GLOBALFOUNDRIES Expands RFwave™ Partner Program to Speed Time-to-Market for Wireless Connectivity, Radar and 5G

Increased support affirms RFwave™ Program’s vital role in RF design and faster deployment for applications in a new era of wireless devices and networks

Santa Clara, Calif., October 11, 2018 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced the addition of nine new partners to its growing RFwave Partner Program, including AkronIC, Ask Radio, Catena, University of Waterloo Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio Systems (CIARS), Giga Solution, Helic, Incize, Mentor Graphics and Xpeedic Technology. These new partners will provide unique mmWave test and characterization capabilities along with design services, IP and EDA solutions that will enable GF clients to rapidly implement RF designs in applications spanning Internet-of-Things (IoT), mobile, RF connectivity, and networking markets.

The RFwave Partner Program builds upon GF’s industry-leading radio frequency (RF) solutions, such as FD-SOI, RF CMOS (bulk and advanced CMOS nodes), RF SOI and silicon germanium (SiGe) technologies. The program provides a low-risk, cost-effective path for designers seeking to build highly optimized RF solutions for a range of wireless applications such as IoT across various wireless connectivity and cellular standards, standalone or transceiver integrated 5G front end modules, mmWave backhaul, automotive radar, small cell and fixed wireless and satellite broadband.

“As the RFwave program continues to expand, partners play a critical role in helping to serve our growing number of clients and extend the reach of our RF ecosystem by providing innovative RF-tailored solutions and services,” said Mark Ireland, vice president of ecosystem partnerships at GF. “These new partners will help drive deeper engagement and enhance technology collaboration, including tighter interlock around quality, qualification and development methodology, enabling us to deliver advanced highly integrated RF solutions.”

GF is focused on building strong ecosystem partnerships with industry leaders. With the RFwave program, GF’s partners and clients can now benefit from a greater availability of resources to deliver innovative, highly optimized RF solutions. The new partners join current RFwave Program members including asicNorth, Cadence, CoreHW, CWS, Keysight Technologies, Spectral Design, and WEASIC.

To learn more about GF’s RFwave partner program, please visit our Partners page.

Supporting Quotes

“We are delighted to team with GF in RFwaveTM program. GF’s unique RF technology offering enables AKRONIC to develop differentiated mmWave silicon IP to assist customers to reduce time-to-market in a range of applications including backhaul, 5G, satcoms, radars and IoT.”

Nikos Naskas, Dr.-Ing. Founder and CEO, Akronic P.C.

“GF’s portfolio of process technologies is uniquely well-suited to building highly integrated IoT systems. As one of the pioneers in building IoT Radio ICs using the GF 22FDX technology, we firmly believe in its technological superiority. We continue to exploit the unique features of offer to deliver game-changing performance for IoT and Wireless devices. We are now building on our successful RFIC products to evolve to highly compelling module-on-chip systems using multiple technology offerings from GF. The RFwaveTM partner program helps us accelerate our roadmap and also get well integrated into GF’s IP ecosystem.”

Anup Savla, CEO, Ask Radio

“For several years, most foundries have been primarily focusing on continuous shrinking of digital circuits. To serve the fast growing IoT market, however, we also need access to technologies that are more suited to RF design. It is very encouraging to see GF paying specific attention to this need. As a company with long tradition in designing RF Wireless IPs, we are very happy to join the RFwaveTM Program.”

Kavé Kianush, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Catena

“We are pleased and excited to join the GF RFwaveTM partnership program and ecosystem. We believe our close collaboration with GF and the partners in this program on advanced silicon technologies can expedite the development of the new generation of intelligent millimeter wave radio and antenna solutions for the emerging millimeter-wave markets. Our unique facility and R&D capacity provides a wide range of capabilities in R&D, test, and characterization for millimeter wave market and we are excited to work with GF and its customers on current and future challenges in millimeter-wave technology and product development.”

Professor Safieddin Safavi-Naeini, Director of CIARS (Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio Systems) at the University of Waterlooe

“Giga Solution, a professional testing service company specialized in RF and mmWave, is honored to join the RFwaveTM Ecosystem and to partner up with GF. Through the RF wave Ecosystem, Giga Solution can provide one-stop service from engineering to production, feedback test results to customer rapidly, and support customers time to market by our extensive engineering resources and diversity of test platforms.”

Liang-Po Chen, President, Giga Solution Tech. Co., Ltd.

“Helic is excited to partner with GF’s RFwaveTM program. This takes our relationship with GF to the next level and enables our tools to RFwave customers. This includes our VeloceRF, RaptorX, Exalto, and Pharos tools that our customers use to develop 5G, IoT, autonomous driving, wireless, and other RF chips and systems with better performance, higher quality and a smaller form factor. This partnership further strengthens our IC design cooperation with GF by giving us access to advanced technology nodes with exceptionally good RF process performance and modeling accuracy. A close cooperation with a leading foundry such as GF, coupled with the latest tool innovations and EM risk management methodology from Helic, enable first time right RF silicon success.”

Yorgos Koutsoyannopoulos, CEO, Helic

“Incize is pleased to have joined the RFwaveTM program. This platform will allow Incize to foster partnerships within the RF community and make Incize’s expertise in RF and FEM more readily available to the ecosystem. The RF industry can only benefit from such an initiative.”

Mostafa Emam, CEO and Founder, Incize

“Mentor is pleased to extend our collaboration with GF to now include the 45RFSOI process offering, so that our mutual customers get the most of out of this innovative process targeted at the emerging IoT, mmWave, and automotive markets. By leveraging the Calibre sign-off physical verification, reliability verification and circuit verification solutions for the GF 45RF process, customers will be able to quickly deliver to market remarkable innovations in the emerging era of AI-powered smarter everything.”

Michael Buehler-Garcia, senior director of marketing, Calibre Design Solutions, at Mentor, a Siemens business

“Xpeedic is excited to join GF’s RFwaveTM Partner Program. This partnership enables our mutual customers to design RF silicon and system with confidence by adopting our foundry-proven EDA tools and passive integration solution for RF front end module design. The RFwave program is a great platform to give RF design community access to a broad set of innovative RF solutions developed on GF’s industry-leading RF technology platform by the RFwave members.”

Feng Ling, CEO and Founder at Xpeedic

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is a leading full-service foundry delivering truly differentiated semiconductor technologies for a range of high-growth markets. GF provides a unique combination of design, development, and fabrication services, with a range of innovative IP and feature-rich offerings including FinFET, FDX™, RF, and power/analog mixed signal. With a manufacturing footprint spanning three continents, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of clients across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]


Dolphin Integration today announced the qualification of the first wave of Power Management IPs on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22nm FD-SOI (22FDX®) process technology. This consistent offering will help in…

格芯扩展RFwave合作伙伴计划,旨在加快无线连接、雷达和5G应用 的上市速度


加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2018年10月11日 – 格芯今天宣布在其不断增长的RFwave合作伙伴计划中增加九位新的合作伙伴,包括Akronic、Ask Radio、Catena、滑铁卢大学智能天线和无线电系统中心(CIARS)、全智科技HelicIncizeMentor Graphics芯禾科技。这些新的合作伙伴将提供独特的毫米波测试和表征功能,以及设计服务、IP和EDA解决方案,将使格芯客户能够在跨物联网(IoT)、移动、射频连接和网络市场的应用中快速实现射频设计。

RFWave合作伙伴计划建立在格芯行业领先的射频(RF)解决方案的基础之上,例如FD-SOI、RF CMOS(体硅和先进CMOS节点)、RF SOI和锗硅(SiGe)技术。该计划为设计人员提供了一种经济高效的低风险方法,帮助他们构建高度优化的射频解决方案,面向众多不同的无线应用,例如采用多种无线连接和蜂窝标准的物联网、独立或集成收发器的5G前端模块、毫米波回传、汽车雷达、小基站和固定无线和卫星宽带。

格芯生态系统合作伙伴关系副总裁Mark Ireland表示,“随着RFwave计划的不断扩大,合作伙伴通过提供针对射频量身定制的创新型解决方案和服务,在帮助我们为越来越多的客户提供服务和扩大RF生态系统的范围方面发挥着关键的作用。”“这些新的合作伙伴将帮助加深参与度和加强技术合作,包括围绕质量、认证和开发方法更紧密地相互联系,使我们能够提供高度集成的先进射频解决方案。”

格芯致力于与行业领导者建立强有力的生态系统合作伙伴关系。通过RFwave计划,格芯的合作伙伴和客户现在可以使用更多资源来提供高度优化的创新型射频解决方案,并从中受益。新合作伙伴加入的当前RFwave计划成员,包括asicNorth、Cadence、CoreHW、CWS、Keysight Technologies、Spectral Design和WEASIC。






Akronic P.C.创始人兼首席执行官工程学博士Nikos Naskas




Ask Radio首席执行官Anup Savla




Catena首席技术官兼副总裁Kavé Kianush




滑铁卢大学智能天线和无线电系统中心(CIARS)主任Safieddin Safavi-Naeini教授








Helic首席执行官Yorgos Koutsoyannopoulos




Incize首席执行官兼创始人Mostafa Emam


“Mentor很高兴将我们与格芯的合作扩展到45RFSOI工艺产品,以便我们的共同客户能够充分利用这一针对新兴物联网、毫米波和汽车市场的创新工艺。通过利用GF 45RF工艺的Calibre核签物理验证、可靠性验证和电路验证解决方案,在人工智能的新兴时代,客户将能够迅速向市场交付引人注目的创新产品。”


西门子公司Mentor Calibre设计解决方案高级营销总监Michael Buehler-Garcia






Mentor releases optimized flow, new fill automation for GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ 22FDX IC manufacturing process

Mentor, a Siemens business, today announced it has qualified complete solutions from its Calibre® nmPlatform™, Analog FastSPICE™ (AFS)™ Platform, Eldo® Platform and Nitro-SoC place and route system for GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ 22FDX Fully-Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (FD-SOI) integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing processes. GF and Mentor have mutually developed an advanced, first-of-its-kind automated fill flow that ensures analog devices are able to leverage the full performance of these new processes in emerging markets such as ADAS/autonomous driving, IoT, 5G communications, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

QuickLogic Announces Silicon-Proven ArcticPro eFPGA on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX® Process

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK), a developer of ultra-low power multi-core voice enabled SoCs, embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP, display bridge and programmable logic solutions, today announced the availability of silicon-proven and ready-to-use ultra-low power ArcticPro™ eFPGA technology on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX® (FD-SOI) process technology. The complete software tool suite supporting the development and integration of eFPGA designs on this node is also available. This announcement establishes QuickLogic’s technology and software offering as the industry’s first and only eFPGA solution available for GF’s 22FDX process technology.

QuickLogic宣布ArcticPro eFPGA已在格芯22FDX®工艺上通过芯片验证

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK), a developer of ultra-low power multi-core voice enabled SoCs, embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP, display bridge and…

Mentor发布优化流程,针对格芯22FDX IC制造工艺实现全新填充自动化

Mentor, a Siemens business, today announced it has qualified complete solutions from its Calibre® nmPlatform™, Analog FastSPICE™ (AFS)™ Platform, Eldo® Platform and Nitro-SoC place and route system…

IN2FAB Joins GlobalFoundries FDXcelerator™ Partner Program

Northampton, United Kingdom, October 2, 2018 – IN2FAB announced the opening of a new North American office to support and expand its existing business. The centre will operate in conjunction with the company’s existing facilities in Europe to provide a base for expanded operations.

After Pivot, Differentiation is Chosen Path

By: Dave Lammers

Europe and Singapore are two sources of ideas for GF following the decision to pivot away from 7nm technology development. One company that sees strategic value in the 22FDX® solution is Synaptics.

While Tom Caulfield was trying to figure out how to re-position GLOBALFOUNDRIES as a differentiated foundry, Rick Bergman, the CEO of Synaptics, had concluded that GF’s 22FDX process could do exactly that: differentiate Synaptics in the market for artificial intelligence-enabled Internet of Things applications.

“For the very large customers that we have, we are banking on 22FDX for unique solutions specifically for the IoT market,” Bergman said in a keynote address at the foundry’s annual technology conference, GTC 2018, in Santa Clara.

Synaptics Adopting 22FDX

Synaptics, with revenues of roughly $2 billion this year, focuses on the human-machine interface (HMI), a market that is rapidly moving to voice-enabled interfaces. On-chip neural network processing in IoT edge devices is a key enabler, requiring the right mix of performance, power consumption, and cost.

Bergman said one Synaptics chip has taped out in the fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) 22FDX process, another is “right behind it, aimed at voice and video,” while a third chip will support augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) capabilities.

CEO, Rick Bergman, on stage talking about the future of human interfaces and Synaptics at GTC 2018

The company evaluated 28nm bulk transistors and found that “they didn’t have the horsepower required,” he said, while advanced FinFET-based leading-edge processes “require a certain amount of (design) investment, and in many cases the volumes don’t justify it in a fragmented market like IoT.” GF’s non-volatile memory solutions were another factor, he added.

Edge IoT devices increasingly are being used to process AI workloads, rather than sending them to the cloud. For IoT edge solutions, Bergman said Synaptics requires “extremely low power,” using FDX’s forward and back-biasing capabilities to switch to high performance, when needed, for products such as smart speakers.

“With biasing, we can gain performance when we need it, and when we don’t need it we have very low power. Since IoT tends to be a very competitive market, cost is an important factor as well,” he said.

Learning from Europe….

After being named CEO of GF in early March, Caulfield began visiting customers, including the major European semiconductor companies. These companies had looked at the rising costs of leading-edge designs, the slowing improvements to Moore’s Law scaling, and made their own pivots.

“They learned that leading edge is not the only game in town, that innovation is shifting toward the creation of differentiated features. They have prospered as a result. I came away from there knowing what we had to do to differentiate ourselves. And I knew we had to get out of our mind the idea that we had to have leading-edge technology to be strategic to these customers,” Caulfield said.

…And from Singapore

Caulfield said he wants the larger GF to learn from the foundry’s Singapore operation, which has mastered the skills needed to ensure zero defects, provide improvements to its technology platforms, and hone manufacturing discipline: achieving high yields on a wide variety of products while keeping the fabs full.

“Much of our revenue in differentiated silicon comes from Singapore,” he said, adding that “the revenue model for GF is Singapore.”

He made the point that many people are fixated on leading-edge technologies, currently 7nm and beyond, with relatively little attention given to the many advances in power, MEMs, RF, and other technologies. The heart of the day-long GTC 2018 was spent describing the innovations which differentiate GF in those areas. GF’s technologists are coming up with ways to boost the performance of the 12nm FinFET process, adding options such as high-voltage and NVM offerings. By halting 7nm logic development, executives promised that more of the foundry’s resources will be available for power, analog, IoT, automotive, and other markets which have their own technology differentiations.


Three Ways GF is Different

During a coffee break, I asked Subramani Kengeri, vice president of client solutions, if the pivot away from 7nm might leave GF fighting for business with foundries such as Taiwan’s UMC or China’s SMIC.

Kengeri said GF differs from its competitors in three ways: first, the breadth of offering and level of technology differentiation is much greater. In automotive, eNVM, HV, mixed-signal, FinFET, Silicon Photonics and several other key areas, GF simply offers a much richer and more complete technology portfolio than other foundries. With its FDX technology, it offers a unique solution. In RF it dominates. “Thinking RF? Think GF,” was a clever refrain heard from Bami Bastani, senior vice president of GF’s business units.

Secondly, Kengeri said GF has superior packaging technologies, and going forward will have more resources to invest in packaging to support growing needs for heterogeneous integration. And thirdly, GF — having acquired Chartered Semiconductor and IBM Microelectronics and grown to $6 billion in revenues — is a more global company than its competitors, with fabs in United States, Germany, and Singapore, and a strong global client solutions team.

Caulfield said with the pivot decision behind it, GF is focused on improving manufacturing efficiencies and boosting fab utilization rates, while adding capacity where needed in RF, power, automotive, and other fast-growing markets. “We want to fill the assets that we have,” he said.

GF will continue to invest to create further new features on these offering platforms

About Author

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers

Dave Lammers is a contributing writer for Solid State Technology and a contributing blogger for GF’s Foundry Files. Dave started writing about the semiconductor industry while working at the Associated Press Tokyo bureau in the early 1980s, a time of rapid growth for the industry. He joined E.E. Times in 1985, covering Japan, Korea, and Taiwan for the next 14 years while based in Tokyo. In 1998 Dave, his wife Mieko, and their four children moved to Austin to set up a Texas bureau for E.E. Times. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Dave received a master’s in journalism at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.



Northampton, United Kingdom, October 2, 2018 – IN2FAB announced the opening of a new North American office to support and expand its existing business. The centre will operate in conjunction with the…