GlobalFoundries Remains Committed to Compliance with Vermont Environmental and Energy Regulations

Company responds to Vermont PUC decision on petition for Self-Managed Utility

ESSEX JUNCTION, VT., February 21, 2022 – GlobalFoundries Inc. (Nasdaq: GFS) (GF) has issued the following statement in response to the decision from Vermont’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on the company’s petition to become a self-managed utility (SMU).

“GF appreciates the PUC’s efforts in thoroughly reviewing our petition, and we are aligned with their recommendation to continue our petition under Vermont’s Renewable Energy Standard (RES),” said Ken McAvey, GF Fab 9 VP & General Manager. “Our petition is about two things, first meeting higher and higher environmental standards and second access to energy costs that are competitive globally.”

“The actions we’ve taken as a company show that we share the State’s commitment to renewable energy. GF always has and will continue to meet and even do better than Vermont’s environmental guidelines,” continued McAvey. “Because we believe that our proposal actually does more to protect Vermont’s environment, to increase use of renewable energy, to keep Vermont energy cost-competitive and to support good-paying jobs for the people of Vermont, we intend to move ahead with our petition.”

GF has committed to a 100% carbon-neutral energy portfolio in Vermont. Globally, the company will continue to invest and is committed to a 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2020-2030, even while increasing output 1.6 times.

“As Vermont’s largest private manufacturer, GF is a major contributor to the regional and state economy, and we are a leader in environmentally responsible operations,” said McAvey.

McAvey added, “Our petition is about competitive manufacturing energy costs in Vermont. Today, energy costs represent a significant portion of our Vermont facility’s operating costs, approximately double what our facilities pay a few miles away. Our need to be competitive does not change our commitment to leadership in environmentally responsible operations in Vermont and across the world.”

About GF

GF is one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers. GF is redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing by developing and delivering feature-rich process technology solutions that provide leadership performance in pervasive high growth markets. GF offers a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With a talented and diverse workforce and an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF is a trusted technology source to its worldwide customers. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain forward-looking statements, which involve risks and uncertainties. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements. GF undertakes no obligation to update any of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release or to reflect actual outcomes, unless required by law.


Gina DeRossi
Corporate Communications
[email protected]

GF Aims for Energy-Efficient Artificial Intelligence

by Gary Dagastine

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has made great strides in recent years, evolving from limited use in a small number of applications into an essential enabler of the systems that now pervade our lives.

“Smart” thermostats, doorbells and voice assistants; semi-autonomous vehicles; medical monitoring devices with predictive capabilities; and a myriad of other applications in many fields now rely on AI technology.

But AI and its specialized subsets (machine learning, deep learning and neuromorphic computing) have an Achilles Heel that stands in the way of further progress: a huge and growing energy appetite. As AI computing becomes more demanding and its overall use grows, the amount of energy required for AI computations and data transport is rapidly increasing, leading to excessive use of energy resources and to a significantly increased global carbon footprint.

Data Center Photo

This growth in energy usage is unsustainable. Consider data centers, which make heavy use of AI. In 2017 they consumed about three percent of all the electrical power in the U.S, but by 2020 that had doubled to six percent, and there’s no end in sight. Industry projections say that by 2041 data centers theoretically would consume the world’s entire energy output if today’s inefficient compute architectures were still in use.

AI’s energy challenge isn’t restricted to data centers. Battery-powered Internet of Things (IoT) devices at the network edge also have large power requirements, in the aggregate. As more AI processing moves to the edge, increasingly sophisticated IoT devices must become much more efficient so that their lithium-ion batteries can power more functions, last longer and/or be made physically smaller. That also would help to reduce the growing volumes of potentially hazardous Li-ion waste from discarded batteries.


GlobalFoundries (GF) has aligned its product roadmap to address the AI energy challenge, by incorporating a series of technical innovations into its 12LP/12LP+ FinFET solution (used in data centers and IoT edge servers) and 22FDX® FD-SOI solution (used at the IoT edge). In addition, GF is working with leading AI researchers to develop new, more efficient computing architectures and algorithms to open up new AI horizons.

A Paradigm Change for AI

An AI system gathers large amounts of either structured or unstructured data and then processes it according to an algorithm written for a given application. The goal is to find relevant correlations and patterns within the data, to make inferences and decisions based on them, and to act on those inferences in a way that satisfies the needs of the application. Intensive computer processing is required, given the size of the data sets and the sophistication of the algorithms.

Ted Letavic, Ph.D.

“At the present time most AI tasks are running in the cloud, but the data sets that are fed into the algorithms in the cloud come in from the outside world, through an analog interface like an IoT device on the edge,” said Ted Letavic, CTO and VP Computing and Wireless Infrastructure (CWI) at GF. “The cloud-based AI paradigm is energy inefficient, as it requires the transport of large amounts of data from the edge of the network (IoT edge) to the datacenter where the computations are performed and results derived, and subsequent transport of the results back to the edge device. Not only is this energy inefficient, the time associated with data transport results in an overall system latency which precludes use for many safety-critical AI applications.”

At first, traditional general-purpose central processing units (CPUs) were used for AI and machine learning. “These were designed for random memory access, which has become problematic given the growing need to reduce the time and energy spent transferring data between processors and memory,” Letavic said. “We need to change the paradigm, and process the data stored within the memory network itself without having to transport it.”

As a result, he said, a fundamental shift in computing architectures is taking place. A “renaissance of design” is occurring towards domain-specific compute architectures which are extremely energy efficient for AI inference (training) tasks which include well-defined dataflow and compute paths. These optimized accelerators resemble memory hierarchies, often referred to as “digital compute-in-memory” or “analog compute-in-memory.” These accelerators perform parallel operations making them ideal for the type of computations at the heart of AI, and at substantially lower total power which enables greater use of AI at the network edge.

4X More Efficient Memory with GF’s 12LP+

To accommodate these changes in architecture, GF has made technology improvements and enabled new design flows.

“In virtually every single AI workload we examined, memory bandwidth and memory access power limited overall capabilities, because a certain number of operations must take place within a fixed power budget, and memory consumed far too much of it,” Letavic said. “So we applied some learnings from our 7nm technology development effort to our 12LP/LP+ technology, and came out with the industry’s first 1 GHz-capable 0.55V SRAM memory macros, which for typical workloads reduce the energy associated with memory access by a factor of four. This solution is targeted at systolic array processors and is directly applicable to AI and machine learning workloads.”


Next, GF looked at the array architectures, Letavic said.

“We found that every single customer had a different dataflow architecture and there was basically no way to select an optimum design,” he said “To address this, we created a novel design flow that synthesizes logic and memory elements together so they can be built in very close proximity with a high degree of flexibility. This design flow breaks the conventional paradigm of logic and memory macro synthesis, and the intermingling of logic and memory elements can be used to implement very novel AI architectures.”

Advances in GF technology, coupled with a new and unique design and synthesis flow, are powerful tools for the implementation of new compute paradigms, Letavic said, and further unlock the promise of AI. Important work in this area is taking place in collaboration with leading research institutions.

Dr. Marian Verhelst and GF’s University Connection

GF is collaborating with some of the world’s leading researchers to study these novel architectures and establish objective benefits and proof points for them, which GF’s customers then could use to design more efficient AI systems.

Marian Verhelst, Ph.D.

Much of this work is taking place through collaborations with research consortia such as imec, and with university professors through GF’s University Partnership Program (UPP). Under the program, GF works closely with worldwide academic researchers on innovative projects leveraging GF technology.

One of GF’s leading academic collaborators is Dr. Marian Verhelst, Professor at the KU Leuven university in Leuven, Belgium, and also a research director at Imec. Dr. Verhelst is one of the world’s leading experts in highly efficient processing architectures. She previously worked at Intel Labs in the U.S. on digitally enhanced analog and RF circuits, and came to KU Leuven in 2012 where she started a research lab, which currently has 16 doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers.

Her lab’s work encompasses everything from long-horizon, big-picture projects funded by the European Union, to nearer-term efforts that involve technology transfer to a wide range of industry players. She has been awarded Belgium’s André Mischke YAE Prize, which recognizes internationally leading academic research, management, and evidence-based policy making.

A former member of the Young Academy of Belgium and the Flemish STEM platform, she is an outspoken advocate for science and education, and has been featured on several popular science shows on national television. In 2014, she founded InnovationLab, which develops interactive engineering projects for high school teachers and their students. She also is a member of the IEEE’s Women in Circuits initiative, among many other advocacy and educational activities.

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The DIANA Chip – a Significant Step Forward for AI

Dr. Verhelst has led an effort to produce a hybrid neural network chip which is the world’s first chip to not only combine analog compute-in-memory and digital systolic arrays, but which can seamlessly partition the AI algorithm across these heterogenous resources to achieve optimum energy performance, accuracy, and latency.

Called DIANA (DIgital and ANAlog), the chip was built using GF’s 22FDX platform and will be featured in a paper to be delivered later this month at the prestigious 2022 International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).

“Machine learning is booming and everyone has a processor optimized for machine learning, but mostly they’ve been designed purely in the digital domain, and they compute using zeros and ones, which isn’t always the most efficient thing you can do,” Verhelst said. “Therefore, many researchers are now investigating computing in the analog domain, even inside SRAM memories, working with current accumulation across SRAM cells instead of with zeroes and ones. That can be much more efficient from an energy point of view, and also from a chip-density point of view because it allows you to do more computing per square millimeter.”

“There have been some excellent results thus far, but only for specific machine learning networks which happen to nicely match the shape of the memories. For others, the algorithms don’t necessarily run efficiently,” she said. “The DIANA chip contains a host processor along with both a digital and an analog-in-memory co-processor. For every layer of a neural network, it can dispatch a given layer to the inference accelerator or co-processor that will operate most efficiently. Everything runs in parallel and intermediate data is efficiently shared among the layers.”

To achieve this, Verhelst’s team developed advanced schedulers and mappers, which analyze a chip’s hardware characteristics to determine either the most energy-optimal or most latency-optimal “order of compute,” or how to run a given algorithm on the chip.

“There are many ways to run an algorithm, depending on how much memory you have, its characteristics, how many compute elements there are in your processing array, and so on,” she said. “So we developed tools into which you can enter the hardware characteristics, and which help to find the optimal solution for your workload.”

An Ongoing Collaboration


The DIANA chip is the latest result of Verhelst’s work with GF, which began about five years ago when GF offered the opportunity for one of her Ph.D. students to tape out a video processing chip on 22FDX technology, which could efficiently carry out hundreds of operations in parallel.

Subsequently, Verhelst worked on GF’s 12 LP+ technology to build a deep-learning chip for a very dense compute fabric, with more than 2,000 multipliers on the chip and large SRAM content. Yet another project that is in initial stages is to use GF’s 22FDX platform to build a heavily duty-cycled machine learning chip with a focus on extremely low-power operation for IoT, machine monitoring or other sensor nodes that must operate on milliwatts of power.

She says that the silicon access and technical partnership which GF provides is invaluable. “Producing working silicon can be very expensive, especially for digital processors which are physically large. Working with GF provides us both a lower barrier to silicon and access to the latest relevant IP,’ she said.

“Also, GF provides us with advice and support for what are sometimes difficult physical design closure jobs, which isn’t necessarily trivial any longer given these advanced technologies. There are so many things you have to take into account in the backend, that GF’s manufacturing experience really helps us when we are trying to ensure things like fast IO, good oscillators, optimum power gating and so on.”

Looking Ahead

When asked what’s next for GF with regard to more energy-efficient AI, Letavic mentioned the company’s work with integrated voltage regulation for the compute die itself, and silicon photonics for even higher levels of transport and compute efficiencies.

“Improved power delivery is a way to compensate for the lack of power scaling at smaller nodes, which has become a real limitation at the systems level,” he said. “One of the key ways to save total application power is just to be more efficient at the way you deliver current and voltage to the processor core. We’re exploring various options, and it could be a very large opportunity for GF given our long heritage in bipolar CMOS and DMOS power devices.”

Letavic also mentioned that photonic acceleration, or using light (photons) instead of electricity (electrons) not only to transmit signals over optical fiber but for computing itself, may come to play a significant role in AI. “I would say this is developing a rate much faster than I had expected. And it’s another place where we have some really solid university engagements.”

Read about other research taking place through’s GF’s University Partnership Program:

Interview with trainee Krystof Trischberger

How did you discover the profession?

To be honest, it was just a coincidence. After school, I was looking for an apprenticeship at a large company with a high-tech environment. That’s how I applied to GlobalFoundries. My apprenticeship was, among other things, that of a mechatronics engineer, but since I could not imagine it for me to assemble and maintain systems, I decided to become a microtechnologist.

What did you expect from your training and did your wishes come true?

I expected my training to be a very exciting working environment with many varied tasks, but also with many practical activities. Relatively quickly it turned out that I have to perform fewer practical tasks in my profession. In my training, I mainly use computers and systems to control the plants and processes and therefore usually sit in the office instead of in a production hall, which I no longer regret.

How did the work in the cleanroom feel?

Working in the cleanroom is very impressive. I didn’t just like the idea of dealing with million-dollar plants, but the whole atmosphere. The cleanroom at GlobalFoundries is like another world, with completely different sounds, different light, people dressed all in white and permanent movements of the transport system on the ceiling. This is just madness!

What distinguishes GlobalFoundries from other employers?

What I learn from conversations with other trainees from other companies is that GlobalFoundries has a very high degree of automation compared to other companies of this magnitude. Of course, this entails a completely different responsibility for me as a trainee, as I control and monitor 60 systems in production instead of perhaps only 4. Of course, the challenge of keeping an overview makes the work particularly interesting and challenging for me.

Which tasks did you particularly enjoy during your training? Were there also things you didn’t like doing so much?

Of course, I particularly enjoyed it when there were no 08/15 tasks to solve, but when you had to implement solutions that were supposed to end stressful situations in the department, for example. Plant bottlenecks, for example, the shortage of production capacity, in which I had to work very quickly and particularly focused, or even had to consult with our engineers, which is otherwise rather rare. The nice thing is that the work does not only consist of standard work, but of various activities, all of which have to be done. So far I can and have been able to learn something new every day. I wouldn’t have enjoyed working at GlobalFoundries if there were only simple, stupid and trivial work to do.

Were there moments of success?

Particularly impressive was a shift in which my training department was staffed only by me and another technician. In this shift, I was able to prove to myself what I have learned and that I can handle this extraordinary stressful situation well. Although we were understaffed, everything went relatively well, which strengthened me enormously.

How were you treated as a trainee? Did you feel sufficiently cared for?

At first I didn’t feel very noticed, which was very hard, because I came fresh from high school and had a very big motivation. But perhaps the problem was on the one hand my wrong perception of the working world, that I am immediately someone with the Abi. That was just a very instructive experience, that as a high school graduate I still have to start from point 0 and can’t do everything right away. On the other hand, we trainees in the 1st year of apprenticeship were also very rarely in the company, because of various seminars or vocational school weeks, which meant that our department could not impart much knowledge to us. After the first year of apprenticeship, however, this has changed significantly. As a trainee, you already had initial experience, were able to support the department and also knew which construction sites there were. So I would say that all beginnings are difficult.

What tips do you have in store for everyone who is also interested in an apprenticeship here?

Looking back, I would recommend anyone who is at the point to ask around what there are for companies and professions in Dresden or the region. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice so much about the variety of companies, especially the companies that work for Silicon Saxony, during my high school years, perhaps also because my interests were not yet directed in that direction at the time. Now I’m amazed at how many people around me have something to do with chips or GlobalFoundries, either directly or indirectly. In addition, I can only recommend writing several applications and not burying your head in the sand after a rejection.

Were there any special challenges in training?

Initially, of course, the biggest difficulty was the conversion to work in the shift system. But the initial starting difficulties have soon subsided due to the advantages of shift work, namely that you can sleep properly for 4 days after two early shifts or have 4 days off after a work block. At the beginning, I was also really overwhelmed with the violence of the new things that came my way. All the new programs, the technical language, the thousands of data that I have to evaluate every day have really pushed me to the limits. It all felt like I was learning Chinese. But with increasing routine, this has also subsided and the learning began to be really fun.

What are your goals after your training? Are there further training opportunities?

My goal is definitely to study something scientific. In addition to my studies, however, I will continue to work for GlobalFoundries. Internally, however, I also had the opportunity for a dual course of study with GlobalFoundries as a practical partner or training as a state-certified process technician. So further training opportunities are clearly available at GlobalFoundries. The paths after the training can also be very diverse.

Celebrating Black Success and Development at GF

By Emma Cheer

February is Black History Month in the U.S. The month-long observance is an opportunity to recognize and pay homage to the contributions, innovations, and trailblazers within the Black community who have elevated business, technology, art, music, science and other fields that impact the lives of people around the world.

GlobalFoundries (GF) knows the best ideas come from a diverse team being inclusive, and that our success rests on empowering employees to bring their whole person — 15,000 employees with unique talents and distinctive qualities — to our company. Building a culture of inclusion drives better business outcomes. A critical driver of diversity at GF is our employee-led Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), which foster a diverse, inclusive workplace aligned with GF’s organizational mission, values, and goals.

Established in August 2020, the Black Resource Affinity Group (BRAG) at GF seeks to embrace the diverse experiences of Black employees and provides a safe place to express individualism, while continuing to build upon GF’s inclusive culture. BRAG focuses on promoting the recruitment, retention, and professional advancement of Black employees. BRAG has grown to over 50 members and allies, with hundreds of GF employees in attendance at recent events.

Areleea Hendricks“As an ESG leader for BRAG at GF, I want to foster a network for our Black community and bring attention to the challenges and barriers faced by our Black, Indigenous and People of Color,” said Arleea Hendricks, lead HR business partner at GF and a member of the Fab 8 team in Malta, New York. “Black History Month is a time to commemorate and reflect on the remarkable achievements of African Americans throughout history, as well as an opportunity to increase visibility and have conversations around social injustice and cultural acceptance.”

Through a truly remarkable year for GF, BRAG remained steadfast in supporting its members with networking events, professional development opportunities and outreach efforts beyond GF. Here’s a snapshot of BRAG’s year in review. Developing Black Talent within GF

Providing professional development opportunities is the key to BRAG’s objectives. In September, BRAG hosted a panel on growth, featuring GF leaders across business units and inviting all GF team members to participate in an interactive panel session to gain confidence in their career journey. A main topic of the discussion focused on navigating role changes and exploring career opportunities within GF.

Will BillingsAnother top priority for BRAG is creating networking opportunities for its members, through mentorship activities, meet and greets for GF interns, and presentations from diversity and inclusion leaders such as Dereca Blackmon and Dr. Wanda Heading Grant.

GF’s Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer Will Billings, who joined the company last year, took on the role of BRAG’s new executive sponsor. With more than two decades of experience in accounting and finance, he brings to GF and BRAG a wealth of experience of working on and leading diverse international teams.

Building Relationships through Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Last February, BRAG partnered with GF’s corporate and employee giving program, GlobalGives, to showcase Black-run nonprofits, including All Star Code, The Hidden Genius Project, Sad Girls Club and Fighting 4 the Tatas. These nonprofits provide medical and professional support for Black men and women. In addition to the 2021 GlobalGives campaign, BRAG members worked tirelessly to support local school and community events throughout the year.

At GF, one of our core values is “Embrace.” Events like BRAG’s Lunch & Learn series allow for engaging discussions on allyship and inclusion in a trusting environment. These are important for reaffirming this value as we take the time to reflect on what allyship and inclusion mean at GF and how we can continuously improve our company culture.

In April, BRAG collaborated with Malta GlobalWomen to host “Preventing Microaggressions in the Workplace.” Collaboration between ERGs opens opportunities for team members to create connections both within our sites and across the globe.

Partnering for a More Inclusive GF

GF believes that a diversity of ideas and backgrounds makes for a stronger culture of trust and innovation. Partnering with organizations such as The McKinsey Leadership Program, AfroTech, the Jackie Robinson Foundation and more enables GF to grow as a diverse yet united ONEGF.

A group of 22 outstanding GF leaders participated in the McKinsey Black Leadership Academy’s pilot Management Accelerator program. The Management Accelerator program is a 6-month practical “mini-MBA” tailored to the unique experience of Black leaders, building foundational skills for early to mid-career leaders, developing core leadership and management capabilities through a case-based approach. McKinsey Leadership specifically acknowledges the unique skills of Black leaders and the challenges they face.

In November, GF was a proud sponsor of AfroTech, one of the largest conferences for Black tech innovators.

Marvin MontaqueBRAG member and Senior Engineer Marvin Montaque attended the virtual event. “The AfroTech Conference of 2021 was an incredible experience. The ability to meet with industry leaders from well-known companies to companies not even on my radar was amazing,” he said.

“We sometimes forget that there is an engine – people- behind every company with knowledge and experiences that can impact your own world,”’ Montaque continued. “AfroTech 2021 provided a unique opportunity to interact with these folks via the metaverse. This technology blows my mind thinking about it. I was able to take friends on a boat ride (virtually) while catching up and meeting new people. I was also able to hop from event to event across campus in a matter of seconds. The content was also amazing, from attending workshops and pitch competitions, meeting with executives from Disney/Slack and picking their brains on what is to come in their industry, to attending DJ/dance parties from my living room. The whole experience was incredible.”

GF continues to build its partnership with the Jackie Robinson Foundation (JRF). This partnership focuses on advancing higher education opportunities for underrepresented minorities by providing multi-year scholarship awards to highly motivated college students with an interest in STEM. GF hosted two JRF scholars as interns in the summer of 2021.

“This past summer was one of my greatest learning experiences,” said Mbaba Sow, a JRF scholar at GF. “Being at GlobalFoundries in Malta, New York allowed me to take a deep dive into the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Being exposed to the integrated systems that control the semiconductor chip process, and being able to get up from my desk and go see the process live was amazing. My co-workers in my department were very welcoming and were willing to answer any questions that I had for them. By the end of my internship, I felt like I added members to my family.”

GF is proud of BRAG’s accomplishments and looks forward to the next year of excellent programming and learning opportunities. Interested in learning about other Employee Resource Groups at GF? Read our ERG Round-up: Employee Resource Groups Driving Diversity, Inclusion, and Success at GlobalFoundries

探访格芯新加坡Fab 7



为了让大家深入了解我们的全球制造业务,晶圆厂博客系列将在今年对我们的每个制造工厂进行介绍。作为该系列的开篇,我们采访了格芯新加坡副总裁兼总经理Yew Kong Tan,他同时负责Fab 7的制造运营。 

Yew Kong,您好!感谢您能抽出宝贵的时间,接受我们的采访。 


您能向我们介绍一下格芯Fab 7号生产哪些产品吗? 

我们在Fab 7生产和测试各种功能丰富的射频(RF)、嵌入式存储器以及模拟和电源解决方案。这些产品采用从130nm到40nm节点的各种半导体技术,用于智能手机、汽车系统、物联网(IoT)和其他随着世界日益数字化而快速增长的应用。 


在格芯的全球晶圆厂中,Fab 7有何独特之处? 

与其他格芯晶圆厂相比,我们涉猎更多技术,助力格芯提供广泛而真正差异化的解决方案。但是,这也给生产带来了挑战。在一年内,Fab 7要为约200家客户生产1,000多种不同设计的芯片。这导致生产高度复杂,需要我们的团队具备较高的技能和才能以及辛勤的付出,才能确保始终按时交付高质量的晶圆。 


对于Fab 7的运营而言,哪些因素是本地独有的? 



客户的关键目标包括业务连续性和供应链弹性。Fab 7如何与格芯的其他晶圆厂协作,确保满足这些目标? 

我们的制造工厂遍布全球各地,因此我们能够在多个大洲生产客户所需的产品。例如,Fab 7正在将一些55nm和40nm技术节点向格芯位于德国德累斯顿的Fab 1晶圆厂转移,这样客户将在格芯内部拥有两个供应来源,有助于确保业务的连续性。 

下面我们来谈谈人力资源。您是如何成为Fab 7总经理的? 

我在格芯工作了27年,早在20世纪90年代,我就投身了新加坡半导体行业,不过当时我并不在格芯,而是在特许半导体,后来这家代工厂被格芯收购了。我于1995年加入格芯的Fab 2,先后就职于光刻技术制造部和工程部。几年后,我被委任负责光刻、清洁技术和化学机械平面化(CMP)工作。我还领导建立了印刷电路板维修中心,该中心至今仍在为新加坡工厂提供重要的成本优势。我于2008年就任Fab 2总经理,并于2013年就任我们新加坡GIGA+晶圆厂总经理,然后于2019年就任Fab 7总经理。 





请介绍一下Fab 7的团队情况。 


举例来说,当新冠疫情在2020年初开始蔓延时,我对我的团队提出了挑战,要求他们想方设法为最坏的情况做准备。Fab 7号的自动化程度很高,因此与许多其他人工晶圆厂相比,我们需要的现场操作人员更少,然后我提出了开发利用iPad远程控制和操作生产线的能力。 


于是,在封锁前一天,我们的团队在新加坡四处奔波,花了六个小时买了76台iPad。等他们一回来,我们就立即将iPad配置好,并分发给需要在边境关闭之前返回马来西亚的人员。因此,我们能够保持Fab 7的正常运营,没有对我们的客户造成任何交付影响,即使全球封锁也是如此。我认为这太了不起了。我们的员工做得非常棒,真的非常令人惊叹,也令人难忘。 

Yew Kong,您已经在这个行业工作了很久。请问是什么激励您持续创新并走在我们行业的前列? 




Yew Kong Tan是格芯新加坡副总裁兼总经理,他同时负责Fab 7的制造运营。在Fab 7,他领导着大约1,600名员工并管理各方面的工厂运营,以实现高水平的质量、产量、成本效益、交付和客户满意度,为实现格芯的业务目标提供支持。他拥有威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校机械工程专业硕士学位。 


GlobalFoundries Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Results

Record Revenue, Gross, and Operating Margins

MALTA, N.Y., Feb. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GlobalFoundries Inc. (GF) (Nasdaq: GFS) today announced preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2021.

Key Fourth Quarter Financial Highlights

  • Record revenue of $1.85 billion, up 9% sequentially.
  • Record gross margin of 20.8% and adjusted gross margin of 21.5%.
  • Record operating margin of 5% and adjusted operating margin of 8%.
  • Net income margin of 2% and adjusted EBITDA margin of 32%.
  • Cash and cash equivalents of $2.9 billion.

Key Full Year 2021 Financial Highlights

  • Revenue of $6.6 billion, up 36% year-over-year.
  • Record gross margin of 15% and adjusted gross margin of 16%.
  • Net income margin of -4% and adjusted EBITDA margin of 28%.

“2021 was an outstanding year for GF, during which we drove an acceleration of our business plan by capitalizing on the demand for pervasive semiconductor solutions and the vital role we play in the semiconductor supply chain,” said Tom Caulfield, CEO of GF. “Our revenue grew 36% year-over-year, and we made significant progress towards our long-term financial profit model. The year was also marked by a growing number of long-term partnership agreements, with 30 customers committing more than $3.2 billion toward the continued expansion of our global manufacturing footprint to support strong demand. We are executing well, and believe we are on track to deliver another year of strong growth in revenue and profitability in 2022.”

Major 2021 Accomplishments and Key Fourth Quarter Business Highlights:

  • In 2021, GF entered into 30 significant long-term customer agreements that provide assurance to our customers and provide revenue visibility to GF.
  • In 2021, GF broke ground on a new fab on its Singapore campus, expanded capacity in Fab 1 (Dresden) by over 25%, and announced expansion plans for its most advanced manufacturing facility in upstate New York.
  • GF set a “Journey to Zero Carbon” goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% while expanding global manufacturing capacity.
  • On October 28, 2021, GF began trading on Nasdaq Stock Market under the ticker “GFS.”
  • In the fourth quarter, GF announced an extension of its wafer supply agreement with AMD, increasing the number of chips GF will supply, as well as extending the terms of the agreement to secure supply through 2025.
  • In the fourth quarter, BMW signed a direct supply assurance agreement with high-tech microchip developer INOVA Semiconductors and GF to secure long-term semiconductor supplies.
  • In the fourth quarter, GF and Ford announced a non-binding strategic collaboration to advance semiconductor manufacturing and technology development within the US, aiming to boost chip supplies for Ford and the US auto industry.

Unaudited Summary Quarterly Results (in $M, except per share amounts and wafer shipments)1,2

        Year-over-year Sequential
  Q4’20 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q4’20 vs Q4’21 Q3’21 vs Q4’21
Revenue $1,062  $1,700  $1,847  $78574%  $1479% 
Gross profit (loss) $(218)  $300  $384  $601276%  $8428% 
Gross margin   (20.5)%   17.6%   20.8%   +4131bps   +316bps 
Adjusted gross profit (loss) $(218)  $306  $397  $615282%  $9130% 
Adjusted gross margin   (20.5)%   18.0%   21.5%   +4201bps   +346bps 
Operating profit (loss) $(491)  $52  $87  $578118%  $3567% 
Operating margin  (46)%   3%   5%   +5092bps   +163bps 
Adjusted operating profit (loss) $(491)  $81  $142  $633129%  $6175% 
Adjusted operating margin  (46)%   5%   8%   +5389bps   +291bps 
Net income (loss) $(524)  $5  $43  $567108%  $38760% 
Net income (loss) margin  (49)%   0%   2%   +5165bps   +201bps 
Adjusted net income (loss) $(524)  $34  $98  $622119%  $64187% 
Adjusted net income (loss) margin  (49)%   2%   5%   +5464bps   +328bps 
Diluted earnings per share (EPS) $(1.05)  $0.01  $0.08  $1.13108%  $0.07700% 
Adjusted diluted EPS $(1.05)  $0.07  $0.18  $1.23117%  $0.11157% 
Adjusted EBITDA $166  $505  $584  $418251%  $7916% 
Adjusted EBITDA margin  16%   30%   32%   +1596bps   +191bps 
Cash from operations $201  $1,109  $1,148  $947471%  $394% 
Wafer shipments (300MM Equivalent) (in thousands)  595   609   622   275%   132% 

1Adjusted gross profit, adjusted operating profit, adjusted net income, adjusted EBITDA, and diluted earnings per share are adjusted non-IFRS metrics; please see the reconciliation of IFRS to adjusted non-IFRS metrics in the Appendix.
2In 2020, the majority of our customer contractual terms were amended in a manner that resulted in moving from recognizing wafer revenue on a Percentage-of-Completion basis to recognizing revenue on a Wafer Shipment basis. This resulted in a one-time, non-recurring reduction in net revenues recognized in 2020. Had the change in terms not occurred, net revenues for the quarter ended December 31, 2020 would have been an estimated $501 million higher than reported results.

Unaudited Summary Annual Results (in $M, except per share amounts)1,2

   FY 2020 FY 2021  FY20 vs FY21
Revenue  $4,851  $6,585   $1,73436% 
Gross profit (loss)  $(713)  $1,013   $1,726242% 
Gross margin    (14.7)%   15.4%    +3008bps 
Adjusted gross profit (loss)  $(713)  $1,068   $1,781250% 
Adjusted gross margin    (14.7)%   16.2%    +3092bps 
Operating profit (loss)  $(1,656)  $(60)   $1,59696% 
Operating margin   (34)%   (1)%    +3323bps 
Adjusted operating profit (loss)  $(1,655)  $168   $1,823110% 
Adjusted operating margin   (34)%   3%    +3667bps 
Net income (loss)  $(1,351)  $(254)   $1,09781% 
Net income (loss) margin   (28)%   (4)%    +2399bps 
Adjusted net income (loss)  $(1,350)  $(26)   $1,32498% 
Adjusted net income (loss) margin   (28)%   0%    +2744bps 
Diluted earnings per share (EPS)  $(2.70)  $(0.50)   $2.2081% 
Adjusted diluted EPS  $(2.70)  $(0.05)   $2.6598% 
Adjusted EBITDA  $976  $1,848   $87289% 
Adjusted EBITDA margin   20%   28%    +794bps 
Cash from operations  $1,006  $2,839   $1,833182% 
Wafer shipments (300MM Equivalent) (in thousands)   2,030   2,374    34417% 

1Adjusted gross profit, adjusted operating profit, adjusted net income, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted diluted earnings per share are adjusted non-IFRS metrics; please see the reconciliation of IFRS to adjusted non-IFRS metrics in the appendix.
2In 2020, the majority of our customer contractual terms were amended in a manner that resulted in moving from recognizing wafer revenue on a Percentage-of-Completion basis to recognizing revenue on a Wafer Shipment basis. This resulted in a one-time, non-recurring reduction in net revenues recognized in 2020. Had the change in terms not occurred, net revenues for the year ended December 31, 2020 would have been an estimated $810 million higher than reported results.

Summary of First Quarter 2022 Outlook (in $M except per share amounts)

 IFRS Share-based compensation Non-IFRS Adjusted
Revenue$1,880 – $1,920    
Gross Profit$383 – $413  $24 – $26 $409 – $437 
Gross Margin (mid-point)20.9%   22.3% 
Operating Profit$101- $145  $57 – $63 $164 – $202 
Operating Margin (mid-point)6.5%   9.6% 
Net Income$54 – $96  $57 – $63 $117 – $153 
Net Income Margin (mid-point)3.9%   7.1% 
Diluted EPS$0.10 – $0.17  $0.10 – $0.11 $0.21 – $0.27 
Adj. EBITDA   $580 – $620 
EBITDA Margin (mid-point)   31.6% 

The guidance provided above contains forward-looking statements as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and is subject to the safe harbors created therein. The guidance includes management’s beliefs and assumptions and is based on information currently available. GF has not provided a reconciliation of its First Fiscal Quarter outlook for adjusted Non-IFRS EBITDA and related Margin because estimates of all of the reconciling items cannot be provided without unreasonable efforts. Certain factors that are materially significant to GF’s ability to estimate these items are out of its control and/or cannot be reasonably predicted.

Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations

  Three Months Ended Years Ended
(in $M, except per share amounts) December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021
Revenue $1,062  $1,847  $4,851  $6,585 
Cost of sales  1,280   1,463   5,563   5,572 
Gross profit (loss)  (218)   384   (712)   1,013 
Operating expenses:        
Research and development  116   130   476   478 
Sales, marketing, general and administrative  136   167   445   595 
Total operating expenses  252   297   921   1,073 
Impairment charge  21      23    
Total other operating charges  21      23    
Operating profit (loss)  (491)   87   (1,656)   (60) 
Finance expense, net  (38)   (26)   (151)   (108) 
Other income (loss)  13   8   444   (8) 
Income tax benefit (expense)  (8)   (26)   12   (78) 
Net income (loss)  (524)   43   (1,351)   (254) 
Earnings (loss) per share:        
Basic $(1.05)  $0.08  $(2.70)  $(0.50) 
Diluted $(1.05)  $0.08  $(2.70)  $(0.50) 
Shares used in earnings (loss) per share calculation        
Basic  500   522   500   506 
Diluted  500   540   500   506 

Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

(in $M) December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021
Cash and cash equivalents  $908   $2,939 
Receivables, prepayments and other  1,159   1,231 
Inventories  920   1,121 
Current assets  2,987   5,291 
Deferred tax assets  444   353 
Property, plant, and equipment, net  8,226   8,713 
Other assets  665   671 
Noncurrent assets  9,335   9,737 
Total assets  $12,322   $15,028 
Liabilities and equity:    
Current portion of long-term debt  $382   $297 
Other current liabilities  1,514   2,866 
Current liabilities  1,896   3,163 
Noncurrent portion of long-term debt  1,956   1,716 
Other liabilities  1,228   2,116 
Noncurrent liabilities  3,184   3,832 
Stockholders’ equity:    
Common stock/additional paid-in capital  11,718   23,498 
Accumulated deficit  (15,219)   (15,469) 
Loan from shareholder and other1  10,743   4 
Total liabilities and equity  $12,322   $15,028 

1On October 3, 2021, GF executed the conversion of the entire Shareholder Loans balance of $10.113 billion under our loan facilities with Mubadala Investment Company PJSC into additional paid-in-capital, which did not have an impact on shares outstanding or have any dilutive effects, as no additional shares were issued.

Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows  

  Three Months Ended Years Ended
(in $M) December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021
Cash flows from operating activities:        
Net income (loss) $(524)   $43   $(1,351)   $(254) 
Depreciation and amortization 626   419   2,523   1,619 
Finance expense, net 38   26   151   108 
Deferred income taxes 14   40   (38)   93 
Other non-cash operating activities (51)   (9)   (338)   43 
Net change in working capital 98   629   59   1,230 
Net cash provided by operating activities 201   1,148   1,006   2,839 
Cash flows from investing activities:       
Purchases of property, plant, equipment, and intangible assets (203)   (649)   (592)   (1,766) 
Other investing activities 126   23   226   316 
Net cash used in investing activities (77)   (626)   (366)   (1,450) 
Cash flows from financing activities:       
Proceeds from issuance of equity instruments     $1,444      $1,444 
Repayments of shareholder loan (137)      (487)   (568) 
Repayment of debt, net (248)   (72)   (556)   (343) 
Other financing activities 38   27   310   117 
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities  (347)   1,399   (732)   650 
Effect of exchange rate changes 3   (1)   3   (8) 
Net change in cash and cash equivalents (221)   1,920   (89)   2,031 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 1,129   1,019   997   908 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period $908   $2,939   $908   $2,939 

Unaudited Reconciliation of IFRS to Adjusted Non-IFRS

 Three Months Ended Years Ended
(in $M)December 31, 2020 September 30, 2021 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021
Gross profit (loss)$(218)  $300 $384 $(713)  $1,013 
Share based compensation   $6 $13    $55 
Adjusted gross profit (loss)$(218)  $306 $397 $(713)  $1,068 
Operating profit (loss)$(491)  $52 $87 $(1,656)  $(60) 
Share based compensation   $29 $55 $1  $228 
Adjusted operating profit (loss)$(491)  $81 $142 $(1,655)  $168 
Net income (loss)$(524)  $5 $43 $(1,351)  $(254) 
Share based compensation   $29 $55 $1  $228 
Adjusted net income (loss)$(524)  $34 $98 $(1,350)  $(26) 
Earnings per share (EPS)$(1.05)  $0.01 $0.08 $(2.70)  $(0.50) 
Share based compensation$0.00  $0.06 $0.10 $0.00  $0.45 
Adjusted earnings (loss) per share$(1.05)  $0.07 $0.18 $(2.70)  $(0.05) 

Unaudited Reconciliation of Net Income (Loss) to Adjusted EBITDA

  Three Months Ended Years Ended
(in $M) December 31, 2020 September 30, 2021 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021
Net income (loss) for the period $(524)  $5 $43 $(1,351)  $(254) 
Depreciation and amortization $626  $415 $419 $2,523  $1,619 
Finance expense $38  $28 $28 $154  $114 
Income tax expense (benefit) $8  $22 $26 $(12)  $78 
Share based compensation    $29 $55 $1  $228 
Restructuring and corporate severance programs $11  $2 $5 $16  $17 
(Gains) on transactions, legal settlements and transaction expenses $7  $4 $8 $(356)  $46 
Adjusted EBITDA $166  $505 $584 $976  $1,848 

Adjusted Financial Measures (Non-IFRS)

In addition to the financial information presented in accordance with IFRS, this press release includes the following adjusted non-IFRS metrics: adjusted gross profit, adjusted operating profit, adjusted net income (loss), adjusted diluted EPS and adjusted EBITDA. We define adjusted gross profit (loss) as gross profit (loss) adjusted for share-based compensation expense. We define adjusted operating profit (loss) as profit (loss) from operations adjusted for share-based compensation expense. We define adjusted net income (loss) as net income (loss) adjusted for share-based compensation expense. We define adjusted EPS as adjusted net income (loss) divided by the dilutive shares. We define adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss), excluding the impact of interest expense, tax expense, depreciation, amortization adjusted for share-based compensation expense, transaction gains and associated expenses, restructuring charges and litigation settlements.

We believe that in addition to our results determined in accordance with IFRS, these adjusted non-IFRS measures are useful in evaluating our business and the underlying trends that are affecting our performance. These adjusted non-IFRS financial measures provide supplemental information regarding our operating performance that excludes certain gains, losses and non-cash charges that occur relatively infrequently and/or that we consider to be unrelated to our core operations. These adjusted non-IFRS measures are used by both our management and our board of directors, together with the comparable IFRS information, in evaluating our current performance and planning future business activities.

We believe that these adjusted non-IFRS measures, when used in conjunction with our IFRS financial information, also allow investors and users of our financial statements to better evaluate our financial performance in comparison to other periods and to other companies in our industry. However, adjusted non-IFRS financial information is presented for supplemental informational purposes only and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for financial information presented in accordance with IFRS. Our presentation of adjusted non-IFRS measures should not be construed as an inference that our future results will be unaffected by unusual or nonrecurring items. Other companies in our industry may calculate these measures differently, which may limit their usefulness as a comparative measure.

Our results are preliminary prior to the filing of form 20-F.

Conference Call and Webcast Information

GF will host a conference call with the financial community on Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST) to review the Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2021 results in detail. Interested parties may join the scheduled conference call by dialing the following numbers:

Within the U.S.:1-877-788-0411
Outside the U.S.:1-615-489-8522
Participant Passcode:8285067

The call will be webcast and can be accessed from the GF Investor Relations website A replay of the call will be available on the GF Investor Relations website within 24 hours of the actual call.

About Globalfoundries

GlobalFoundries® (GF®) is one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers. GF is redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing by developing and delivering feature-rich process technology solutions that provide leadership performance in pervasive high growth markets. GF offers a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With a talented and diverse workforce and an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF is a trusted technology source to its worldwide customers. For more information, visit

Forward-looking Statements

This press release includes express and implied “forward-looking statements,” including but not limited to, statements regarding our financial outlook, future guidance, product development, business strategy and plans, and market trends, opportunities and positioning. Forward-looking statements are based on our management’s beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to our management. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections. Words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “should,” “believe,” “hope,” “target,” “project,” “goals,” “estimate,” “potential,” “predict,” “may,” “will,” “might,” “could,” “intend,” “shall” and variations of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond our control. For example, our business could be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and actions taken in response to it; the market for our products may develop more slowly than expected or than it has in the past; our operating results may fluctuate more than expected; there may be significant fluctuations in our results of operations and cash flows related to our revenue recognition or otherwise; a network or data security incident that allows unauthorized access to our network or data or our customers’ data could damage our reputation; we could experience interruptions or performance problems associated with our technology, including a service outage; and global economic conditions could deteriorate. It is not possible for us to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements we may make. Moreover, we operate in a competitive and rapidly changing market, and new risks may emerge from time to time. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. These statements are based on our historical performance and on our current plans, estimates and projections in light of information currently available to us, and therefore you should not place undue reliance on them.

Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee that the future results, levels of activity, performance or events and circumstances described in the forward-looking statements will be achieved or occur. Moreover, neither we, nor any other person, assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these statements. Recipients are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date such statements are made and should not be construed as statements of fact. Except to the extent required by federal securities laws, we undertake no obligation to update any information or any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, subsequent events, or any other circumstances after the date hereof, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. For a discussion of potential risks and uncertainties, please refer to the risk factors listed in our SEC filings. Copies of our SEC filings are available on our Investor Relations website,, or from the SEC website,

For further information, please contact:
Investor Relations
[email protected]

An Inside Look at GF’s Fab 7 in Singapore 

Yew Kong Q&A Header


With our talented and diverse workforce and at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GlobalFoundries (GF) is a trusted technology source to our customers around the world.

While all of our advanced manufacturing facilities, or fabs, are dedicated to delivering the feature-rich chips that are pervasive in everyday life and vital to the global economy, each GF fab is unique and offers its own advantages and opportunities.

To get an insider’s look into our global manufacturing operations, Foundry Files will be profiling each of our manufacturing sites over the course of this year. To launch the series, we sat down with Yew Kong Tan, Vice President and General Manager of GF Singapore, who also oversees Fab 7’s manufacturing operations.

Hello Yew Kong, and thank you for taking the time to speak with us.

My pleasure.

Can you please tell us what GF manufactures at Fab 7?

We build and test a wide array of feature-rich radio frequency (RF), embedded memory and analog and power solutions at Fab 7. They are based on diverse semiconductor technologies ranging from the 130nm to 40nm nodes. What we produce is used in smartphones, automotive systems, Internet of Things (IoT) and other applications which are growing fast as the world becomes increasingly digitized.

These chips enable features we depend on every day. From faster and more reliable connections, secure wireless transactions, and crystal-clear audio for smartphones, to high-resolution touchscreens and better power efficiency on our devices, to sensors and safety features in our cars, and much more.

What makes Fab 7 unique among GF’s worldwide fabs?

We work with more technologies than any other GF fab, which supports GF’s ability to offer a very wide range of truly differentiated solutions. However, it also brings production challenges. In a given year, Fab 7 will have more than 1,000 different chip designs from around 200 customers in production. This has resulted in high production complexity and requires a high level of skill, talent, and dedication on the part of our team to deliver quality wafers on time consistently.

In addition, the overall pace of manufacturing in our industry is increasing. Partly this is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has unleashed great demand for electronic systems for remote applications. But it also has to do with today’s shorter chip development cycles. In the past it would take two or three years to develop a new chip, but fast-growing applications like consumer electronics and IoT demand shorter cycles. This results in more products flowing through our fab.

What elements are unique to Singapore with respect to our operations there?

Water is definitely a constraining factor that is unique to Singapore, because the availability of water on this small island is limited. To help deal with it, we have a sophisticated water recycling capability.

With respect to the other resources and items we need for production, our location brings both pluses and minuses. On one hand, given a lack of local suppliers, a lot of our materials must come from overseas, along with high freight charges. On the other hand, given our location we can source many of them in Asia, which is less expensive than flying them in from Europe and the U.S.

Fab 7


Business continuity and supply chain resilience are key customer objectives. How does Fab 7 work together with GF’s other fabs to ensure them?

Our worldwide manufacturing footprint gives us the ability to produce what our customers need on more than one continent. For example, Fab 7 is transferring certain 55nm and 40nm technology nodes to GF’s Fab 1 in Dresden, Germany, so that customers will have two sources of supply for them from within GF, helping to ensure business continuity.

Let’s talk about people. How did you come to be General Manager of Fab 7?

I am a 27-year veteran of GF, but when I started in the semiconductor industry in Singapore in the 1990s it was not with GF but with Chartered Semiconductor, a foundry GF later acquired. I joined GF in 1995 at Fab 2 and progressed from the manufacturing to engineering function in lithography. After a few years I was put in charge of lithography, clean tech and chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP). I also spearheaded our printed circuit board repair center which has provided an important cost advantage for the Singapore site till today. I became General Manager of Fab 2 in 2008, then General Manager of our GIGA+ Fab in Singapore in 2013, and then General Manager of Fab 7 in 2019.

How competitive is the market for talent in Singapore?

There is definitely a worldwide shortage of talent in the semiconductor industry, but what’s particularly relevant to us is that Singapore is a small island. Across all industries and sectors, in Singapore there is a great need for talented employees.

Malaysia is a key source of talent for us, but the COVID situation has made things tricky. Before the pandemic people could commute daily between the two countries, but travel is more restricted now. In addition to Malaysia, we have team members from China, the Philippines, India and elsewhere; it’s a very wide range of people coming into Singapore.

I am involved with the Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association, which works with the semiconductor ecosystem here. As a group, with support from the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), we have been discussing and developing strategies to attract more talent to Singapore.



Tell us about the Fab 7 team.

COVID has certainly brought major challenges to our workforce, but one of the greatest things about our people is that they are very committed and willing to try new things, and they have risen to the challenge.

For example, as the pandemic started to spread in early 2020, I challenged my team to find ways to prepare for the worst. Fab 7 is highly automated, so we require fewer operators on-site compared to many other manual fabs, and I said, let’s develop the ability to use iPads to control and operate our manufacturing line remotely.

In March of 2020, as we were preparing this capability together with our IT team, lo and behold, Malaysia announced they were going to lock down. When they made that announcement, they didn’t say it would happen in three months or something like that, they said, “we’re going to lock down tomorrow.”

So, one day before the lockdown, our team spent six hours running around Singapore to get 76 iPads. When they got back the iPads were configured immediately and distributed to the people who needed to get back to Malaysia before the border closed down. As a result, we were able to run Fab 7 operations without any delivery impacts to our customers, even as the world shut down. I think that’s amazing. What our people did is truly and wonderfully amazing and unforgettable.

Yew Kong, you’ve been doing this a long time. What inspires you to continue innovating and being a leader in our industry?

The most interesting thing about this industry is that every day when you come into the office you don’t know what’s waiting for you. Every day there’s something new, which gives you the opportunity to learn new things. That’s what every day is about, and it inspires me to do more.

Another very important piece of it is that I work with very talented, committed, dedicated and passionate individuals. I have the privilege to work alongside them every day as we drive toward our goals. We want to achieve best-in-class line yield, die yield, cycle times, and cost. That’s what really motivates me to come to work every day, wanting to do something different and to see our key performance indicators (KPIs) improving year-on-year as a result. It keeps me, and my team, going.


Yew Kong Tan is Vice President and General Manager of GF Singapore, who also oversees Fab 7’s manufacturing operations. At Fab 7, he leads a workforce of about 1,600 and manages operations to achieve high levels of quality, yield, cost effectiveness, delivery and customer satisfaction in support of GF’s business objectives. He holds an M.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Vermont Partnership Advances Use of Green Hydrogen as Clean Fuel of the Future

The promise of a hydrogen economy and a clean energy future is taking a step forward with an innovative project that will take shape at GlobalFoundries (GF), thanks to a partnership with Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. (VGS) and the University of Vermont. The initiative was announced today by the partnership members.

New trainee blog

Hello and welcome to our new trainee blog. A good four months have now passed since the start of training in September, so this is a good time for a little review. 

As expected, the first few weeks were full of new impressions. Just like the other eleven future microtechnologists, I met a lot of nice people, saw the inside of a clean room for the first time (impressive!) and soaked up a whole lot of knowledge. We have understood at least the basics of how a chip is manufactured and how it works – at least I think so. Hopefully in two and a half years we will all be ready to graduate and give our colleagues in the factory a helping hand. 

From now on we will report regularly about the experiences during the training. See you soon! 

Your Alex

Expansion, Innovation, and Growth at GF: Top 10 Stories from 2021

GlobalFoundries® (GF®) has never had a year quite like 2021. From major manufacturing expansion announcements, to collaborating with world-leading partners to redefine innovation for automobiles and smartphones, to making our stock market debut, this was a year to remember.

As we prepare to say goodbye to 2021, we have collected the top GF stories of the year.

Setting a Higher Bar for Sustainability

Tom Caulfield

Building upon our longstanding commitment to environmentally responsible manufacturing and operations, this year GF announced the Journey to Zero Carbon initiative. The goal of Journey to Zero Carbon is to reduce GF’s total greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030, as the company expands its global manufacturing capacity. As our CEO Tom Caulfield said:

” … Journey to Zero Carbon is the natural next step for us to take. It’s the right thing do to – for our business, for our global team, and for our planet.”

Along with doubling down on sustainability in our own operations, the semiconductor solutions we manufacture are enabling our partners and customers to achieve their own sustainability and efficiency goals. Our blog post, GF Technologies Enable a More Sustainable, More Efficient World, brings this story to life.

Diversity & Inclusion

Leaning into Diversity and Inclusion

GF has one of the most diverse workforces of any semiconductor manufacturer, and we know this is a competitive advantage for our company. One of the ways we foster a culture of diversity and inclusion is by creating an environment of trust, and providing a structure that honors what makes us different so we can most effectively collaborate on our shared goals.

Employee Resource Groups, or ERGs, are a critical part of the structure we have in place to empower our team and celebrate the diversity of our workforce. These voluntary, employee-led groups create a space for individuals of a similar interest, culture, or experience to support and connect professionally and personally.

This year GF employees launched three new ERGS: Asian Society for Inclusion and Awareness; Pride at GF; and Unidos. Together with Black Resource Affinity Group (BRAG), GlobalWomen, GlobalFamilies, and other groups, these ERGs connect the GF community, strengthen our team, and help position our company for continued success.


If you missed our blog post on GF’s ERGs, click here to hear from ERG members about their experiences. Be sure to also check out our blog posts on GF’s celebrations of Women’s History Month and Black History Month.

Inaugural GF Technology Summit


Coinciding with GF’s new corporate brand (spoiler alert for no. 5 on this list!) was a new name for our longstanding GTC industry event. The 2021 GF Technology Summit encompassed four global events, and our 750+ attendees from countries around the world joined presentations, keynotes, and panel discussions featuring our incredible partners and customers, GF leaders, and other guests. Click here to view the replays of many of these sessions.

At the event, we announced a portfolio of new features that extend our solutions roadmap and accelerate the next wave of innovation in chip design for smart mobile devices, datacenter, IoT and automotive.

Check out the buzz from the event on Twitter, and don’t miss the series of blog posts that dive deeper into our announcements:

Redefining Semiconductor Innovation


GF believes that semiconductor manufacturing innovation is about making chips smarter, not just smaller. We work closely with our customers and partners to develop and manufacture the feature-rich chips that are pervasive throughout people’s lives, and which provide performance vital to many growing markets.

In the words of our CEO Tom Caulfield, we “make the chips in many of your favorite electronics more connected and secure, more intelligent and intuitive, more powerful and power efficient.”

This innovation was on full display in 2021, as we made announcements about how GF chips are helping our customers push the envelope of technology:

For a peak into how innovation happens at GF, don’t miss our blog posts featuring a Q&A with GF Master Inventors Yan Ping Shen and Shesh Mani Pandey, as well as blog posts about the research and develop happening in partnership with world-leading academics as part of GF’s University Partnership Program:

Putting the “Smart” in Smartphones

Bami Bastani

Nearly every wireless call, text, email, photo or video, either taken or watched on smartphones in the last few years, was made possible through chips manufactured around the globe at GF. This is no accident: for years, we have been helping smartphone manufacturers overcome the toughest challenges necessary to meet the growing expectations of consumers.

This year was no exception. In September we announced an agreement with Qualcomm to deliver advanced 5G RF front-end products. As GF’s Dr. Bami Bastani put it: “Our strong collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies includes sub-6 GHz to unlock everyday access to 5G, and cutting-edge mmWave technology to take 5G to the next level” by delivering unmatched data speeds while continuing to provide the longest possible battery life for smartphones and many other 5G-connected devices. Read top tech analyst Pat Moorhead’s recap of the announcement here.

And at the 2021 GF Technology Summit, we announced the addition of exciting new features for our RF SOI solutions, which enable our customers to provide stronger and more reliable 5G connections.

GF Unveils New Brand

GF Logo

In July, GF introduced its new brand to the world. The new brand is the culmination of GF’s decade-plus journey, and embodies GF’s role as one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers.

Retaining GF’s signature orange color and augmenting it with a bold new logo and visual imagery, the new brand identity is reflective of GF’s vital role in the global economy and our commitment to redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing.

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Be sure to check our blog post A New GF Brand for a New Era of More, and the Wall Street Journal article, Chip Maker GlobalFoundries Revamps Brand Amid Global Chip Shortage, for the story and development of the new GF brand.

Navigating the Chip Shortage

Semiconductor supply chain constraints, often referred to as the “chip shortage,” made headlines across the world throughout 2021. GF CEO Tom Caulfield played an outsized role in this global discussion.

Tom on TV

In his frequent interviews on CNN, Bloomberg, CNBC, and other news outlets, he helped create awareness and foster understanding of the chip shortage, the intense spotlight it put on our industry, and on just how critical semiconductors are to the $91T world economy.

Tom also shared the many ways in which GF was taking action (see no. 3 below) to meet the moment and grow our global capacity to manufacture more of the feature-rich chips that have become the drivers of technological and economic growth.

Throughout the year, Tom participated in a trio of White House summits, speaking with U.S. President Joe Biden, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and other Administration officials, and urging them to take bold action and help pave the way toward U.S federal investment in chip manufacturing to create jobs, shore up the supply chain, and increase the capacity of U.S.-made semiconductors.

Expanding our Global Manufacturing Footprint

GF Lobby

In 2021, amidst unprecedented global demand for feature-rich semiconductors, GF announced it was expanding manufacturing capacity at its sites globally.

GF broke ground in June on the construction of a new fab at our Singapore campus. In partnership with the Singapore Economic Development Board and with co-investments from committed customers, GF announced an investment of more than $4 billion to add capacity for 450,000 wafers per year, bringing GF’s Singapore campus up to approximately 1.5 million wafers per year.

In July we hosted the first GF Executive Summit at Fab 8 in Malta, New York, which convened leaders from government and industry to advance the national discussion around solving U.S. semiconductor supply chain challenges. CEO Tom Caulfield was joined by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer​, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo, former Pentagon officials, and executives from leading companies throughout the semiconductor supply chain.

At the summit, GF announced $1 billion in immediate investments to address the global chip shortage and add capacity to manufacture an additional 150,000 wafers per year at Fab 8. Sharing the stage with Sen. Schumer and Sec. Raimondo, CEO Tom Caulfield also announced plans were underway for GF to construct of a new fab on the Malta, N.Y., campus that will double the site’s capacity, using the same bold public-private partnership in close collaboration customers that fueled the expansion in Singapore.

GF also announced a $1 billion planned investment in Germany to grow the capacity of our Dresden facility, where in July our CEO hosted German Economics Minister Peter Altmaier.

There is so much excitement at GF around these expansions. As Tom put it: “Our industry is expected to grow more in the next decade than it did in the past 50 years and GF is stepping up to do its part as we work together to address the growing demand for technology innovation for the betterment of humanity.”

Driving Innovation in Automotive

GF is becoming the semiconductor foundry of choice for the world’s top vehicle-makers and their suppliers, in part because of the innovation we are bringing to the emerging auto trends of autonomous driving, connectivity, and electrification. Read more about this in our blog post: For Auto Industry, Innovation is GlobalFoundries’ Ace in the Hole.

As shown in no. 3 above, GF is pioneering a new economic model for our industry, based on long-term partnerships that help to ensure predictability, repeatability, and sustainability for both GF and our customers. Amidst the global chip shortage, these partnerships and alignment has never been more vital.

Mike Hogan

Throughout 2021, partnerships with automotive manufacturers and suppliers were prominent:

  • GF and Ford announced a strategic collaboration to address advanced semiconductor manufacturing and technology development within the United States, aiming to boost chip supplies for Ford and the U.S. automotive industry
  • BMW announced an agreement with GF to both build a more secure and resilient supply-chain partnership, and to accelerate technology development supporting the next generation of automotive innovation.
  • The automotive supply chain was also a focus of Volkswagen leader Murat Akselat’s featured talk at the 2021 GF Technology Summit.
  • GF and Bosch would partner to develop and manufacture next-generation automotive radar technology for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) applications, manufactured using GF’s 22FDX™ RF solution.

There is an open road of opportunity for further semiconductor innovation in automotive. As SVP Mike Hogan said, GF is laser-focused on creating new technologies for the car of tomorrow and “committed to building stronger relationships with the automotive industry to deliver innovation and address the growing demand for feature-rich chips.”


GF Launches IPO

An extraordinary milestone in GF’s history took place on October 28, when shares of GFS started trading on the Nasdaq stock exchange. In fact, GF was one of Nasdaq’s largest IPOs of the year and the largest semiconductor IPO ever.

Being a public company positions GF to further innovate and partner with customers to deliver semiconductors for humanity.

From ringing the opening bell at Nasdaq, to celebrations at our Fabs and sites around the world, to GF team members having their photos displayed in Times Square, to our CEO Tom Caulfield appearing on CNN and many other news outlets to discuss GF and our IPO, to incredible engagement from our employees, investors, customers, and partners – it was day none of us are likely to forget.


Thank you for reading our list Top 10 Stories from 2021! Wishing you happy holidays, a fantastic new year, and we’ll see you back on the Foundry Files in 2022!