Cadence Full-Flow Digital Tool Suite Achieves GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX® Certification

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDNS) today announced that its full-flow digital tool suite has achieved certification for the GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) 22FDX® process technology. The GF certification process was completed using the Cadence® Tensilica® Fusion F1 DSP, which targets internet of things (IoT) and wearables applications. Through the certification process, the Cadence tools have been confirmed to meet all of GF’s accuracy criteria for its fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) architecture, and customers using the Cadence digital tool suite on the GF 22FDX process technology can optimize power, performance and area (PPA) and reduce time-to-market.


Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDNS) today announced that its full-flow digital tool suite has achieved certification for the GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) 22FDX® process technology. The GF certification process was completed using the Cadence® Tensilica® Fusion F1 DSP, which targets internet of things (IoT) and wearables applications. Through the certification process, the Cadence tools have been confirmed to meet all of GF’s accuracy criteria for its fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) architecture, and customers using the Cadence digital tool suite on the GF 22FDX process technology can optimize power, performance and area (PPA) and reduce time-to-market.


半导体制造商格芯重新部署具备领先优势的发展路线图以满足客户需求, 并建立设计客户定制ASICs全资子公司

加利福尼亚,圣克拉拉 2018年8月28日——格芯(GLOBALFOUNDRIES)今天宣布其转型的重要一步,继今年初汤姆·嘉菲尔德(Tom Caulfield)接任首席执行官后,格芯正在重塑其技术组合,依照嘉菲尔德所阐述的战略方向,重点关注为高增长市场中的客户提供真正的差异化产品。

格芯正在重新部署具备领先优势的FinFET发展路线图,以服务未来几年采用该技术的下一波客户。公司将相应优化开发资源,让14/12纳米 FinFET平台更为这些客户所用,提供包括射频、嵌入式存储器和低功耗等一系列创新IP及功能。为支持此次战略调整,格芯将搁置7纳米 FinFET项目,并调整相应研发团队来支持强化的产品组合方案。在裁减相关人员的同时,一大部分顶尖技术人员将被部署到14/12纳米FinFET衍生产品和其他差异化产品的工作上。



格芯正在加强投资具有明显差异化、为客户增加真正价值的领域,着重投资能在其产品组合中提供丰富功能的产品。这包括继续侧重于FDX™平台、领先的射频产品(包括RF SOI和高性能锗硅)和模拟/混合信号,以及满足越来越多低功耗、实时连接、车载设计需求的其他技术。随着自动驾驶、物联网和全球过渡至5G等新领域的强劲需求,格芯被赋予与众不同的定位——服务“智能互联”这一新兴市场。

“减轻前沿技术领域的投资负担将使格芯能够对物联网、IoT、5G行业和汽车等快速增长市场中对大多数芯片设计人员真正重要的技术进行更有针对性的投资,” Gartner研发副总裁Samuel Wang,先生表示,“虽然最先进技术往往会占据大多数的热搜头条位置,但鲜少有客户能够承担为实现7纳米及更高精度所需的成本和代价。14纳米及以上技术将在未来许多年继续成为芯片代工业务的重要需求及驱动因素。这些领域将有极大的创新空间,可以助力下一轮科技发展狂潮。”

格芯中国区总经理白农评论道,“对我们中国的客户及生产合作伙伴而言这是一个积极的变化,因为我们强化了聚焦差异化的技术比如FDX (FD-SOI)及其他。这些差异化技术在中国市场的需求不断增加,对格芯而言一直相当重要。我们对FD-SOI以及与成都政府合作的承诺从未改变。”

格芯是全球领先的全方位服务半导体代工厂,为世界上最富有灵感的科技公司提供独一无二的设计、开发和制造服务。伴随着全球生产基地横跨三大洲的发展步伐,格芯促生了改变行业的技术和系统的出现,并赋予了客户塑造市场的力量。格芯由阿布扎比穆巴达拉投资公司(Mubadala Investment Company)所有。欲了解更多信息,请访问


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(021) 8029 6826
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86 18801624170
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GLOBALFOUNDRIES Reshapes Technology Portfolio to Intensify Focus on Growing Demand for Differentiated Offerings

Semiconductor manufacturer realigns leading-edge roadmap to meet client need and establishes wholly-owned subsidiary to design custom ASICs

Santa Clara, Calif., August 27, 2018 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced an important step in its transformation, continuing the trajectory launched with the appointment of Tom Caulfield as CEO earlier this year. In line with the strategic direction Caulfield has articulated, GF is reshaping its technology portfolio to intensify its focus on delivering truly differentiated offerings for clients in high-growth markets.

GF is realigning its leading-edge FinFET roadmap to serve the next wave of clients that will adopt the technology in the coming years. The company will shift development resources to make its 14/12nm FinFET platform more relevant to these clients, delivering a range of innovative IP and features including RF, embedded memory, low power and more. To support this transition, GF is putting its 7nm FinFET program on hold indefinitely and restructuring its research and development teams to support its enhanced portfolio initiatives. This will require a workforce reduction, however a significant number of top technologists will be redeployed on 14/12nm FinFET derivatives and other differentiated offerings.

“Demand for semiconductors has never been higher, and clients are asking us to play an ever-increasing role in enabling tomorrow’s technology innovations,” Caulfield said. “The vast majority of today’s fabless customers are looking to get more value out of each technology generation to leverage the substantial investments required to design into each technology node. Essentially, these nodes are transitioning to design platforms serving multiple waves of applications, giving each node greater longevity. This industry dynamic has resulted in fewer fabless clients designing into the outer limits of Moore’s Law. We are shifting our resources and focus by doubling down on our investments in differentiated technologies across our entire portfolio that are most relevant to our clients in growing market segments.”

In addition, to better leverage GF’s strong heritage and significant investments in ASIC design and IP, the company is establishing its ASIC business as a wholly-owned subsidiary, independent from the foundry business. A relevant ASIC business requires continued access to leading-edge technology. This independent ASIC entity will provide clients with access to alternative foundry options at 7nm and beyond, while allowing the ASIC business to engage with a broader set of clients, especially the growing number of systems companies that need ASIC capabilities and more manufacturing scale than GF can provide alone.

GF is intensifying investment in areas where it has clear differentiation and adds true value for clients, with an emphasis on delivering feature-rich offerings across its portfolio. This includes continued focus on its FDXTM platform, leading RF offerings (including RF SOI and high-performance SiGe), analog/mixed signal, and other technologies designed for a growing number of applications that require low power, real-time connectivity, and on-board intelligence. GF is uniquely positioned to serve this burgeoning market for “connected intelligence,” with strong demand in new areas such as autonomous driving, IoT and the global transition to 5G.

“Lifting the burden of investing at the leading edge will allow GF to make more targeted investments in technologies that really matter to the majority of chip designers in fast-growing markets such as RF, IoT, 5G, industrial and automotive,” said Samuel Wang, research vice president at Gartner. “While the leading edge gets most of the headlines, fewer customers can afford the transition to 7nm and finer geometries. 14nm and above technologies will continue to be the important demand driver for the foundry business for many years to come. There is significant room for innovation on these nodes to fuel the next wave of technology.”

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES is a leading full-service semiconductor foundry providing a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services to some of the world’s most inspired technology companies. With a global manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GLOBALFOUNDRIES makes possible the technologies and systems that transform industries and give clients the power to shape their markets. GLOBALFOUNDRIES is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Jason Gorss
(518) 698-7765
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作者: Dave Lammers




格芯的FinFET产品管理副总监Erin Lavigne表示:“客户最关心的是12LP的发展。”那些正在设计新型IC的客户希望实现更高的晶体管密度,实现功耗和性能增益,同时通过缩小芯片尺寸来节约成本。


格芯的技术开发副总监Hsien-Ching Lo曾表示,在后道工序 (BEOL) 这个重要领域中,格芯已经采取了不同于竞争对手的方法。当其他代工厂为缩减芯片尺寸而缩小M2间距时,格芯的12LP仍采用与14LPP工艺相同的64nm M2间距。这一策略使客户能够实现性能、功率和面积 (PPA) 方面的改进,同时最大限度地减少设计返工。

在夏威夷举行的VLSI会议证实了这一说法。三星的一家工厂在其12LP工艺报告中描述了能够使用9T或6.75T程序库。然而,较之于14nm工艺的64nm M2间距,6.75T库要求使用48nm间距的M2。TSMC已采用了类似的方式, 即更改其12nm产品(16nm工艺的后继工艺)的M2间距。


当格芯在12LP设计中继续支持14LPP 9T库时,Lavigne表示7.5T程序库在缩小芯片尺寸和提高性能方面“物有所值”。Lavigne谈到:“使用这个库需要客户进行一些重新设计。客户可以选择进行多少重新设计工作来扩展平台。”

较之于格芯的14LPP工艺,配备高性能元件的12LP工艺可将环形振荡器AC性能提高15%,在同等速度条件下将12LP(带7.5T标准单元库)的总功耗降低16%,将逻辑区面积扩大12%。值得注意的是,在电流读数相同的情况下,12LP SRAM可令泄漏减少30%。






PEFT eSiGe优化。资料来源:H.C.Lo在VLSI科技和电路研讨会上的报告






Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers是固态技术特约撰稿人,也是格芯的Foundry Files的特约博客作者。他于20世界80年代早期在美联社东京分社工作期间开始撰写关于半导体行业的文章,彼时该行业正经历快速发展。他于1985年加入E.E. Times,定居东京,在之后的14年内,足迹遍及日本、韩国和台湾。1998年,Dave与他的妻子Mieko以及4个孩子移居奥斯丁,为E.E Times开设德克萨斯办事处。Dave毕业于美国圣母大学,获得密苏里大学新闻学院新闻学硕士学位。

GF’s 12LP Process: Behind the Covers

By: Dave Lammers

A couple of nanometers counts for a lot in today’s semiconductor industry. In an earlier era, foundries would offer a half-node by performing a “litho shrink,” without many changes other than pushing the mask and stepper configuration.

GLOBALFOUNDRIES move to a 12LP process is much the opposite, using the same patterning as on the still-going-strong 14LPP platform but with many subtle changes to the process and standard cell library to achieve improvements in performance, power consumption, and area (PPA). First announced in September 2017, with public support from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), the details of the process changes came to light in a presentation at the 2018 Symposium on VLSI Technology, held in Honolulu in late June.

On the business side, GF has prepared automotive and RF/analog modules to better support those markets with its 12LP offering. The 12LP process got a major boost last autumn when AMD said it would quickly move major product lines to the 12LP process. Then a mobile customer began using 12LP for its application processors.

Erin Lavigne, deputy director of leading edge FinFET offering management at GF, said “most of the customer interest is in 12LP going forward.” Customers that are designing new ICs go for the higher transistor density, power and performance gains, with cost savings coming from smaller die sizes.

Because the tool set is virtually the same, the manufacturing corridor can be “flexed” for either 14LPP or 12LP production. “Our capacity is fungible,” Lavigne said. “While AMD is a key strategic customer of ours, Fab 8 is not full with just AMD. We can support all of our customers, while continuing to support AMD’s needs. Besides our two lead customers, the pipeline has exploded in fast followers in consumer, AI, automotive, and industrial segments,” Lavigne said.

Hsien-Ching Lo, a GF technology development deputy director, said in one important area — the back end of the line (BEOL) — GF has taken a different approach from its foundry competitors. While other foundries have reduced the M2 pitch to achieve die size reductions, the GF 12LP employs the same 64nm M2 pitch as its 14LPP process. That strategy allows customers to gain in performance, power, and area (PPA) “while minimizing design rework.”

Supporting evidence for that statement came at the VLSI conference in Hawaii. A Samsung Foundry presentation of its 11LP process described an ability to use either a 9T or 6.75 track library. The 6.75T library, however, requires using a 48nm pitch M2, compared with the 64nm M2 pitch of its 14nm process. TSMC has taken a similar tack, changing the M2 pitch for its 12nm offering, which is a follow-on to its 16nm process.

Lo said moving to a different M2 pitch is a design rule change that requires much more design rework than the GF strategy of supporting its 7.5 track library with the same M2 pitch. “It is much easier for our customers to migrate from 14 to 12. They can get a performance and area benefit, with a very small design migration,” he said.

While GF continues to support the 14LPP 9T library for 12LP designs, Lavigne said the 7.5-track library “offers the most bang for the buck” in both die size reduction and higher performance. “There is some redesign for customers to use that library. They can choose how much redesign they want to do to extend the platform.”

Compared with the GF 14LPP process, the 12LP with performance elements delivers a 15 percent faster ring oscillator AC performance, 16 percent less total power for the 12LP (with the 7.5T standard cell library) at equivalent speed, and 12 percent logic area scaling. Notably, the 12LP SRAMs benefit from a 30 percent leakage reduction at the same read current.

GF’s 12LP are improvement. Source: H.C. Lo presentation at the Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits

Lo took the stage at the VLSI symposium to describe the five process element modifications in the 12LP process.

The fin profile was improved to a taller, thinner fin, improving the drive current and short channel control. Also, the fin surface roughness was reduced, resulting in a carrier mobility increase of 6 percent for the NFET and 9 percent for the PFET.

To improve the PFET performance without increasing leakage, the source/drain cavity profile was modified, moving from a bowl-shaped cavity in the 14LPP process to a deeper cavity in the 12LP process. The enlarged cavity is needed to improve the strain on the channel, delivering more embedded silicon germanium (eSiGe) but without the penalty of higher leakage.

Thirdly, the eSiGe was optimized to improve pattern loading effects, with a 4 percent improvement to the 40-fin devices and a 5 percent improvement to the single diffusion break (SDB) devices.

PEFT eSiGe Optimization. Source: H.C. Lo presentation at the Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits

Fourthly, the NFET doping density was increased. By optimizing the silicon-phosphorus epitaxial process, the source-drain resistance was improved by roughly 6 percent, Lo said.

Contact resistance is a major concern at leading-edge design rules. GF’s Advanced Technology Development team exercised dual optimizations to reduce the contact resistance. The trench contact profile was improved by enlarging the bottom contact size. “We wanted to enlarge the contact area and the bottom CD (critical dimension), but without a penalty in terms of TDDB (time dependent dielectric breakdown). Typically, with an increase in the contact CD, the space between contact to polysilicon gate becomes smaller. Then you can see a degradation in the dielectric breakdown,” Lo said in an interview at the VLSI symposium.

Also, the doping profile under the trench contact was optimized to reduce the contact barrier height. And the silicide resistance was improved by “some interface engineering,” he said.

On the surface of it, going from 14nm to 12nm may not seem to be such a big deal. But scratch the surface, and a lot of engineering work went into delivering a compelling technology.

About Author

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers is a contributing writer for Solid State Technology and a contributing blogger for GF’s Foundry Files. Dave started writing about the semiconductor industry while working at the Associated Press Tokyo bureau in the early 1980s, a time of rapid growth for the industry. He joined E.E. Times in 1985, covering Japan, Korea, and Taiwan for the next 14 years while based in Tokyo. In 1998 Dave, his wife Mieko, and their four children moved to Austin to set up a Texas bureau for E.E. Times. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Dave received a master’s in journalism at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.




加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2018年7月10日——格芯今日宣布,其22nm FD-SOI (22FDX®)技术的客户端设计中标收入已逾20亿美元。凭借在50多项客户端设计中的应用,22FDX无疑已经成为业界领先的低功耗芯片平台,可适用于各种发展迅速的应用,如汽车、5G 连接和物联网(IoT)等。


“随着Synaptics不断拓展其业界领先的手机与个人电脑业务,我们计划推出创新型产品,来满足蓬勃发展的物联网市场的需求。为此,我们需要最合适的可行技术,以便我们为客户提供语音、多媒体处理能力等方面的出色解决方案。”Synaptics总裁兼首席执行官Rick Bergman说道,“格芯22FDX技术同时实现了较低的静态功耗与动态功耗,性能十分出色,为我们的产品提供了一个很好的平台。”

“对于一些新兴和初创型芯片公司来说,采用领先的工艺的成本可能过于高昂,”摩尔洞察与战略公司创始人兼总裁Patrick Moorhead说道,“格芯22FDX的设计初衷就是成为一种赋能技术,在成本敏感型电池供电设备领域,如移动、物联网、汽车、射频连接以及其他增长型市场,这种技术正逐渐成为理想选择。”





Kobi Marenko,Arbe Robotics首席执行官。

“格芯22FDX技术能为低功耗、电池供电物联网设备的迅猛增长提供有力支持。Ask Radio Systems及其母公司Singularity AIX Incorporated正在开发几种不同的专有射频IP,以及一种专为低功耗和低漏电型物联网和AI应用而设计的卷积神经网络核心。利用22FDX技术,不仅能实现额外的设计灵活性,还可降低功耗与漏电,而这正是CMOS体硅技术所不具备的。”
Anup Savla,Ask Radio/Singularity AIX创始人兼首席执行官

Jens Benndorf,Dream Chip 科技公司首席执行官

“InnoPhase技术有助于打造较低功耗的物联网连接解决方案,以及适用于各种应用的频率捷变、可软件定义的无线电设备。我们的技术充分利用了无线电领域的数字技术,包括进程技术和节点迁移。我们发现,格芯22nm FDX技术与我们对性能的要求及业务需求十分吻合。该技术不但有助于我们进一步降低功耗、拓展功能和提高性能,而且还维持了可行的成本结构。无论产品是需要达到一定的数字性能/功率/密度,还是需要完整的模拟/射频功能集,22nm FDX技术都能帮助我们实现。”
Claudio Anzil,InnoPhase工程与运营副总裁

“22FDX技术对我们的价值在于其能够节省功耗与面积,这也是我们评估高度优化的LTE NB-IoT和CAT-M芯片组性能的两个关键指标。此外,利用22FDX工艺不断发展的IP生态系统有助于加快产品上市速度。”
Peter Wong,Riot Micro首席执行官


Paul Boudre,Soitec首席执行官




格芯是全球领先的全方位服务半导体代工厂,为世界上最富有灵感的科技公司提供独一无二的设计、开发和制造服务。伴随着全球生产基地横跨三大洲的发展步伐,格芯促生了改变行业的技术和系统的出现,并赋予了客户塑造市场的力量。格芯由阿布扎比穆巴达拉投资公司(Mubadala Investment Company)所有。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Surpasses $2 Billion in Design Win Revenue on 22FDX® Technology

With 50 client designs and growing, 22FDX proves its value as a cost-effective solution for power-sensitive applications

Santa Clara, Calif., July 9, 2018 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced that the company’s 22nm FD-SOI (22FDX®) technology has delivered more than two billion dollars of client design win revenue. With more than 50 total client designs, 22FDX is proving to be the industry’s leading platform for power-optimized chips across a broad range of high-growth applications such as automotive, 5G connectivity and the Internet of Things (IoT).

For clients who need significant reductions in power and die size relative to a traditional bulk CMOS process, 22FDX offers the industry’s lowest operating voltage, delivering up to 500MHz frequencies at only 0.4 volts. The technology also delivers efficient single-chip integration of RF, transceiver, baseband, processor, and power management components, providing an unparalleled combination of high performance RF and mmWave functionality with low-power, high density logic for devices that require long-lasting battery life, increased processing capability, and connectivity.

“At Synaptics, as we expand upon our industry-leading mobile and PC businesses to include delivering new and innovative products that address the booming IoT market, we require the best available technologies to enable us to deliver top-notch solutions including voice and multimedia processing capabilities for our customers,”  said Rick Bergman, President and CEO at Synaptics. “GF’s 22FDX technology delivers a potent mix of low static and dynamic power along with excellent performance to give us a great platform for our world-class products.”

“The cost of entry for leading processes can be prohibitive to some emerging and startup chip companies,” said Patrick Moorhead, founder and president, Moor Insights & Strategy. “GF’s 22FDX is designed to be an enabling technology that is demonstrating that it is optimal for cost-sensitive, battery-powered devices such as mobile, IoT, automotive, RF connectivity and other growth markets.”

“We’re only just beginning,” said GF CEO Tom Caulfield. “We have found a way to separate ourselves from the pack by emphasizing our differentiated FD-SOI roadmap and client-focused offerings that are poised to enable connected intelligence. We will continue to build on our momentum and look for ways to expand our reach to address the evolving needs of the industry.”

According to a recent VLSI Research Survey, FD-SOI technology is gaining significant traction in the industry. GF’s roadmap strategy is resonating with the industry and designers are embracing FD-SOI as a complementary technology to FinFET, with FD-SOI designed for specific application spaces, such as IoT, where power consumption is important and the product life is relatively short.

GF is leading this transition with 22FDX, while preparing to deliver a next-generation 12FDX™ technology that will provide a full node scaling benefit and improved power efficiency for a new generation of applications, from edge-node artificial intelligence and AR/VR to 5G networking  and advanced driving assistance (ADAS). 22FDX is in early production, with yields and performance matching client expectations.

Supporting Quotes
“Our goal has always been to provide more secure, connected experiences for drivers. Combining our leadership in radar technology with GF’s 22FDX automotive-qualified process, we are able to deliver a cost-effective, high performance, low power solution that opens new opportunities for car manufacturers to provide better experiences for drivers around the world.”
Kobi Marenko, CEO at Arbe Robotics

“GF’s 22FDX technology is perfectly positioned to support the explosive growth of low-power, battery-operated IoT devices. Ask Radio Systems and its parent Singularity AIX Incorporated are developing several proprietary radio IPs and a Convolutional Neural Network core designed around IoT and AI applications, focused on low power and low leakage. The opportunities that are available to exploit additional in-design flexibility, turn down the power and leakage with 22FDX are unparalleled, and you just don’t get that kind of opportunity from bulk CMOS.”
Anup Savla, Founder and CEO at Ask Radio/Singularity AIX

“The automotive industry realizes that assisted driving solutions require more camera information besides Radar and Lidar, integrating information from multiple cameras. The resulting DreamChip multi-core vision processor platform, based on the 22FDX process is providing European auto makers and Tier 1 automotive component suppliers with a platform from which they can create custom derivatives with a massively reduced time to market.”
Jens Benndorf, CEO at Dream Chip Technologies GmbH

“InnoPhase technology enables extremely low power IoT connectivity solutions as well as frequency agile software definable radios for a variety of applications. Our technology strongly utilizes digital techniques in the radio domain, embracing process technology node migration. We see GF’s 22nm FDX offering well aligned with our performance and business needs.  It enables us to further reduce our power consumption, as well as add features and increase performance while maintaining a workable cost structure. Our products demand the digital performance/power/density and complete analog/RF feature set that 22nm FDX provides.”
Claudio Anzil, Vice President of Engineering and Operations at InnoPhase

“With 22FDX, the value proposition for us is the potential power and area savings, two key metrics for our highly optimized LTE NB-IoT and CAT-M chipsets. In addition, leveraging the growing ecosystems of IP available in the 22FDX process helps to accelerate time to market.”
Peter Wong, CEO at Riot Micro

“As our customers increasingly demand more from their mobile experiences, our partnership with GF on its 22FDX technology is critical to differentiate ourselves in the competitive market and deliver powerful and efficient mobile SoCs.”
Min Li, CEO at Rockchip

“22FDX offers the industry an unparalleled solution with its analog/RF integration, body-biasing adaptability, and eMRAM. We are ready to support GF’s design wins and mass market demand through delivering mature FD-SOI substrates across our global manufacturing sites.”
Paul Boudre, CEO at Soitec

“As a pioneer and key supplier of FD-SOI technology, ST has long recognized its importance and role in the palette of process-technology options and we value the cooperation we have with GlobalFoundries in making their 22FDX available to our partners.”
Joël Hartmann, Executive Vice President, Digital Front-End Manufacturing and Technology, STMicroelectronics

“With the proliferation of connected devices for smart cities, homes, and industrial applications, network providers need single-chip solutions that support either NB-IoT or LTE-M. Integrated and superior RF with digital PA on GF’s 22FDX platform, coupled with our energy efficient and programmable ZSPnano for baseband and protocol stack, is enabling a dual-mode solution that will better meet the needs of IoT and emerging AIoT (AI of Things) industries.”
Wayne Dai, Chairman, President and CEO at VeriSilicon

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES is a leading full-service semiconductor foundry providing a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services to some of the world’s most inspired technology companies. With a global manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GLOBALFOUNDRIES makes possible the technologies and systems that transform industries and give clients the power to shape their markets. GLOBALFOUNDRIES is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]

Controlling the ‘Heat’ of Chip Manufacturing; Understanding the Beauty Behind the Details

By: Fisher Zhu

Editor’s Note: This article was previously published in EET China

In Chinese, the use of the word “cooking heat” is not limited to the kitchen; it can also be used to describe someone’s character and maturity.

This also applies to the semiconductor manufacturing industry.

Although a tiny chip looks quite simple, it embodies volumes of scientific knowledge. Only those who truly understand manufacturing processes and application principles know how hard it is to produce a chip, and can appreciate the beauty behind paying attention to small details.

Wafer manufacturing and the cars of the future

Thanks to the unstoppable advancement of semiconductor technology, many incredible automotive functions involving semiconductor technology are being developed; for instance, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are currently paving the way for self-driving cars.

Generally speaking, from now until 2023, the auto applications semiconductor market is expected to grow at a 7% compound annual growth rate, and the market’s value will increase from $35.0 billion to $54.0 billion. Thanks to the impetus from ADAS/self-driving/in-vehicle infotainment (IVI)/electric vehicle powertrain/safety applications, the value of semiconductor chips in every car is projected to rise from $375 in 2017 to $613 in 2025. During this period, the value of the ADAS applications is expected to surge, with an estimated CAGR of 19%.

But in spite of this situation, the vast majority of people are unaware of the increasingly close connection between auto electronics and semiconductor foundries.

GF possesses great expertise in the fields of ADAS and self-driving vehicles (Source: GF)

IP, process technology, and service are all vital

As for GF’s auto electronics business, the AutoPro™ service package is a critical element. This service package offers the experience, quality, and reliability services for all GF’s automotive technologies. As a result, the service package can satisfy the automotive industry’s strict quality and reliability requirements, and help car manufacturers to use the power of semiconductors to enter the new “smart Internet” age.

GF addresses automotive functions (Source: GF)

The importance of the AutoPro service package solution lies in the way it enables all of GF’s worldwide fabs, including Dresden, Germany; Malta, New York; Singapore; and Chengdu, China, to provide modularized platforms that have passed auto specification certification for various types of automotive clients regardless of which processes they’ve selected to use (e.g., Singapore’s mainstream 180nm, 130nm, 55nm, and 40nm processes, Malta’s 14LPP/12LP/7LP FinFET, or Dresden’s 22nm FD-SOI technology).

Not surprisingly, automotive makers have even higher quality and reliability requirements than clients in other markets. That is why there is a significant importance of having IATF16949 certification.

IATF16949 certification represents confidence that the entire production process is maintained in a controllable, traceable state. It also guarantees that auto-grade IC production, testing, and screening processes have zero-defect status, and is therefore an essential indicator for automotive clients.

GF’s Dresden Fab 1 was recently completed and received its first full-scale IATF16949/ISO9001 certification, which indicates that the plant’s quality management system complies with automotive production requirements, and motor vehicle clients can obtain automotive-specification IC products from GF’s platform.

Selecting the correct process for different applications

Unlike other foundries, GF has entered both FD-SOI and FinFET areas. GF’s 22FDX®, which is part of the AEC-Q100 automotive standard, has already achieved certification, and can satisfy the strict quality and performance requirements of the motor vehicle market.

We have consistently felt that the cost and complexity of the mask process in the production of 22FDX are significantly lower than in the 14nm FinFET process, and the FinFET process also cannot easily achieve the body bias needed by RF devices. As a consequence, by achieving real-time trade-offs between power consumption, performance, and cost, FD-SOI offers an ideal technology for new embedded systems with linking ability. The Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and ADAS are the most suitable markets for FD-SOI technology. In contrast, an advanced CMOS technology such as FinFET is suitable for chips designed to offer maximum processing performance.

GF’s automotive SoC product roadmap (Source: GF)

How does one select the suitable process for different applications?

GF has always focused on maintaining close ties with clients and fully understanding their product needs. If a client wants to produce a high-performance processing chip, GF will recommend that they use the FinFET process; if they only want to produce a radar receiver, then the Si-Ge process will be sufficient; and if they want to produce high-resolution radar, the 22FDX process is the most appropriate. And while formulating solutions, GF also helps clients make the right choice by providing PPA analysis reports corresponding to different processes.

Taking automotive radar as an example, the RF unit of current 77-86GHz medium-/long-range automotive radar is usually based on the Si-Ge process, and the digital unit is based on the 180nm and 130nm CMOS process; as a result, the chip’s overall processing capability is poor. In comparison, GF’s 22FDX technology can provide outstanding millimeter wave performance and digital density, which can enable radar sensors based on 22FDX to provide even higher resolution and lower latency, while ensuring extremely low overall system cost. We have seen clients quickly introduce radar imaging chipsets based on 22FDX technology. These chipsets can detect objects within a range of 300 m, and offer a wide field of view with extremely high resolution.

And clients have been using GF’s mainstream CMOS process technology in the development of 77GHz short-/medium-range radar modules. These modules integrate microcontrollers, digital signal processors, SRAM, flash, and support components on individual circuit boards, and can be used to replace large radar arrays.

Of course, radar is only one way that semiconductors are being used in cars. Powertrain control is another way. At the recent Embedded World conference, Silicon Mobility displayed its Field programmable control unit (FPCU), which can be used to control electric and hybrid auto powertrains.

Silicon Mobility’s demo at Embedded World 2018 (Source: Silicon Mobility)

This element was designed to use GF’s 55LPx technology, can process information from and control sensors and actuators in real-time, and can be linked with a standard CPU on a single chip (complies with ISO 26262 ASIL-D safety standards).

A framework based on this FPCU will offer greater functionality, flexibility, and safety, and can boost powertrain control ability and performance in electric and hybrid cars. By employing hardware, not software, to quickly implement complex powertrain control algorithms, this framework can conserve energy and prolong battery life. According to Silicon Mobility, the FPCU can extend the range of electric and hybrid cars by 32%.

At present, MCUs used for air conditioning, engine, and oil system control, short-/medium-/long-range radar, ICs used for electric/hybrid car power supply management, and high-performance processors used in ADAS/self-driving systems account for the leading  shares of GF auto electronics applications services. From our own observations, Chinese automotive clients tend to seek visual and self-driving processing chips, the biggest applications in the European market consist of microcontrollers, sensors, cameras, and lidar, and American clients are targeting lidar and self-driving solutions.

China is a very interesting market, and roughly 30% of semiconductor vendors in the international market are from China. However, many tier 1 auto manufacturers in China still purchase standard radar and processor chips from large motor vehicle device companies—this is the current state of affairs. Nevertheless, GF still sees great promise in the various innovative solutions that have emerged in China; one example of these is the application of visual monitoring system experience to the automotive field. Apart from providing built-in IP solutions such as MIPI interface and Can Bus, our strategy also includes a design center in China to help clients make even better use of GF platforms.

About Author

Fisher Zhu

Fisher Zhu

Mr. Zhu has more than 15 year rich experiences in semiconductor industry. He held various positions in some leading companies, incl. R&D, system design, software and product management and marketing. He is now the China Marketing Director at GlobalFoundries, previously he worked with STMicroelectronics, Freescale and Synaptics.

Mr. Zhu holds the bachelor and master degree of E.E from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.



55nm LPx平台,采用SST高度可靠的嵌入式SuperFlash®,为远程显示器应用提供增强功能和安全保护

加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2018年6月28日—格芯于今日宣布,Socionext Inc.将要制造第3代,也是最新一代的图形显示控制器SC1701,它采用了配备嵌入式非易失性存储器(SuperFlash®)的格芯55nm低功率扩展(55LPx)工艺技术。这种55LPx平台支持Socionext SC1701系列的多项新功能,包括先进车内显示系统的增强型诊断和安全保护功能、循环冗余代码(CRC)校验、画面冻结检测,以及多窗口签名单元。Socionext将从7月底开始发售SC1701。

近些年,车内电子系统的数量呈指数上升,人们对多个内容丰富的显示器的要求也不断提高。Socionext的SC1701控制器将多种系统组件功能与APIX®3技术和汽车安全功能相集成,以满足对高速视频和数据连接不断提高的需求,以及严格的安全要求。该器件在30bpp时支持高达单路 UHD (4K)或两路 FHD (2K)的显示器分辨率,并且,利用VESA®显示流压缩(DSC)方法,可以通过单个链路,接收两个单独的视频流。此外,SC1701通过内置的HDCP解密技术提供视频内容保护,以实现更丰富的用户体验。

Socionext的高级副总裁兼物联网和图形解决方案业务部门总监山下光一(Koichi Yamashita)表示:“SC1701显示控制器专用于在车内支持高性能计算,采用了汽车系统架构领域颇具创新性的一项发展成果。格芯的55LPx平台通过1级车规标准认证,采用低功率逻辑和高度可靠的嵌入式非易失性存储器,非常适合我们的产品。”


格芯嵌入式存储器部门副总裁Dave Eggleston表示:“Socionext是先进SoC技术领域的领先合作,能够与之合作,格芯感到非常荣幸。Socionext加入了格芯快速发展的55LPx平台客户群,这一平台为工业和1级汽车标准片上系统市场提供了出色的低功率逻辑、嵌入式非易失性存储器、广泛的IP以及出色的可靠性等综合优势。”

目前,格芯正在位于新加坡的300mm生产线批量生产支持55LPx的平台。除了SC1701之外,Socionext目前正依靠该技术开发多项产品,同时还有安森美半导体、Silicon Mobility和复旦微电子,目前也采用格芯55LPx平台来优化其面向可穿戴物联网和汽车产品的芯片设计。



Socionext是一家创新型的新企业,为全球客户设计、开发和提供片上系统产品。该公司专注于研发成像、网络和其他动态技术,以推动当今领先应用的发展。Socionext将全球先进的专业知识、经验与丰富的IP产品组合相结合,提供出色的解决方案,确保为客户提供更高品质的体验。Socionext Inc.成立于2015年,总部位于横滨,在日本、亚洲、美国和欧洲设有办事处,以便开展其产品开发和销售活动。 如需了解更多信息,请访问


格芯是全球领先的全方位服务半导体代工厂,为世界上最富有灵感的科技公司提供独一无二的设计、开发和制造服务。伴随着全球生产基地横跨三大洲的发展步伐,格芯促生了改变行业的技术和系统的出现,并赋予了客户塑造市场的力量。格芯由阿布扎比穆巴达拉投资公司(Mubadala Investment Company)所有。欲了解更多信息,请访问


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