
作者:Dave Lammers

现在,磁阻随机存取存储器(MRAM)经过二十多年的发展,已经达到了可以更广泛地使用的程度,问题是。设计师将如何使用它?MRAM将如何在移动、汽车和物联网的连接系统中发挥作用?分析师Tom Coughlin说,MRAM的先驱Everspin Technologies(亚利桑那州钱德勒市)在过去两年里一直在运送由GF制造的分立MRAM,主要用于缓存缓冲市场。Coughlin说,MRAM的速度可以与DRAM相媲美,而且基本上可以无限制地保留数据,"它是取代计算机架构中现有非易失性存储器的最佳候选者"。

Computer Architecture graphic

Drone Graphic

Mobile devices and other systems often have large amounts of SRAM, Coughlin said, and must use time and energy to preserve the memory state when the power is turned off, or a system gets hung up. Because MRAM can be turned off and on with virtually no additional power consumption, system designers can do much more power cycling, turning power off to conserve battery life. There is no energy penalty when a normally-off system comes back to life. “For mobile devices, MRAM enables a lot more power-saving modes, which can help battery-powered systems,” Coughlin said. MRAM’s power-saving capabilities are somewhat surprising, because the early knock on MRAM was that it consumed a lot of power. Over the past 25 years the technology has gone from a thermally-assisted, sandwich-layer MRAM to a perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction, spin-transfer (pMTJ ST-MRAM) architecture. Back to the question: Where does MRAM fit? First, think about how fast the electronics industry is changing and where the opportunities are. New product categories such as augmented reality systems, assisted driving vehicles, drones, and a panoply of IoT technologies, are right in front of us. Dave Eggleston, the vice president of embedded memory at GLOBALFOUNDRIES, points out that most of these new systems depend on fast visual image processing. A car must process image data in real time to avoid a crash, requiring visual image processors and fast memories. “A drone is a great example of where you need lighter weight, and where more energy-efficient circuitry results in longer fly times. How does a drone navigate? By pulling in 3D maps. It has its own vision system, with stored information on topography, to hash real-time information,” Eggleston said. With MRAM, it is possible to trot out some impressive characteristics: 1000x more endurance and 1000x faster write speeds than eFlash; more dense and versatile than SRAM, and an ability to integrate into a CMOS logic process without disturbing the logic transistors. Also, embedded MRAM (eMRAM) is a low-mask-count technology, requiring only four additional mask layers compared with a dozen or more for eFlash at advanced nodes. Early on, Eggleston didn’t envision MRAM being immediately suitable to embedded applications. “I’m not sure I would have told you that ten years ago. But because the magnetic junctions are built in the back end of the line, and are easier to integrate in a logic process, the embedded applications make sense,” he said.


把eMRAM简单地看作是替代其他东西可能不是最好的方式,尤其是在新兴市场所需的先进SoC中。Eggleston说,它为移动、物联网、汽车和其他连接应用的工作存储器提供了新的可能性。对于一个有四个图形处理单元和一个视觉处理单元的复杂芯片来说,一个MRAM模块可以存储代码,另一块eMRAM可以存储数据。"通过在非易失性介质中存储数据,你并没有摆脱SRAM,因为eMRAM的运行速度没有那么快,但你可以缩减SRAM的数量,利用eMRAM作为类似SRAM的存储器。这使得设计具有成本效益,因为eMRAM比SRAM密度大。你可以用较小的芯片尺寸获得更多的数据," Eggleston说。软件和SoC设计师将学习新的功能,利用eMRAM的 "持久性"(数据保留)特性。eMRAM的成本和性能优势被Eggleston称为使eMRAM成为eFlash的可靠替代品所需的 "赌注"。但正是eMRAM带来的新功能将吸引系统设计者问'现在,我还能在我的芯片架构中使用它吗?早前曾在几家磁盘驱动器公司从事技术管理的Coughlin说,MRAM "肯定有一个利基,可以取代一些DRAM和SRAM。它可能会取代NOR。我们看到的几乎是存储器领域的寒武纪爆炸,NAND闪存将继续用于大规模存储,而我们看到另一个存储层,即MRAM或英特尔-美光相变存储器被用于某些应用。"随着新的应用要求更高的性能,以及物联网系统产生更多的数据,系统设计师将使用多层存储器。Coughlin说,SRAM和DRAM将由新的相变或电阻式存储器层和NAND补充。"这将是一个非常有趣的时期,我们将看到这一切是如何形成的。他说:"我确实相信MRAM有坚实的基础,可以成为这个大杂烩的一部分。




其他公司也公开提到了他们自己的MRAM开发项目。Coughlin指出,Everspin公司早先采用CMOS逻辑晶圆,并将其MRAM添加到生产线的后端,现在与GF合作,成为其全面的制造伙伴。Everspin公司销售的256-Mbit和即将推出的1 Gigabit密度的分立MRAM由GF公司制造。Coughlin估计,到目前为止,Everspin公司已经售出了约6000万个分立MRAM。

资料来源:Everspin。Everspin, MRAM三代人的领导力

资料来源:Everspin。Everspin, MRAM三代人的领导力

GF通过与Everspin的合作获得了多年的制造经验,在沉积、蚀刻、计量和其他制造工艺方面提供了关键的学习机会,这些都是MRAM中的多层磁堆所特有的。Coughlin说,与Everspin的制造和技术合作使GF在eMRAM领域处于领先地位。"我认为这是一个非常重要的、开创性的努力。它使合作伙伴在实际产品方面取得了领先优势,但他们必须勤奋地保持领先优势,"Coughlin说。Eggleston说,在过去两年运行晶圆的过程中,GF和Everspin之间的自旋转移MRAM工作提供了 "大量的学习周期"。"当我们用22FDX eMRAM投入生产时,我们已经制造了四年的MRAM。这无疑加快了我们的嵌入式解决方案的上市时间,"他说。