Marktplatz: Bidens Regierung wettet, dass eine alte Anlage neue Chips herstellen kann

StarIC und GlobalFoundries kündigen strategische Partnerschaft an und veröffentlichen Hochgeschwindigkeits-TIA und Treiber, um das Ökosystem der Silizium-Photonik zu fördern

Tiempo Secure's TESIC RISC-V IP Secure Element erfolgreich auf GlobalFoundries' 22FDX Technologieknoten charakterisiert

GlobalFoundries feiert gemeinsam mit Regierungsvertretern aus Vermont die Ankündigung des CHIPS and Science Act und die staatliche Finanzierung der Modernisierung des Werks in Essex Junction

ESSEX JUNCTION, VT, 1. März 2024 - Dr. Thomas Caulfield, CEO von GlobalFoundries (Nasdaq: GFS) (GF), feierte heute gemeinsam mit dem Gouverneur von Vermont, Phill Scott, dem Senator Peter Welch, der US-Repräsentantin Becca Balint, dem ehemaligen Senator Patrick Leahy und anderen führenden Vertretern von GF und der Gemeinde die geplante Direktfinanzierung in Höhe von fast 130 Millionen US-Dollar im Rahmen des U.S. CHIPS and Science Act und der staatlichen Mittel des Bundesstaates Vermont, die die Modernisierung der am längsten ununterbrochen betriebenen Produktionsstätte von GF und der ersten und größten vertrauenswürdigen 200-mm-Anlage des Landes in Essex Junction unterstützen werden.

Vergangene Woche konnte GF mit Stolz verkünden, dass das US-Handelsministerium 1,5 Milliarden Dollar an direkten Fördermitteln für das Unternehmen bereitstellt, wovon 125 Millionen Dollar für die Modernisierung und den Ausbau der Kapazitäten der GF-Anlage in Vermont vorgesehen sind. Gouverneur Scott und der Staat Vermont haben weitere 4,5 Millionen Dollar an geplanten Fördermitteln angekündigt, um den Aufbau der ersten US-Anlage zu unterstützen, die in der Lage ist, Galliumnitrid-Halbleiter (GaN) der nächsten Generation in großen Mengen herzustellen, die in Elektrofahrzeugen, Stromnetzen, Rechenzentren, 5G- und 6G-Smartphones und anderen wichtigen Technologien zum Einsatz kommen.

Zu den Modernisierungsmaßnahmen gehört auch die Einführung neuer, branchenführender Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken, die darauf abzielen, die Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren und die Abwasserbehandlung in der Anlage zu verbessern. Diese Verbesserungen sind darauf ausgerichtet, die staatlichen und bundesstaatlichen Vorschriften nicht nur zu erfüllen, sondern zu übertreffen, wodurch die fab zu einer der umweltfreundlichsten ihrer Art wird.

"GF war stolz darauf, heute Gouverneur Scott, Senator Welch, den ehemaligen Senator Leahy und die Kongressabgeordnete Balint an unserem Standort in Vermont begrüßen zu dürfen", so Dr. Caulfield. "Unser Werk in Vermont produziert und innoviert seit sechs Jahrzehnten in der Halbleiterindustrie, und die geplanten Investitionen zur Modernisierung unseres Werks werden es GF ermöglichen, auch in Zukunft umweltfreundliche Spitzenlösungen für unsere Kunden und Partner zu liefern. Heute, am Employee Appreciation Day, feiern wir die Leistungen und den Gemeinschaftsgeist unseres GF-Teams in Vermont."

"Diese Investition ist unglaublich wichtig, nicht nur für den Staat und die Region, sondern auch für unsere nationale und wirtschaftliche Sicherheit", sagte Gouverneur Scott. "Sie ist auch eine bedeutende Anerkennung für den Einfallsreichtum, die harte Arbeit und das Engagement von Generationen von Beschäftigten in Vermont, die GlobalFoundries und seine Vorgängerunternehmen in Essex Junction so erfolgreich und erfolgreich gemacht haben. Diese Investition wäre ohne ihre hervorragenden Leistungen nicht möglich gewesen. Ich freue mich darauf, zu sehen, was in den kommenden Jahren daraus entstehen wird."  

Um die in Vermont benötigten Halbleiter-Talente zu gewinnen und zu fördern, hat GF zahlreiche Initiativen ins Leben gerufen und investiert in sie. Dazu gehört auch das kürzlich angekündigte Programm zur Rückzahlung von Studiendarlehen, mit dem das Unternehmen seine Mitarbeiter und neue Mitarbeiter bei der Rückzahlung von Studienkrediten unterstützt. GF arbeitet außerdem landesweit mit einer Vielzahl von Universitäten und Community Colleges wie der University of Vermont und der Vermont State University zusammen, um den Aufbau einer vielfältigen Belegschaft und einer Halbleiter-Talentschmiede zu unterstützen. Im Rahmen der CHIPS- und Science Act-Finanzierung wird GF weiterhin in neue Maßnahmen zur Personalentwicklung investieren und diese ausbauen, darunter die Entwicklung von Lehrplänen, Praktikums- und Lehrlingsprogrammen, die Vermittlung von MINT-Kenntnissen an Kinder und Jugendliche sowie zusätzliche Bildungs- und Ausbildungsprogramme.

Alle Design- und Baupläne für die Modernisierung von GF in Vermont werden das kontinuierliche Engagement von GF für einen nachhaltigen Betrieb widerspiegeln und die Nachhaltigkeitsziele des Unternehmens erfüllen.

Regierungsvertreter und Akademiker in Vermont feiern die Nachricht:

"Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass es einen weltweiten Mangel an Mikrochips und Halbleitern gibt, der es den Herstellern erschwert, die Autos, Handys und elektronischen Geräte zu produzieren, die wir brauchen", sagte Senator Bernie Sanders. "Diese Bundesinvestition wird wertvolle Unterstützung für den Erfolg dieser Industrie in Vermont leisten, indem sie Innovationen in Entwicklung, Fertigung und Produktion fördert. Sie wird auch gut bezahlte Arbeitsplätze für Hunderte von Einwohnern von Vermont schaffen und Lehrlingsprogramme einführen, um die nächste Generation auszubilden. Ich gratuliere Senator Leahy, Gouverneur Scott, meinen Kollegen aus der Kongressdelegation, GlobalFoundries und der Regierung Biden-Harris für ihre Arbeit, die sie geleistet haben, um diese Mittel nach Vermont zu bringen. Ich freue mich darauf, zu sehen, wie viel Gutes sie für die Arbeitnehmer in Vermont und unsere Gemeinden bewirken wird."

"Vermont wird von Galliumnitrid-Technologien angetrieben, die in allem von unseren Telefonen über Stromnetze bis hin zu Elektrofahrzeugen zum Einsatz kommen. Der Bundeszuschuss in Höhe von 125 Millionen Dollar, der durch das parteiübergreifende CHIPS- und Wissenschaftsgesetz ermöglicht wurde, stellt eine generationsübergreifende Investition in Arbeitsplätze in Vermont und in Chips aus amerikanischer Produktion dar", sagte Senator Welch. "GlobalFoundries und das Fab 9-Team haben Vermont zu einem führenden Unternehmen in der Halbleiterinnovation und -entwicklung gemacht und der Nation und der Welt gezeigt, dass der Vermont Way funktioniert. Ihr Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und der Einsatz von kohlenstofffreien Energieverfahren sind wegweisend für andere Hersteller. Der Welleneffekt dieser aufregenden Entwicklung hat bereits begonnen, Innovationen in der größeren Gemeinschaft auszulösen und wird in den kommenden Jahren ein wirtschaftlicher Motor sein."

"Der historische CHIPS and Science Act hat das volle Potenzial der einheimischen Halbleiterproduktion freigesetzt, und Vermont wird in der Chip-Produktion landesweit führend sein", sagte die Abgeordnete Becca Balint. "Dank der Führung von Präsident Biden wird diese transformative Investition zur Modernisierung der am längsten ununterbrochen betriebenen Fabrik von GlobalFoundries führen, genau hier in Vermont. Unser Bundesstaat wird die erste US-Anlage beherbergen, die in der Lage ist, GaN-Halbleiter der nächsten Generation in großen Stückzahlen herzustellen. Die Einwohner von Vermont sind nach wie vor führend in der Innovationswirtschaft unseres Landes, und ich freue mich sehr, dass die Regierung Biden heute diese monumentale Investition feiert."

"Als erste und grösste 200-mm-Halbleiterproduktionsanlage ihrer Art in den USA ist die Produktionsstätte von GF in Vermont ein Eckpfeiler der Wirtschaft des Bundesstaates und ein wichtiger Partner für die Arbeit der Universität von Vermont als nationale Forschungsuniversität. Durch Kooperationsprogramme mit der UVM und anderen Institutionen in Vermont ist sie ein Ort, an dem viele junge Menschen in unserer Region ihre Zukunft finden. Die CHIPS-Finanzierung wird dazu beitragen, die wirtschaftliche Lebensfähigkeit dieses Standorts für die kommenden Jahre zu sichern und GF und UVM in die Lage zu versetzen, auf unserer kürzlich erfolgten Ernennung zum EDA Tech Hub aufzubauen, um Praktika, Lehrstellen, Programme zur Entwicklung von Arbeitskräften und fortschrittliche Forschungsinitiativen im Green Mountain State zu schaffen. Wir begrüßen diese Bundesinvestition in GF und die gesamte Gemeinschaft von Vermont", sagte Kirk Dombrowski, Vizepräsident für Forschung und Wirtschaftsentwicklung an der UVM.

Das Werk von GF in Essex Junction, Vermont, in der Nähe von Burlington, war eine der ersten grossen Halbleiterproduktionsstätten in den Vereinigten Staaten. Heute arbeiten dort rund 1 800 Mitarbeitende von GF. Die auf der Grundlage der differenzierten Technologien von GF hergestellten Chips werden weltweit in Smartphones, Automobilen und Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen eingesetzt. Das Werk ist ein von der DMEA akkreditiertes Trusted Foundry und stellt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem US-Verteidigungsministerium sichere Chips her, die in einigen der sensibelsten Luft- und Raumfahrt- und Verteidigungssysteme der USA zum Einsatz kommen.

Über GlobalFoundries

GlobalFoundries (GF) ist einer der weltweit führenden Halbleiterhersteller. GF definiert Innovation und Halbleiterfertigung neu, indem es funktionsreiche Prozesstechnologielösungen entwickelt und bereitstellt, die eine führende Leistung in allgegenwärtigen, wachstumsstarken Märkten bieten. GF bietet eine einzigartige Mischung aus Design-, Entwicklungs- und Fertigungsdienstleistungen. Mit einer talentierten und vielseitigen Belegschaft und einer Produktionsbasis, die sich über die USA, Europa und Asien erstreckt, ist GF eine vertrauenswürdige Technologiequelle für seine weltweiten Kunden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter 

GlobalFoundries Inc., GF, GlobalFoundries, die GF-Logos und andere GF-Marken sind Marken von GlobalFoundries Inc. oder seinen Tochtergesellschaften. Alle anderen Marken sind das Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber. 

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Für VT:
Gina DeRossi
[email protected]

Für NY:
Erica McGill
[email protected]

CNBC: Der CEO von GlobalFoundries spricht über die Auswirkungen der 1,5-Milliarden-Dollar-Investition aus dem CHIPS-Gesetz

Erklärung von Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris zu den vorläufigen Bedingungen des CHIPS- und Wissenschaftsgesetzes

Biden-Harris-Regierung kündigt vorläufige Bedingungen mit GlobalFoundries an, um die inländische Versorgung mit Legacy-Chips für die US-amerikanische Auto- und Verteidigungsindustrie zu stärken

GlobalFoundries and Biden-Harris Administration Announce CHIPS and Science Act Funding for Essential Chip Manufacturing

$1.5 billion potential investment will support the expansion of GlobalFoundries New York facility, including construction of a new state-of-the art fab, and the modernization of its Vermont facility, adding secure capacity for essential chip manufacturing for automotive and other key markets

Additional $600 million plus planned in New York State Green CHIPS and other State benefits over the 10-year term of the New York projects

MALTA, N.Y. and ESSEX JUNCTION, VT, February 19, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Commerce today announced $1.5 billion in planned direct funding for GlobalFoundries (Nasdaq: GFS) (GF) as part of the U.S. CHIPS and Science Act. This investment will enable GF to expand and create new manufacturing capacity and capabilities to securely produce more essential chips for automotive, IoT, aerospace, defense, and other vital markets.

New York-headquartered GF, celebrating its 15th year of operations, is the only U.S.-based pure play foundry with a global manufacturing footprint including facilities in the U.S., Europe, and Singapore. GF is the first semiconductor pure play foundry to receive a major award (over $1.5 billion) from the CHIPS and Science Act, designed to strengthen American semiconductor manufacturing, supply chains and national security. The proposed funding will support three GF projects:

  • Expansion of GF’s existing Malta, NY, fab by adding critical technologies already in production in GF’s Singapore and Germany facilities geared towards enabling the U.S. auto industry. As vehicles transition from mechanical to electronic systems, the number of semiconductor chips in each car or truck continues to soar. This expansion is key to ensuring supply chain resilience for the growing demand and to delivering for GF’s automotive customers including General Motors. This will continue to diversify GF’s flagship Malta fab into new technologies and end markets.
  • Construction of a new state-of-art fab on the Malta campus to meet expected customer demand for U.S.-made essential chips across a broad range of markets and applications including automotive, aerospace, defense and AI. The new fab, which has already been granted some necessary permitting, will leverage the site’s existing infrastructure and ecosystem, enabling a fast and efficient path from construction to production. The semiconductor market is expected to double over the next decade, and GF’s new fab will be uniquely positioned to capture the feature-rich mature, essential chip segment which is expected to continue to represent more than 60% of the semiconductor market. Construction of this new fab combined with expansion of GF’s existing site is expected to triple the existing capacity of the Malta campus over the next 10+ years. These two projects are expected to increase wafer production to 1 million per year once all phases are complete.
  • Modernization of GF’s longest continuously operated fab and the nation’s first and largest Trusted 200mm facility in Essex Junction, Vermont. The project will upgrade existing facilities, expand capacity as well as create the first U.S. facility capable of high-volume manufacturing of next-generation gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductors for use in electric vehicles, power grids, data centers, 5G and 6G smartphones and other critical technologies.

Based on market requirements and demand, GF plans to invest more than $12 billion over the next 10 plus years across its two U.S. sites through public-private partnerships with support from the federal and state governments as well as from its ecosystem partners, including key strategic customers.

In support of the two Malta, New York projects, Governor Hochul today announced $575 million in planned direct funding for New York State Green CHIPS. Also announced was $15 million in planned funding for NYS Workforce Development activities for GlobalFoundries as well as $30 million in planned funding for NYS Infrastructure upgrades and Energy incentives provided by the New York Power Authority (NYPA).

Combined, these investments are expected to create over 1,500 manufacturing jobs and about 9,000 construction jobs over the life of these projects. 

“GF is proud to announce this proposed funding from the Department of Commerce and New York State and appreciates the collaboration of the CHIPS Office and the Empire State Development Corporation throughout this process. These proposed investments, along with the investment tax credit (ITC) for semiconductor manufacturing, are central to the next chapter of the GlobalFoundries story and our industry. They will also play an important role in making the U.S. semiconductor ecosystem more globally competitive and resilient and cements the New York Capital Region as a global semiconductor hub,” said Dr. Thomas Caulfield, president and CEO of GF. “With new onshore capacity and technology on the horizon, as an industry we now need to turn our attention to increasing the demand for U.S.-made chips, and to growing our talented U.S. semiconductor workforce.”

“Semiconductors are the brain of modern technology. While they are no larger than a fingernail and no thicker than a piece of paper, they are essential to every electronic device that we currently use – from computers and televisions to cars and washing machines. Thanks to our Administration’s CHIPS and Science Act, we are announcing the Department of Commerce’s preliminary agreement with GlobalFoundries, which will award approximately $1.5 billion to expand domestic production of semiconductors, strengthen U.S. supply chains, and create thousands of good paying jobs right here in America,” said Vice President Kamala Harris. “President Biden and I continue to be fully committed to growing our economy and creating opportunity in every part of America. Today’s announcement is another way in which we are delivering on that commitment in New York, Vermont, and communities throughout the country.” 

“Semiconductors are in everything from our cellphones, to refrigerators, to cars, and our most advanced weapons systems, and access to them carries important economic and national security implications. It was the shortages of semiconductors during the COVID-19 pandemic that raised prices for consumers and led to the shutdown of automobile manufacturing sites across the country,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. “Thanks to the CHIPS and Science Act, we’re working to onshore these critical technologies in order to bolster the supply of domestic chips that are essential to manufacturing cars, electronics, and national defense systems in New York, Vermont, and states across the country.”

“I have long said my CHIPS & Science Law would deliver big for New York, and I meant big with a capital ‘B.’ I am proud to announce GlobalFoundries has reached a preliminary agreement for the largest award thus far from the CHIPS program I created for $1.5 billion in grant funding. This will triple production capacity of GlobalFoundries’ already massive campus in Saratoga County, spur billions in public-private investment, and help bring thousands of new good-paying manufacturing and union construction jobs to the Capital Region,” said Senator Schumer. “When I wrote the CHIPS & Science Law, I made sure there was funding especially for the feature-rich, legacy chips that GlobalFoundries produces in Malta and that are essential for America’s auto industry and national defense. We all remember the days of the pandemic when chip shortages sky rocketed car prices and created supply chain issues leading to months-long wait times for cars and electronics, and investments like this are how we can help prevent that from happening again.  Ever since GlobalFoundries’ first Fab 8 broke ground 15 years ago, I knew how significant the company would be for the Capital Region and Upstate NY. Today, the plans for their second chip facility and thousands of new good-paying jobs move forward thanks to the CHIPS & Science Law I fought hard to create.”

“New York State is becoming the best place on earth to build a business,” said Governor Hochul. “Thanks to our pro-business policies, commitment to innovation and best-in-the-nation workforce, green jobs and high-tech manufacturers are flocking to the Empire State. This $11 billion investment from GlobalFoundries is a game changer, and with the partnership of the Biden administration, New York’s congressional delegation, and all of our local stakeholders, the best is yet to come.”

To attract and cultivate a pipeline of semiconductor talent that will be needed in New York and Vermont, GF is creating and investing in numerous initiatives. The company recently announced a new student loan repayment program to help current employees and new recruits pay down student loan debt. The new benefit program is part of the company’s multi-million-dollar investment to strengthen the semiconductor talent workforce by helping to ease the financial burden of higher education and training of the company’s present and future employees. GF is also partnering with a broad range of universities and community colleges nationwide to help build a diverse workforce and semiconductor talent pipeline. As part of receiving CHIPS and Science Act funding, GF will continue to invest in and develop new workforce development efforts including curriculum development, internship and apprenticeship programs, K-12 STEM outreach as well as additional education and training programs.

All of GF’s design and construction plans for its expansions and modernizations in New York and Vermont will reflect GF’s ongoing commitment to sustainable operations and comply with the company’s sustainability goals.

Customers, government officials and academia celebrate the news from the U.S. Department of Commerce and GF:

“We are pleased that GlobalFoundries will be receiving a $1.5 billion investment from the U.S. CHIPS and Science Act,” said Dr. Lisa Su, Chair and CEO of AMD. “GlobalFoundries is a strategic supplier and key enabler of AMD’s high-performance computing products. The planned investment demonstrates the commitment of the U.S. government to strengthen the domestic chip supply chain for economic growth and ensure the long-term competitiveness of the U.S. semiconductor ecosystem.”   

“Semiconductors are critical to today’s vehicles,” said General Motors President Mark Reuss. “GlobalFoundries’ investment in New York both ensures a robust supply of semiconductors in the U.S. to help GM meet demand and supports U.S. leadership in automotive innovation.”

“Lockheed Martin is proud of our strategic partnership with GlobalFoundries to help increase access to domestically produced microelectronics – a true national security imperative,” said Jim Taiclet, chairman, president and CEO of Lockheed Martin. “The Department of Commerce’s announcement led by Secretary Raimondo will enable GlobalFoundries to continue providing essential technology to further strengthen Lockheed Martin’s secure and robust global supply chain. We look forward to the results of this announcement as part of our commitment to delivering cutting-edge 21st Century Security capabilities that advance deterrence and keep our customers ahead of emerging threats.”

“Qualcomm welcomes today’s announcement from the U.S. Department of Commerce CHIPS office regarding funding for GlobalFoundries expansion of their U.S. chip making operations. GlobalFoundries’ commitment to providing additional chip production capacity that allows us to continue pushing the boundaries of the innovation for 5G, Automotive and IoT applications. We are pleased to partner with a company that shares our vision for a more resilient global supply chain for chip production,” said Dr. Roawen Chen, Chief Supply Chain and Operations Officer, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

“GlobalFoundries has been a national leader in semiconductor and chips innovation, putting Vermont at the forefront of this emerging technology. This is a well-deserved recognition of GlobalFoundries’ commitment to bolstering the on-shore growth of U.S.-made chips,” said Sen. Peter Welch. “This investment, made possible by the CHIPS and Science Act and the White House and Secretary Raimondo’s commitment to competitiveness and security, will create jobs while making our supply chains more resilient. Even more impressive, this new site will see its commitment to sustainability through with a plan to use carbon-free neutral energy practices —leading in innovation and in action.”

“This is huge news for Vermont and the region,” said Governor Phil Scott. “The CHIPS Act funding will help encourage innovation and expansion of this vital sector in our state and across the country. I’m proud of the work my team has done with GF and others to assist and I want to thank the Biden Administration and our congressional delegation for their continued partnership.”

“Today’s announcement is nothing short of a gamechanger for Saratoga County and the greater Capital Region. It is proof positive that our Investing in America agenda not only bolsters national security and global economic competitiveness, it can create thousands of good paying jobs right here at home. I look forward to working closely with GlobalFoundries and local, state and federal partners to make these historic plans a reality,” said Congressman Paul Tonko.  

“We extend our congratulations to GlobalFoundries for achieving this important milestone that will ignite regional economic growth while reinforcing the vital collaboration between Hudson Valley Community College and GF. Since 2021, through a first-of-its kind U.S. Registered Apprenticeship program, HVCC has been assisting GF in expanding its technical workforce by providing top-notch education and training to apprentices. Additional funding from CHIPS will enable us to expand our role as a critical partner in developing a highly skilled workforce for the semiconductor industry through our partnership with GlobalFoundries,” said Dr. Roger Ramsammy, president of Hudson Valley Community College.

“We congratulate GlobalFoundries on this crucial milestone. Federal investment in GF’s New York manufacturing capabilities will spur regional economic development and build upon the company’s longstanding and highly positive impact on the Capital region, and its investments here. This funding will further strengthen the vital partnership between SUNY and GF, allowing more SUNY students to gain experiential learning through apprenticeships and internships, and making New York the national model for education and workforce development in the semiconductor industry,”said State University of New York Chancellor John B. King, Jr.

“The first and largest 200mm semiconductor manufacturing facility of its kind in the U.S., GF’s Vermont fab is a cornerstone of the state’s economy and a key partner for the University of Vermont’s work as a national research university. Through collaborative programs with UVM and other institutions in Vermont, it is a place where so many young people in our region find their future. CHIPS funding will help ensure the commercial viability of this site for years to come and enable GF and UVM to build upon our recent EDA Tech Hub designation to create internships, apprenticeships, workforce development programs, and advanced research initiatives in the Green Mountain State. We applaud this federal investment in GF and the entire Vermont community,” said Kirk Dombrowski, Vice President for Research and Economic Development at UVM.

About GlobalFoundries

GlobalFoundries (GF) is one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers. GF is redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing by developing and delivering feature-rich process technology solutions that provide leadership performance in pervasive high growth markets. GF offers a unique mix of design, development, and fabrication services. With a talented and diverse workforce and an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF is a trusted technology source to its worldwide customers. For more information, visit 

©GlobalFoundries Inc., GF, GlobalFoundries, the GF logos and other GF marks are trademarks of GlobalFoundries Inc. or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 

Forward-looking Information

This press release includes “forward-looking statements” made under the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include but are not limited to, statements regarding our financial outlook, future guidance, product development, business strategy and plans, and market trends, opportunities and positioning. These statements are based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates, forecasts, projections and limited information available at the time they are made. Words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “should,” “believe,” “hope,” “target,” “project,” “goals,” “estimate,” “potential,” “predict,” “may,” “will,” “might,” “could,” “intend,” “shall,” “outlook,” “on track,” and variations of these terms or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements are subject to a broad variety of risks and uncertainties, both known and unknown. Any inaccuracy in our assumptions and estimates could affect the realization of the expectations or forecasts in these forward-looking statements. For example, our business could be impacted by geopolitical conditions such as the ongoing political and trade tensions with China and the wars in Ukraine and Israel; the market for our products may develop or recover more slowly than expected or than it has in the past; we may fail to achieve the full benefits of our restructuring plan; our operating results may fluctuate more than expected; there may be significant fluctuations in our results of operations and cash flows related to our revenue recognition or otherwise; a network or data security incident that allows unauthorized access to our network or data or our customers’ data could result in a system disruption, loss of data or damage our reputation; we could experience interruptions or performance problems associated with our technology, including a service outage; and global economic conditions could deteriorate, including due to increasing interest rates, rising inflation and any potential recession. It is not possible for us to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements we may make. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. 

Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee that the future results, levels of activity, performance or events and circumstances described in the forward-looking statements will be achieved or occur. Moreover, neither we, nor any other person, assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these statements. Except to the extent required by federal securities laws, we undertake no obligation to update any information or any forward-looking statements. Investors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncertainties discussed in our 2022 Annual Report on Form 20-F, current reports on Form 6-K and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Media Contacts:

For NY:
Erica McGill
[email protected]

For VT:
Gina DeRossi
[email protected]

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