What Do We Mean When We Say “Essential”?

By Laurie Kelly, Chief Communications Officer, GlobalFoundries

It’s a rare day when I’m not reminded of how critical semiconductors are in our daily lives. Sure, as the Chief Communications Officer for a leader in the semiconductor industry, how could I not be? I’m surrounded by engineers, technicians, business leaders and countless other colleagues across the globe who work every day to bring this vital technology from our customers’ concepts to completed chips that end up in some of the coolest products and devices.

So many “a-ha moments” take place inside and outside of our Fab’s walls. My earbuds that rarely leave my ears…they have GF chips inside. Similarly, my smartphone allows me to securely pay for coffee, among other things, thanks to GF chips. And perhaps most importantly – the navigation system that reliably guides me through the winding roads of upstate New York and Vermont is powered by GF chips, a reminder each day of the critical role our technology plays in everyday navigation and safety.

During the height of the global chip shortage that impacted all of us, it really hit home. I vividly remember looking to lease a new car as my current lease was expiring and having the salesperson at the dealership tell me “there was a shortage of cars because if I hadn’t heard, there was a shortage of semiconductor chips” – oh yes, I had heard!  

When supply chains and production lines are running smoothly, it’s easy to forget they allow us to connect with our friends and family, keeping us safe and secure inside and out of our homes, and allowing us to live, work and connect seamlessly.

These vital technologies are made possible by GF-manufactured chips every day. It’s our focus and what differentiates us from others, many of whom are focused on ever smaller and faster chips. While those chips certainly have a role, they’re only one slice. GF is focused on the rest of the pie.

This is why we call the chips GF manufactures what they are: essential.

The Wonders of Today’s Connected World

Did you know that nearly every smartphone and almost every vehicle on the road relies on our technology? That those alerts when another car is in your blind spot or when your tire needs air are made possible by GF chips? Ever wonder how your phone connects to towers and satellites faster and with less power?

You might not always see them, but our chips are the backbone of modern technologies, driving progress and enhancing convenience in ways we often take for granted. From automotive to the Internet of Things (IoT), data centers and even satellites, we provide essential chips in everyday life and critical applications, connecting the world one chip at a time.

Innovation’s Building Block

We’re called GlobalFoundries for a reason – it’s in our name. Our global footprint has proven to be a winning model that much of the industry is starting to replicate. At GF, our global manufacturing footprint stretches across the U.S., Europe, and Asia, giving our customers the unique technology platforms they need, no matter where they are.

But it’s not just about our technology — we’re everywhere our customers need us to be. With our resilient global presence and dedicated team, we can keep the supply chain strong and meet customer demands, even in the face of global challenges.

Our People

At the heart of everything is our people. We wouldn’t be where we are without the 13,000 incredible individuals from over a dozen countries who make up our team. They’re the ones who take our customers’ ideas and turn them into reality.

Our engineers, designers, and technicians pour their expertise and passion into every chip we create, ensuring it meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. Their commitment to innovation and excellence pushes us to explore new frontiers in semiconductor technology. Their skills and dedication are the bedrock of our success, making our chips essential.

Shaping What’s Essential

When I walk into one of GF’s fabs – whether in New York, Vermont, Germany or Singapore, it’s not lost on me that what our teams do every day is so much bigger than all of us. It’s humbling to see the scale and complexity of our operations and the people from all over the world who make it possible.

From concept to chip, we are dedicated to innovation, quality, and reliability, ensuring that the technology we create is truly essential. As I close my laptop at the end of the day, I feel proud knowing that our work at GF is not just making an impact – but truly powering our world. 

We are shaping what’s essential.