A Look into the Future of Automotive Radar

by Gary Dagastine 

If you think there’s been an increase in aggressive and risky driving out on the roads lately, you’re right. Since the pandemic began, traffic infractions like speeding, drunken/impaired driving, distracted driving and others have been on the rise. For example, tickets issued for speeding over 100 mph on California highways are nearly double pre-pandemic levels, while in New York state, record numbers of tickets were issued recently for highway work zone violations. The problem is not confined to the U.S. 

While the ultimate solution to the growing problem of traffic safety rests with drivers, technology has an important role to play, too, and more advanced automotive radar is a key element. 

Automotive radar already enables adaptive cruise control, automatic emergency braking, blind-spot monitoring and other advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) functions. But more powerful radar systems that are more tightly integrated with a vehicle’s electronic control systems are foundational to a vehicle’s ability to operate more autonomously. They will bring a much greater capability to anticipate and avoid crashes than is now possible. 

The 22FDX®, RF CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS technology platforms from GlobalFoundries (GF) offer outstanding RF/mmWave performance and digital processing/integration capabilities, ultralow-power operation, and favorable thermal characteristics for automotive radar and other uses. 

That’s why many of the world’s top researchers in high-frequency electronics are using them to create new automotive radar solutions which will appear in vehicles in the next three to five years. This work is supported by GF’s University Partnership Program (UPP), which gives selected research teams at more than 50 leading universities access to GF’s semiconductor technology and related assembly/test services.  

In return, these researchers collaborate with GF’s own R&D team and share research results. This helps support the addition of new features and capabilities to GF’s platforms, opens up application possibilities, and introduces students to these technologies early in their careers. 

Three World-Class Researchers in Automotive Radar 

A previous blog post described how the UPP supports University of Toronto Prof. Sorin Voinigescu in his work to build a 22FDX-based 80/160 GHz dual-polarization transceiver. 

In this post, we’ll learn how three other high-profile researchers are using GF’s technologies to make essential progress in automotive radar: 

Frank Ellinger, Ph.D.
  • Prof. Frank Ellinger, Ph.D., Dr. sc. techn., is Chair of Circuit Design and Network Theory at Technische Universität Dresden, one of Germany’s leading technical universities located in the “Silicon Saxony” microelectronics cluster near GF’s Fab 1. His work focuses on the design and modeling of high-efficiency analog and mixed-signal circuits. He is the coordinator of the German government’s research initiative called “zwanzig20 cluster FAST” (Fast Actuators, Sensors and Transceivers) which has 90 partners, mostly from industry. He also has coordinated several EU-funded research projects; written a book on RF ICs and technologies; published more than 500 scientific papers; and received many awards. His students, too, have received more than 40 scientific awards. 

Prof. Vadim Issakov, Ph.D.
  • Prof. Vadim Issakov, Ph.D. leads the Institute for CMOS Design at the Braunschweig University of Technology (TU Braunschweig), also one of Germany’s leading technical universities. He focuses on analog RF and millimeter-wave (mmWave) circuits for radar and communication applications, as well as circuits for quantum computer and biomedical applications. He holds 11 patents; authored/co-authored more than 120  peer-reviewed articles; won numerous awards (including the IEEE MTT-S Outstanding Young Engineer Award); and written a book on mmWave circuits for radar applications. He previously worked in one of the leading European research institutes, Imec, and in industry at Intel Corporation and Infineon Technologies. At Infineon, he was mmWave Design Lead/Principal Engineer, working on 24 GHz radar technology for lane-change assist, now widely used in ADAS systems, 60 GHz radar for gesture sensing and several additional radar predevelopment topics above 100 GHz. 

Prof. Bogdan Staszewski, Ph.D.
  • Prof. Bogdan Staszewski, Ph.D., is a Full Professor at University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland’s largest and one of its two most prestigious universities, and also Guest Professor at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. He joined UCD in 2014 to establish a €6.3M center of circuit design for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. His research encompasses nanoscale CMOS architectures and circuits for frequency synthesizers, transmitters and receivers, and quantum computers. For the latter, he and his students have worked to fabricate qubits using quantum well structures in commercial 22FDX process technology and to tightly integrate them on-chip with control electronics. He is co-founder/chief scientific officer of Equal1, a startup aiming to build the world’s first practical single-chip CMOS quantum computer. He has co-authored six books, over 150 journal and 210 conference articles, holds 210 issued U.S. patents, and is an IEEE Fellow. 

Searching for Optimum Solutions 

“An ideal automotive radar does not, and will not, exist because tradeoffs always must be made among many different parameters, such as detection resolution and accuracy, efficiency, power consumption and miniaturization,” said Ellinger at TU Dresden. “However, leading-edge semiconductor technologies such as 22FDX will bring us closer towards optimum solutions. They are also essential to tackling what I call our Century Challenge, where not just the performance of our systems but also their environmental friendliness must be improved, in areas such as energy consumption.”  

Ellinger said that the adaptive body biasing (ABB) feature of 22FDX technology offers great flexibility to adjust transistor operation for higher efficiency, less energy consumption and less signal distortion. GF’s 22FDX platform opens up unique possibilities for studying novel circuit concepts, he said, and his research group currently has three Ph.D. students working on 22FDX-based 77 GHz circuits for automotive radar. 

“Another 22FDX benefit is the high speed of both its n- and p-channel transistors, which enables sufficient signal levels to be realized at 77 GHz frequencies even in CMOS,” Ellinger said. “This is important because CMOS brings advantages that other technologies don’t, such as lower costs and better integration of the high-frequency circuits with low-power digital circuitry in compact systems-on-a-chip.” 

Looking ahead, Ellinger said an interesting research topic is the co-design of high-frequency circuits with packaging to decrease energy losses, a key goal given increasing societal demands for more environmentally friendly technologies. It also reduces thermal effects, leading to improved reliability and greater chip (and therefore automotive) lifetimes. 

Ellinger’s location also benefits GF. “We educate diploma, masters, and Ph.D. students at TU Dresden, who are important as a pool of skilled personnel for GlobalFoundries here, as well as for other companies in Silicon Saxony which are GF customers,” he said. However, motivating young people to study electrical engineering is a key issue in Germany as it is elsewhere in the world. To do this, Ellinger started an award-winning marketing campaign together with two of his Ph.D. students that uses songs, videos and comics to show that electrical engineering is cool and provides attractive job opportunities. 

“Whatever can be done in CMOS, will be done in CMOS” 

Vadim Issakov’s group at the TU Braunschweig is growing fast. “I started in April 2021 and already have several approved projects and 14 research assistants, with another four starting very soon, and an experienced post-doc who’s an expert in mm-wave radar circuit design,” he said. “We do analog/RF/CMOS circuit design, and our work focuses on three main pillars – mm-wave radar, low-power biomedical circuits and cryogenic circuits for quantum technologies.”  

In automotive radar, his group is currently working on a vehicle sensor based on the 22FDX platform, and a 45RFSOI-based 140 GHz phase-modulated continuous-wave (PMCW) radar system on chip (SoC) towards large scalable MIMO array. The same circuits can be used with minor modification also for communication. Therefore, there is also a trend towards radcom chips, chips capable of simultaneously supporting radar and communication functionality. 

Issakov said he thinks SOI technology is the most promising CMOS technology on the market for his radar projects. “Generally, with CMOS FinFETs, you rapidly lose intrinsic gain when you go to smaller nodes, and FMAX [a measure of transistor speed] suffers, but SOI technology has great intrinsic gain and lets you combine mmWave performance with digital logic and low-leakage performance,” he said.  

That potential for integration is important because in coming years, as Issakov puts it, “Whatever can be done in CMOS, will be done in CMOS.” For example, he mentioned the opportunities of combining various modulation techniques. For example, there is a distinction between pulse and continuous wave radar: Pulse radar offers a high resolution at close range, while continuous wave radar detects more distant objects. “One of our goals is to use CMOS design to bring the different types of radar modulations together on one chip. A single chip could then switch back and forth between the modulations depending on the radar scenario,” he said. 

He said the major near-term technical challenges in automotive radar include the needs to achieve higher resolution and faster time-to-imaging; and finding better ways to synchronize the elements which comprise large MIMO arrays to achieve optimum angular resolution. 

Longer-term, more digital capabilities will be required for “smart” automotive radar systems that use neuromorphic computing techniques to detect objects and process data in real-time. “That can only be done in CMOS,” he said. 

Issakov said he is very grateful for the support GF’s UPP provides. “I always get the help and information I need, and fabrication of our circuits on GF’s multi-project wafers (MPWs) is straightforward and enables us to move our work forward effectively,” he said. 

“22FDX is The Natural Choice” 

Professor Bogdan Staszewski’s interest in high-frequency electronics and automotive safety goes back a long way. Early in his career, the University College Dublin professor spent 14 years at Texas Instruments developing digital RF processor technology that has since been widely deployed in many TI products. Then, after joining TU Delft in 2009, he put his Ph.D. students to work on a 60 GHz radar project; a chip for a wireless LAN at 6 GHz; and other projects that pushed the state-of-the-art at the time.  

Along the way he co-founded a company with a Swiss colleague to develop and supply lidar systems to create 3D images of a car’s environment. (Lidar is analogous to radar but uses laser light instead of radio waves.) That experience is one reason he believes the best approach to building better automotive radars is to have a fusion of technologies, including both mmWave radar and lidar. 

“I believe we need to use digital techniques to complement analog, mixed-signal and microwave elements so that you can integrate those analog functions with the digital ones,” he said. “Radars need lot of high-speed data processing to interpret what they see, and too many analog interconnections can kill it.” 

That makes SOI technology attractive for his projects, he said. One example is an all-digital PLL-based transmitter for 150GHz automotive radar, which will be taped-out soon. An earlier project was focused on a 77 GHz automotive radar, but Staszewski’s team felt that the 22FDX platform could enable 150 GHz operation, so the project was expanded. It was conducted successfully in collaboration with a major automotive-industry supplier. 

Staszewski is also exploring the use of FD-SOI technology for quantum computing, which may have future automotive applications. He is using 22FDX technology now, and his company has already made a small cryo-cooler the size of a desktop computer that potentially could be put into cars or trucks to do neural-network calculations “right at the edge.” His team is on their third generation of quantum processors, having made working devices with 10 million gates. 

Staszewski values his relationship with GF: “They have good technology and give us the opportunity to have frequent tapeouts, unlike others we’ve worked with in the past in TU Delft, which was a problem because students need to move their projects forward in order to graduate,” he said. “Also, the information we get from GF’s technical people is very helpful, they explain the ins and outs of the technology so that we can fine-tune the functions we are building; body bias is an example of this.” 

He also speaks highly of 22FDX technology: “I like 22FDX because it combines low-power digital capabilities with the option to greatly integrate RF/mmWave functions. In fact, I consult with a number of companies, and for them, GF is 22FDX,” he said. “It’s the natural choice.” 

Celebrating Inventors and Innovation at GF

By Olivia Pozder
Corporate Communications Intern

As a proud supporter of employee innovation and patents, GlobalFoundries (GF) knows that a strong culture of innovation and inclusion builds better business outcomes. By championing employee patents and inventions, GF supports and shapes the semiconductor industry’s movement towards more features and greater energy efficiency, while at the same time promoting innovation and employee career development. Through inventor training programs, patent advocates, mentorship by experienced inventors, and financial incentives, GF supports employees through the process of research, discovery, invention development, and patenting.

In 2021, more than 560 GF team members submitted a total of 465 invention disclosures for review. Importantly, nearly 15% of 2021 inventors were women, making up a larger percentage of this group than ever before.

May 16-20 is Patent Week at GF, an annual celebration to honor and recognize the inventive minds and meaningful contributions of GF employees to both our company and our industry. Along with a week full of educational and training events to encourage employee-inventing, it is during Patent Week that the company announces which team members will be named GF Master Inventors, as well as the GF Diversity in Inventorship Champion.

Recognizing Master Inventors 

For GF team member Mandy Gu, a member of the technical staff on the integration team at Fab 8 in Malta, New York, inventing has been a way to continuously learn and challenge herself. “Inventing greatly helps me to improve my technical skills to advance my career,” Gu said. “For technology development, we have a lot of challenging problems to solve and it is important for me to keep learning new areas and coming up with new ideas. Putting these ideas into our patent portfolio is a great opportunity to challenge myself and to scrutinize my solutions for novelty and viability.”

Gu is among the 10 new Master Inventors named this year by GF. The title of Master Inventor is reserved for employees with at least 20 issued U.S. patents and who have a demonstrated track record of technical accomplishments and intellectual property (IP) asset creation. Now in its fifth year, the program is a powerful platform for honoring prolific employees as well as motivating other employees who may be thinking about submitting their inventions for patenting. 

Along with inspiring and mentoring their colleagues, Master Inventors are advisors and a resource for GF’s technology leaders and legal team on a range of technical, strategic, and IP topics. 

“The best advice an inventor can hear is ‘don’t be afraid of problems, take them as opportunities for innovation,’” Gu said.Being close to problems is the first step to coming up with ideas that may lead to great patentable solutions. The next step is to spend time and effort to understand the problems and study new areas to build up enough technical skills needed for innovation.”

Gu said GF’s culture of innovation is an asset for all employees to work together as a team and address challenging issues. “Since people who have expertise and experience in different areas look at the issue from a different angle, I received tremendous support and encouragement from fellow GF inventors in becoming a Master Inventor,” she said.

Mandy Gu

GF has so far recognized almost 80 Master Inventors, who according to David Cain, IP Legal Director for GF, based at the company’s Fab 9 near Burlington, Vermont, are “the shining stars of the company in terms of innovation … individuals who have had amazing careers of inventing and patenting.”

Recognizing the annual cohort of Master Inventors is one of many Patent Week activities to encourage and highlight employee inventing. Through regional panel interviews and patenting trainings and workshops, employees can learn about the patenting process and the resources available to help them along the way. 

A Culture of Innovation Leads to Differentiation

In addition to recognizing and celebrating the successes of GF inventors, Cain said there are external benefits to GF’s Master Inventor program and culture of innovation. Patents and IP can serve as a yardstick – beyond revenue, design wins, and new clients – which further showcases GF’s vital role in the semiconductor industry and global supply chain, he said. 

“New patents and IP are critical for protecting, maintaining, and growing our wide range of differentiated platforms, features, and specialized application solutions,” Cain said. “Differentiation is a huge focus here at GF, and our technologists and inventors play an oversized role in this differentiation by coming up with their great innovations and getting them into our IP pipeline so we can protect them.”

Inclusivity and Diversity Through Mentorship

Mentorship and teaching are significant aspects of GF’s mission to support an inclusive inventing culture. This support is made possible by the dedication of GF inventors to be resources for their peers and other team members.

This year, GF is proud to award the 2022 GF Diversity in Inventorship Champion. Sponsored by several of our Employee Resource Groups and corporate teams, this award honors a GlobalFoundries employee who is a prolific inventor and innovator that is dedicated to teaching, mentoring, encouraging, and supporting early career engineers in becoming inventors, specifically with early career engineers who are women or members of other historically underrepresented groups.

The recipient of this award is one of many such champions nominated for their hard work in creating a new and more diverse generation of inventors. All nominees are tremendous examples of GF’s commitment to a diverse and inclusive culture and community.

Keep an eye out for GF’s forthcoming announcement of the 2022 recipient of the GF Diversity in Inventorship Champion!

Also, check out these Q&As with other GF Master Inventors:

Cadence Digital Full Flow Achieves Certification for GlobalFoundries® 12LP/12LP+ Process Platforms

Siemens collaborates with GlobalFoundries to provide trusted silicon photonics verification

Fujikura collaborates with GlobalFoundries to accelerate large-scale commercialization of 5G mmWave Technologies

GlobalFoundries Unveils GF Labs to Accelerate Technology Innovation

Program advances long-term technology roadmap and reinforces company’s commitment to drive technology leadership of differentiated foundry solutions

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 19, 2022 – At its annual GF Technology Summit (GTS), GlobalFoundries (Nasdaq: GFS) (GF) today announced the launch of GF Labs, a new program that extends the development horizon of innovative, differentiated semiconductor technology and broadens the company’s portfolio of feature-rich and enablement solutions. GF Labs will focus on advancing new technology and long-term roadmap differentiation that will enable GF customers to develop innovative products and accelerate their time-to-market.

Semiconductor innovation is essential to the growth and development of technology megatrends that are reshaping the global economy including the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, 6G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing and next generation automotive, all of which are propelling semiconductor market revenue to more than $1.3 trillion by the end of the decade, according to International Business Strategies.

GF has a proven track record of innovating novel materials such as FD-SOI on 22FDX®, and novel device architectures that enabled GF Fotonix™, the company’s recently announced next generation silicon photonics platform.

GF Labs expands and accelerates this innovation momentum by creating an open framework of internal and external research and development initiatives that deliver a differentiated pipeline of market-driven process technology solutions for future data-centric, connected, intelligent and secure applications.

“Fostering semiconductor innovation is critical to delivering a differentiated technology portfolio that will continue to fuel emerging markets,” said Gregg Bartlett, senior vice president of Technology, Engineering and Quality, GF. “Our focus is on making sure we’re always developing the latest technologies that provide meaningful differentiation for our customers, not just in the near-term, but far into the next decade. The launch of GF Labs accelerates our pursuit of the innovation it takes to develop and deliver powerful technological advances for our customers.”

GF has a proven track record of building partnerships with startup innovators, industry consortia, material suppliers, universities and government entities worldwide. Leveraging GF’s extensive patent portfolio and deep technical expertise in digital, analog, mixed-signal, RF and embedded memory, GF Labs will harvest capabilities from a broad research platform including the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC) in Belgium, Fraunhofer in Germany, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the U.S., and the Institute for Microelectronics in Singapore, along with a broad network of university partnerships.

Research and development within GF Labs is underway with a slate of innovative technology capabilities and solutions already in development such as radio frequency silicon on insulator (RFSOI) and silicon-germanium (SiGe). GF will continue to invest to expand and develop tailored solutions, with GF Labs serving as the R&D engine accelerating differentiated solutions based on wide-band-gap semiconductors that go beyond the traditional approach of shrinking transistors. Additional program details and partners will be announced in the second half of 2022.

Supporting Quotes

“We have a wide research portfolio in high-performance computing, cryogenic electronics, bioelectronics and biosensors, physical-layer security and AI-based design automation. Collaborating with GF allows us the freedom to explore innovative ideas, such as integrating advanced SiGe devices with high-performance CMOS technologies to help achieve the required configuration for next-generation wireless electronics.”

George White, Ph.D., Director for Strategic Partnerships, Georgia Institute of Technology

“For more than 10 years, we’ve been working collaboratively with GF to help drive technology innovation across multiple dimensions. The launch of GF Labs will enable tomorrow’s more intelligent and intuitive, more connected and secure, and more powerful and energy-efficient technology solutions. We are committed to continue collaborating on advanced semiconductor R&D with GF, working hand in hand to come up with solutions that make the high-tech industry grow.”

Luc Van den hove, President and CEO, imec

“IQE’s collaboration with GF on GaN accelerates the development of differentiated technology platforms that enable smart mobile devices, wireless infrastructure, power electronics and next generation displays.”

Americo Lemos, CEO, IQE

“Micledi has developed a unique and innovative solution for microLED arrays. Our technology is based on an innovative combination of III/V materials processing, 3D integration and 300mm silicon-based processing combined with a proprietary ASIC to provide a self-contained, compact monolithic AR display with high image quality and power efficiency. Our partnership with GF is enabling future AR devices and revolutionizing how digital information is delivered to consumers.”

Soeren Steudel, Chief Technology Officer, Micledi Microdisplays

“Congratulations to GF for their visionary endeavor with GF Labs. We are delighted to be collaborating with them as a member of the Semiconductor Alliance to accelerate research, innovation and prototyping, and help grow the U.S. semiconductor industry amid increased global competition. Collaboration among industry, government and academia in the

United States will facilitate growth of advanced manufacturing, strengthen supply chains and help protect intellectual property.”

Dr. Raj Jammy, Chief Technology Officer, MITRE Engenuity and Director, Semiconductor Alliance

“Ranovus is dedicated to developing application-specific optical engines that are energy and space efficient to address the massive growth in data center traffic, which is fueled by new compute, storage and networking paradigms. Ranovus’ monolithic Odin™ silicon photonics platform leverages the GF Fotonix™ process with its feature-rich libraries together with Ranovus’ own proprietary photonic and RF IP blocks, including innovative on-chip lasers, to enable an unprecedented high-density optical interconnect for datacenter applications. This is a great example of the GF and Ranovus teams collaborating to deliver leading-edge solutions.”

John Martinho, Senior Vice President of Research and Development, Ranovus

“SOITEC and GF’s close collaboration on state-of-the-art RFSOI and FD-SOI substrate development continues to set the pace for the introduction of market-leading solutions for each generation of mobile connectivity standards.”

Bernard Asper, Chief Operating Officer, SOITEC

“GF technologies made 5G mm-wave possible with 45RSOI and 22FDX® processes first used by universities and then by most companies in 5G and SATCOM. It is now taking steps to establish a leadership position in 6G. We’ve been collaborating on a broad set of high-risk, high-payoff research projects leveraging the unparalleled benefits of FD-SOI, RF-SOI and SiGe technology with demonstrated phased-arrays and transceivers up to 180 GHz and together, we are pushing the limits. GF has been a great partner, with an accurate design kit at greater than 100 GHz. They also support innovative work and enable the successful demonstration of complex 6G systems.”

Gabriel M. Rebeiz, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor and the Wireless Communications Industry Endowed Chair at the UC San Diego

About GF

GlobalFoundries, Inc. (GF) is one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers. GF is redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing by developing and delivering feature-rich process technology solutions that provide leadership performance in pervasive high growth markets. GF offers a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With a talented and diverse workforce and an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF is a trusted technology source to its worldwide customers. For more information, visit www.gf.com.

Media Contact:

Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]

GlobalFoundries Advances RF Leadership with GF Connex™ Portfolio and Customer Collaborations

MALTA, N.Y., May 19, 2022 – At its annual GF Technology Summit (GTS), GlobalFoundries (Nasdaq: GFS) (GF), today announced GF Connex, the industry’s most comprehensive and advanced portfolio of feature-rich radio frequency (RF) technology solutions for next generation wireless connectivity. GF Connex includes best in class design enablement and an extensive partner ecosystem for delivering breakthrough wireless-connected products. Products based on GF Connex are on the market today through GF’s collaborations with industry leaders and innovators including Broadcom, Fujikura, MediaTek, Orca Systems and Skyworks.

“Our ability to provide leadership solutions for wireless connectivity is rooted in our rich RF innovation heritage,” said Dr. Thomas Caulfield, president and CEO, GF. “The GF Connex portfolio enables our customers to deliver market-leading innovation, expanding the pervasive deployment of semiconductors powering a new generation of intelligent wireless products.”

When it comes to connectivity, the best wireless wins and a “one-size-fits-all” approach does not work. The GF Connex portfolio showcases purpose-built solutions based on GF’s RF silicon-on-insulator (SOI), FDXTM, silicon-germanium (SiGe) and fin field-effect transistor (FinFET) platforms fulfilling the application-specific requirements of wireless in smart mobile devices and communications infrastructure, home and industrial IoT, and automotive including:

  • Smart Mobile Devices & Communications Infrastructure: GF Connex solutions sets are tailored to deliver the exacting requirements of 5G sub-6GHz (gigahertz) and mmWave applications, delivering outstanding performance, integration and area advantages, and exceptional power efficiency. This means GF customers can design cellular systems that enable smartphones to stay connected longer on a single charge, and cellular and satellite communications that deliver more robust, reliable and swift connections.
  • Home and Industrial IoT: GF Connex solutions have application-specific features that deliver exceptional power efficiency, high performance edge computing and robust non-volatile memory integration. This enables GF customers to design tightly integrated, high performing, ultra-low power wireless system on chips (SoCs) that enable extremely power-efficient intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) products.
  • Automotive: GF Connex mmWave solutions fulfill the highest automotive grade RADAR mission profiles, making it possible for GF customers to design innovative sensors that boast extended range, high resolution imagery at low latency and an unprecedented level of integration and power efficiency.

Customer demand for GF Connex solutions has grown 47% in the last two years, demonstrating strong market momentum. GF Connex solutions are in volume production today, with close to 100 billion chips shipped to date.

Customers strongly endorse GF Connex portfolio

“Broadcom’s Wireless Semiconductor Division supplies industry-leading performance, highly integrated RF front-end (RFFE) solutions that enable our customers to deliver the best possible 5G experience to their end users. We continuously improve product performance in an ever more complex and physically constrained environment. To achieve this, we combine the best available technologies. GF’s advances in SOI technology have been a key enabler to keep improving our product performance,” said Youngwoo Kwon, senior vice president and general manager of Broadcom’s Wireless Semiconductor Division.

“mmWave is not just important for 5G today but will be a key foundation for beyond 5G and 6G networks,” said Kenji Nishide, head of the Electronics Technologies Research and Development Center at Fujikura. “5G and future networks will require highly efficient base station transmitters that also deliver exceptional receiver performance to support demanding user requirements for data rate and network coverage, all of which are enabled by the GF Connex high-performance SiGe platform.”

“Advanced connectivity technologies like Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2 require more artificial intelligence (AI) processing power, energy efficiency and robust security,” said HW Kao, MediaTek corporate vice president and general manager of the manufacturing operations functional unit. “MediaTek’s collaboration with GF helps us meet those demands with all-in-one solutions that offer energy efficiency, reliability and high-performance connectivity in small form factor designs that are ideal for a wide range of IoT devices.”

“Orca Systems has developed the first fully integrated wireless system on chip (SoC) solution for direct to satellite IoT connectivity over a low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite network,” said John McDonough, CEO at Orca Systems. “GF’s RF leadership and significant integration and low power feature advantages were critical to bringing this innovative SoC to market.”

“Our long-standing collaboration with GF has provided Skyworks early access to best-in-class switch and low noise amplifier (LNA) technology enabling us to pioneer breakthroughs in RF front-end modules,” said Joel King, senior vice president and general manager of Mobile Solutions for Skyworks. “Skyworks is uniquely positioned to engineer and seamlessly integrate advancements to increasingly smaller, more efficient form factors, purpose-built and customized for specific end markets and applications, including next-generation mobile devices and IoT applications.”

Additional customer RF news:

About GF

GlobalFoundries, Inc. (GF) is one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers. GF is redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing by developing and delivering feature-rich process technology solutions that provide leadership performance in pervasive high growth markets. GF offers a unique mix of design, development, and fabrication services. With a talented and diverse workforce and an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF is a trusted technology source to its worldwide customers. For more information, visit.

Media Contact:

Erica McGill
(518) 795-5250
[email protected]

格芯推出GF Connex™产品组合并与客户保持合作,进一步巩固射频技术领域的领先地位


纽约州马耳他,2022年5月19日 – 格芯®(GF®)(纳斯达克股票代码:GFS)今日在年度格芯技术峰会(GTS)上宣布推出GF Connex,这是一个功能丰富的射频(RF)技术解决方案产品组合,该系列解决方案功能先进而全面,可助力实现下一代无线连接。GF Connex包括出色的设计实现和广泛的合作伙伴生态系统,能够提供突破性的无线连接产品。格芯(GF)之所以能够在今天向市场推出基于GF Connex的产品是与Broadcom、Fujikura、联发科、Orca Systems和Skyworks等业界领导者和创新者合作的成果。

格芯(GF)总裁兼首席执行官Thomas Caulfield博士表示:“我们之所以能够提供领先的无线连接解决方案,要归功于格芯致力于射频技术创新的悠久传统。借助GF Connex产品组合,我们的合作伙伴能够提供市场领先的创新,扩大半导体产品的普及部署,推动新一代智能无线产品的发展。”

就连接而言,最好的无线解决方案才能获胜,“万能的”方法并不奏效。GF Connex产品组合基于格芯(GF)的绝缘体上硅(SOI)、FDXTM、锗硅 (SiGe)和FinFET平台提供了量身定制的解决方案,可满足智能移动设备和通信基础设施、家庭和工业物联网、汽车领域针对特定应用的无线要求,具体包括:

· 智能移动设备和通信基础设施:GF Connex解决方案组合是量身定制的,完全符合5G sub-6GHz和毫米波应用的要求,在性能、集成和占用面积方面具备显著优势,并且提供出色的能效。这意味着,格芯(GF)的客户能够设计出更出色的蜂窝系统,让智能手机可在单次充电后更长时间地保持连接,同时客户还能让蜂窝和卫星通信提供更加稳定、可靠、快速的连接。

· 家庭和工业物联网:GF Connex解决方案具有特定于应用的功能,不仅提供出色的能效和高性能的边缘计算,而且还支持可靠的非易失性存储器集成。这让格芯(GF)的客户能够设计紧密集成、超低功耗的高性能无线片上系统(SoC),从而打造高能效的智能物联网(IoT)产品。

· 汽车:GF Connex毫米波解决方案能够满足最高的汽车级RADAR应用要求,这让格芯(GF)的客户能够设计创新的传感器,不仅具有扩大的传输范围,能够以非常低的延迟提供高分辨率图像,而且提供出色的集成度和能效。

过去两年内,客户对GF Connex解决方案的需求增长了47%,该产品系列在市场上保持迅猛增长态势。GF Connex解决方案目前已经投入量产,迄今出货量已达近1000亿件。

客户对GF Connex产品组合给予高度肯定

Broadcom高级副总裁兼无线半导体部门总经理Youngwoo Kwong表示:“Broadcom的无线半导体部门提供了行业领先的高集成度高性能射频前端(RFFE)解决方案,让我们的客户能够为最终用户提供出色的5G体验。我们不断在日益复杂且物理空间受限的环境中改进产品性能。为了实现这个目标,我们结合采用各种合适的可行技术。格芯(GF)在SOI技术领域取得了很大进步,这也是我们持续改进产品性能的关键助力。”

Fujikura电子技术研发中心主管Kenji Nishide说道:“毫米波不仅对于当前的5G非常重要,还将是未来5G和6G网络的重要基础。5G和未来网络不仅需要高效的基站发射器,还要具有出色的接收器性能,以满足用户对数据速率和网络覆盖的苛刻要求,GF Connex高性能SiGe平台能够让这一切成为现实。”

联发科公司副总裁兼制造运营职能部门总经理HW Kao表示:“Wi-Fi 6和蓝牙5.2等先进连接技术需要更多的人工智能(AI)处理能力、更高的能效和更强大的安全性。与格芯(GF)的合作帮助我们利用一体化解决方案满足了这些需求,这些解决方案不仅能提供高能效、高可靠性和高性能连接,而且外形体积小巧,因而适用于各种各样的物联网设备。”

Orca Systems首席执行官John McDonough表示:“Orca Systems开发出了完成集成的无线片上系统(SoC)解决方案,用于通过低轨道(LEO)卫星网络直接与卫星物联网进行连接。格芯(GF)在射频技术领域处于领先地位,而且在集成和低功耗特性方面具有显著优势,这些对于我们向市场推出该创新SoC产品至关重要。”

Skyworks高级副总裁兼移动解决方案部门总经理Joel King表示:“与格芯(GF)的长期合作让Skyworks能够及早获得先进的开关和低噪声放大器(LNA)技术,从而能够在射频前端模块方面率先取得突破。Skyworks具备独特的优势,能够将先进技术无缝集成到体积不断缩小且更加高效的芯片中,这些芯片专门针对特定终端市场和应用而定制,包括下一代移动设备和物联网应用。”


GlobalFoundries and Motorola Solutions Announce Strategic Agreement for Chip Supply

GF Chip Technology Enables Interoperable, Clear Communication in Land Mobile Radios

MALTA, N.Y. and CHICAGO, IL., May 19, 2022 – GlobalFoundries Inc. (GF) (Nasdaq: GFS) and Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) today announced a long-term agreement to safeguard the supply of innovative chip solutions for Motorola Solutions’ radios, which are widely used by public safety, critical infrastructure and enterprise organizations across the world.

Motorola Solutions is a leading global provider of two-way radios for first responders, providing secure, flexible and reliable emergency communications. Several critical chips the company designs for its public safety, professional and commercial radios are manufactured in Vermont by GF, a world leader in the manufacturing of silicon-germanium (SiGe) products, which are used in generations of wireless and wired networks. GF’s SiGe process technology enables the highly reliable, long-range, secure and clear communications vital to police, fire and other first responders.

“Millions of first responders, utilities, infrastructure providers and businesses rely on Motorola Solutions radios for everyday and emergency communications, and it is essential that we maintain supply of these critical components,” said Scott Mottonen, senior vice president of products, Motorola Solutions. “Our long-term relationship with GF provides important capabilities, reliable U.S.-based manufacturing and added assurance that we will continue to meet the safety and security needs of our customers across the globe.”

“Our commitment to the development and manufacturing of mission-critical technologies that enables our customers to differentiate their products is in our DNA. Through long-term agreements, we provide assured supply of highly reliable and vital chips used in millions of mission-critical products worldwide. A great example of this is our collaboration with Motorola Solutions on their two-way radios, which are relied upon by first responders everywhere,” said Dr. Bami Bastani, senior vice president and general manager, mobile and wireless infrastructure strategic business unit at GF. “We are gratified to serve the industry with feature-rich solutions but also the innovations in RF technology that deliver low noise and high power and efficiency to allow for clear and long-range communications in highly demanding situations.”

About GF

GlobalFoundries (GF) is one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers. GF is redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing by developing and delivering feature-rich process technology solutions that provide leadership performance in pervasive high growth markets. GF offers a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With a talented and diverse workforce and an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF is a trusted technology source to its worldwide customers. For more information, visit www.gf.com.

About Motorola Solutions

Motorola Solutions is a global leader in public safety and enterprise security. Our solutions in land mobile radio communications, video security & access control and command center software, bolstered by managed & support services, create an integrated technology ecosystem to help make communities safer and businesses stay productive and secure. At Motorola Solutions, we’re ushering in a new era in public safety and security. Learn more at www.motorolasolutions.com.

GlobalFoundries Media Contact:

Erica McGill
+1 518-795-5240
[email protected]

Motorola Solutions Media Contact:

Neda Veselinovic
+1 773-387-4397
[email protected]

GlobalFoundries Announces Participation in Upcoming Investor Conferences

MALTA, N.Y., May 11, 2022 — GlobalFoundries (NASDAQ: GFS) today announced that it will participate in the following upcoming investor conferences.

  • Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 10:10am ET – J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Communications Conference
  • Monday, June 6, 2022, 10:15am ET – Baird Global Consumer, Technology, and Services Conference
  • Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 3:05pm PT – Bank of America Global Technology Conference
  • Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 11:30am BST – Nasdaq Investor Conference

Live webcasts and replays of the presentations will be accessible from the Investor section of GF’s website at investors.gf.com.

2022 Capital Markets Day

GF will host its first Capital Markets Day on August 10, 2022, in New York City. The Capital Markets Day event will include business, manufacturing, technology, and finance updates from GF executives. Additional details for the 2022 Capital Markets Day will be provided closer to the date of the event.

About GlobalFoundries

GlobalFoundries Inc. (GF) is one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers. GF is redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing by developing and delivering feature-rich process technology solutions that provide leadership performance in pervasive high growth markets. GF offers a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With a talented and diverse workforce and an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF is a trusted technology source to its worldwide customers. For more information, visit www.gf.com.

For further information, please contact:
[email protected]