Synopsys and GLOBALFOUNDRIES Collaborate to Expand Fusion Compiler Benefits for Latest Platforms

Synopsys’ Unique Product Delivers Best-in-Class PPA to Accelerate Innovation on GF Platform Offerings for Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Cloud/AI Applications

Analog Bits Announces Foundation Analog IP Availability on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 12LP FinFET Platform

  • Analog Bits silicon-proven IP is available now on GF’s 12LP and design kits are available for 12LP+IP.
  • Key IP features of Analog Bits offering for GF’s 12LP platform and 12LP+ solution include integer and Fractional Phase-Lock Loop (PLL), ring oscillator based PCIe 2/3 PLL, Process Voltage and Temperature (PVT) sensors, and Power on Reset (POR) circuitry and LC oscillator based PCIe 4/5 PLL for 12LP+.

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Collaborates with Cadence on Availability of Mixed-Signal OpenAccess PDK for 22FDX Platform to Enable Advanced Mixed-Signal and mmWave Design


GF and Cadence co-develop a Mixed-Signal OpenAccess PDK that enables seamless implementation and verification of mixed-signal designs

Powerful combination of Cadence integrated mixed-signal flow with the GF 22FDX platform eases the creation of next-generation 5G mmWave, edge AI, IoT and automotive designs

格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)和Movano Inc.携手推动无针连续血糖监 测技术的发展


加利福尼亚州普莱森顿和圣克拉拉,2020年9月24日 – 作为一家专注开发无创解决方案来提高慢性疾病患者生活质量的健康科技公司,Movano Inc今日于格芯的年度全球技术大会(GTC)上宣布与格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®,GF®)达成战略合作,以推动Movano目前正在开发的可穿戴式无创连续血糖监测仪(CGM)实现商业化。

Movano的创新血糖监测方法基于其射频(RF)传感器平台(正在申请专利),而该平台基于格芯的22FDX®(22nm FD-SOI)解决方案,以便能够打造出高性能、低功耗、小尺寸的低成本量产传感器。

“过去几个月里,人们对线上医疗技术的需求与日俱增,因为慢性病患者需要在无法前往诊所和医院的情况下,持续管理自身的健康状况。对于糖尿病和前期糖尿病患者来说,这意味着我们需要大幅降低连续血糖监测仪的成本,从而吸引人们使用和佩戴这一产品,”Movano创始人兼首席执行官Michael Leabman表示。“在格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)的22FDX平台上构建连续血糖监测仪,能帮助我们实现这一目标。格芯平台不仅能帮助我们经济高效地实现连续血糖监测仪的大规模量产,还能确保我们的设备具有良好的性能和功效。”


“Movano是一家创新型初创企业,致力于开发前沿数字医疗和物联网技术,以帮助个人进行慢性疾病管理,”格芯高级副总裁兼汽车和工业多市场部门总经理Mike Hogan表示。“此次合作利用了格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)在射频领域的领先地位和世界级的专业制造知识,再次体现了各行业和应用的设计人员转向22FDX的原因,因为该平台具有差异化的性能、灵活性和低功耗的优势。”

格芯22FDX解决方案,包括用于Movano公司连续血糖监测仪的射频传感器,均在格芯位于德国德累斯顿Fab 1的先进300mm产线进行生产。

关于Movano Inc.

Movano Inc.成立于2018年,是一家健康科技公司,专注于使用简单、智能、无形的无创技术来帮助个人及其医疗合作伙伴测量和管理健康状况,从而通过提供有价值的反馈来实现改变人生的健康目标。如需了解更多信息,请访问。 

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its customers to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of customers across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Lauren Jaeger
[email protected]

Michael Mullaney
[email protected]


格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)宣布推出全新22FDX+平台,通过物联网 和5G移动专业解决方案巩固在FDX领域的领先地位


加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2020年9月24日 – 作为全球领先的特殊工艺半导体代工厂,格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®,GF®)今日于全球技术大会上宣布推出下一代FDXTM平台22FDX+,以满足互联设备对更高性能和超低功耗的日益增长的需求。格芯业界领先的22FDX®(22nm FD-SOI)平台已经实现了45亿美元的设计创收,向全球客户交付了超过3.5亿颗芯片。


Dialog Semiconductor首席执行官Jalal Bagherli表示:“Dialog打造专门针对物联网连接优化的高度集成式节能SoC和专业存储设备。格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)的22FDX+平台具有先进的射频性能、低功耗功能和全面的平台功能,这是一项关键的赋能技术,能帮助我们在下一代物联网产品中保持行业领先地位。”

格芯高级副总裁兼汽车、工业和多市场战略业务部总经理Mike Hogan表示:“我们很荣幸能与Dialog合作,利用两家公司的超低功耗、高性能射频能力和嵌入式存储器,将前沿连接技术扩展至不断增长的物联网市场。随着格芯差异化的22FDX+平台推出,我们将进一步加强与Dialog的合作,推动在物联网领域取得惊人的技术突破,这些技术进步已经在改变我们的生活。”

格芯全新22FDX+平台上推出的首个专业解决方案是22FDX RF+。全新22FDX RF+解决方案具备数字和射频增强功能,并经过优化,可提升前端模块(FEM)设计的性能。22FDX RF+专业解决方案正在格芯位于德国德累斯顿Fab 1的先进300mm产线上进行生产,并将于2021年第1季度上市。 

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its customers to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of customers across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Michael Mullaney
[email protected]




加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2020年9月24日 – 作为先进的特殊工艺半导体代工厂,格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®,GF®)今日于年度全球技术大会(GTC)上宣布,其已向领先智能手机供应商交付超过7500万颗的新型28HV专业半导体解决方案,以用于生产有机发光二极管(OLED)显示驱动器。



MagnaChip半导体公司首席执行官YJ Kim表示:“我们非常荣幸能够成为OLED显示驱动器集成电路(OLED DDIC)领域的佼佼者。凭借对先进技术的不懈追求,我们在过去13年里一直在非垄断市场保持着领先地位。在5G部署的推动下,OLED技术将继续扩展至全球智能手机市场,并进一步渗透到电视和汽车等新的应用领域。我们将通过累积多年的设计经验和低功耗的28纳米技术,继续生产更多的创新产品,并为这一不断发展的产品系列所带来的持续动力而备受鼓舞。在我们在OLED DDIC市场不断取得成功的过程中,格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)一直是我们的重要合作伙伴。”

格芯是率先生产OLED显示驱动器的纯晶圆半导体代工厂。28HV解决方案是格芯OLED路线图中的全新里程碑,这一路线图以55nm平台为起点,随后又纳入了40nm和28nm平台。迄今为止,格芯的55nm和40nm OLED显示驱动器解决方案总计已交付超过1.35亿颗。

格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)移动和无线基础架构战略业务部高级副总裁Bami Bastani表示:“格芯是手机市场专业半导体解决方案领域当之无愧的领先企业。可靠的连接、优质的声音、清晰的显示、人们所喜爱并期望获得的智能手机功能,格芯芯片都可以帮助实现。格芯和MagnaChip在开发和生产模拟及混合信号芯片方面都有着优良的传统。格芯全新推出的28HV解决方案正是双方工程团队密切协作的成果,可通过更加小巧、节能、高效和清晰的显示屏,满足新一代移动设备的需求。”


格芯的28HV解决方案将由格芯位于德国德累斯顿的Fab 1运用先进的300mm生产线进行生产。

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its customers to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of customers across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Michael Mullaney
[email protected]



加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2020年9月24日 – 作为先进的特殊工艺半导体代工厂,格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®,GF®)今日于年度全球技术大会(GTC)上宣布推出内嵌先进机器学习(ML)功能的增强型可制造性(DFM)设计套件。这一行业领先的全新ML增强型DFM解决方案由格芯与西门子公司Mentor合作开发,以Mentor的Calibre® nmDRC平台为基础,可为客户提供更有效的设计和开发体验,进而帮助加快产品上市。

新的ML增强型DFM套件将作为格芯12LP+差异化半导体解决方案的工艺设计套件(PDK)更新推出。12LP+采用久经考验的平台,依托稳健的生产生态系统,并针对人工智能(AI)训练和推理应用进行了优化,即将在纽约州马耳他的格芯Fab 8投入生产。


格芯技术支持副总裁Jim Blatchford表示:“我们很高兴能推出这个新的增强功能,该功能融合了先进的机器学习模型,让我们的客户能够加快整体DFM验证并提供更高效的设计体验,最终实现成功进行原型设计和加快产品上市的目标。我们与Mentor的密切合作帮助我们将这项新的增强功能无缝集成到了12LP+ PDK中,我们期待在其他专业半导体解决方案的PDK中陆续推出更多的机器学习功能。”

Mentor物理验证产品管理、Calibre设计解决方案总监Michael White说:“我们很高兴能与格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)合作,将基于机器学习的模型整合到格芯12LP+平台的Calibre nmDRC中。我们与格芯®(GLOBALFOUNDRIES®)携手将机器学习整合到设计流程中,帮助我们共同的客户实现无缝过渡。” 





为了满足快速增长的AI市场的特定需求,格芯的12LP+在性能、功耗和面积方面均提供了出色的表现。这一切是因为12LP+引入了多项新特性,包括更新后的标准单元库、用于2.5D封装的中介层、低功耗0.5V Vmin SRAM位单元等。这些特性有助于在AI处理器与存储器之间实现低延迟、低功耗数据传输。 




About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its customers to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of customers across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Michael Mullaney
[email protected]



GLOBALFOUNDRIES Goes Virtual with 2020 Global Technology Conference Series

Engaging events with a sharp focus on industry challenges, innovations on the horizon and opportunities to accelerate the digital future

Santa Clara, Calif., September 14, 2020 – GLOBALFOUNDRIES® (GF®) today announced it will launch its Global Technology Conferences (GTC) 2020 series virtually with their first event, GTC North America on September 24. The one-day conference, themed ‘Accelerating the Digital Future’, is an opportunity for hundreds of customers and industry experts to engage and gain insight into how GF is helping to shape the digital transformation with the latest approaches and solutions for AI, IoT and 5G.

“Semiconductors play a vital role in our lives now more than ever, presenting both opportunities and challenges for our industry,” said Juan Cordovez, senior vice president of Global Sales at GF. “GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ GTC 2020 provides a virtual, interactive platform to spotlight thought leaders, inspire critical thinking, and to bring together customers and partners to showcase the latest innovations that will accelerate the digital future.”

To kick off the virtual conference, CEO Tom Caulfield will share his perspective on how geopolitical forces and the COVID-19 pandemic have unleashed global changes and opportunities for our industry and examine how GF’s solutions are enabling key megatrends that will reshape the world and enable a better normal.

Additionally, Tom will engage in real conversations with top industry leaders, including:

  • Steve Mollenkopf, Qualcomm CEO
  • Simon Segars, Arm CEO
  • Lip-Bu Tan, Cadence CEO
  • John Neuffer, SIA President and CEO

At GTC North America, more than 30 sessions with leading visionaries, technologists and partners will detail future trends in AI, silicon photonics and 6G, explore the latest opportunities in audio, analog power, AI, 5G and wireless connectivity and discover new offerings to simplify design cycle and accelerate time to market. Additionally, attendees will have access to GF’s virtual exhibit hall, providing a place to connect and engage with GF experts and more than 30 ecosystem event sponsors. Platinum sponsors for GTC 2020 include Analog Bits, Cadence Design Systems, Mentor and Synopsys. Gold sponsors are Arm, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. (ASE Group) and VeriSilicon.

The GTC series will continue throughout October and November with additional events in Europe, China and Taiwan, each featuring a unique lineup of industry leaders and panel discussions.

For more information and to view the agenda or register for GF’s North America Global Technology Conference visit: Follow the latest conference updates on social media via #GFGTC2020 on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

About GTC

GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ annual Global Technology Conference series features keynotes from industry leaders and presentations from senior members of the GF management and technical teams, with a special emphasis on how the company achieves time-to-volume leadership by leveraging global collaboration with customers and partners. On September 24, GTC 2020 North America kicks off a series of international events including Europe, Taiwan and Singapore. For more information on GTC 2020, visit:

About GF

GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) is the world’s leading specialty foundry. GF delivers differentiated feature-rich solutions that enable its customers to develop innovative products for high-growth market segments. GF provides a broad range of platforms and features with a unique mix of design, development and fabrication services. With an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF has the flexibility and agility to meet the dynamic needs of clients across the globe. GF is owned by Mubadala Investment Company. For more information, visit


Erica McGill
(518) 795-5240
[email protected]

Flex Logix Announces nnMAX AI Inference IP In Development On GLOBALFOUNDRIES 12LP Platform

 Flex Logix® Technologies, Inc., the leading supplier of embedded FPGA (eFPGA) and AI Inference IP, architecture and software, today announced that its nnMAX™ AI Inference IP is in development on GLOBALFOUNDRIES® (GF®) 12LP FinFETplatform under an agreement with the U.S. Government. The nnMAX AI IP on GF 12LP, and extendable to GF’s 12LP+ to enable enhanced power performance, is a superior solution for DSP acceleration and AI inference functions. The IP will also be available to commercial customers in 2H 2021.


SEMI, the industry association serving the global electronics design and manufacturing supply chain, today launched a new collaborative apprenticeship program to make it easier for companies to offer training and for more workers to pursue careers in electronics. The competency-based SEMI Industry Approved Apprenticeship Program (IAAP) is designed to identify skills gaps and delver targeted training that efficiently meets industry employers’ hiring needs.