Etch This!
Topics: Chemistry, states of matter
Grades: 3-8; adaptable to all grades
Make a 3D Computer Chip Model!
Topics: Electrons, Conductor, Insulator, Semiconductor
Grades: 3-8; adaptable to all grades
Activity: How to make a 3D computer chip model
Explanation: Computer Chips are 3D Structures!
Zoom into a Microchip
Credit: Lawrence Hall of Science
Bending Light!
Topics: Physics, properties of light, refraction
Grades: 3-8; adaptable to all grades

Activity: Bending Light!
Explanation: How is Bending Light Used in Semiconductors?

Activity: Bending Light Simulator
PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder
Sand to Silicon
Candy Diffusion!
Topics: Diffusion, solids, liquids
Grades: 3-8; adaptable to all grades
Activity: Candy Diffusion
Explanation: How Does Diffusion Work?

Activity: Diffusion Simulator
PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder
Keep It Clean!
Topics: Chemistry, Acid, Base
Grades: 3-8; adaptable to all grades
Activity: Keep It Clean!
Explanation: Why do we need to keep everything clean?
Sand to Silicon
Fab Video
The Power of Ten!
Topics: Order of magnitude, metric measurement
Grades: 3-8; adaptable to all grades
Activity: Draw 1 meter creature

Explanation: How small is a nanometer?
Sand to Silicon
Fab Video
Explore STEM@GF
K-12 Activities
For K-12, we share fun, engaging hands-on activities that educate students about semiconductor concepts. The activities can be easily be connected to math and science topics in the classroom.
Pathways to Careers at GF
For High School and College, we show students what jobs are like in the field of semiconductors and what pathways to consider taking.
Where you Can Find GF Chips
GlobalFoundries chips are found inside smartphones, and in the infrastructure that makes everything work.
About GlobalFoundries
GlobalFoundries has four global manufacturing sites located in the U.S. (Malta, NY and Essex Junction, VT); Dresden, Germany; and Singapore.