Perspektive für Führungskräfte: Der Beginn eines positiven Kreislaufs für GLOBALFOUNDRIES FDX™-Technologie

Von Alain Mutricy

In our highly competitive industry, it is imperative for a company to continually challenge itself to move forward, otherwise it will surely find itself falling behind. At GLOBALFOUNDRIES, this means we are thinking big and embarking on technological paths we have not taken before to provide differentiated value to our customers. Our fully depleted SOI technologies, which we call FDX™, are one example. You’ve heard a lot from us lately about FDX technology. Our 22nm and 12nm FDX processes are ideal for low-power, mobile and highly integrated SoC applications, the sweet spot in the market for many of our customers. We originally developed the 22FDX® technology for IoT systems, which we estimate to be a $50B market opportunity for semiconductors by 2020 (Source: McKinsey & Company,based on volume forecast by Gartner, iSuppli, Strategy Analytics). It delivers the performance of 14/16nm FinFET technology on demand leveraging a software-controlled back-bias technology—yet it also supports ultra-low power systems and an ultra-low-leakage library for battery-operated IoT solutions. The process technology has been designed to integrate high-performance digital libraries with high-performance analog and RF circuits. First IP and silicon implementations have demonstrated the fact that beyond IoT, the 22FDX platform is ideal for low-to mid-range smartphone single-chip integration. Also, with the 22FDX platform we have broken the old paradigm of semiconductor technology development, which went as follows: the most advanced node would be developed for high-performance digital logic implementation. Then, more or less two years later, analog and RF would complement the process toolkit, as leading-edge performance customers were already moving to the next digital node. Finally, add another two years and you may have the ability to integrate non-volatile-memory (NVM). Which means, of course, that systems which would benefit from NVM integration could only integrate logic IP with four-year old performance capabilities. The 22FDX platform enables our customers to break free of this constraint, and to design intelligent, fully integrated (e.g., lowest power and system cost), and connected (e.g. with RF systems on-chip) systems. We see customers working on 28nm today, but also 55nm and 40nm customers (with RF and/or NVM) considering switching directly to 22FDX to leverage this competitive advantage for themselves. We’re already working with scores of customers on FDX technology, and a good number are in the early prototyping phase. While our unique FDX technology is the foundation of our offerings, we have also challenged ourselves to find ways to help customers bring their FDX-based products to market as easily and as quickly as possible. In particular, to make available tools and IP that enable customers to leverage the software-controlled body-bias capabilities of our FDX technology. To do this, we have developed the FDXcelerator Partner Program. It is a collaborative effort that provides customers with the comprehensive support and resources they need to get FDX-based SoCs to market as fast as possible. Think of it as an entire ecosystem of pre-qualified, committed expert partners and suppliers who, along with GF, stand ready to provide whatever customers may need to create and bring to market innovative SoC solutions quickly and cost-effectively. Such strong, strategic partnerships are crucial for any business, large or small. For example, let me make a comparison with something on the personal side. More than 15 years ago, I started a business within Texas Instruments aimed at developing microprocessor solutions for cellular phones, with the early vision that cell phones would become “smart,” have high-level operating systems, the ability to download applications and share media, and larger screens. We called it the OMAP processor. (How this world has changed in these past 15 years!!!) Despite a strong technology advantage versus the competition, with much more performance for multimedia and graphic, at ultra-low-power, OMAP in the early days represented a new type of dual-core solution to program. Our customers were viewing a competitor’s leading microprocessor solution as a safer bet, easier to implement, although the technology could not provide the needed battery life that would make smartphones become a mainstream technology. We launched a similar ecosystem network called the OMAP Technology Center program, to break the design barriers for our customers by bringing the best-of-the-best technology partners with optimized software solutions and tools to OMAP technology. In no time, our partners adapted their resources, skills, tools and their multimedia software or base-port software solutions to support the OMAP platform and take advantage of the emergence of the smart phone market with OMAP, which became quickly the market leader. OMAP customers were all winning in their markets, as they could develop at an accelerated pace. OMAP Technology Centers—our partners—grew very fast and shared in the success. So, back to our topic here: While we estimate that 22FDX SoC design complexity and the level of effort required is much lower than that of FinFET technology, designing with the full leverage of the software-controlled body-bias is a new approach to SOC design. Not complex, but different. (FinFET design complexity is about twice that of 28nm, according to a Gartner study.) We couldn’t have done it so well nor so quickly without expert help, which is precisely the goal of our FDXcelerator Program here. So far, we’ve announced seven world-class program partners and there is a backlog of others who want to join. Each partner we’ve evaluated and selected has committed to offer our customers specific, dedicated resources, and the program now encompasses:

  • Tools (EDA) - Module, die differenzierte FD-SOI Body-Bias-Merkmale nutzen und in branchenführende Design-Flows integriert sind
  • Designelemente (IP) - Komplette Bibliotheken, einschließlich grundlegender IP, Schnittstellen und komplexer IP, die es foundry Kunden ermöglichen, Designs schnell mit validierten IP-Elementen zu beginnen
  • Plattformen (ASIC)
  • Referenzlösungen - Fachwissen auf Systemebene in neuen Anwendungsbereichen zur Beschleunigung der Markteinführung
  • Packaging- und Testlösungen (OSAT ) - Ermöglichung der Bereitstellung hochmoderner SOCs
  • Andere Ressourcen - Designberatung und andere Dienstleistungen rund um die FDX-Technologie

All dies führt zu einzigartigen Vorteilen und Mehrwerten, die nur mit der FDX-Technologie von GF möglich sind. Ich sehe das FDXcelerator Partnerprogramm als ein wichtiges Instrumentarium für unsere Kunden, um ihre Markteinführung zu beschleunigen. Es ist der Katalysator für einen positiven Kreislauf bei der Nutzung der FDX-Technologie, wobei die von uns angebotene Unterstützung mehr Kunden dazu ermutigt, auf die FDX-Technologie umzusteigen, und ihre Ideen und ihre Beteiligung wiederum das Ökosystem zu weiterem Wachstum anregen, was wiederum weitere Kunden anzieht, und so weiter. Wir schaffen gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit für geschäftlichen Erfolg für unsere Partner und einen Zeitvorteil für unsere Kunden, indem wir sie in die Lage versetzen, Lösungen und Ressourcen zur Verfügung zu haben, um ihre Designproduktivität mit FDX-Technologie zu steigern. Es ist aufregend, am Anfang einer solch transformativen Anstrengung zu stehen. Ich bin stolz darauf, ein geschätzter Partner unserer Kunden zu sein, und ich kann es kaum erwarten, sie mit unserer Technologie auf dem Markt gewinnen zu sehen! Ausgenommen "klassische Internetgeräte" wie Laptops und Smartphones. Ebenfalls ausgeschlossen sind Anwendungen im Automobilbereich. Grobe vorläufige Schätzung mit indikativer Aufteilung nach Gerätetyp. Integration von einfachen Geräten mit Kommunikationsfunktionen und Speicher in SoCs angenommen und in der Kategorie Kommunikation berücksichtigt, eingebetteter Speicher unter Logik.