Presto Engineering Joins GLOBALFOUNDRIES Ecosystem as ASIC Partner

San Jose, Calif., May 15, 2018 — Presto Engineering Inc., a world leader in semiconductor product engineering and supply chain management, today announced that it has joined GLOBALSOLUTIONS®, GF’s ecosystem of partners that provides services from conception to production. As an ecosystem partner, Presto will provide its post-silicon engineering and production turnkey solutions based upon GF’s technologies and services for customers across the globe.

格芯认证Synopsys IC Validator用于核签物理验证

Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) today announced that GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) has certified the Synopsys IC Validator tool for physical signoff on the GF 14LPP process technology. With this signoff certification, designers can take advantage of IC Validator’s speed and scalability, while ensuring a high level of manufacturability compliance and maximum yield. The certified runsets, including DRC, LVS, and metal fill technology files, are available today from GF.

Synopsys IC Validator Certified by GLOBALFOUNDRIES for Signoff Physical Verification

Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) today announced that GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) has certified the Synopsys IC Validator tool for physical signoff on the GF 14LPP process technology. With this signoff certification, designers can take advantage of IC Validator’s speed and scalability, while ensuring a high level of manufacturability compliance and maximum yield. The certified runsets, including DRC, LVS, and metal fill technology files, are available today from GF.

SiP vs. eNVM: Which is best for my MCU?

By: Yafeng Zhang

The booming automotive and IoT markets are driving increasing demand for microcontrollers (MCUs). Recent forecasts project that the overall MCU compound annual growth rate (CAGR) will reach 4% over the next five years, and in particular the automotive MCU CAGR could reach close to 14%.

Non-volatile memory (NVM) is a critical element of MCUs, as it is needed not only to store the code, but also to store the operating data throughout the product lifetime.

Two NVM solutions

There are two NVM solutions commonly used to build MCUs: NVM directly embedded in the system-on-chip (SoC) or a separate, external NVM chip assembled with a logic chip as a system-in-package (SiP) solution. MCUs with embedded NVM (eNVM) are fabricated in a special logic process that includes eNVM, and everything needed for MCU operation is created within that single chip. For MCUs that use a SiP solution, a NOR Flash chip and a logic chip are packaged together. Code and data are therefore stored off the logic chip on a standalone NOR Flash chip.

Top MCU providers primarily use an eNVM solution in their products, but a SiP solution may be an attractive option for smaller companies. Those companies may realize a shorter time to market, partly because using a standard, readily-available logic process may simplify and shorten the design cycle. However, a SiP solution may not meet all the requirements of many IoT and automotive applications. Using eNVM will often be the superior solution given the the cost, power, speed, security, stability, and reliability requirements of high growth MCU applications.

Choosing the best solution

To choose the best solution for an application, consider the following comparison of these two solutions based on key end market requirements of power consumption, power-up time, speed, security, reliability and cost:

  • Power Consumption: eNVM offers more than 30% lower active power consumption than SiP because SiP flash requires constant IO toggle. Therefore, GF recommends eNVM for battery powered IoT applications that require low power. GF and eVaderis are co-developing a low power MCU using 22FDX and eMRAM
  • Power-up Time: eNVM offers a 20x faster time to power up and access first data than SiP (5µs vs. 100µs) because eNVM is XIP, whereas with SiP flash, the system needs to copy the data to on-chip SRAM. Therefore, for normally-off applications that require very fast power-up and read times, GF recommends embedded eNVM.
  • Speed: eNVM offers a 2x faster read speed than SiP (400MB/sec vs. 200MB/sec), since the eNVM macros have x32 to x128 bit IO bus width, whereas the SiP uses x4 or x8 bit Therefore, GF recommends eNVM for high speed/high bandwidth applications.
  • Security: eNVM offers higher security than SiP because the eNVM macro can be customized and the SoC can use IP such as PUF to enhance security. In contrast, SiP flash is a standard offering in the market, and extra security cannot be added. So, GF recommends eNVM for high security applications.
  • Reliability: eNVM offers higher reliability because it is qualified as a single SoC by the required reliability level, whereas SiP flash can only achieve high reliability by adding strict test screening on known good die (KGD) and the package. CMOS Embedded STT-MRAM arrays in 2x nm Modes for GP-MCU applications
  • Cost: To compare the cost of the two solutions, several factors must be taken into account:
    • NVM memory density and full chip size, which determines the Gross-Die-Per-Wafer with or without eNVM
    • Wafer price, with or without eNVM
    • Extra on-chip SRAM density for SiP solution, which is used to download the code from external Flash during power up
    • Flash KGD price for SiP solution
    • Wafer testing cost, with or without eNVM
    • Additional factors like wafer yield, with or without eNVM, SiP solution FT yield loss, management cost

Comparing cost

The following cost comparison includes six typical NVM memory densities (2Mb, 4Mb, 8Mb, 16Mb, 32Mb, 128Mb) implemented both on GF’s 40nm LPx platform with eFlash, and also on the 22FDX® (22nm FD-SOI) platform with eMRAM.

Because every company has a different power up methodology for SiP solutions, various on-chip SRAM densities are used to “shadow” the external Flash. The following results assume the ideal case for SiP, where a SiP solution and eNVM solution utilize an identical SRAM size. Note that most common SiP solutions increase the SRAM size for code shadowing from the external Flash.


The graph above shows that the 40nm platform with eNVM (eFlash) is lower cost when the NVM density is less than 16Mb, while the SiP solution is lower cost when the NVM density is equal to, or higher than 16Mb.

For a design utilizing 22nm FDX platform, the eNVM solution (eMRAM) is lower cost when the NVM density is less than 32Mb, while the SiP solution is lower cost when the NVM density is equal to or higher than 32Mb.

Comparing the two platforms, the 22FDX eNVM solution (eMRAM) has lower cost at all the NVM densities versus the 40nm SiP solution. In addition, for the 22nm platform the additional cost for eMRAM at higher densities (32Mb+) is 4% or less, while also outperforming a SiP solution in power, speed, security, and reliability.

For even larger SRAM densities, the advantages of an eNVM solution are even greater.

So, which solution is best for my MCU?

In summary, both eNVM and SiP solutions are viable methods to combine logic and NVM. However, eNVM is often a better choice for MCUs based on the superior power, speed, security and reliability. With respect to cost, eNVM is often a lower cost than SiP, especially below 32Mb NVM densities. As MCU makers consider all the trade-offs for their products, GF stands ready to assist clients in selecting the appropriate solution to win in their market.

In a recent Tech Talk video GF talks about the pros and cons of embedded non-volatile memory versus system in package.

GF offers a wide range of eNVM and SiP solutions using leading-edge and mainstream technology platforms from 130nm to 22nm to meet the diverse needs of emerging markets. The low power consumption of the cell core eMRAM series is ideal for the MCU and IoT markets, with ultra-fast access speeds and high storage capacity making it the perfect companion for the computing and storage markets. eFlash solutions (plus RF and analog modules and a variety of IP) are optimized for specific applications such as wearables, IoT, automotive, industrial and consumer electronics.  GF SiP solutions offer fast time-to-market with proven technology.

Please contact GF for a precise comparison of SiP vs. eNVM for your specific MCU architecture.

About Author

Yafeng Zhang

Yafeng Zhang

Yafeng has about 15 years of experience in the semiconductor industry, with expertise in design, application and technical marketing of NOR flash. Yafeng drives the technical marketing of the eFlash product offerings from 130nm to 40nm, with particular focus on the automotive and industrial MCU customers.

Before joining GF, Yafeng had the senior engineering roles, most recently at Micron Semiconductor where he focused on 45nm NOR flash design and products application. Prior to that, Yafeng held various positions at Synopsys and SMIC.

Yafeng holds a Master of Engineering degree in Micro Electronics, and a Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science from Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

VLSI Research调查显示,FET与FD-SOI相得益彰

作者: Dave Lammers

“相比过去两年,现在持偏执想法的人少了很多。”VLSI Research首席执行官Dan Hutcheson

两年前,市场调研公司VLSI Research Inc.(加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市)的首席执行官Dan Hutcheson就全耗尽绝缘体上硅(FD-SOI)主题采访了具有影响力的IC和知识产权经理,发现两个主要问题:设计团队是否能够将外部IP与内部知识产权相结合,以及因此而出现的工艺技术路线图短缺。


Dan G. Hutcheson在2018年4月举办的SOI硅谷年度研讨会上展示其FD-SOI和FinFET调查结果(照片来源:格芯)


2018年的调查参与者现在已经意识到,RF和混合信号技术在FD-SOI中更容易实施,并且普遍认为FD-SOI是更适合5G和毫米波RF SoC的解决方案。







2018年调查选择FinFET的主要原因。首要原因在于先进的FinFET所具备的性能和密度优势。近30%的受访者表示“从结构基础上说,FD在这些领域不具备成本效益”。约15%的受访者表示他们认为毫米波IC“可以用于体硅”。其他受访者给出了各种各样的理由,包括采用背栅极偏压的设计挑战,认为FinFET生态系统“没有对手”、缺乏FD-SOI IP,以及“管理层拒绝”等。

受访者看到了FD-SOI晶体管的优势。(资料来源:VLSI Research Inc.)







Dave Lammers
Dave Lammers是固态技术特约撰稿人,也是格芯的Foundry Files的特约博客作者。他于20世界80年代早期在美联社东京分社工作期间开始撰写关于半导体行业的文章,彼时该行业正经历快速发展。他于1985年加入E.E. Times,定居东京,在之后的14年内,足迹遍及日本、韩国和台湾。1998年,Dave与他的妻子Mieko以及4个孩子移居奥斯丁,为E.E Times开设德克萨斯办事处。Dave毕业于美国圣母大学,获得密苏里大学新闻学院新闻学硕士学位。


Fins and FD-SOI are Complementary, VLSI Research Survey Respondents say

By: Dave Lammers

“There are far fewer bigots out there than there were two years ago.” Dan Hutcheson, CEO of VLSI Research

Two years ago, when Dan Hutcheson, CEO of market research firm VLSI Research Inc. (Santa Clara, Calif.), set out to interview influential IC and intellectual property managers about fully depleted silicon on insulator (FD-SOI), he found two top-of-mind concerns: the availability of external IP which design teams could combine with internal intellectual property, and the then-lack of a process technology roadmap.

Hutcheson redid the VLSI Research survey this year and found a different landscape: the 2018 survey respondents were much less concerned with the roadmap issue now that GLOBALFOUNDRIES has committed to a 12nm node for its FDX technology, and “IP is much less of an issue,” Hutcheson said during a presentation of the 2018 survey results at the 2018 SOI Silicon Valley Symposium in late April.

Dan G. Hutcheson presents his FD-SOI & finFET survey results at the annual SOI Silicon Valley Symposium in April 2018 (Photo Source: GF)

Hutcheson asked 24 people—decision-makers at companies accounting for more than half of the IC and intellectual property markets—about  the transistor reasons to design with FD-SOI. Nearly 40 percent cited “better gain for analog” as the top reason, with a similar number citing lower leakage and better parasitics. Lower noise, better transistor matching, thermal properties, reliability concerns, and better radiation protection followed in importance.

The 2018 survey participants are now aware that RF and mixed-signal technologies are more readily implemented in FD-SOI, including a widely held view that FD-SOI is a better solution for 5G and millimeter-wave RF SoCs.

Times Have Changed

When the 2016 survey was conducted, finFET-based processes were just becoming available. At that time people were thinking in either-or mode: either finFETs or FD-SOI, one or the other. Now that finFETs have become widely available, more nuanced thinking is taking hold. “Now, most people have said finFETs and FD-SOI are complementary technologies, and which one you use depends on application needs,” Hutcheson said.

FinFET-based technologies offer higher performance, integration, and density. However, the design and mask costs are higher than FD-SOI, even though finFET costs have come down over the last two years due to depreciation of tool sets.

Many of the survey respondents said the primary advantages of FD-SOI centered on RF, or “high-mix SoCs” with analog, digital, and RF on the same die. In product markets where RF and sensor integration are valuable, FD-SOI is seen as the way to go “much more than before,” he said.

The respondents told Hutcheson that the fully depleted planar transistors on SOI offer “better gain for analog, better matching, and they are much easier to match. The automotive guys see a better thermal range, and more stable operation” in automotive environments. Also, analog designs benefit from the better gain possible with the FD-SOI depletion-mode transistors, compared with the enhancement-mode transistors of finFETs.

“FD-SOI is uniquely positioned for 5G because of the better parasitics. Some people are trying to use fins for 5G, but fin parasitics are a deciding factor. To paraphrase the respondents, ‘You can always find a way to engineer around anything. But the question is: How much do you want to pay to engineer around that?’” he said.

The 2018 survey asked for the top reasons to favor finFETs. The largest reasons were the performance and density advantages held by leading-edge finFETs. Nearly 30 percent said “FD is not cost-effective on a structural basis in these domains.”  About 15 percent of the respondents said they believe millimeter-wave ICs are “possible to do with bulk.” Others cited a wide variety of reasons for preferring finFETs, including challenges in designing with back-biasing, the finFET ecosystem “has no peers,” a lack of FD-SOI IP, and “management says no.”

Survey respondents see advantages for FD-SOI transistors. (Source: VLSI Research Inc.)

“I asked about body-biasing and found people who said it was oversold,” Hutcheson said. One person said “if I go to my boss and say, we ought to do this because we want to do body-biasing, he is likely to say it is too complex and risky, so just do bulk. It’s better to first sell them on FD’s unique transistor features to management first and then add body-biasing as a bonus later.”

The respondents said FD-SOI had business-reason attractiveness, with about 30 percent citing lower design costs as the top business reason to design with FD-SOI. Lower manufacturing costs, fewer masks, and faster cycle-times/ time-to-market followed.

Hutcheson noted that the Internet of Things label encompasses several large market segments. For edge IoT markets where power consumption is important—which he referred to as “clever power with on/off mission profiles” —FD-SOI “has a huge advantage.” And, he said the survey indicated FD-SOI has advantages for markets where the product life is short, and for companies that have ”low budgets for chip design.”

The main takeaway from the 2018 survey is that managers and engineers are more willing to consider FD-SOI as a complement to finFETs, or in some cases as the only process roadmap that fits their company’s product requirements. Fully 75 percent of the survey respondents said they would consider running two roadmaps, one for finFETs and another for FD-SOI.

“Two years ago, people had a dramatic take on the question: is it finFETs? Or is it FD-SOI? At that time it was an OR-gate kind of situation, but now it is more like an AND gate. People are willing to use both. There are far fewer bigots out there than there were two years ago,” he said.

About Author

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers is a contributing writer for Solid State Technology and a contributing blogger for GF’s Foundry Files. Dave started writing about the semiconductor industry while working at the Associated Press Tokyo bureau in the early 1980s, a time of rapid growth for the industry. He joined E.E. Times in 1985, covering Japan, Korea, and Taiwan for the next 14 years while based in Tokyo. In 1998 Dave, his wife Mieko, and their four children moved to Austin to set up a Texas bureau for E.E. Times. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Dave received a master’s in journalism at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.


Arbe Robotics 高分辨率成像雷达采用格芯技术,来以实现自动驾驶汽车的安全性

Arbe Robotics专有的芯片组利用格芯的22FDX®技术,为4级和5级自动驾驶提供行业首款实时4D成像雷达

加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2018年4月26日 – 格芯今日宣布,Arbe Robotics 已选择在其开创性的专利成像雷达中采用格芯的 22FDX® 工艺,这种成像雷达将帮助实现全自动系统功能,并实现更加安全的自动汽车驾驶体验。

Arbe Robotics 的雷达是世界首款实时显示1度分辨率的雷达,并在传感器和 ADAS 技术方面进行了必要的改进。Arbe 致力于构建具有高分辨率、能够实现零误报的感应系统,让汽车能够完全依赖雷达提供的数据来做出决定。通过采用格芯的 22FDX FD-SOI 技术,这种新型芯片组将会增加芯片上的发射和接收通道,并且能够更好地与 Arbe 的专用处理器集成。


作为首家在宽视场中显示超高分辨率的公司,无论在何种天气和照明条件下,Arbe Robotics 的雷达技术都可以探测300米范围内的行人和障碍物。处理器会根据具体的物体及其速度,创建完整的 3D 图形,并根据其雷达特征对目标进行分类。

“Arbe Robotics 的成像雷达经过优化,旨在提供分辨率极高的实时4D环境图像,”Arbe Robotics 的首席执行官 Kobi Marenko 表示。“与格芯的合作让我们在提高性能水平,进而实现自动驾驶安全性这条道路上向前迈进了一大步。格芯的 22FDX 技术集合了10多年的汽车行业经验,提供按需赋能的节能解决方案,用于满足当前和未来的雷达技术需求。”

“自动驾驶这一趋势正在快速发展,对高分辨率雷达的需求也随之产生。未来如何,将由实时地图、先进的导航软件和汽车传感器提供的实时数据共同决定。”格芯汽车部门的副总裁Mark Granger表示。“因此,格芯非常高兴 Arbe Robotics 选择我们的22FDX平台,双方将携手提供有价值的特性,为自动驾驶行业的急速发展提供支持。”

格芯的22FDX平台是 AutoProTM解决方案 的组成部分,它让客户能够使用更多支持整个 AEC-Q100 质量等级范围(从2级到0级)的制造服务,以便最大程度地简化认证工作,并加快上市时间。

关于Arbe Robotics
Arbe Robotics成立于2015年,致力于实现当今自动驾驶的安全性、经济性和可用性。该公司的4D成像雷达是首款为ADAS、4级和5级全自动汽车提供的高分辨率雷达,让它们在任何天气和任何照明条件下都能“看到”周围的环境;在任何方位,任何高度,任何范围以及任何多普勒效应下,无论距离长短,都是如此。


格芯是全球领先的全方位服务半导体代工厂,为世界上最富有灵感的科技公司提供独一无二的设计、开发和制造服务。伴随着全球生产基地横跨三大洲的发展步伐,格芯促生了改变行业的技术和系统的出现,并赋予了客户塑造市场的力量。格芯由阿布扎比穆巴达拉投资公司(Mubadala Investment Company)所有。欲了解更多信息,请访问。


杨颖(Jessie Yang)
(021) 8029 6826
[email protected]
邢芳洁(Jay Xing)
86 18801624170
[email protected]


Arbe Robotics Selects GLOBALFOUNDRIES for its High-Resolution Imaging Radar to Enable Safety for Autonomous Cars

Arbe Robotics’ proprietary chipset leverages GF’s 22FDX® technology to deliver industry’s first real-time 4D imaging radar for level 4 and 5 autonomous driving

Santa Clara, Calif., April 26, 2018 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced that Arbe Robotics has selected GF’s 22FDX® process for its groundbreaking patented imaging radar that will achieve fully  automated system capabilities and enable safer driving experiences for autonomous vehicles.

Arbe Robotics’ radar is the first in the world to show real-time 1 degree resolution and provide the required enhancements for sensors and ADAS technologies. Arbe’s goal is to build a sensing system with high resolution and zero false alarms, so vehicles will be able to make decisions relying exclusively on the data provided by the radar. Leveraging GF’s 22FDX FD-SOI technology, the new chipset is increasing the amount of transmitting and receiving channels on a chip and allowing for better integration to Arbe’s proprietary processor.

The rise of autonomous driving is changing the automobile semiconductor market, which is expected to grow to an estimated $54 billion by 2023. This is driven by a need for new technologies that promise to enhance the driving experience, such as 360-degree surround view monitoring, which requires high resolution and long-range capabilities. GF’s 22FDX process provides the superior RF performance, power consumption, low noise, and high digital density to increase range and improve resolution for these applications.

As the first company to demonstrate ultra-high-resolution at a wide field of view, Arbe Robotics’ radar technology can detect pedestrians and obstacles at a range of 300 meters, in any weather and lighting conditions. The processor creates a full 3D shape of the objects and their velocity, and classifies targets using their radar signature.

“Arbe Robotics’ Imaging Radar is optimized for providing a real-time 4D picture of the environment at ultra high resolution,” said Kobi Marenko, CEO of Arbe Robotics. “The collaboration with GF is a significant step towards archiving the high-performance level required for autonomous driving safety. With over a decade of automotive industry experience, GF’s 22FDX delivers a performance on-demand, energy-efficient solution for our current and future radar technology needs.”

“The trend of autonomous driving is progressing rapidly, and with it is the need for high-resolution radar. The future will rely on a mix of real-time maps, advanced navigation software, and live data from vehicle sensors,” said Mark Granger, vice president of automotive at GF. “That’s why GF is pleased Arbe Robotics has chosen our 22FDX platform, together bringing valuable attributes that support the explosive growth of the autonomous driving industry.”

GF’s 22FDX platform is a part of the company’s AutoPro™ solutions, which provides customers with additional access to manufacturing services that support the full range of AEC-Q100 quality grades from Grade 2 to Grade 0 to minimize certification efforts and speed time-to-market.

About Arbe Robotics
Arbe Robotics, founded in 2015, has the vision to make autonomous driving safe, affordable and available – today. The company’s 4D Imaging Radar is the first to provide ADAS, level 4, and 5 fully autonomous cars with high-resolution radar that enables them to “see” the environment in any weather and any lighting condition; for long, mid and short ranges in any azimuth, elevation, range, and Doppler.

To learn more visit:

About GF
GLOBALFOUNDRIES is a leading full-service semiconductor foundry providing a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services to some of the world’s most inspired technology companies. With a global manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GLOBALFOUNDRIES makes possible the technologies and systems that transform industries and give customers the power to shape their markets. GLOBALFOUNDRIES is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]

Arbe Robotics Turns to 22FDX for Hi-Res Automotive Imaging Radar

By: Dave Lammers

High resolution imaging radar enables cars to sense the environment in all weather and lighting conditions to long, mid and short ranges as well as in any azimuth, elevation, and Doppler. It tracks velocity, and detects distance better than sensors now on the market.

The two recent incidents related to self-driving cars in the United States demonstrate the urgent need for improved sensors and related ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) technologies. Arbe Robotics, a startup with roots in Israeli military radar technology development, is among the companies answering that need, as it begins rolling out a high-resolution automotive imaging radar chipset based on the 22FDX® technology from GLOBALFOUNDRIES.

Arbe Robotics’ imaging radar provides a high resolution of 1° azimuth and 1.25° elevation, at distances exceeding 300 meters and at a wide field-of-view of 100°.  The company said its advanced technology allows the detection of small targets, such as a human or a bike even if they are somewhat masked by a large object such as a truck. The imaging radar can determine whether objects are moving, and in what direction, and alert the car in real-time about a risk.

While other car sensors can fail when it is raining, if there’s fog, and due to blinding lights such as a sudden reflection. Arbe’s radar is completely oblivious to all those factors. The custom designed radar processor creates a full real-time 4D image of the environment, and classifies targets using their radar signature.

“The performance we can show leapfrogs the existing radars,” said Avi Bauer, vice president of research and development at the Tel Aviv-based company, founded in 2015. In a previous role he benchmarked the available process technologies – ranging from silicon germanium (SiGe) to bulk CMOS – and found them all lacking. The fully-depleted SOI technology of 22FDX met the needs of both the radar front-end device and the processor. Having both chips made on 22FDX will make it easier to combine them into a single-chip solution as the company’s next-generation offering.

Bauer said that at his previous job, “we hit the glass ceiling with respect to efficiency due to the limitations of bulk CMOS,” including power handling. Bauer said that CMOS, at 28nm design rules, falls short both on integration and long-range radar power. Silicon germanium – used today for long-range radar – performs well but is power hungry and has low density. Moving to a largely digital RF design on a 16nm FinFET process would be too expensive and risky.

“With SOI the design is more straightforward, and (voltage) biasing allows you to do things that cannot be done in standard CMOS,” Bauer said. For the transmit and receive modules, SOI’s higher resistivity substrate benefits the passive components – inductors and capacitors – and allows good isolation. “High Q passives are important. At 22nm, SOI allows better performance overall.”

By avoiding the high mask counts and expensive design tools required for FinFET-based designs, Bauer said the 22FDX process meets the company’s power, performance, and density objectives, while remaining on a Moore’s Law cost-per-function curve. Speed and transistor density are important: high-resolution imaging radars generate enormous amounts of data, which must be processed close to where the sensing is happening, at very low latencies. Arbe developed a custom processor for the radar data analysis, Bauer said, and uses an off-the-shelf processor for memory and other control functions.

To LiDAR, or Not

Bert Fransis, a senior director at GF, said that with a high-resolution imaging radar system which can “see” under all weather conditions, ADAS vehicles “would have something of a winner compared to LiDAR.” Fransis said he believes that high-resolution imaging radar eventually will largely supplant deployment of LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), the laser-based sensors often seen on the top of today’s ADAS test cars. The ADAS companies could combine CMOS image cameras and high-resolution imaging radar and “significantly cost reduce what a vision system for a car would look like.” The rotating LiDAR modules mounted on the roofs of test cars cost $10,000 or more, and only work well on a clear day, and even then at relatively meager 20 Hz frame rates.

Today’s LiDAR modules “don’t work in foggy, snowy weather. They only provide high resolution under severe constraints,” Fransis said.

Phil Amsrud, senior analyst for automotive electronics and semiconductors at IHS Markit, said there are innovations going on in the LiDAR arena, ranging from MEMS-based and all-solid-state LiDAR, which are likely to keep LiDAR in the “sensor fusion” packages of many car companies. “Looking at the data we have now, LiDAR is going to have a much longer life than just as a science experiment on test vehicles. There is so much effort going into new technologies with fewer moving parts, so many partnerships underway, that we believe LiDAR will be used in production-intent vehicles. It still fits into the sensor fusion mentality, and I see all of these technologies running in parallel.”

3D Plus Velocity Equals 4D

LiDAR may well continue to be deployed by certain car companies, even as Arbe Robotics and other companies push radar’s effective distance to the 300-meter-plus range, and to higher resolution imaging. It claims to be the first radar company to provide high-resolution 4D pictures (3D + Velocity), at a wide dynamic range for real-time obstacle detection.

Shlomit Hacohen, vice president of marketing at Arbe Robotics, said the company is providing prototypes to customers now, and will move to general availability by early next year. “Our imaging radar is a true enabler of road safety, as it works in all weather and lighting conditions. It tracks velocity, and detects distance better than any other sensor in the market,” she said.

Today’s radars support safety systems, including adaptive cruise control, blind spot detection, and automated emergency braking. “However, with the current radars on the market you need to trade off resolution and field of view,” Hacohen said.

The Arbe Robotics systems can be configured for rear, side, or front-view detection. The company touts its ultra-high resolution of 1° azimuth, 1.25° elevation, and Doppler resolution of 0.1 m/s. It supports a wide field of view of 100° azimuth, 30° elevation, and a real-time-refresh rate of 40 FPS (frames per second).

The company has patented its post processing technology, which reduces power consumption by pointing the camera and LiDAR only to the areas of interest.

MRAM Under Consideration

I asked Bauer if Arbe Robotics plans to use the eMRAM (embedded magnetic RAM) technology developed by GF, and he said it is under consideration for Arbe Robotics’ next-generation, single-chip design. “As a stand-alone system in single device, we probably need to take a look at eMRAM. Today, we are already on the edge, and adding another feature like eMRAM would add risk. But we are looking seriously at it for the next generation.”

About Author

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers is a contributing writer for Solid State Technology and a contributing blogger for GF’s Foundry Files. Dave started writing about the semiconductor industry while working at the Associated Press Tokyo bureau in the early 1980s, a time of rapid growth for the industry. He joined E.E. Times in 1985, covering Japan, Korea, and Taiwan for the next 14 years while based in Tokyo. In 1998 Dave, his wife Mieko, and their four children moved to Austin to set up a Texas bureau for E.E. Times. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Dave received a master’s in journalism at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.


Arbe Robotics在高清汽车成像雷达中采用22FDX技术

作者: Dave Lammers


美国近期发生的两起与自动驾驶汽车有关的事故显示,当前迫切需要改进传感器和ADAS(先进的驾驶辅助系统)相关技术。Arbe Robotics是一家以色列军事雷达技术开发创业公司,它针对这一需求推出了基于格芯22FDX®技术的高清汽车成像雷达芯片组。

Arbe Robotics的成像雷达提供1°方位角、1.25°仰角、超过300米探测距离和100°宽视角的高分辨率性能。该公司表示,其先进技术能够探测到小型目标(例如人或自行车),即使被大型物体(例如卡车)遮住也能探测出来。这种成像雷达能够确定对象是否在移动,以及朝哪个方向移动,并实时提醒汽车存在风险。


“我们的雷达所展现的性能要远优于现有的雷达”,(2015年创立于以色列特拉维夫)公司研发部门副总裁Avi Bauer表示。担任之前的职位时,他曾对从锗硅(SiGe)到CMOS体硅等多种可用工艺技术进行基准检测,发现这些技术均存在不足。22FDX全耗尽SOI技术能够满足雷达前端设备和处理器的需求。两种芯片均基于22FDX构建,因而更易同时集成于单芯片解决方案中,造就了该公司的新一代产品。

Bauer表示,在他之前的工作中:“因为CMOS体硅技术的限制,我们在提升效率方面陷入困境”,其中包括功率处理。Bauer表示,依据28nm设计规则,CMOS在集成度和长距离雷达功率方面都存在不足。如今用于长距离雷达的硅锗工艺虽然还不错,但其耗电量高,且密度低。如果采用16nm FinFET工艺进行大型数字RF设计,成本太高,风险太大。




格芯的高级总监Bert Fransis表示,通过采用在任何天气条件下能够“视物”的高清成像雷达系统,ADAS汽车“就拥有了战胜LiDAR的条件。”Fransis表示,他相信高清成像雷达最终会大范围部署取代LiDAR(激光探测与测量),后者基于激光传感器,常见于如今的ADAS试验车车顶。ADAS公司可以将CMOS成像摄像头和高清成像雷达相结合,从而“大幅降低汽车的可视系统所需的成本。”安装在试验车车顶、可以旋转的LiDAR模块耗费$10,000或更多的资金,只能在晴天使用,且提供的帧速率只有20 Hz。


IHS Markit的汽车电子和半导体高级分析员Phil Amsrud表示,从基于MEMS的LiDAR到全固态LiDAR,LiDAR领域在持续创新,因此很多汽车公司很可能将LiDAR保留在“传感器融合”封装中。“从我们如今掌握的数据来看,LiDAR不止是针对试验车进行科学试验,它的使用寿命应该会更长。现在,大家对于活动部件数量更少的新技术的研究投入了更多精力,进而不断展开诸多合作,所以我们认为,LiDAR将会应用于生产车辆中。它仍然在传感器融合考量的范围之内,我认为这些技术将并行运行。”


即使Arbe Robotics和其他公司将雷达的有效测量范围扩展到300米以上,并能实现更高清的成像,但许多汽车公司仍会继续部署LiDAR。它宣称自己是首家提供高清4D图像(3D+速度),可在宽动态范围内实施监测障碍物的雷达公司。

Arbe Robotics的市场营销副总裁Shlomit Hacohen表示,公司目前可为客户提供原型,预计将于明年初批量上市。“我们的成像雷达能够真正提升道路安全性,因为它可以在所有天气和照明条件下使用。与当今市面上的其他传感器相比,它能够更好地跟踪速度和检测距离。”她表示。


Arbe Robotics系统可配置用于后视、侧视或前视检测。该公司称,它可以达到1°方位角、1.25°仰角和0.1 m/s的多普勒高清分辨率。它支持100°方位角的宽视场、30°仰角以及40 FPS(帧/秒)的实时刷新率。



我询问Bauer,Arbe Robotics是否计划采用格芯开发的eMRAM(嵌入式磁性RAM)技术,他表示Arbe Robotics考虑在下一代单芯片设计中采用该技术。“作为单个设备中的独立系统,我们可能需要了解一下eMRAM技术。如今,我们已经处于关键阶段,再添加一项功能(例如eMRAM)都可能增加风险。但是,我们正慎重考虑将其用在下一代设计中。”


Dave Lammers
Dave Lammers是固态技术特约撰稿人,也是格芯的Foundry Files的特约博客作者。他于20世界80年代早期在美联社东京分社工作期间开始撰写关于半导体行业的文章,彼时该行业正经历快速发展。他于1985年加入E.E. Times,定居东京,在之后的14年内,足迹遍及日本、韩国和台湾。1998年,Dave与他的妻子Mieko以及4个孩子移居奥斯丁,为E.E Times开设德克萨斯办事处。Dave毕业于美国圣母大学,获得密苏里大学新闻学院新闻学硕士学位。