Pathways to Careers at GF - US

Pathways to Careers at GF









Fields of Study and Jobs They Lead To

GlobalFoundries hires a lot of technicians and engineers. But that’s not all. Each GF “fab”, or manufacturing site, is like a small city. Name a career and we probably have it! From engineering to supply chain, finance to information technology, business operations to technicians, we have many job opportunities at GF.

Click on our  Career Search to view our current job openings.


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Paid Internships and Co-ops

We hire interns and co-ops for the summer as well as throughout the year. Click on Student opportunities within our Career Search.

Associates (AAS) Technician Internship/Co-op

  • Completed first year of college courses
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Hired for summer, full- time paid positions
  • Continue as a paid Co-op (part time) during second year of your AAS

Bachelor’s and Graduate Internship/Co-op

  • Paid internship and co-op positions in the summer and throughout the year
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Hiring opportunities throughout bachelor and graduate studies

Video: Meet the GF Intern Class of 2020

Paid Apprenticeships

Our Apprenticeships consist of on-the-job-training and college courses, resulting in an industry certification. Click on our Career Search and use keyword “apprentice”.

Essex Junction, VT, Technician Apprenticeship

  • Full-time paid position
  • HS diploma with demonstrated technical aptitude
  • Must at least 18 years old
  • Take classes part-time at Vermont Technical College while working full time at GF
  • Classes are fully paid for by GF
  • 3 years to complete program
  • Opportunity to pursue AAS degree after apprenticeship

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Malta, NY Technician Apprenticeship

  • Full-time paid position
  • HS diploma or equivalent, with mechanical aptitude, and a strong team player 
  • Must be at least 18 years old 
  • Take classes part-time through Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC) while working full time at GF 
  • College classes and on-the-job training are provided at no cost to you 
  • 18 months to complete the program 
  • Opportunity to pursue AAS degree and beyond after apprenticeship, using GF’s tuition reimbursement benefit 

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Full Time Jobs

Explore jobs by level of education


High School Diploma

  • High School Diploma
  • PTECH Advanced Manufacturing Pathway
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs

Type of Job: Apprenticeship, WaferFab Technician, Logistics Technician, Process Technician, Facilities Technician, Equipment Technician

Where you’ll work: In the “fab” clean room in a bunny suit (manufacturing), subfab, or warehouse area (logistics)

Skills you’ll use: Teamwork, communication, organization

Where can it lead: With additional training, experience, and/or education, you can move into other roles in GlobalFoundries

WaferFab Technician

Associates Degrees

  • Electrical Engineering Technology
  • Mechatronics
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
  • Automotive Technology
  • Most AAS technical degrees

Type of Job: Maintenance Technician, Equipment Technician, Facilities Technician, Process Technician

Where you’ll work: In the “fab” clean room in a bunny suit or in the “subfab” in PPE

Skills you’ll use: Hands-on problem solving, mechanical and electrical aptitude, troubleshooting, teamwork, communication

Where can it lead: With additional training, experience, and/or education, you can move into other roles in GlobalFoundries such as equipment engineering

Maintenance Technician

Bachelors Degrees in Engineering

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Physics
  • Materials Science
  • Environmental
  • and more

Type of Job: Process engineer, Yield engineer, Facilities engineer, Equipment engineer, Quality engineer, Device engineer and more

Where you’ll work: Office environment, lab, cleanroom, or subfab

Skills you’ll use: Technical skills, problem solving, working with other teams, critical thinking, communication

Where can it lead: With additional training, experience, and/or education, you can move into a higher level engineering role, management role, or a position in another department at GlobalFoundries

Quality Engineer

Bachelors Degrees

  • Human Resources
  • IT
  • Finance
  • Business
  • Operations
  • and more

Type of Job: Human Resources, IT, Finance, Business, Operations and more

Where you’ll work: Office environment

Skills you’ll use: Problem solving, working with other teams, critical thinking, communication

Where can it lead: With additional training, experience, and/or education, you can move into a management role, or a position in another department at GlobalFoundries

Finance Manager

Masters and Ph.D. Degrees

Of course we also hire individuals with master’s and/or doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees in Engineering, HR, IT, Finance, and more! Check our Careers page for opportunities.

Technical Trainer

Love to Learn? Use GF’s Tuition Reimbursement!

Your education doesn’t have to stop after you graduate! Once you’re here at GF, you can go for another degree.

While working full time, you can go to school part time… and GF will reimburse your tuition up to $5250 each year!


  • You could finish your associates or bachelors degree
  • Or you could go get a graduate degree!

Where you start may not be where you’ll end up!

Learning and growing doesn’t stop after you’ve completed your degree! At GF, we have a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Where you start may not be where you’ll end up! There so many things to try out, like:


  • Joining projects outside of your department
  • Getting involved in events with the community
  • Networking with a mentor
  • Taking a Leadership Development class
  • Traveling or assignments at our other global locations
  • Gaining new technical training

Professional and Social Connections

People are the most important part of our company!

We have many social and networking groups for you to get to know your coworkers at GF.


  • Early Career Networks for young professionals
  • GlobalWomen
  • Veterans Resource Group
  • GlobalFamilies
  • BRAG: Black Resource Affinity Group
  • Pride@GF
  • Unidos
  • ASIA

Learn more about our Employee Resource Groups here

For feedback, questions, or suggestions about this website please contact [email protected]

Explore STEM@GF

K-12 Activities

For K-12, we share fun, engaging hands-on activities that educate students about semiconductor concepts. The activities can be easily be connected to math and science topics in the classroom.

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Pathways to Careers at GF

For High School and College, we show students what jobs are like in the field of semiconductors and what pathways to consider taking.

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Where you Can Find GF Chips

GlobalFoundries chips are found inside smartphones, and in the infrastructure that makes everything work.

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Glossary of Terms

Glossary of semiconductor terms

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About GlobalFoundries

GlobalFoundries has four global manufacturing sites located in the U.S. (Malta, NY and Essex Junction, VT); Dresden, Germany; and Singapore.

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