remains to be done and many technology innovations are still required to leverage the vast, untapped spectrum from 100 GHz to 1 THz, but we have made great progress already and the best is yet to come,” Gammel said.

The next article in this series will focus on the virtualization megatrend.

Joint press release on the “USEP” project completion

High technology for medium-sized companies: Lower costs for more creativity

A new type of sensor platform ‘Made in Saxony’ enables even smaller companies to develop IoT systems cost-effectively

Dresden, April 14, 2021. Together with Globalfoundries Dresden, a group of Fraunhofer institutes in Saxony has developed a sensor platform that can be used to create individually configurable IoT and edge computing solutions. For the first time, small and medium-sized suppliers now have the opportunity to produce particularly powerful, energy-efficient and highly integrated systems at low cost. In contrast to independent development, the time required and development costs are significantly reduced.

How can we develop a highly integrated, multi-channel sensor solution for mechanical engineering? Or a networked sensor system for building automation? The need-based, miniaturized development of smart systems adapted to individual specifications is a complex and expensive project for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): They cannot use off-the-shelf electronic modules, but have to design innovative system solutions for selected customers themselves and usually in small quantities.

»Customers are increasingly expecting highly integrated electronic prototypes or small series for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing. However, without the appropriate system architectures and production methods, it is difficult for medium-sized companies to achieve a return on investment in development,” says Dr. Peter Schneider, Head of the Development Adaptive Systems EAS branch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS in Dresden.

Support for the innovation driver medium-sized companies

Under the leadership of the EAS branch, a consortium of Saxon Fraunhofer institutes and industry has therefore developed the “Universal Sensor Platform USeP.” It enables SMEs in particular to use a wide variety of modular and configurable platform elements and to put them together according to the modular principle with maximum flexibility. »The 3D sensor platform gives developers a largely free hand in terms of both software and hardware in order to produce future-oriented, individual products. While this used to cost six or seven-digit amounts in euros, SMEs can now save up to 90 percent in time and money,” explains Schneider. Thanks to the good and intensive cooperation between the development partners involved, the successful completion of the trend-setting project became possible within only three years. USeP has already mastered a first practical test. Within a cooperation between Globalfoundries Dresden and five other companies from the hardware and software sector, it was the core of a Edge AI pilot solution . With their help, the companies were able to develop a first product version (minimum viable product) for predictive maintenance of ultrapure water valves in chip production within just three months.

Building blocks for the development of high technology

»The sensor platform based on the GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX ® developed in Dresdentechnology enables an energy-efficient and high-performance SoC (System on Chip) design that meets demanding edge computing requirements with embedded MRAM,” says Dr. Axel Preuße from Globalfoundries Dresden. The chip has numerous wireless and wired communication interfaces and uses a powerful 32-bit RISC-V processor with a total of 9 cores as the central processing and control unit. Not least because of its openness and flexibility, this open-source processor architecture is trend-setting and offers the ideal basis for secure and trustworthy electronics. The unique system architecture of the platform is also characterized by that the latest assembly and packaging technologies are combined with the latest semiconductor design methods and security components. Thanks to its flexible building blocks and the associated software environment, it enables uncomplicated integration of different sensors.

The research project supported by the Free State of Saxony and the European Union as part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has now been completed and an independent company has emerged: The start-up Sensry in Dresden not only offers its customers the option of highly integrated sensor electronics -customize modules with the help of the universal sensor platform, but can also convey the competencies of the USeP development partners to interested SMEs. They thus have a supply chain at their disposal with which they can efficiently implement their ideas and visions: Concept development, system design, processors, sensors and data transmission as well as simulation and testing of your planned system are comprehensively and sustainably supported.

In addition to the semiconductor manufacturer Globalfoundries Dresden, the Saxon Fraunhofer Institutes for Photonic Microsystems IPMS and Electronic Nano Systems ENAS as well as the institute branches All Silicon System Integration ASSID of Fraunhofer IZM and Development Adaptive Systems EAS of Fraunhofer IIS were involved in the development of the universal sensor platform USeP. The research partners were supported by colleagues from Fraunhofer IZM in Berlin, Fraunhofer IIS in Erlangen and Fraunhofer AISEC in Garching near Munich.

GF Drives Progress in Next-Generation Automotive Radar

Academic researchers use GlobalFoundries technologies to boost the range, resolution and visual field of automotive radar systems, a critical need for the industry.

by Gary Dagastine

Automotive radar has come a long way since 1999, when Mercedes-Benz “taught the car to see” as the company puts it. That’s when Mercedes introduced the first radar-based adaptive cruise control (ACC) system to be deployed commercially, its DISTRONIC system, initially available as an option on select models.

Today, of course, ACC is standard on many new cars, but it’s far from the only automotive radar application and more are on the way. Modern vehicles may have several different radars for automatic emergency braking, blind-spot monitoring, lane-change assist and other advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) functions. In the not-too-distant future, enhanced radar capabilities will enable more sophisticated safety systems and more autonomous vehicles.


City traffic, looking from above


One of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers, GlobalFoundries (GF) delivers feature-rich solutions that enable its customers to develop pervasive chips for high-growth market segments, including automotive radar. GF’s range of platforms for this application – 22FDX™, RF CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS – deliver unmatched RF/mmWave performance, outstanding digital processing/integration capabilities, and ultralow-power operation. They are supported by comprehensive end-to-end services that meet the automotive industry’s demanding requirements for performance, reliability, quality, packaging and testing.

GF’s Automotive, Industrial and Multi-Market (AIM) business unit is its home for automotive radar solutions, as well as for Internet of Things and industrial radar applications like traffic monitoring and factory automation. (Motion-sensing radar for cell phones is a focus of GF’s Mobile and Wireless Infrastructure business unit.)

Given the growth and importance of automotive radar, Foundry Files spoke with GF’s Pirooz Parvarandeh, Chief Technology Officer of AIM, and his colleague Farzad Inanlou, Chief Technology Officer for Radar and mmWave Systems within AIM, to discuss future technical requirements in this area.

GF’s strategy to meet these requirements includes collaborations with key academic researchers through GF’s University Partnership Program. We recently told how this program is advancing 6G wireless communications technology. Now, to learn how GF solutions are driving progress in automotive radar, we also spoke with GF academic partner Sorin Voinigescu, a University of Toronto professor and one of the world’s leading experts in high-frequency electronics.


Cars with radar on the highway


Range, Resolution and Field-of-View are Key

GF’s Inanlou said range, resolution and field-of-view are the main requirements for automotive radar systems, and that significant improvements must be made in all of them to reach the industry’s goals. “Range, or how far ahead of the car a radar can see, is a function of the car’s speed, and by the end of the decade we’ll need to have systems with a range of 300 meters, up from about 150 meters today, to meet the needs of proposed ADAS systems,” he said.

Farzad “At the same time, we’ll also need higher resolution to better distinguish between objects, much as lidar does. Lidar is a complementary light-based system which right now can identify objects more realistically than radar, but it doesn’t work well in degraded visual environments such as in heavy rain or foggy conditions. Replacing lidar with radar is desirable because lidar technology tends to be bulkier, less power-efficient and more expensive,” he said.

“Finally, in order to create a complete protective zone around the car, we will need to have a much greater field-of-view, or ability to look around the car in every direction. This will require perhaps as many as 10 different radars located throughout a vehicle.”

Needed: Higher Levels of Integration

Much more integration with CMOS devices is also needed, to create automotive radar that offers more functionality as well as being extremely reliable, highly power efficient, and physically small.

PiroozParvarandeh said greater integration will lead to entirely new capabilities and will open up new opportunities for automakers. “Say the car in front of you suddenly stops. The next technical milestone beyond automatic emergency braking is the ability to look around and calculate whether your car can swerve around it, taking into consideration the available time plus any traffic or other obstacles near your car,” he said. “This is important not only for safety, but also because it will give automakers a new feature they can use to attract customers.”

Indeed, the importance of highly integrated automotive radar systems is illustrated by the recently announced agreement between GF and Tier One auto supplier Bosch, which selected GF as its partner for development of next-generation millimeter-wave (mmWave) automotive radar system-on-chip (SoC) in part because of the broad feature integration capability of GF’s 22FDX RF platform.

“Right now automotive radar operates at 80 GHz, higher than cellular frequencies, and you want to put these mmWave frequencies on the same chip with high-performance digital CMOS capabilities, so the 22FDX platform comes into play,” said Parvarandeh.

“Low-power operation is also critical, not only because energy efficiency is desirable but because higher-power devices get hotter, and where these devices are located in a vehicle plays a major role in whether heat can be dissipated effectively,” he said. “Heat affects reliability, and in the future we anticipate there will be more electronics in car doors and other locations where it’s very difficult to get rid of the heat, so highly power-efficient solutions like 22FDX are a must.”

While GF’s family of 22FDX solutions already offers high performance at low power, Inanlou said GF has technical roadmaps in place to achieve even higher performance, operating frequencies, and levels of integration, along with the highest possible Ft and Fmax performance in SiGe technology.

That’s where the partnerships with Prof. Voinigescu and others come in. “Right now we’re working with eight professors globally who are doing important research into next-generation radars,” Inanlou said. “These collaborations are important because they result in overall reference designs and proof points for our technology which complement the work being done by our own internal teams, whose mmWave reference design work tends to be tailored to industry needs and specifications.”

Automotive Radar


World Expert in High Frequency Electronics

Professor Voinigescu has been involved with high-frequency electronics since the early 1980s when, as an undergraduate at Romania’s Polytechnic Institute, he assisted his professor on a project to develop a 10 GHz radio to connect computers at a distance. “Back then we were using microwave waveguides and discrete diodes rather than integrated circuits electronics. We placed these huge three-meter-wide antennas on the tops of buildings to transmit and receive the signals, and it seemed I was always up there trying to align them.”

SorinHe continued, “I’ve always been interested in wireless and fiber optic technologies because I think they have been and are going to become even more necessary to the way we live. In fact, the way I look at it is that continuing to make progress in these areas is analogous to following Moore’s Law, except that unlike with Moore’s Law the technical and economic benefits of ongoing progress won’t come to an end.”

Voinigescu received his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto and went to work at Nortel Networks, where he spearheaded state-of-the-art modeling approaches for wireless and broadband fiber optics transceivers built using emerging semiconductor technologies like SiGe. After leaving Nortel, he co-founded Quake Technologies Inc., which in 2001 became the world’s first company to commercialize a 10-Gb Ethernet transceiver.

An IEEE Fellow and the recipient of numerous industry and Canadian awards, he’s been a professor at Toronto for nearly two decades, with a focus on mmWave and 100+Gb/s integrated circuits, atomic-scale semiconductor technologies, and more recently on quantum computing, where he uses 22FDX technology to manipulate qubits at up to 200 GHz.

He has about a dozen Ph.D. students who have won numerous accolades for their own work, and one of academia’s most well-equipped laboratories for testing and characterizing devices and circuits at frequencies up to 750 GHz.


“Without Silicon We Wouldn’t be Able to Do Anything”

For many years Voinigescu worked with IBM on SiGe technologies, and that relationship not only continued but expanded when GF absorbed IBM’s semiconductor unit several years ago.

A noteworthy benefit for GF is that Voinigescu has also had a long relationship with GF’s 22FDX platform partner Bosch. “My team has long worked with Bosch’s research group on SiGe BiCMOS devices for 80-240 GHz transceivers, a collaboration which continues to this day, among others,” he said.

Voinigescu said that most of the sensor projects he takes on, such as automotive radar applications, are in the frequency range of 60-160 GHz, and he now almost exclusively works in the 22FDX technology. “FDX has a unique feature which lets us do things that otherwise would be very difficult or consume too much power,” he said. “The fact it has a back gate lets you either integrate new functions or increase the speed of the circuit without adding to the power burden, which extends device lifetimes because there’s less of a thermal issue.”

“As things become more digital, a lot of signal processing is going to have to be done on one chip so if you go with a CMOS solution like 22FDX instead of using GaAs, InP or other technologies, you’ll enjoy more digital functionality and control, power advantages and the opportunity to retain these advantages while moving to still-higher frequencies.”

As an example, he pointed to an automotive radar system he’s working on using the 22FDX platform. It’s an 80/160 GHz dual polarization transceiver that demonstrates better performance, to the tune of 6-10 dB higher phase noise, than competing designs.

“Without silicon, we wouldn’t be able to do anything,” he said.

A Fruitful Partnership

Voinigescu said he appreciates the collaboration with GF on the 22FDX platform. GF provides him access to 22FDX technology and the necessary support and guidance. He and his students characterize the technology for different applications at greater than 100 GHz, and share the results with GF.

“It isn’t easy to do this work, but we’ve verified our models at above 100 GHz,” he said. “When people look at our work they see that the 22FDX platform is an appealing technology. It’s win all around for my research team, GlobalFoundries, their customers, and the industry as a whole.”


撰文:Gary Dagastine



格芯公司积极致力于成为6G无线通信技术的领导者。格芯提供了大量的平台和解决方案,不仅已经在要求苛刻的通信应用中得到验证,而且仍有更多潜能有待挖掘。其中包括格芯的22FDX™平台和22FDX+解决方案,以及格芯的RF SOI和SiGe(锗硅)解决方案系列。




其中一位研究合作伙伴是加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的特聘教授Gabriel Rebeiz博士。作为通信和国防系统集成相控阵领域的先驱,他指导了一系列研究项目,包括45RFSOI的宽带系统、140GHz相控阵等。


  • Friedel Gerfers教授(博士)担任柏林工业大学(TU Berlin)的混合信号电路设计机构的主席,他因在5G/6G通信系统的混合信号电路设计领域的杰出工作而被授予爱因斯坦研究基金奖。爱因斯坦柏林基金会是由地区政府成立的组织,旨在资助尖端科研工作,该基金会为Friedel Gerfers的高频实验室提供了资助。该实验室需要大量经费和人手,是德国仅有的两个能够对D频段(最高170GHz)的电气和光学系统进行全面测试和表征的实验室之一。
  • Aarno Parssinen教授(博士)在芬兰奥卢大学的无线通信中心(CWC)从事研究工作。Parssinen教授是该校的6G旗舰计划的领军人物,也是总部位于芬兰的全球领先电信和网络公司诺基亚的关键合作者。
  • Hua Wang教授(博士)担任乔治亚理工学院的电路和系统中心(CCS)的主任。他的团队与很多半导体公司开展了密切合作。Hua Wang教授获得过多项享有盛誉的学术大奖,包括DARPA Director奖。他因为在宽带高能效射频/毫米波电路、新型收发器阵列架构、天线及电子产品协同设计方面的重大贡献而得到业界认可,协同设计对行业研发工作的方向产生了重大影响。



Gerfers他具有在飞利浦、英特尔、Inphi和苹果公司从事企业研究工作的背景,另外还曾在两家初创企业Alvand Technologies和Aquantia工作。他在2015年进入柏林工业大学,同年开始与格芯公司开展合作。他表示,自那之后,他与格芯的成功合作不断增加,无论是在数量还是强度上都是如此。













乔治亚理工学院的电路和系统中心(CCS)致力于开发面向通信、雷达和医疗保健应用的高频电子产品,Hua Wang教授担任该中心的主任,同时他也是格芯的合作伙伴。乔治亚理工学院CCS中心有8名核心教员、90多名博士生、12位博士后学者。 

WangHua Wang教授自2012年以来一直在乔治亚理工学院任职,此前曾在英特尔和Skyworks Solutions工作,负责毫米波电路和系统的新型解决方案开发,以及低成本蜂窝前端模块(FEM)的开发。

在乔治亚理工学院CCS中心,他的研究重点包括适用于Beyond 5G和6G通信和传感的射频/毫米波/THz集成电路及系统。其他与无线相关的研究主题包括:天线/电子产品协同设计;功率放大器;人工智能(AI)辅助的自适应射频/毫米波电路和MIMO系统。CCS中心的研究领域非常广泛,涵盖高性能计算、低温电子学、生物电子学和生物传感器、物理层安全、基于人工智能的设计自动化。



Hua Wang教授表示,市场对天线/电路协同设计的需求日益增加,因为在高频率下波长更短,而且它们现在已经达到了与平面电子电路相同的水平。“这为功率组合、滤波、降噪甚至STAR通信带来了很多可能,虽然这些技术都直接属于天线技术领域,但我们应该全面考虑到所有因素。”他谈到,“例如,我们现在真的有机会重新构建无线前端系统,考虑分布式电子和辐射结构如何结合使用来调制、发射和接收复杂的电磁信号。我们可以研究它们在通信、成像和传感领域的用途。但这里的很多创新必须依赖于不同抽象层上的协同设计,并且利用不同领域的知识。在封装层面上,协同设计也非常重要,关于应该将天线放在封装上,还是放在芯片上,这是一个需要考虑的问题。”

Hua Wang教授表示,格芯的技术平台在这方面提供了诸多优势。他说:“45RFSOI平台在衬底上有很高的电阻,可以使用它开发高效的毫米波前端电路和天线。对于5G,我们一直在使用它和22FDX平台,因为它们非常适合高频毫米波应用。此外,根据各种研究,我们还看到了SiGe器件的发展前景,这些研究表明,作为晶体管速度的衡量指标,它们的Fmax值可以提升到700GHz甚至更高,这种技术有助于实现高良率和高效制造。”

Hua Wang教授指出,对于未来的高频无线系统而言,速度是唯一的关键要求。另外还必须能够在未知或动态环境中应对信号复杂性,同时保持低延迟,这些也非常重要。


Academic Collaborations Strengthen, Hasten GF’s Path to 6G Leadership

by Gary Dagastine

In an earlier era, the way forward for semiconductor companies was to spend fortunes and untold hours of labor on finding ways to scale semiconductor devices to smaller sizes, because scaling produced dramatically greater performance that opened up many new applications.

But the advances the industry has made in recent decades have brought about many technology platforms that are already quite powerful, and new features and capabilities can be added to them cost-effectively to adapt them to new requirements. As the world’s leading specialty semiconductor manufacturer with an ever-expanding offering of differentiated solutions to evolving applications, GlobalFoundries (GF) exemplifies this approach to technology development.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the company’s push to be a leader in 6G wireless communications technology. GF offers a number of platforms and solutions that have not only been proven in the most demanding communications applications, but whose full potential remains untapped. They include GF’s 22FDX™ platform and 22FDX+ solutions, and GF’s families of RF SOI and SiGe (silicon germanium) solutions.

They represent a compelling pathway to 6G, the next generation of wireless communications technologies, anticipated to make its debut toward the end of this decade.


In our recent blog on GF’s push for leadership in 6G technology, we described the company’s University Partnership Program. Through it, GF provides access to technology to more than 35 university teams, who work collaboratively with GF’s R&D staff in various areas such as 6G. They share their research results that support the addition of new features and capabilities to GF’s platforms, publish research results at technical and academic conferences, discover new application possibilities, and introduce students to these technologies, who will then have familiarity with them throughout their careers.

We profiled one of our research partners, Gabriel Rebeiz, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor at the University of California San Diego. A pioneer in integrated phased arrays for communications and defense systems, he directs a broad set of research projects ranging from wideband systems in 45RFSOI to 140GHz phased arrays.

In this blog, we’ll highlight three more high-profile university partners, who will tell us about their research, how they use GF’s technologies, and what working with GF has meant for them and their students. Their diverse experiences and research interests will illustrate GF’s commitment to 6G and show how the company’s strategies and technologies are helping to make advances in 6G possible, better, faster and more cost-effectively than otherwise:

  • Einstein Prof. Friedel Gerfers, Ph.D., is the Chair of Mixed-Signal Circuit Design at Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), where he has been awarded an Einstein Fellowship to pursue his work in the area of mixed-signal circuit design for 5G/6G communication systems. The Einstein Foundation Berlin, founded by the regional government to sponsor cutting-edge science and research, funds his cost- and staff-intensive high-frequency laboratory, one of only two laboratories in Germany with the capability to fully test and characterize electrical and optical systems up to D-Band (up to 170GHz).
  • Prof. Aarno Parssinen, Ph.D., is in the Center for Wireless Communications (CWC) at the University of Oulu in Finland. Prof. Parssinen is a major figure in the university’s 6G Flagship initiative and is a key collaborator with Finland-based Nokia, one of the world’s leading telecommunications and networking companies.
  • Prof. Hua Wang, Ph.D., is the Director of the Center of Circuits and Systems (CCS) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His team has been collaborating closely with many semiconductor companies. Prof. Wang is the recipient of several highly prestigious academic awards, including the DARPA Director’s Fellowship. He is recognized for his contributions to wideband energy-efficient RF/mmWave circuits, novel transceiver array architectures, and antenna-electronics co-designs, which have had a major impact on the direction of the industry’s R&D activities.

Turning Ideas Into Silicon

Prof. Gerfers at TU Berlin directs currently 15 Ph.D. students on research into 5G/6G architectures and solutions, mainly using the 22FDX platform, and also pursues research into high-speed communications technologies such as automotive Ethernet and optical communications. One current project is research into the world’s first monolithically integrated 6G transceiver, the goal being to determine what other technologies can be integrated with 22FDX technology to achieve 10-15GHz bandwidths all the way from the antenna to the digital bit.

GerfersHe has a background in corporate research at Philips, Intel, Inphi and Apple, and in two startups, Alvand Technologies and Aquantia. He joined TU Berlin in 2015 and began to work with GF in the same year. The successful collaborations with GF have grown in number and intensity since then, he said.

Prof. Gerfers said that energy efficiency and robust performance in high-frequency applications are critical unmet needs for future 6G wireless communications systems. “Not only in Germany but also globally, the increasing sense is that microelectronics is becoming a bottleneck in many socially and technologically relevant areas. That’s why the program GlobalFoundries has set up is so important. It is a key enabler for continued progress in microelectronics, in that it gives us access to a cutting-edge technology we need to turn our ideas and innovations into silicon,” he said.

“Also, the exceptional performance and features of 22FDX technology addresses a wide application space. We use it to build high-bandwidth transceivers, and there are few planar transistors to achieve the target power efficiency while maintain the stringent noise and phase noise budget. We believe 22FDX technology has the potential for use well beyond 250GHz, and is therewith optimal for our technologies and applications we want to address. In addition, German carmakers, for example, are using FDX-based ICs not only because they are power-efficient but also because the technology is robust enough to handle the stringent automotive requirements.”

Prof. Gerfers also noted that compared with FinFETs, FDX-based circuits are simpler and easier for students to design and lay out, and that without the University Partnership Program, “We’d be stuck using planar transistors at 28nm or even older nodes, and it would be practically impossible to prove the power efficiency of our circuit solutions.”

Bridging The Gap Between Academia And Industry

Finland boasts a long and distinguished history in the development of mobile communications. It’s where GSM (the 2G standard) was developed and first deployed in 1991; where the industry powerhouse Nokia is based; and where the 6G Flagship initiative, one of the world’s first and largest 6G research programs, was launched in 2018.

ParssinenProf. Parssinen at the University of Oulu said academic engagement with industry is necessary for continued progress. “In Finland, we in academia helped drive this rising industry right from the beginning. Our role has always been to bridge the gap between classical academic studies and corporate product development activities, and we have been at the very heart of things with 2G, 3G, then 4G and we’re helping the world implement 5G,” he said.

“Now, we have built a substantial program here at Oulu around 6G technology. It’s true that 5G is only beginning to be launched and there are many challenges that go with it which we are working on. However, the time to look forward is now because however long it takes to do fundamental studies, it takes even longer to bring that knowledge to the point where industry can use it effectively,” he said. “The university’s task is to look forward, to try to do things that we don’t yet know how to do. That is the very purpose of science.”

Prof. Parssinen’s expertise is in cellular circuits and transceivers up to 5G and beyond. In graduate school he led the team which produced the first 3G circuit on a single die, and later he was one of the contributors to the Bluetooth LE (low energy) standard. He was with the Nokia Research Center for 10 years and was on the company’s CEO Technology Council, and also served in key technology development roles at Renesas and Broadcom.

At Oulu he leads a team of about 20, split between Ph.D. students and other professors who seek to understand future application requirements and develop circuits and systems to address them. Their research encompasses phased arrays, antenna design, efficient beamforming and other relevant topics. The team is also developing a sophisticated laboratory to measure the over-the-air performance of radio systems.

“We work with GlobalFoundries’ 22FDX and 45RFSOI technologies, and the differences between the two are intriguing. The integration capability of 22FDX technology is superior and we are still learning about its capabilities, which means that for our students who are doing IC design, the opportunity to work with it is a unique advantage,” he said. “We have used a lot of 45RFSOI technology over the years, and because we have more experience with it, we use it for our larger chips.”

“The access to silicon and the freedom to explore innovative ideas are major advantages of our relationship with GlobalFoundries, and it is wonderful to be able to share our work through the program with other professors who are also on the leading edge,” he said. “We’re competing with them, in a sense, but our work also benefits from their knowledge and the interactions which take place.”

A Dream System for Future Wireless

The Center of Circuits and Systems (CCS) at Georgia Tech is at the core of the university’s efforts to develop high-frequency electronics for communications, radar and healthcare applications, said its Director and GF partner Prof. Hua Wang, Ph.D. The Georgia Tech CCS center hosts eight core faculty members, more than 90 Ph.D. students, and 12 post-doctoral scholars. 

WangProf. Wang has been with Georgia Tech since 2012, and prior to academia worked at Intel and Skyworks Solutions, where he led the development of novel solutions for mm-Wave circuits and systems as well as low-cost cellular front-end modules (FEMs).

Among the key focuses of the GT CCS center are the exploration of RF/mmWave/THz integrated circuits and systems for beyond-5G and 6G communication and sensing. Other wireless related research topics include antenna/electronics co-design; power amplifiers; and artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted adaptive RF/mmWave circuits and MIMO systems. The CCS center also has a wide research portfolio in high-performance computing, cryogenic electronics, bioelectronics and biosensors, physical-layer security, and AI-based design automation.

“We are focusing extensively on innovating wireless circuit/system designs; in particular, pushing the output power, bandwidth, and the reconfiguration of RF/mm-Wave FEM electronics,” he said. “All of these are really important for 5G and beyond because the higher the frequency, the higher the signal path loss, and to overcome it, each circuit element just needs to be more powerful. Also, because more of these mm-Wave systems are going to arrays, heat management becomes difficult, and energy efficiency has never been so critical.”

“For future wireless communication, a major priority for us is to find optimum ways to transmit and receive information at a massive data-rate with high linearity, given the increasing use of complex spectrally efficient modulations,” he said.

Prof. Wang said there is a growing need for antenna/circuit co-design as well, because at higher frequencies wavelengths are shorter and they’ve now reached the point where they are at the same dimensions as planar electronic circuits. “This opens up intriguing possibilities for power combining, filtering, noise cancellation, and even STAR communications directly at the antenna domain, but everything must be considered holistically,” he said. “For example, now we really have the opportunities to re-architecture the wireless frontend systems and consider how distributed electronics and radiation structures can together modulate, transmit, and receive complex electromagnetic signals. And we can explore their use for communication, imaging, and sensing. But many innovations here must rely on co-designs with different domain knowledge at different levels of abstraction. Co-design is important at the package level, too – to put the antenna on the package, or on the chip, that is the question.”

Prof. Wang said GF’s technology platforms offer many advantages in this regard. “45RFSOI platform has high resistivity in the substrate, and you can use it to make highly efficient mmWave frontend circuits and antennas. For 5G, we’ve been using it and 22FDX platform because they are perfect for high mmWave applications. Furthermore, we see prospects for SiGe devices based on various studies which indicate that their Fmax – a measure of transistor speed – can be pushed to 700GHz and above, and the technology lends itself to high yields and efficient manufacturing.”

Prof. Wang cautions that speed is only one critical requirement for future high-frequency wireless systems. The ability to handle signal complexity in unknown or dynamic environment with low latency is just as important.

“My dream system would integrate advanced SiGe devices with high-performance CMOS technologies to help me achieve the required configuration for the next-generation wireless electronics. Fortunately, both of these are available to me and my students, thanks to GlobalFoundries.”

Reflecting on Women’s History Month at GLOBALFOUNDRIES

By Emma Cheer
Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Leader, GlobalFoundries

Women’s History Month has been a time of inspiration and empowerment at GlobalFoundries (GF), with colleagues at our sites around the world joining in the celebration. I would like to share some highlights of the many Women’s History Month events and programs GF held throughout March.

The month started on an exceptionally high note with International Women’s Day (IWD). GF has participated in IWD for several years, and each year it centers around showcasing GF’s commitment to women and celebrating women’s achievements.

This year’s IWD theme was “Choose to Challenge,” and GF colleagues from around the globe participated in a photo campaign to pledge their support and share how they, personally, would challenge themselves and others to challenge gender bias and inequality.

International Women's Day

Our GlobalWomen employee resource group hosted virtual IWD celebrations at our sites around the world. As part of those celebrations, GF Board Member Glenda Dorchak joined CEO Tom Caulfield for a fireside chat. They discussed leadership, Glenda shared stories about her remarkable career, and they spoke about the imperative for companies to embrace diversity and inclusion, among many other topics.

Here are two clips from their conversation:

This month, we also launched a video campaign featuring women leaders across GF discussing their experiences as women in the semiconductor industry. In addition to generously sharing their perspective and insight, these women leaders highlighted what “Choose to Challenge” meant to them. Below are excerpts from some of these powerful videos:

To close out Women’s History Month, GF and partner Fairygodboss – the largest career community for women in the United States – collaborated on a special podcast and webinar. GF’s Emily Reilly, our senior vice president, and chief human resources officer, virtually sat down with Romy Newman, president, and co-founder of Fairygodboss, for an episode of Fairygodboss Radio. The podcast series is dedicated to conversations with accomplished female professionals to discuss life lessons and how women can support one another, drive change, and shatter the glass ceiling.

Listen to the full episode here.

Emily Reilly - FairyGodBoss Radio Quote

As a follow-up to the podcast, Emily hosted Romy at a virtual event attended by GF employees from across the world. The event included a presentation by Romy and a Q&A session where employees asked questions of both Emily and Romy.

In addition to empowering women within our organization, we believe in taking action to help women in our communities and across the world. For Women’s History Month, in partnership with our GlobalGives philanthropy program, GF chose to highlight and match employee donations to several nonprofit organizations dedicated to women’s causes – from advancing women in business leadership to inspiring girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math, to other gender equality efforts.


It is critical to note the above efforts were made possible through a collaboration between GF’s Diversity and Inclusion team and GlobalWomen, the largest of the company’s employee resource groups. GlobalWomen was established in 2013 and has grown into a thriving network of more than 1,500 GF employees around the world.

At GF, we continue to double down on our commitment to growing representation within our own team as well as throughout the semiconductor industry. We are investing in diversity and inclusion. Not only is it the right thing to do, we know our success depends on it.

At GF, one of our core values is “Embrace” — a reminder of the strength that comes from a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and respect. Our company and its culture are the sum of each and every employee. We are ONEGF, and the path before us is more diverse, more inclusive, and more successful than ever before.

Diversity Equity Inclusion

Q&A with GF Master Inventor Yan Ping Shen

Photo of Yan Ping ShenAt GlobalFoundries, the title of Master Inventor is reserved for colleagues with at least 20 issued U.S. patents and who have a demonstrated track record of technical accomplishments and intellectual property (IP) asset creation. 

The program is a powerful platform for honoring prolific employees as well as motivating other employees who may have been thinking about submitting their inventions for patenting.

Along with inspiring and mentoring their colleagues, Master Inventors serve as advisors and are a resource for GF’s technology leaders and legal team on a range of technical, strategic, and IP topics.

We spoke with GF Master Inventor Yan Ping Shen, on our Malta team, to learn about the process of inventing and get a closer look at the spirit of innovation at GF.

Q: Yan Ping, please give a brief introduction about yourself. 

Yan Ping: I am currently a Senior Member of the Technical Staff with the Integration Team. I have been with GlobalFoundries for 16 years.  I started with GF in Singapore in 2005. I moved to Dresden for a one-year training and then came to Malta in 2011. Since being with GF, I have always been in Process Integration.

How did you feel when you found out about becoming a Master Inventor?

It is my honor to be one of the Master Inventors! It certainly motivates me to work harder.

What role does patenting play in your career?  How has it changed you?

My technical leadership. It motivates me to think more about generating more ideas. I am also a patent reviewer on GF’s FinFET Patent Development Committee.  Since joining, I think about why and how submitters come up with these ideas.  Different people have different and brilliant ideas to resolve the same issue.

How do you come up with ideas?

I am actively involved in discussions with fellow inventors and think about alternative technical solutions. We find issues, and form a team to discuss alternative solutions.

What do you think is a critical component of being an inventor?

Having novel ideas, willing to have active discussions with peer inventors, encouraging others to participate in discussions. Everyone needs to be involved. The more experienced inventors can encourage juniors to be involved also.

What advice would you give to new inventors?

No matter what stage of your career you are in, don’t be afraid to speak up, lack of experience doesn’t mean anything.  Be involved, no matter what. Take an active role in discussions. Also, it helps to do lots of article research, to try to solve a problem.

When you are not submitting patents or reviewing patents, what do you do for fun?

I enjoy marathon running.  I train every day and look forward to being able to race in marathons again.

22FDX Technology Brings Real Change to Augmented Reality

Strategic partnership between GF and Compound Photonics will lead to more powerful, smaller, lighter and more energy-efficient AR/MR glasses.

by Gary Dagastine

Augmented- and mixed-reality (AR/MR) technology is at an historic inflection point, and the strategic partnership recently announced by GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) and Compound Photonics (CP, also known as CP Display) is driving it forward.

The two companies will work together to transform the workings of near-eye microdisplays, which are at the heart of AR/MR systems. CP’s IntelliPix™ platform will be manufactured using GF’s best-in-class 22FDX™ semiconductor solution, creating the world’s first real-time AR/MR specific single-chip microdisplay enabling pixels as small as 2.5µm. The result will be the industry’s most advanced light modulation agnostic backplane/video pipeline with the ability to span a roadmap of current amplitude liquid-crystal-on-silicon (LCoS) thru microLED all the way to holographic while providing the required performance for real-time AR/MR systems.


The scalable and flexible single-chip solution will support CP’s existing LCoS technology as well as CP’s forthcoming microLED display technology.

With IntelliPix, the idea is to turn on only the pixels which need to be active in order to render the desired image, rather than to continually refresh all of the pixels in a display. This not only conserves power in the inactive pixel regions, it also results in higher image quality and brightness, faster refresh rates and, ultimately, AR glasses with more advanced features and performance, smaller and lighter form factor and which last much longer on a single charge.

The IntelliPix architecture integrates CP’s proprietary video pipeline that reacts in real-time compensating for head motions and other environmental conditions; a software-programmable backplane to control the pixels dynamically; and driver circuitry to deliver the necessary power. Until now this has required multiple chips, but the next generation of AR glasses requires a single-chip design that is simpler, higher-performance, smaller and less power-hungry.

A Natural Choice

“GF’s industry-leading 22FDX solution is a natural choice for many reasons,” said Ed Kaste, Vice President of Industrial and Multi-Market at GF. “Its ultra-low power capabilities are a major advantage, but that’s only the beginning. 22FDX technology has a higher SRAM density than other planar technologies, and SRAM density correlates directly with pixel density, enabling IntelliPix to significantly shrink the pixel size. This results in a high performance, highly integrated solution which helps enable sleeker, lighter AR glasses. Also, the ability to turn pixels on and off, while leveraging body bias control, leads to far better on and off states, so that when a pixel is on, it’s brighter and when it’s off, it’s really off, further conserving power and reducing thermal effects.”

Ed KasteThe adaptive body bias (ABB) feature of 22FDX technology affords designers significantly more precision when fine-tuning the transistor threshold voltage of a circuit, enabling them to more effectively optimize the performance, energy efficiency, area, and reliability of a chip to meet the needs of a specific application.

“22FDX technology also enables CP to easily integrate intellectual property (IP) specific to its customers into the design, as well as higher-voltage devices that some microdisplay architectures require. Our existing reference designs and ecosystem resources make this development process far less challenging than it would be with other technologies,” Kaste said.

Tapeout is anticipated by the end of this year, with samples delivered to CP’s customer in the first quarter of 2022.

Lessons Learned from Nature

CP started to focus its microdisplay development effort in AR/MR and heads-up displays since 2016 by leveraging its wealth of IP portfolios in LCoS display and advanced electronic drive architecture. Based on its current generation platform, CP’s displays have been known in the industry for the smallest pixel pitch, highest optical efficiency, lowest display latency and highest frame rate performance compared with other display providers. 

“We had the industry’s best microdisplay sub-system – light modulator, backplane and driver – at that point, which served us well to gain traction,” said Edmund Passon, CP’s co-CEO. “But more recently, I began to think about how our optical system functions given we feed directly into it. The optical signal from the retina is split into multiple channels and is pre-processed there before it reaches the brain, The processing is similar to compression without the need to resend information the brain already has received,” he said. “I realized that to achieve the performance we were seeking for next-generation AR/MR glasses, we’d need to do something similar in reverse to reduce bandwidth and associated power consumption while maintaining performance. It allows us to send only data that is changing, while providing high performance to active objects/pixels, all at the lowest power consumption possible.”

The IntelliPix architecture feature set partitions the processing between the SOC and the display sub-system, he said. CP’s customers who build compatible rendering pipelines can take full advantage of the feature set completely optimizing for real-time AR/MR systems. But the 28nm semiconductor technology CP initially turned to wasn’t up to the task for IntelliPix’s breakthrough design using smart pixels, which can be achieved with 22FDX technology.

“Our current, multi-chip backplane architecture consisted of a one-bit pixel with an appetite for bandwidth. We started our work at 28nm, but to achieve the desired pixel size with the amount of logic IntelliPix required under the smart pixel, we needed GF’s 22FDX solution with its best-in-class high-performance, power efficiency and broad feature integration capability,” Passon said. “Also, looking toward the future, while our pixel size is 3.015µm right now, we’ve found that the IntelliPix architecture will enable us to get it down to as small as 2.5µm depending on the feature set. That opens up the possibility of designing microLED-based displays with a bayer like pixel grid that supports fewer required pixels. and again partitioning properly between the microdisplay and SOC video pipeline/rendering will result in the optimal power/performance balance. So the scalability of any single-chip solution is critical, and 22FDX technology fits the bill.”

A Unique Partnership

Ruby Yan“We chose to partner with CP not only because they are technically innovative with respect to both hardware and software, but because they’ve been around a while as a company and have demonstrated the value of what they offer through an extensive network of corporate relationships,’ said Ran (Ruby) Yan, GF product manager for wearables, smart home and machine vision products.

 “What we especially like about CP is that they always target the most difficult challenges, and it is exciting and rewarding to be involved in such endeavors, which can bring about not only industrial progress but significant positive change in our daily lives,” she said.

Yan said GF brings to the partnership a great deal of experience with display drivers, both integrated with backplanes and as standalone ICs, for applications including smartphones, automotive and medical devices. “We are using the baseline 22FDX platform for this work and it is also an extension of what we are already doing,” she said. “For example, the required customization will impact the backend of the line process, to add some unique features to the optical interconnect.”

The Future of Display

Kaste said that displays overall are a key focus for GF because they span a growing number of applications across all of the company’s business units. The demonstrated performance and lessons learned from this engagement could revolutionize display technology and the display value chain going forward, he said, and he asked CP’s Passon what he thinks 22FDX technology can bring to applications beyond AR/MR glasses.

Enabled by GF’s 22FDX platform, IntelliPix's backplane designs provide the flexibility options to support different  light modulation technologies.

“It’s a great question,” Passon said. “Ever since we started to work with 22FDX technology, new ideas just seem to pop out of the woodwork. For example, we can see how it would be possible to use 22FDX technology to make improved performance video walls. The size of the LEDs is quite different, but their care and feeding is the same with the ability to reach the highest duty cycles that IntelliPix can provide – you could put together any number of display tiles to make a wall-based television of any size.”

“Also, over the years we’ve done a lot of work with holography, and the IntelliPix platform along with the high performance capabilities of 22FDX technology serves this very well” Passon continued. “We think there’s a fantastic opportunity in automotive AR heads-up displays to place holographic objects in 3D space for better driver awareness and responsiveness. In fact, the automotive sector is particularly appealing for holographic applications in the near term, given the current computer-generated hologram (CGH) compute/power required. Work in the CGH algorithm area is showing promise to reduce this power, and IntelliPix will be ready to integrate easily with those systems to produce the highest fidelity holograms.”

Passon said that while the future holds many new and exciting opportunities, there are still technical challenges that must be overcome on an industry-wide basis to get there. “For microLED-based displays to become truly practical both technically and economically, the industry must find ways to commercialize the pixelated epitaxial fabrication processes currently used in manufacturing. For holography, meanwhile, we must find ways to reduce the required compute power,” he said.

Nonetheless, right now AR/MR technology is on the brink of major change, and the partnership between CP and GF is playing a key role in making it happen.



格芯与Compound Photonics之间展开战略合,使AR/MR眼镜变得功能更强大、体积更小、重量更轻,并且能效更高。

撰文:Gary Dagastine

增强现实和混合现实(AR/MR)技术正处在一个关键转折点,为推动该技术向前发展,格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)与Compound Photonics(CP,又称CP Display)最近宣布达成了战略合作关系。

CP Display






格芯工业和多市场业务部副总裁Ed Kaste表示:“格芯业界领先的22FDX解决方案是水到渠成的选择,理由有很多。超低功耗能力是其一个主要的优势,但这只是个开始。22FDX技术具有比其他平面技术更高的SRAM密度,而SRAM密度与像素密度直接相关,因此IntelliPix能够显著缩小像素尺寸。这样可以打造出高性能、高度集成的解决方案,有助于使AR眼镜更小巧、更轻便。此外,由于能够在充分利用体偏置控制的同时,开启和关闭像素,因此可实现更好的导通和关断状态,即像素开启时变得更亮,而像素关闭时会真正进入关断状态,从而进一步节省功耗并降低热效应。”

Ed Kaste22FDX技术的自适应体偏置(ABB)功能使设计人员在微调电路的晶体管阈值电压时获得更高的精度,更有效地优化芯片的性能、能效、面积和可靠性,以满足特定应用的需求。





Ed PassonCP联合首席执行官Edmund Passon表示:“我们拥有当时业界最出色的微显示器子系统(光调制器、背板和驱动器),因此深受青睐。但最近,我开始思考当我们直接向光学系统馈入信号时,其工作方式如何。来自视网膜的光学信号被分割到多个通道,并在到达大脑之前进行预处理。该过程类似于压缩,使得无需重新发送大脑已经收到的信息。我认识到,要实现我们所追求的下一代AR/MR眼镜性能,我们需要进行一些类似的反向处理,以在保持性能的同时减少带宽和相关功耗。我们需要能够仅发送发生变化的数据,同时为活跃对象/像素提供高性能,并以尽可能低的功耗执行所有操作。”





Ruby YanCP最让我们看重的一点是,他们始终以应对最困难的挑战为目标,能够参与其中是件令人兴奋的事情,让人很有成就感,这不仅可以带来产业进步,还可以给我们的日常生活带来重大的积极变化。”




vDrive vs. iDrive





Cadence Successfully Tapes Out Tensilica SoC on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX Platform Using Adaptive Body Bias Feature

Adaptive Body Bias feature on GF’s 22FDX platform and Cadence digital full flow enable power efficiency and optimal PPA for IoT, voice processing and always-on sensor fusion SoCs