亚历克西-李被授予 "制造业女性奖"。


加州米尔皮塔斯,2013年1月15日-- 全球方德公司今天宣布,总法律顾问兼法律和企业事务执行副总裁Alexie Lee因其在制造业中的卓越表现和领导力,被制造业协会、德勤公司、凤凰城大学和制造工程师协会授予 "制造业女性STEP(科学、技术、工程和生产)奖"。Alexie Lee与其他121名女性获奖者一起,代表了从工厂车间到C套房的所有制造业水平。

"GF首席执行官Ajit Manocha说:"自从2009年帮助推出GF以来,Alexie在执行和合作方面表现出了巨大的成绩,帮助推动我们公司成为世界上发展最快的半导体公司之一。"她的领导力正在帮助GF在美国创造数千个新的先进制造业岗位,并扩大高科技制造能力,这将继续为美国的长期经济增长铺平道路。

"这122位女性是制造业中令人振奋的职业的代表,"制造业协会主席Jennifer McNelly说。"我们选择表彰这些妇女是因为她们各自通过对其公司和整个行业的积极影响在制造业中取得了重大成就。

STEP奖是制造业协会、德勤、凤凰城大学和制造工程师协会发起的更大的STEP Ahead倡议的一部分,目的是通过表彰、研究和吸引、提升和保留强大的女性人才的最佳实践,检查和促进妇女在制造业中的作用。

"丰田汽车北美公司集团副总裁、STEP Ahead倡议主席Latondra Newton说:"ST EP Ahead倡议的建立是为了改变人们对制造业的看法,为该行业的女性创造新的机会。"这项倡议是呼吁采取行动,改变当今制造业人才的面貌,确保妇女能够为这个行业的未来作出贡献。"








Nitero展示基于GLOBALFOUNDRIES 65纳米-LPe射频技术的高速60GHz Wi-Fi解决方案


内华达州拉斯维加斯,2013年1月9日--今天,在2013年消费电子展(CES)上,为移动设备开发下一代Wi-Fi解决方案的无晶圆厂半导体公司Nitero展示了其在GLOBALFOUNDRIES的65纳米(nm)低功耗增强(LPe)射频平台上制造的、针对移动SoC应用优化的创新型60GHz Wi-Fi解决方案。

Nitero的60GHz解决方案补充和完善了当今的Wi-Fi解决方案,如802.11n和802.11ac,消除了对物理连接器及其电缆的需求,极大地提高了平板电脑和手机设备的易用性。该公司的多千兆、超低功率Wi-Fi解决方案使消费者能够以移动设备的便利便携性享受高端笔记本电脑的相同功能和灵活性。即将推出的Nitero Wi-Fi解决方案符合现在IEEE批准的802.11ad行业标准,它将支持Wi-Fi联盟的流行启用技术,如Wi-Fi Direct™和Wi-Fi CERTIFIEDMiracastTM

"Nitero公司射频工程和运营副总裁Natalino Camilleri说:"我们需要一个完全致力于支持我们尖端解决方案的开发并将其推向市场的合作伙伴。"GF是完美的选择,因为它在65纳米-LPe工艺技术节点上提供了出色的射频解决方案,并且提供了出色的客户服务。GF在正确的时间为我们的产品提供了正确的解决方案。"

"合作是我们客户关系的基石。我们很高兴能与Nitero合作,帮助他们将创新的Wi-Fi解决方案推向市场,"GF产品营销副总裁Bruce Kleinman说。"我们的65纳米LPe射频解决方案建立在低功耗和高性能的工艺技术之上,为移动应用进行了优化。凭借其大量的器件选项、高度精确的硅验证射频模型和全面的设计启用工具,我们的客户可以享受到完整的产品解决方案,风险更低,上市时间更快。"





Jason Gorss
(518) 305-9022 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (518) 305-9022 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting
[email protected]

Gina Wong
GF Asia Pacific
(65) 6670-8108
[email protected]

GLOBALFOUNDRIES To Build R&D Facility in New York to Accelerate Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Global Customers

Near-$2 billion dollar Technology Development Center (TDC) to strengthen global R&D ecosystem from mask to silicon to packaging

Milpitas, Calif., January 8, 2013 — GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced plans to build a multi-billion dollar R&D facility at its Fab 8 campus in Saratoga County, N.Y. The new Technology Development Center (TDC) is expected to play a key role in the company’s strategy to develop innovative semiconductor solutions allowing customers to compete at the leading edge of technology.

The TDC will feature more than a half million square feet of flexible space to support a range of technology development and manufacturing activities, including cleanroom and laboratory space. Representing an investment of nearly $2 billion, the facility will increase the total capital investment for the Fab 8 campus to more than $8 billion. Construction of the TDC is planned to begin in early 2013 with completion targeted for late 2014. Since breaking ground on Fab 8 in 2009, GF has created approximately 2,000 new direct jobs and that number is expected to grow by another 1,000 employees for a total of about 3,000 new jobs by the end of 2014.

The TDC will house a variety of semiconductor development and manufacturing spaces to support the transition to new technology nodes, as well as the development of innovative capabilities to deliver value to customers beyond the traditional approach of shrinking transistors. The overarching goal of the TDC is to provide a collaborative space for GF to develop end-to-end solutions covering the full spectrum of silicon technology, from new interconnect and packaging technologies that enable three-dimensional (3D) stacking of chips to leading-edge photomasks for Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography and everything in between.

“As the industry shifts from the PC era to a market focused on mobile devices, we have seen increasingly strong interest from customers in migrating to advanced nodes on an accelerated schedule,” said GF CEO Ajit Manocha. “To help facilitate this migration, we are making significant investments in strengthening our technology leadership, including growing our workforce and adding new capabilities to make Fab 8 the hub of our global technology operations. New York State’s continued support of the semiconductor industry has created a strong collaborative ecosystem and helped pave the way for this additional investment. The new TDC will help us bridge between the lab and the fab by taking research conducted with partners and further developing the technologies to make them ready for volume manufacturing.”

“This significant expansion demonstrates that the investments we have made in nanotechnology research across New York State are producing the intended return–the creation of high-paying jobs and generation of economic growth that is essential to rebuilding our state,” said Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. “New York has become the world’s hub for advanced semiconductor research and now, the Technology Development Center will further help ensure the innovations developed in New York, in collaboration with our research institutions, are manufactured in New York.”

“The future economic prosperity and security of the American economy depends on sustaining the nation’s capacity to innovate–that is, to translate our investments in research into new products for the market and new solutions for national missions,” said Dr. Charles W. Wessner, director of the National Academies’ Innovation Program. “As a major new Academies’ report–Rising to the Challenge: U.S. Innovation Policy for the Global Economy–has documented, other nations are focused on developing greater capacity to translate research into marketable products and we need to make smart investments to ensure innovation and manufacturing continue to be ‘made in America’. New York State’s public investments to develop CNSE as a hub of innovation coupled with the private investments of GF are prime examples of best practices for public-private partnerships linking research, innovation and production that have made New York a globally recognized center of innovation.”

Building on America’s fastest growing technology sector

Located at the Luther Forest Technology Campus in the heart of upstate New York’s “Tech Valley,” Fab 8 is being developed as the most advanced semiconductor foundry campus in the world. Construction on the Fab 8 project began in July 2009 and the company has successfully brought up the new fab on schedule, hitting all major development, operations, and customer milestones. Today the Fab 8 campus includes approximately two million square feet of development. In addition to investments in manufacturing production on established technology nodes, GF has also been making significant investments in technology development at the Fab 8 campus, and today development is underway at the 20nm and 14nm technology nodes.

The Fab 8 campus is an ideal home for the company’s leading-edge technology development activities. The proximity of the IBM Joint Development Alliance activities in East Fishkill and the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) at the University of Albany, combined with the growing presence of technology development personnel on the Fab 8 campus, have helped make New York’s “Tech Valley” a global center for next-generation technologies.


GF is the world’s first full-service semiconductor foundry with a truly global footprint. Launched in March 2009, the company has quickly achieved scale as the second largest foundry in the world, providing a unique combination of advanced technology and manufacturing to more than 160 customers. With operations in Singapore, Germany and the United States, GF is the only foundry that offers the flexibility and security of manufacturing centers spanning three continents. The company’s three 300mm fabs and five 200mm fabs provide the full range of process technologies from mainstream to the leading edge. This global manufacturing footprint is supported by major facilities for research, development and design enablement located near hubs of semiconductor activity in the United States, Europe and Asia. GF is owned by the Advanced Technology Investment Company (ATIC). For more information, visit https://www.globalfoundries.com.