GLOBALFOUNDRIES to Deliver Socionext’s Next Generation Graphics Controller for Advanced In-Vehicle Display Applications June 28, 201855nm LPx platform, with SST’s highly reliable embedded SuperFlash®, enables enhanced features and security protection for remote display applications Santa Clara, Calif., June 28, 2018 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced that Socionext Inc. will manufacture the third and latest generation of its graphics display controllers, the SC1701, on GF’s 55nm Low Power Extended (55LPx) process technology with embedded non-volatile memory (SuperFlash®). The 55LPx platform enables several new features in Socionext’s SC1701 series including enhanced diagnostic and security protection capabilities, cyclic redundancy code (CRC) checks, picture freeze detection, and multi window signature unit for advanced in-vehicle display systems. The shipping of the SC1701 from Socionext will start at the end of July. In recent years, the number of in-vehicle electronic systems has risen exponentially with increasing requirements for multiple content-rich displays. Socionext’s SC1701 controller integrates a variety of system component features along with APIX®3 technology and automotive safety functions to meet the increasing demand for high speed video and data connectivity and stringent safety requirements. The device supports display resolution up to one U-HD (4K) or two F-HD (2K) at 30bpp, and capable of receiving two separate video streams over a single link by utilizing the VESA® display stream compression (DSC) method. Moreover, the SC1701 offers video content protection through built-in HDCP decryption technology that enables a richer user experience. “The SC1701 display controller is designed to support high performance computing within a vehicle, with one of the most innovative evolutions in automotive system architectures,” said Koichi Yamashita, senior vice president and head of IoT and Graphics Solution Business Unit at Socionext. “GF’s automotive grade 1 qualified 55LPx platform, with its low power logic and highly reliable embedded non-volatile memory, was ideal for our product.” GF’s 55LPx platform, with SST’s SuperFlash® memory technology, provides a fast path-to-product solution, and is fully qualified for consumer, industrial and automotive grade 1 applications. The implementation of SuperFlash® on 55LPx provides a small bitcell size, increased fast read speed along with superior data retention and endurance. “GF is excited to be working with Socionext, who is a leader in state-of-the-art SoC technology,” said Dave Eggleston, vice president of embedded memory at GF. “Socionext joins our rapidly growing client base for GF’s 55LPx platform, which offers a combination of superior low power logic, embedded non-volatile memory, extensive IP, and superior reliability for the industrial and automotive grade 1 system-on-chip markets.” The 55LPx-enabled platform is in volume production at GF’s 300mm line in Singapore. In addition to the SC1701, Socionext is currently developing several products on the technology, joining On Semiconductor, Silicon Mobility and Fudan Microelectronics, who are currently optimizing their chip designs with GF’s 55LPx platform for wearable IoT and automotive products. Process design kits and an extensive offering of silicon proven IP are available now. For more information on GF’s mainstream CMOS solutions, contact your GF sales representative or go to About Socionext Socionext is a new, innovative enterprise that designs, develops and delivers System-on-Chip products to customers worldwide. The company is focused on imaging, networking and other dynamic technologies that drive todayʼs leading-edge applications. Socionext combines world-class expertise, experience, and an extensive IP portfolio to provide exceptional solutions and ensure a better quality of experience for customers. Founded in 2015, Socionext Inc. is headquartered in Yokohama, and has offices in Japan, Asia, United States and Europe to lead its product development and sales activities. For more information, visit About GF GLOBALFOUNDRIES is a leading full-service semiconductor foundry providing a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services to some of the world’s most inspired technology companies. With a global manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GLOBALFOUNDRIES makes possible the technologies and systems that transform industries and give customers the power to shape their markets. GLOBALFOUNDRIES is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit GLOBALFOUNDRIES® and the GLOBALFOUNDRIES logo and sphere design are trademarks and/or service marks of GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions. SuperFlash® is a registered trademark of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. APIX®3 is a registered trademark of INOVA Semiconductors GmbH Contact: Erica McGillGLOBALFOUNDRIES(518) 795-5240+1-781-591-0354[email protected] Socionext Inc.Inquiry:
高性能、高效的ASIC支持先进的汽车系统 June 26, 2018作者: Gary Dagastine 根据一些数据估计,目前全球有超过260家初创企业和成熟公司竞相开发、认证并向市场投放面向新ADAS(先进驾驶辅助系统)和自动驾驶应用的芯片和技术。 为顺应这一趋势,风险投资者、科技公司、汽车制造商、一级供应商以及其他公司都在大幅增加对这个领域的投资。根据调查公司CB Insights的统计,去年,仅在汽车和其他基于AI的应用领域,风险资本投资就增长到了近16亿美元,而在2016年为13亿美元,在2015年为8.2亿美元。 此外,这种增长呈现出全球化趋势。在近期的报道中,有一则值得注意的新闻是中国深圳的一家自动驾驶初创公司Roadstar.ai募集了1.28亿美元的A轮风投资金。对于中国的自动驾驶科技公司来说,这是迄今为止报道过的数额最大的一笔单项投资,超过了今年早些时候位于广州的另一家自动驾驶初创公司Pony.ai获得的1.12亿美元投资金额。 投资者对这个领域的热情为何如此高涨?从消费者的角度来看,许多驾驶员都非常青睐防撞、盲点警告、自适应巡航控制等ADAS功能,而从汽车制造商的角度,他们为了满足客户的需求,需要不断提高这些系统的精密度,并且逐步应用于各种价位的汽车上。 从社会层面来看,驾驶员辅助/自动驾驶功能可以提供诸多优点。例如,美国每年因车祸致死的人员数量约达到40,000人,全球范围内的死亡人数则超过百万人,除此以外,还有2000-5000万人员因车祸受伤或致残。提高汽车的自动性能有可能大幅降低这些数量。 自动驾驶还开创了全新的业务机遇,例如自动驾驶出租车。 车轮上的大脑 标准制定组织SAE International(国际汽车工程师学会)建立了一个五级分类系统,用于描述汽车的自动化等级,最低为1级(系统提供警告,但由驾驶员驾驶车辆),最高为5级(全自动驾驶,无需人为干涉)。 随着行业不断向5级发展,摄像头、激光雷达和雷达等传感器会生成大量数据,这些数据必须实时处理、集成和传输,以便复杂的基于深度神经网络的机器学习算法能够利用它来识别环境中的对象,预测它们的行为,与其他车辆通信,并做出车辆控制决策。 资料来源:NHTSA、GROM Audio、多种行业和商业资料来源以及格芯内部评估 有人认为,采用分散式车载网络架构是实现这一目标的最好途径,因为这是对现有ADAS系统实施的一次变革,因此对汽车计算系统设计的影响也是最小的。此外,它还支持采用专用处理器,并允许逐步添加新功能。 格芯汽车业务副总裁Mark Granger表示,这个方式存在的问题在于:虽然本地处理器和有限的网络带宽可能足以支持2级(部分,或“解放双手”)或可能支持3级(有条件,或“解放双脚”)操作,但它们无法按照基于AI的机器学习算法的要求来实时处理海量数据,从而实现真正的自动操作。 他说道:“分散式架构可能提供最高5 TOPs(每秒万亿次操作),以及约10 Mb/s车载带宽。但是,要达到3-5级自动化操作水平,则需要采用配备强大、高效处理器的集中网络架构来提供50-100 TOPs和100 Gb/s车载数据数率。相比之下,在2000年,当时全球最强大的超级计算机只支持1 TOPs操作。所以自动驾驶汽车确实需要采用人工智能,而集中式架构则是实现自动驾驶的最好途径。” 到目前为止,ADAS/自动驾驶系统的开发采用的核心半导体技术一直都是图形处理器(GPU)和微处理器(CPU)。但是,随着开发人员开始向5级自动化迈进,这些芯片在汽车系统中的激增也带来了越来越多的问题,因为它们虽然功能强大,但它们也非常耗电。 Granger表示:“自动驾驶汽车的开发尚处于初期阶段,除非能够找到方法来降低AI系统中的处理器能耗,否则它们可能一直停滞不前。为如今的自动驾驶汽车提供动力的芯片基本上需要服务级芯片机架,功耗可达7,000-10,000瓦。从开发和测试角度来看,这是可行的,但却无法运用于商业产品中。此外,它们的体积相对较大,您还需要考虑实施冷却的难度和成本。我们每个人都希望尽可能降低特定功能的功耗预算。” 了解格芯的ASIC ASIC(专用集成电路)专用于满足汽车系统的需求,它们不但功能强大,能效高,还能让汽车客户从自己领域中脱颖而出。它们提供设计灵活性,有助于实现比现有GPU功能更强大的设计。 每个芯片上的大型CPU集群和数以十万计的乘加运算(MAC)电路满足AI算法繁重的计算要求,同时千兆位嵌入式SRAM和千兆字节片外DRAM接口则可以为强大的计算引擎提供数据。 格芯提供14nm和7nm FinFET ASIC片上系统(SoC)器件,与GPU和竞争对手的ASIC技术相比,能够提供优化的功率、尺寸和能效组合,同时满足汽车级质量标准,例如功能安全标准ISO26262。 FX-14™ ASIC提供给用户的优势包括:在系统设计中采用64位和32位ARM®内核阵列,以及56Gbps高速SERDES(HSS);嵌入式TCAM存储器,支持每秒实施数十亿次搜索;密度和性能均得到优化的嵌入式SRAM;能够提高应用灵活性的2.5D封装选项。 FX-7™ ASIC的产品扩展包括高达112G HSS、高度密集的片上SRAM和大量片外DRAM接口(LPDDR、GDDR、HBM),包括提高应用灵活性的2.5/3D封装选项。 格芯的ASIC与其他产品的不同不仅体现在功能上,也体现在起源上。格芯于2015年收购IBM Microelectronics之后,获得了行业领先的ASIC开发团队之一,其中包括来自全球的1,000多位设计工程师,以及完成近2,000项ASIC设计的历史记录,涉及从关键企业网络采用的高端服务器到低成本游戏平台的各种应用。 格芯的ASIC业务部首席技术官兼格芯FellowIgor Arsovski表示:“我们的ASIC团队在广泛的产品领域都表现出色,从高度复杂的、适用于服务器和航空航天产品的电子产品,到覆盖所有高端游戏平台的高性能、低成本应用。 与其他设计公司不同,我们提供广泛的IP阵列,这些阵列都经受过系统性、广泛的模型-硬件关联和HTOL压力测试,不仅能缩短设计到流片的整个周期,还能提高首次设计成功率。这种严格方法确保了即使在经历数十个工艺节点和超过2,000次ASIC设计之后,我们也仍然能够为客户提供ASIC。在汽车领域,还需要注意,我们的ASIC设计采用了先进的原位测试功能,这一点非常重要,因为对于汽车来说,高可靠性是一切的前提。” Arsovski还提到,因为许多格芯客户对设计服务的要求都不同,所以格芯提供了全套服务,从全面的统包服务(客户提供规格,要求格芯提供设计中心、封装和测试支持),到完全自定义的设计(客户提供GDS,只要求进行制造)。随着格芯公司在汽车电子领域不断发展壮大和提高设计能力,他们将能够灵活地为客户提供配套支持。 关于作者 Gary Dagastine是一位职业撰稿人,主要为EE Times、Electronics Weekly和许多专业媒体撰写关于半导体行业的文章。他是NanocEEhip Fab Solutions杂志的特约编辑,也是IEEE国际电子器件大会(IEDM)(全球最具影响力的半导体技术大会)的媒体关系主管。加入General Electric Co.之后,他开始涉足半导体行业,在该公司工作期间,他负责为GE功率、模拟和定制IC业务提供沟通支持。Gary毕业于纽约斯克内克塔迪联合大学。
High-Performance, Efficient ASICs Enable Advanced Automotive Systems June 21, 2018By: Gary Dagastine By some estimates there are now more than 260 startups and established companies around the world scrambling to develop, qualify and bring to market chips and technologies for new ADAS (advanced driver-assistance systems) and autonomous driving applications. Accordingly, venture capitalists, technology companies, carmakers, Tier 1 automotive suppliers and others are sharply ratcheting up their investments in this area. Venture capital investments alone in automotive and other AI-based applications grew to some $1.6 billion last year, up from $1.3 billion in 2016 and $820 million in 2015, according to research firm CB Insights. What’s more, this activity is taking place globally. Among notable recent announcements was the news that Shenzhen, China-based self-driving start-up raised $128 million in Series A venture funding. It’s reportedly the single largest investment to date in a Chinese autonomous driving company, eclipsing the $112 million in funding announced earlier this year by another self-driving start-up, Guangzhou-based Why is interest in this space growing so strongly? On a consumer level, many drivers appreciate ADAS features like collision avoidance, blind spot warnings, adaptive cruise control and so on, and because carmakers want to satisfy their clients they are working to make these systems more sophisticated and increasingly available in cars at all price points. On a societal level, driver-assistance/self-driving features have much more to offer. For example, there are about 40,000 deaths from motor vehicle accidents annually in the U.S. and over a million worldwide, with an additional 20-50 million people injured or disabled. Vehicles with greater autonomous capabilities have the potential to significantly reduce these numbers. They also open up entirely new business opportunities, such as self-driving taxis. A Brain on Wheels The standards-setting organization SAE International has established a five-level classification system to describe the level of automation in cars, going from Level 1 (the system gives warnings but the driver drives the car) to Level 5 (fully autonomous operation with no human intervention required). As the industry moves toward Level 5, sensors such as cameras, lidar and radar will generate torrents of data which must be processed, integrated and transmitted in real-time so that sophisticated deep neural-net-based machine learning algorithms can make use of it to recognize objects in the environment, predict their actions, communicate with other vehicles, and make vehicle-control decisions. Sources: NHTSA, GROM Audio, various industry and commercial sources, and GF internal assessments Some argue that this can be best accomplished with decentralized in-car network architecture, because it would be an evolution of existing ADAS systems and therefore would have the least impact on the design of automotive computing systems. It also would accommodate the use of specialized processors and allow new features to be added in a stepwise fashion. The problems with this approach, according to Mark Granger, GLOBALFOUNDRIES Vice President of Automotive, are that while local processors and limited network bandwidth might be adequate for Level 2 (partial, or “hands-off”) or perhaps Level 3 (conditional, or “feet off”) operation, they lack the ability to handle in real-time the vast amount of data required by AI-based machine learning algorithms to enable truly autonomous operation. “Decentralized architectures might provide up to 5 TOPs (trillion operations per second) and about 10 Mbits/s of in-car bandwidth,” he said. “But to operate at Levels 3-5, centralized network architecture with powerful, efficient processors that provide 50-100 TOPs and in-car data rates of 100 Gbits/s is needed. To put that in perspective, in the year 2000 the world’s most powerful supercomputer had the ability to do only 1 TOPs. So autonomous vehicles really will have to be brains on wheels, and a centralized architecture is the best way to achieve that.” Source: GF Until now the semiconductor technologies at the heart of ADAS/autonomous system development have been graphics processors (GPUs) and microprocessors (CPUs). But as developers move toward Level 5 automation, the proliferation of these chips in automotive systems becomes increasingly problematic, because while they are powerful they are also power-hungry. “Self-driving cars are in their infancy, and unless something is done to reduce the power consumption of the processors in their AI-based systems, maybe they’ll never grow up,” said Granger. “The chips powering today’s versions of self-driving cars essentially require racks of server-class chips that draw maybe 7,000-10,000 watts of power. While that’s OK for development and testing purposes, it’s impractical for commercial products. Plus, you also have to consider the challenges and expense of cooling them, and they are relatively large physically. Everyone has a goal to get the power budget as low as possible for a given function.” Enter GF’s ASICs ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) specifically designed to meet the needs of automotive systems not only can be both powerful and extremely energy efficient, but they also allow an automotive client to differentiate itself from the rest of the pack. They provide design flexibility and allow for designs that are much more powerful than current GPUs. Large CPU clusters and hundreds of thousands of multiply and accumulate (MAC) circuits on each die meet the heavy computational requirements of AI algorithms, while gigabits of embedded SRAM and gigabytes of off-chip DRAM interfaces feed the hungry compute engine. GF offers 14nm and 7nm FinFET ASIC system-on-chip (SoC) devices which deliver optimum combinations of power, size and energy efficiency versus both GPUs and competing ASIC technologies, while meeting automotive quality standards such as the functional safety standard ISO26262. FX-14™ ASICs allow users to take advantage of an array of 64-bit and 32-bit ARM® cores for system design, along with a 56Gbps high-speed SERDES (HSS); an embedded TCAM memory capable of billions of searches per second; density- and performance-optimized embedded SRAM; and 2.5D packaging options that maximize application flexibility. FX-7™ ASICs extend the offering with up to 112G HSS, the densest on-chip SRAM and a large number of off-chip DRAM interfaces (LPDDR, GDDR, HBM), including 2.5/3D packaging options that maximize application flexibility. The GF ASICs differ from those offered by others not just in their capabilities, but also in their pedigree. The IBM Microelectronics acquisition in 2015 brought to GF one of the industry’s leading ASIC development teams, with more than 1,000 design engineers around the world and a history of some 2,000 completed ASIC designs for applications ranging from high-end servers for critical enterprise networks to low-cost gaming platforms. “Our ASIC team has a proven track record on a range of products from highly complex electronics for servers and aerospace, to high-performance low-cost applications that covered all of the top gaming platforms,” said Igor Arsovski, Chief Technical Officer of GF’s ASIC business unit and GF Fellow. “Unlike other design houses, we offer a broad array of IP that has undergone systematic and extensive model-to hardware correlation and HTOL stresses to both reduce design-to-tapeout cycle time and improve first-time right design success rate,” he said. “This rigorous methodology has ensured that even after tens of process nodes and over 2,000 ASIC designs we have never failed to deliver an ASIC to our client. Also noteworthy in the automotive context is the fact that our ASIC designs incorporate advanced in-situ testing capabilities, which are critical because high reliability is a prerequisite for automotive.” Arsovski also mentioned that, since many GF clients vary in their design service requirements, the company offers a full range of packages from full-turnkey service – where the client delivers a spec and requires design center, packaging and test support from GF – to full custom design where the client delivers GDS and only wants fabrication. GF’s agility allows the company to organically support clients as their company and design capabilities grow in the field of automotive electronics. About Author Gary Dagastine Gary Dagastine is a writer who has covered the semiconductor industry for EE Times, Electronics Weekly and many specialized media outlets. He is a contributing editor at Nanochip Fab Solutions magazine and also is the Director of Media Relations for the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), the world’s most influential technology conference for semiconductors. He started in the industry at General Electric Co. where he provided communications support to GE’s power, analog and custom IC businesses. Gary is a graduate of Union College in Schenectady, New York,
算力功耗比mW/GigaHash:加密货币挖矿专用芯片转向22FDX June 13, 2018作者: Dave Lammers 我之前写的几篇博客探讨了在物联网和汽车雷达应用中使用22FDX®工艺技术,这些应用市场都要求实现高性能和低功耗。加密货币挖矿是另一个功耗性能举足轻重的市场,因此,挖矿机逐渐放弃GPU,改用专用芯片(ASIC)。 关于半导体行业,比较有趣的一点是:每种应用都需要不同的性能、功耗、成本,以及其他因素的组合。加密货币挖矿应用亦不例外,甚至主流货币——比特币、莱特币和以太坊——以及其挖矿方式也是如此。 Moor Insights & Strategy的助理分析员Anshel Sag在跟踪分析货币挖矿市场的状况后,表示矿工“不想购买任何额外的逻辑片上组件。他们希望尽可能降低功耗。每项都达到极简状态,因为很大程度上都归结于功耗问题。” Sag表示,每种不同的算法都代表“一种不同的瓶颈,因此需要按照不同的方式架构ASIC,尽可能减少瓶颈。”(Sag和Moor的首席分析师Patrick Moorhead撰写了一篇晶圆厂和加密货币挖矿机白皮书,就此进行了详细阐述。) “每天消耗的能源如此之多,挖矿行业和制造商一直都在研究其ASIC挖矿机的效率。大部分挖矿设备都以hash/watt为单元测量其‘性能’,而非测量其总体的hash功能。” 资料来源:Moor Insights & Strategy白皮书:“晶圆厂在加密挖矿行业的重要性” 架构差异 Sanjay Charagulla——格芯技术营销和业务开发部门的资深总监,概述了针对比特币、莱特币和以太坊而优化的挖矿机ASIC之间的差异。莱特币ASIC倾向于采用相对较少部分的逻辑晶体管,SRAM约占晶体管总数的三分之二。Charagulla认为格芯的22FDX工艺拥有“最高效的SRAM位单元之一”,并将其归为格芯“已为多位客户设计完成流片”的原因。 以太坊挖矿约占整个挖矿IC市场的10%,因此至今一直由图形处理器(GPU)主导市场。以太坊算法需要大量的外部存储器,且芯片尺寸也更大。Charagulla表示,他预测以太坊挖矿将增长到市场的25%,因为相对比特币而言,其整体商务技术能够提供更高的交易灵活性。 尽管新货币种类层出不穷,比特币仍是市场的主导加密货币——挖矿机一般具备多个PCB板,每块板上都包含50-100多个ASIC。这些微小的ASIC都是逻辑器件,每个芯片上都有数百个累加运算(MAC)电路,无需采用外部存储器或协处理器。而且,如果有几个内核不能正常工作,ASIC仍然能够正常运行。“比特币ASIC没有这么复杂,其布局和后端设计是影响效率的关键”,他表示。 对于挖矿机而言,功耗成本如此重要,因此在测量效率时,以mW/Gigahash为单位测量,而不只是测算总体的Hash算力。主流的挖矿供应商Bitmain采用98mW/GigaHash的比特币挖矿机,新竞争者们都尝试达到或超越该水平。“我们有多位客户参与,有几位已经进行流片,其结果相当不错”,Charagulla说道。 加密货币挖矿生态系统——垂直整合 资料来源:格芯 卓越的性能 我问过Charagulla,能否通过提高ASIC的频率和承担额外的功耗来加快挖矿机进入区块链下一板块的速度。他回复说,为了让挖矿机内部的热流保持最优水平并节省功率,明智的做法是“以最低的功率,按照合理的400-500 MHz频率”运行ASIC。 尽管有些比特币ASIC开始转而采用基于FinFET的工艺,Charagulla建议,最好是采用基于FD-SOI的FDX工艺,让制造成本和功耗保持较低水平,同时保持足够的性能。“可以按照某种频率,同时运行数千个内核,这样仍然能够解决问题。基本来说,内核一般包含多个XOR栅极和16位宽的数据路径,在有限空间内布局。我们相信,22FDX能够满足这一要求。FinFET的优势在于具备千兆赫时钟速度、更宽的总线和位加法逻辑。这种情况(比特币ASIC)下并不存在任何高速I/O,所以,如果您可以优化内核的布局,FD-SOI将可以媲美FinFET,且其成本更低。” 许多客户设计都采用FDX工艺,工作电压仅0.4V。Charagulla表示,“一家客户”正尝试将工作电压降低至0.3 Vdd,以便为挖矿机提供更低功耗的80毫瓦/Gigahash的ASIC,同时“仍然能够高效运行其算法”。背栅偏置和正向偏置可用于满足性能和功率规格要求,他补充说道。 产能限制 Moor Insights的分析师Sag表示,虽然有些“高级”ASIC挖矿机将继续采用领先的FinFET工艺,其他挖矿机可能改变方式。“FinFETs在价格更加高昂的节点上能提供更高的性能,但需要支付更高成本。随着挖矿ASIC开始遵循更小巧的设计规则,晶圆的价格也随之增高。目前,人们希望降低挖矿机的成本,通过薄利多销的方式实现更多利润。最初采用领先的节点时,例如10nm或7nm,其产出并不是最高。采用领先节点时,其成本相对更高。” 此外,挖矿芯片设计公司在“争夺晶圆厂的产能,这是让成本走高的另一个原因”,Sag表示。 格芯位于马耳他、纽约的晶圆厂采用基于FinFETs的14nm和即将推出的7nm工艺几乎满负荷运行,Sag表示,挖矿公司都将德累斯顿提供的22FDX产能视作契机。此外,由于超过6家挖矿机设备制造商都位于中国,Sag表示“22FDX可能很快会在中国投入使用。” Sag表示“在为正确的客户选择正确的工艺方面,格芯表现出色,这对他们而言非常重要。并非每个芯片都需要数十亿个FinFET晶体管。就价格敏感性以及高能效需求而言,22FDX具有重要意义。” Moor Insights白皮书中指出“格芯的FDX路线图将于2019年和2020年实现扩展,涵盖12nm FDX,其功耗更低,性能更高,且更加节省成本。我们相信,这种工艺的扩展将让挖矿机大幅受益。芯片的制造成本对于最终能否成功越来越重要,尤其是当比特币和其他加密货币挖矿ASIC公司开始以尽可能加大产量为目标的时候。” Charagulla表示,德累斯顿工厂提供的产能正不断吸引新挖矿机公司采用22FDX。“马耳他晶圆厂几乎已达到全部产能,德累斯顿晶圆厂显然是面向22FDX,随后将是12FDX。在毫米波射频领域,我们面向基站、移动手持设备和毫米波雷达的设计正不断取胜。对于挖矿机ASIC,FDX能够提供附加价值,因此,更多的新客户会选择格芯。” 关于作者 Dave Lammers是固态技术特约撰稿人,也是格芯的Foundry Files的特约博客作者。他于20世界80年代早期在美联社东京分社工作期间开始撰写关于半导体行业的文章,彼时该行业正经历快速发展。他于1985年加入E.E. Times,定居东京,在之后的14年内,足迹遍及日本、韩国和台湾。1998年,Dave与他的妻子Mieko以及4个孩子移居奥斯丁,为E.E Times开设德克萨斯办事处。Dave毕业于美国圣母大学,获得密苏里大学新闻学院新闻学硕士学位。
Milliwatts per Gigahash: Crypto Miner ASICs Look to 22FDX June 7, 2018By: Dave Lammers The last couple of blogs I’ve written have looked at using the 22FDX® technology process for Internet of Things and automotive radar applications, markets that call for a combination of performance at low power consumption. Cryptocurrency mining is another market where power consumption is a defining characteristic, one reason that miners are moving gradually away from GPUs to ASICs. One of the interesting things about the semiconductor industry is that every application needs a different mix of performance, power consumption, cost, and other factors. The cryptocurrency mining applications are that way, even down to the major coins — Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum — and the ways they are mined. Anshel Sag, an associate analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy, who tracks the coin mining market, said miners “don’t want to buy any extra logic on-chip. They want to minimize power. Everything is extremely lean because most of this boils down to power consumption.” Each of the different algorithms, Sag said, presents “a different bottleneck, and the ASICs need to be architected in different ways to minimize the bottlenecks.” (Sag and Moor principal analyst Patrick Moorhead wrote a white paper on fabs and cryptocurrency miners that provides details on the subject.) “With so much energy consumed daily, mining operations and manufacturers are always looking at the efficiency of their ASIC miners. Most mining devices ‘performance’ is measured in hashes per watt rather than total hashing capability.” Source: Moor Insights & Strategy White Paper, “The Importance Of Fabs In Crypto Mining” Architectures Differ Sanjay Charagulla, senior director of technology marketing and business development at GF, outlined the differences in the miner ASICs optimized for Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. The Litecoin ASICs tend to have a relatively small fraction of logic transistors, while SRAM cells account for roughly two-thirds of the transistors. Charagulla argued that GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ 22FDX process has “one of the most efficient SRAM bit cells,” and cited that as a reason why GF has “already taped out multiple customer designs.” Ethereum mining, which accounts for roughly 10 percent of the total mining IC market, thus far has been dominated by graphics processors (GPUs). The Ethereum algorithm requires a relatively large amount of external memory, and the die sizes are larger. Charagulla said he sees Ethereum mining growing to as much as a quarter of the market, because its overall commercial technology offers good transaction flexibility over Bitcoin. With Bitcoin – still the dominant cryptocurrency despite a flood of new entries – the mining appliances typically have multiple PCB boards, with each board holding on the order of 50-100+ ASICs. These tiny ASICs are logic devices, with hundreds of multiply and accumulate (MAC) circuits on each die, requiring no external memories or co-processors. And if a couple of cores are not working, the ASIC is able to still grind away. “The Bitcoin ASICs are not that complex. The layout and back end design are key to efficiency,” he said. With the cost of power so important to miners, efficiency is measured in milliWatts per gigahash, rather than total hashing capability. Bitmain, the dominant mining vendor, has described a 98 milliwatts per gigahash Bitcoin miner, and new competitors are seeking to either match or improve on that. “We have multiple customers engaged, and a handful already taped out, with good results,” Charagulla said. Good Enough Performance I asked Charagulla if miners could get to the next space on the blockchain faster by jacking up the ASIC’s frequency and paying for the extra power consumption. He replied that to keep the thermal flow within the miner at an optimum level and conserve power, the smart strategy is to run the ASICs at a “reasonable frequency of 400-500 MHz at the lowest power.” Even though some Bitcoin ASICs are shifting to FinFET-based processes, Charagulla argued that the better strategy is to keep the manufacturing costs and power consumption down by using the FD-SOI-based FDX process, while maintaining sufficient performance. “The way to do this is to run thousands of cores in parallel, at a certain frequency, so they can still solve the puzzle. The cores are basically a bunch of XOR gates with a 16-bit-wide datapath, in a confined layout. Our belief is that 22FDX will meet the requirements here. Where FinFETs shine is at gigahertz clock speeds, with wider buses and bit-adder logic. In this case (Bitcoin ASICs) there is not any high-speed I/O, so if you can optimize the layout of the cores, FD-SOI can be as good as FinFETs, and at lower costs.” Many customer designs using the FDX process operate at just 0.4V. Charagulla said one tier one customer is pushing down to a 0.3 Vdd to provide miners with a lower-power-consumption ASIC at 80 milliwatts per gigahash, while “still able to run the algorithm efficiently.” Back biasing and forward biasing can be used to meet the performance and power specs, he added. Capacity Constraints Sag, the Moor Insights analyst, said while some “premium” ASIC miners will continue to be made at leading-edge FinFET processes, other miners may take a different tack. “FinFETs on the more-expensive nodes provide higher performance, but at a cost. When the mining ASICs go to smaller design rules, the wafers are more expensive. Right now, people want to drive down the cost of miners, so they can sell more at a lower cost and get more profit. By being on a leading-edge node, such as 10nm or 7nm, the yields are not the greatest initially. The costs are high on a leading-edge node.” Moreover, mining companies are “jockeying for fab capacity, another reason why the costs are higher,” Sag said. With GF’s Malta, N.Y. fab running at nearly full capacity at 14nm and the upcoming 7nm processes based on FinFETs, Sag said the mining companies see available 22FDX capacity at Dresden as an opportunity. Moreover, with more than a half-dozen miner device manufacturers based in China, Sag said “22FDX could be used in China relatively soon.” Sag noted that “GF is doing a good job of choosing the right processes for the right customers, for what is important to them. Not every chip needs billions of FinFET transistors. 22FDX makes sense in terms of price sensitivity, as well as the need for high efficiency.” The Moor Insights white paper noted that the “GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ FDX roadmap will expand in 2019 and 2020 to include 12nm FDX, which should operate at even lower power and higher performance while also having a cost-friendly profile. We believe this product expansion could significantly benefit miners. The cost of manufacturing chips is becoming an increasingly important factor in their success, particularly as Bitcoin and other altcoin ASIC mining companies aim to turn as much volume as possible.” Charagulla said the available capacity at Dresden is drawing new miner companies to 22FDX. “Malta is mostly full, and the Dresden fab is clearly positioned for 22FDX, and 12FDX going forward. We are getting design wins in millimeter wave RF, for base stations and mobile handsets and millimeter-wave radar. For the miner ASICs, FDX adds value, and that is why the new entrants are coming to us.” About Author Dave Lammers Dave Lammers is a contributing writer for Solid State Technology and a contributing blogger for GF’s Foundry Files. Dave started writing about the semiconductor industry while working at the Associated Press Tokyo bureau in the early 1980s, a time of rapid growth for the industry. He joined E.E. Times in 1985, covering Japan, Korea, and Taiwan for the next 14 years while based in Tokyo. In 1998 Dave, his wife Mieko, and their four children moved to Austin to set up a Texas bureau for E.E. Times. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Dave received a master’s in journalism at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.
面向工业和电源应用的格芯超高压工艺技术进入量产阶段 June 1, 2018格芯公司的多功能高压技术可提供全套逻辑、模拟和电源器件 加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2018年5月30日–格芯今日宣布,其180nm超高压(180UHV)技术平台已经进入量产阶段,适合各种客户应用,包括用于工业电源、无线充电、固态和LED照明的AC-DC控制器,以及用于消费电子和智能手机的AC适配器。 市场对成本效益高的系统需求旺盛,要求集成电路(IC)既能显著节省面积,又能将分立组件集成到同一芯片上,从而减少物料清单(BOM)和印刷电路板(PCB)尺寸。格芯180UHV平台采用3.3V低压CMOS基准值,具有HV18、HV30和700V UHV选项,与传统的5V双极CMOS DMOS (BCD)技术相比,可显著节省数字和模拟电路模块的面积。 AC-DC开关模式供电产品的市场领先企业昂宝电子(On-Bright)首席执行官陈志樑表示:“格芯公司可以提供领先的高压解决方案,正是昂宝电子电源技术的理想战略合作伙伴。格芯的新型180UHV工艺在设计中运用昂宝电子的专业技术,将UHV组件与180nm数字和模拟功能集成到同一IC中。该技术为昂宝电子的开关模式电源降低了成本,缩小了尺寸,给我们的AC-DC开关模式电源产品带来了更多系统级优势。” 格芯180UHV工艺技术属于采用格芯公司180nm工艺节点的模块化平台的一部分,为集成AC-DC转换提供的数字密度比前几代产品提高了10倍。对于AC-DC转换,该平台将高压晶体管与精密模拟和无源器件集成,用于控制AC-DC SMPS电路的高输入和输出电压。该工艺经过高达150°C认证,适用于电源和LED照明产品的高环境温度。 格芯业务部高级副总裁Bami Bastani博士表示:“格芯不断扩展UHV产品组合,提供具有竞争力的技术功能和精良的制造工艺,让我们的客户能够在实际应用新一代高集成度器件的过程中发挥关键作用。对于打算为新一代集成数字、模拟和高压应用开发高性能解决方案的客户来说,我们的180UHV是一项理想的技术。” 格芯公司为其模拟和电源平台提供各种类型的HV、BCD和UHV技术,帮助客户在广泛的电压范围内(5V至700V)集成电源和高压晶体管,以满足高低功率应用的不同需求。格芯位于新加坡的200mm和300mm生产线已成功实现了模拟和电源解决方案的生产。 如需了解更多有关格芯高压解决方案的信息,请联系您的格芯销售代表或访问。 关于格芯 格芯是全球领先的全方位服务半导体代工厂,为世界上最富有灵感的科技公司提供独一无二的设计、开发和制造服务。伴随着全球生产基地横跨三大洲的发展步伐,格芯促生了改变行业的技术和系统的出现,并赋予了客户塑造市场的力量。格芯由阿布扎比穆巴达拉投资公司(Mubadala Investment Company)所有。欲了解更多信息,请访问。
GLOBALFOUNDRIES Enters Volume Production of Ultra High Voltage Process Technology for Industrial and Power Applications May 29, 2018 Company’s versatile high voltage technology offers full complement of logic, analog and power devices Santa Clara, Calif., May 29, 2018 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced that its 180nm Ultra High Voltage (180UHV) technology platform has entered volume production for a range of client applications, including AC-DC controllers for industrial power supplies, wireless charging, solid state and LED lighting, as well as AC adapters for consumer electronics and smartphones. The increasing demand for highly cost-effective systems requires integrated circuits (ICs) that achieve significant area savings while reducing bill-of-materials (BOM) and printed circuit board (PCB) footprint by integrating discrete components onto the same die. GF’s 180UHV platform features a 3.3V LV CMOS baseline, with options for HV18, HV30 and 700V UHV, that delivers significant area savings for both digital and analog circuit blocks, compared to the traditional 5V bipolar CMOS DMOS (BCD) technologies. “GF’s leadership in providing high voltage solutions makes the company a perfect strategic partner for On-Bright’s power supply technologies,” said Julian Chen, CEO of On-Bright, the leading market player in AC-DC switch mode power supply products. “GF’s new 180UHV process integrates UHV components into the same IC with 180nm digital and analog by incorporating On-Bright know-how in the design. The technology has reduced On-Bright’s switched-mode power supply cost and footprint to give our AC-DC switch mode power supply products additional system-level benefits.” As part of a modular platform based on the company’s 180nm process node, GF’s 180UHV process technology delivers a 10x increase in digital density compared to previous generations for integrated AC-DC conversion. For AC-DC conversion, the platform integrates high voltage transistors with precision analog and passive devices to control high input and output voltages of AC-DC SMPS circuits. The process is qualified up to 150°C to accommodate the high ambient temperatures of power supply and LED lighting products. “GF continues to expand its UHV portfolio to provide competitive technology capabilities and manufacturing excellence that will enable our customers to play a critical role in bringing a new generation of highly integrated devices to real-world environments,” said Dr. Bami Bastani, senior vice president of business units at GF. “Our 180UHV is an ideal technology for customers that are looking to develop the highest-performing solutions for a new generation of integrated digital, analog and high voltage applications.” As a part of the company’s analog and power platform, GF provides various types of HV, BCD, and UHV technologies, allowing customers to integrate power and high voltage transistors across a wide range of voltages, from 5V to 700V, to meet the diverse needs of low and high power applications. GF has a successful track record in manufacturing analog and power solutions in both its 200mm and 300mm production lines in Singapore. For more information on GF’s high voltage solutions, contact your GF sales representative or go to About GF GLOBALFOUNDRIES is a leading full-service semiconductor foundry providing a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services to some of the world’s most inspired technology companies. With a global manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GLOBALFOUNDRIES makes possible the technologies and systems that transform industries and give customers the power to shape their markets. GLOBALFOUNDRIES is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit GF Contact: Erica McGillGLOBALFOUNDRIES(518) 795-5240[email protected]
SiP 和 eNVM: 哪一个是最好的选择? May 24, 2018 作者: Yafeng Zhang 汽车电子和物联网应用的蓬勃发展,推动着市场对于MCU需求的增长。最新的预测表明,MCU在未来五年的年复合增长率会达到4%, 而汽车MCU的增长率会高达14%。 非挥发性存储器(NVM)是MCU芯片必不可少的组成部分,它不仅需要用来存储代码,而且需要用来存储使用过程中产生的数据。 两种方案 业界通常有两种MCU存储模块的解决方案:嵌入式存储器(eNVM)和系统级封装 (片外存储器–SIP)。eNVM工艺是在逻辑工艺平台的基础上开发的特殊工艺,通过这种工艺生产出带有非挥发存储器模块的的芯片。对于不同的eNVM工艺,需要增加不同层数的光罩,因此它的工艺成本相比于逻辑工艺有一定的增加。对于SIP解决方案,是通过封装的方法,把一颗NOR闪存芯片和逻辑芯片封装在一起,代码和数据存储在独立的、外挂的NOR闪存芯片上。 目前,世界领先的MCU厂商主要使用eNVM方案,但SIP方案对于新进入的公司很有吸引力,因为这种设计简单,设计周期短,从而使厂商降低设计成本,加快上市速度。然而,SIP解决方案无法满足特定应用场景的所有要求,综合考虑到成本、功耗、速度、安全性、稳定性和可靠性要求,很多应用场景下,使用eNVM是更好的解决方案。 综合评估 为了帮助MCU厂商选择最优的解决方案,我们从功耗、启动时间、速度、安全性、可靠性和成本等方面,结合客户目标的应用场景,比较一下两种方案。 功耗:eNVM的功耗会比SIP低30%以上,因为SIP采用外挂的Flash芯片,在读写操作的时候,需要驱动IO,造成功耗的增加。因此,对于用于电池供电的低功耗应用,格芯推荐使用eNVM。GF and eVaderis are co-developing a low power MCU using 22FDX and eMRAM 启动时间:eNVM的启动速度比SIP快20倍以上(Datasheet spec: 5us vs >100us)。而且,因为eNVM是XIP(eXecute In Place),主芯片可以直接从NVM模块读数据进行启动,而SIP Flash,系统通常需要将数据从外部存储器下载到片上SRAM,需要更长的时间。因此,对于需要快速启动的常闭应用,格芯推荐eNVM。 速度:eNVM比SIP提供2X以上的更快的读取速度(10ns, x32的eFlash是400MB/s vs 最高端的SPI NOR, 400MHz, 8bit位宽速度是200 MB/s)。更进一步,eNVM模块的位宽可以很容易的扩展到X64,X128,甚至X256,所以,eNVM的速度更具优势。因此,对于需要高速/高带宽的应用,格芯推荐使用eNVM。 安全性:eNVM比SIP提供更高的安全性,因为eNVM模块可以被定制,同时,工艺可以使用诸如PUF之类的IP来增强安全性。相反,SIP Flash是市场上的标准产品,很难增加额外的安全性设计。因此,对于需要高安全性的应用,格芯推荐eNVM。 可靠性:eNVM提供了更高的可靠性。在嵌入式工艺开发的时候,eNVM和逻辑工艺作为一个整体,可以直接达到车规1级或者0级,因此对于严格可靠性要求的应用,格芯推荐eNVM。40nm Embedded Self-Aligned Split-Gate Flash Technology for High Density Automotive MCUCMOS Embedded STT-MRAM arrays in 2x nm Modes for GP-MCU applications 成本:成本是最难比较的部分,牵涉范围广,通常需要考虑以下一些因素: NVM的存储大小和整个芯片尺寸,它决定了每片晶圆上面的芯片颗粒的数量。 逻辑工艺和eNVM工艺的晶圆价格。 SIP方案中,片上SRAM的容量,用于在系统启动的时候,从外部存储中下载代码。 SIP方案的闪存KGD价格 晶圆测试成本 其他因素如晶圆良率(逻辑工艺和嵌入式工艺),封装的良率损失,管理成本等 成本比较 我们选取了六个典型的NVM存储容量(2MB,4MB,8MB,16MB,32 MB,128MB),在格芯的40nm LP逻辑工艺和嵌入式工艺,22FDX®(22nm FD-SOI)逻辑工艺和嵌入式工艺,一共4种工艺平台上,进行成本的比较。 同时,对于SIP方案,因为每个产品都有不同启动方法,会用到不同的片上SRAM容量来“映射”外部闪存。下面的比较选择了最理想的情况:SIP解决方案和eNVM解决方案利用完全相同的SRAM容量。实际情况是,大多数常见的SIP解决方案会采用更大的SRAM容量。 来源: 格芯 从上图可以看到,对于采用40nm平台的产品,当NVM容量小于16Mb时,选择eNVM(eFlash)的方案,成本较低,而当NVM容量等于或高于16Mb时,SIP解决方案成本较低。 对于采用22nm FDX技术的产品,当NVM容量小于32 Mb时,eNVM(eMRAM)解决方案的成本较低,而当NVM容量等于或高于32 Mb时,SIP解决方案成本较低。 比较这两个平台,22FDX eNVM解决方案在所有NVM容量条件下的成本都比40nm SIP方案更低。与此同时在功率、速度、安全性和可靠性方面均优于SIP解决方案。 更重要的一点,当SIP选用更大的SRAM容量时,eNVM解决方案的优势更加明显。 最优选择 总之,eNVM和SIP解决方案都是设计制造MCU的可行方法。然而,基于优越的功耗、速度、安全性和可靠性,eNVM往往是MCU的更好选择。在成本方面,对于小容量,eNVM通常比SIP更低。MCU厂商通常需要权衡各种方案的利弊,来赢得市场。而格芯提供了多种解决方案,来协助我们的客户取得成功。格芯的eNVM技术,使用从主流的130nm平台到领先的22nm FDX平台,以满足新兴市场的多样化需求。低功耗的FDX平台加上低功耗的eMRAM的解决方案,是IoT应用的最优选择,而eMRAM超快的存储速度和高容量,使它同样适用于计算和存储市场。结合了RF和优越性能的LP + eFlash方案, 特别适用于汽车,工业,和消费类MCU市场。而格芯的成熟的SIP解决方案可以帮助客户加快产品面世的进程 请联系格芯为您的特定MCU架构提供更精确的的SIP与eNVM的比较分析。 关于作者 张亚峰 张亚峰在半导体行业有超过15年的经验,包括产品设计、应用和技术营销。他目前负责格芯eFlash产品的技术营销, 产品涵盖130 nm到40 nm,并专注于支持全球的MCU客户。在加入格芯之前,他曾任多个职务,包括在美光半导体(Micron SemSystems)负责45 nm NOR存储器设计和产品技术支持应用,以及在新思科技(Synopsys)和中芯国际担任了多个职务。张亚峰拥有复旦大学微电子硕士和材料科学学士学位。
GLOBALFOUNDRIES Announces Industry’s Most Advanced Automotive-Qualified Production FD-SOI Process Technology May 23, 2018Manufacturing certification for security, reliability and robustness provides customers with performance and power efficiency for automotive applications Santa Clara, Calif., May 23, 2018 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced that its 22nm FD-SOI (22FDX®) technology platform has been certified to AEC-Q100 Grade 2 for production. As the industry’s most advanced automotive-qualified FD-SOI process technology, GF’s 22FDX platform includes a comprehensive set of technology and design enablement capabilities tailored to improve the performance and power efficiency of automotive integrated circuits (ICs) while maintaining adherence to strict automotive safety and quality standards. With the rapid proliferation of automotive electronics content and regulations on energy efficiency and safety, semiconductor device component quality and reliability are more critical than ever. As a part of the AEC-Q100 certification, devices must successfully withstand reliability stress tests for an extended period of time, over a wide temperature range in order to achieve Grade 2 certification. The qualification of GF’s 22FDX process exemplifies the company’s commitment to providing high-performance, high-quality technology solutions for the automotive industry. “FD-SOI has advantages for companies who are looking for real-time trade-offs in power, performance and cost,” said Dan Hutcheson, CEO and Chairman of VLSI Research. “GF’s automotive-qualified 22FDX technology is exactly what automakers and suppliers need to enable the rapid integration of highly integrated automotive-grade ICs.” “GLOBALFOUNDRIES has more than 10 years of providing automotive solutions to the industry. We have proven our commitment to semiconductor quality and reliability through a range of certifications and audits every year,” said Dr. Bami Bastani, senior vice president of business units at GF. “The automotive qualification of our 22FDX technology reaffirms our commitment to expanding our FD-SOI capabilities and portfolio to reach new markets and customers. We now have a proven ability to manufacture our 22FDX technology to meet the rigorous quality and performance requirements of the automotive market.” As a part of the company’s AutoPro™ platform, 22FDX allows customers to easily migrate their automotive microcontrollers and ASSPs to a more advanced technology, while leveraging the significant area, performance and energy efficiency benefits over competing technologies. Moreover, the optimized platform offers high performance RF and mmWave capabilities for automotive radar applications and supports implementation of logic, Flash, non-volatile memory (NVM) in MCUs and high voltage devices to meet the unique requirements of in-vehicle ICs. GF’s AutoPro platform consists of a broad portfolio of automotive AEC-Q100 qualified technology solutions, backed by robust services package that comply with rigorous ISO automotive quality standards across GF’s fabs in Singapore and, most recently, Fab 1 in Dresden, Germany that achieved ISO-9001/IATF-16949 certification and is now capable of meeting the stringent and evolving needs of the automotive industry. The 22FDX PDK is available now along with a wide-range of silicon-proven IP. Customers can now start optimizing their chip designs to develop differentiated low power and high performance automotive solutions. For more information, please visit: About GF GLOBALFOUNDRIES is a leading full-service semiconductor foundry providing a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services to some of the world’s most inspired technology companies. With a global manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GLOBALFOUNDRIES makes possible the technologies and systems that transform industries and give customers the power to shape their markets. GLOBALFOUNDRIES is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit GF Contact: Erica McGillGLOBALFOUNDRIES(518) 795-5240[email protected]
格芯宣布推出业内符合汽车标准的先进 FD-SOI工艺技术 May 23, 2018制造安全性、可靠性和鲁棒性认证为客户提供了汽车应用所需的性能和能效 加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2018年5月23日–格芯今日宣布,其22nm FD-SOI (22FDX®)技术平台已通过AEC-Q100(2级)认证,准备投入量产。作为业内符合汽车标准的先进FD-SOI工艺技术,格芯的22FDX平台融合全面的技术和设计实现能力,旨在提高汽车集成电路(IC)的性能和能效,同时仍然遵循严格的汽车安全和质量标准。 随着汽车电子器件产品的迅速普及,关于能效和安全性的法规不断增多,半导体器件组件的质量和可靠性变得比以往更加关键。作为AEC-Q100认证的组成部分,器件必须在一段时间和广泛的温度范围内,成功完成可靠性压力测试,以获得2级认证。对格芯22FDX工艺的认证体现了公司秉持的承诺:为汽车行业提供高性能、高品质的技术解决方案。 “对于那些寻求实时权衡功率、性能和成本的公司来说,FD-SOI颇具优势”,VLSI Research的首席执行官兼董事长Dan Hutcheson表示。“格芯符合汽车标准的22FDX技术正是汽车制造商和供应商实现高度集成的汽车级IC快速集成所需的技术。” “10多年以来,格芯一直为汽车行业提供解决方案。我们每年都会通过一系列的认证和审计证明我们对半导体质量和可靠性的承诺”,格芯业务部高级副总裁Bami Bastani表示。“我们22FDX技术所获的汽车认证再次确认了我们将FD-SOI功能和产品组合进一步扩展至新市场和客户的承诺。现在,我们制造22FDX技术的能力已经得到验证,能够满足汽车市场严格的质量和性能要求。” 作为公司AutoPro™平台的组成部分,22FDX让客户能够轻松将其汽车微控制器和ASSP迁移至更加先进的技术,同时充分利用显著超越竞争技术的尺寸、性能和能效优势。此外,这个经过优化的平台为汽车雷达应用提供高性能射频和毫米波功能,并支持在MCU中实施逻辑、Flash、非易失性存储器(NVM),也支持高压器件,以满足车用IC的独特要求。 格芯的AutoPro平台由诸多符合AEC-Q100汽车标准的技术解决方案组成,并提供符合严格的ISO汽车质量标准的稳健服务包支持,格芯新加坡的晶圆厂和德国德累斯顿1号晶圆厂都遵循ISO汽车质量标准,后者刚刚通过ISO-9001/IATF-16949认证,现在能够满足汽车行业严格且不断变化的需求。 22FDX PDK现已上市,同时提供各种通过芯片验证的IP。客户现在可以开始优化其芯片设计,以开发低功耗、高性能的差异化汽车解决方案。 如需了解更多信息,请访问:。 关于格芯 格芯是全球领先的全方位服务半导体代工厂,为世界上最富有灵感的科技公司提供独一无二的设计、开发和制造服务。伴随着全球生产基地横跨三大洲的发展步伐,格芯促生了改变行业的技术和系统的出现,并赋予了客户塑造市场的力量。格芯由阿布扎比穆巴达拉投资公司(Mubadala Investment Company)所有。欲了解更多信息,请访问。 媒体垂询: 杨颖(Jessie Yang) (021) 8029 6826 [email protected] 邢芳洁(Jay Xing) 86 18801624170 [email protected]