Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability is Imperative 

Our goal is for sustainable thinking to inform every aspect of our business. 


From our energy-efficient fabs to stringent emission controls, GlobalFoundries has a proven track record of environmentally responsible manufacturing and operations. 

We recognize climate change is an unprecedented global challenge, and we are committed to growing responsibly and minimizing our impact on the environment. 

Learn more about our sustainability efforts and outcomes below. 

Journey to Zero Carbon 

In April 2024, GF announced two new long-term goals, to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 100% carbon-neutral power by 2050. Our Paris Agreement aligned 2050 net-zero GHG goal builds upon the existing Journey to Zero Carbon goal to reduce total greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2030, even as the company expands its global manufacturing capacity. 
To achieve these goals, GF will further reduce emissions through the continued use of state-of-the-art emissions controls when expanding its manufacturing footprint, installation of new controls on existing sites where appropriate, expanded use of alternative chemistries, and achieving 100% carbon-neutral power. The company is also working with suppliers and partners to further reduce and remove emissions across GF’s value chain. Learn More


To achieve these goals, GF will further reduce emissions through the continued use of state-of-the-art emissions controls when expanding its manufacturing footprint, installation of new controls on existing sites where appropriate, expanded use of alternative chemistries, and achieving 100% carbon-neutral power. The company is also working with suppliers and partners to further reduce and remove emissions across GF’s value chain. Learn More

Energy Management 

We are committed to being an industry leader in sustainable manufacturing. Making semiconductor chips is among the most complex and sophisticated manufacturing processes in the world, requiring up to thousands of individual steps over several months. We continually improve and optimize this process, identifying and implementing further efficiencies and energy-saving measures into our operations. 

In 2022, our sustainability and efficiency efforts have resulted in the annual savings of 23.7 million kWh of electricity – enough to power approximately 2,150 U.S households for a year. Read the full report.

Water Management 

Water is vital to our planet. It is also necessary for semiconductor manufacturing. As part of our water conservation efforts, in 2023 we have implemented projects saving 341,000 m³ of water annually – about the water used by more than 125 U.S. households in one year. These savings are driven by our extensive water reclamation programs in place at our manufacturing facilities. In 2022, our global water reclaim rate was 63%.   

GlobalFoundries manufacturing sites are not located in, and do not use water from, any identified high water stress areas. Read the full report.


We recognize climate change is an unprecedented global challenge, and we are committed to growing responsibly and reducing our emissions in a meaningful way. We are already taking action to meet our Journey to Zero Carbon goal of reducing our total greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2030. It’s the right thing to do – for our business, for our global team, and for our planet. In 2023, GF achieved savings in annual greenhouse gas emissions by 90,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2-e). Read the full report.

Waste Management 

As part of our efforts to increase the sustainability and efficiency of our operations, GlobalFoundries carefully manages waste created as part of our manufacturing processes. We recycle and reuse as much of this waste as possible, with the goal of keeping waste out of landfills. For example, spent sulfuric acid from our facilities is reused in wastewater treatment or in the manufacture of fertilizers. In 2023, teams across GF achieved 4,900 tons of chemical use and corresponding waste generation annualized savings. Read the full report.